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Received: 27 May 2020 Accepted: 15 June 2020

DOI: 10.1111/trf.15994


Leukapheresis for the management of hyperleukocytosis

in acute myeloid leukemia—A systematic review and

Jan P. Bewersdorf1 | Smith Giri2 | Martin S. Tallman3 | Amer M. Zeidan1 |

Maximilian Stahl

Department of Internal Medicine,
Section of Hematology, Yale School of Abstract
Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut Background: Up to 20% of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) pre-
Division of Hematology and Oncology, sent with hyperleukocytosis, usually defined as a white blood cell (WBC) count
University of Alabama School of
greater than 100 × 109/L. Given the high early mortality rate, emergent cyto-
Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama
Leukemia Service, Memorial Sloan
reduction with either leukapheresis, hydroxyurea, or chemotherapy is indi-
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, cated, but the optimal strategy is unknown.
New York Study Design and Methods: For this systematic review and meta-analysis
Correspondence we searched MEDLINE and EMBASE via Ovid, Scopus, Cochrane Central
Maximilian Stahl, Leukemia Service, Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Web of Science from inception
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
through March 2020 for multiarm studies comparing early mortality rates of
401 East 89th Street, New York, NY
10128, USA. patients with AML treated with leukapheresis and those who were not. The
Email: risk ratio (RR) of early death for patients who received leukapheresis vs
patients who did not was estimated using a sum of the log-ratio of individual
Funding information
National Institutes of Health, Grant/ study estimates weighted by sample size.
Award Numbers: P30 CA008748, P30 Results: Among 13 two-arm, retrospective studies with 1743 patients
(486 leukapheresis and 1257 nonleukapheresis patients), leukapheresis did not
improve the primary outcome of early mortality compared to treatment strate-
gies in which leukapheresis was not used (RR, 0.88; 95% confidence interval
[CI], 0.69-1.13; P = .321) without statistically significant heterogeneity between
studies (Cochranʼs Q, 18; P = .115; I2, 33.4%). Patients presenting with clinical
leukostasis tended to be more likely to undergo leukapheresis (odds ratio, 2.01;
95% CI, 0.99-4.08; P = .052).
Conclusion: As we did not find evidence of a short-term mortality benefit and
considering the associated complications and logistic burden, our results argue
against the routine use of leukapheresis for hyperleukocytosis among patients
with AML.

Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; CI, confidence interval; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and
Evaluation; NCI, National Cancer Institute; OR, odds ratio; RR, risk ratio; WBC, white blood cell.

A.M. Z. and M.S. contributed equally to this study.

Transfusion. 2020;1–10. © 2020 AABB 1



Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common form 2.1 | Search strategy
of adult acute leukemia in the United States, and up to
20% of AML patients present with a white blood cell This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted
(WBC) count of greater than 100 × 109/L, often referred to according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
as hyperleukocytosis.1-3 Mortality rates as high as 8% and Reviews and Meta-Analysis and Meta-Analysis of Observa-
29% within 24-hour and 1-week periods, respectively, have tional Studies in Epidemiology guidelines.14 We used a
been reported.4-6 Therefore, hyperleukocytosis constitutes combination of free-text terms linked by Boolean operators
a hematologic emergency, and emergent cytoreduction is ([acute myeloid leukemia OR AML] AND [leukapheresis
often indicated. The high early mortality rate in patients OR leukocytapheresis]) to search MEDLINE and EMBASE
with hyperleukocytosis has been attributed to the greater via Ovid, the Cochrane Central Register of Contolled Trials
frequency of leukostasis, disseminated intravascular coag- (CENTRAL), Scopus, and the Web of Science electronic
ulation (DIC), and tumor lysis syndrome (TLS).1,3 databases without language restriction from inception
Cytoreduction can be achieved either by mechanical through 18 March 2020. We also conducted a manual sea-
removal of WBCs via leukapheresis or pharmacologic strat- rch of the reference lists of included studies.
egies such as hydroxyurea or immediate initiation of inten- After removal of duplicates, the titles and abstracts of
sive chemotherapy, but the ideal therapeutic approach in all retrieved studies were reviewed for eligibility. Based
the absence of randomized clinical trials remains controver- on predefined criteria, studies were excluded during
sial.1,7-10 As hydroxyurea can rapidly lower the blast cell abstract review if (a) they were not on AML or therapeu-
count within a few days in most patients and has limited tic leukapheresis, (b) they were review articles, (c) they
side effects,8 guidelines issued by the National Comprehen- were basic research articles, (d) they were commentaries
sive Cancer Network and the European LeukemiaNet rec- without reporting of original data, or (e) an English full-
ommend considering hydroxyurea for prechemotherapy text article was unavailable. Subsequently, full texts of
cytoreduction.7,11 Conversely, leukapheresis is associated the remaining studies were reviewed for eligibility and
with significant logistical obstacles both in terms of person- studies were excluded if they (a) were duplicate publica-
nel and equipment as well as procedural risks related to tions from the same patient cohort, (b) were clinical trials
large bore venous access, anticoagulation, and electrolyte without published results, (c) were technical reports
and fluid shifts, which requires careful consideration of without clinical data, (d) had insufficient reporting of the
its risks and benefits.10 In the 2019 consensus guidelines primary endpoint (eg, single-arm studies without control
from the American Society for Apheresis, leukapheresis group), (e) only reported results of leukapheresis com-
is considered a category II recommendation (acceptable bined with other modalities (eg, exchange transfusion),
second-line therapy) for patients with symptomatic hyper- or (f ) were case series with fewer than 5 patients.
leukocytosis (ie, leukostasis) and a Category III (role not Figure 1 illustrates the study selection process. We did
established) recommendation in cases of asymptomatic not explicitly exclude studies on patients with acute pro-
hyperleukocytosis.12 myelocytic leukemia, and studies on both newly diag-
In a recent online survey among Eastern Cooperative nosed and relapsed AML were eligible for inclusion.
Oncology Group members, 79.2% of respondents stated
that they would use leukapheresis followed by induction
chemotherapy in patients with hyperleukocytic AML pre- 2.2 | Quality assessment
senting with leukostasis, and 32.8% would do so even in
the absence of symptoms of leukostasis.13 Given the Data were collected using a standardized data-extraction
ongoing debate regarding the use of leukapheresis and form. Study quality was assessed using a Downs and
the expanding literature on this controversial topic, we Black checklist as published previously.15,16 The Downs
conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to syn- and Black checklist contains 27 items with a maximum
thesize the current evidence on the efficacy of score of 28 points (with higher scores representing higher
leukapheresis for cytoreduction in patients with AML methodological quality) and has been validated for qual-
presenting with hyperleukocytosis. Our meta-analysis ity assessment for both randomized and nonrandomized
included 1743 patients with AML presenting with hyper- studies.15 Quality of evidence for the primary outcome
leukocytosis (486 leukapheresis and 1257 non- and risk of bias were assessed with use of the Grading of
leukapheresis patients) and is the largest such study in Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evalu-
this patient population to date. ation (GRADE) approach.

2.3 | Definition of endpoints ranging from mortality within a time span of up to

30 days following admission to death during induction
The primary outcome was the risk ratio (RR) of early chemotherapy (Table 1). We included only studies that
death for patients with AML with hyperleukocytosis reported rates of death in patients who underwent
who underwent leukapheresis compared to patients leukapheresis and those who did not to construct an
with AML with hyperleukocytosis who did not RR among the two groups subject to an identical out-
undergo leukapheresis. We used the definitions of come definition. Secondary outcome was the odds
hyperleukocytosis and leukostasis provided by the ratio (OR) of clinical leukostasis among patients
included studies. Early death was defined by the treated with leukapheresis compared to patients who
authors of the original studies, with definitions did not undergo leukapheresis.

F I G U R E 1 Study selection flowchart: MEDLINE and EMBASE via Ovid, the CENTRAL, Scopus, and the Web of Science electronic
databases were searched using a combination a combination of the following free-text terms linked by Boolean operators: [acute myeloid
leukemia OR AML] AND [leukapheresis OR leukocytapheresis]. We also conducted a manual search of the reference lists of included
studies. After removal of duplicates, the titles and abstracts were reviewed and based on predefined criteria studies were excluded during this
stage if (a) they were not on AML or therapeutic leukapheresis, (b) they were review articles, (c) they were basic research articles, (d), they
were commentaries without reporting of original data, or (e) if an English full-text was unavailable. Subsequently, full texts of the remaining
studies were reviewed for eligibility and studies were excluded if they (a) were duplicate publications from same patient cohort, (b) were
clinical trials without published results, (c) were technical reports without clinical data, (d) had insufficient reporting of primary endpoint
(eg, single-arm studies), (e) only reported results of leukapheresis combined with other modalities (eg, exchange transfusion), or (f) were
case series with fewer than 5 patients. The final cohort for inclusion in this meta-analysis included 13 studies. [Color figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 1 Treatment characteristics, outcomes, and adverse effects of studies of leukapheresis in AML
Median Median Median Presence of WBC Leukapheresis
Group N patient Male baseline Median baseline baseline platelets leukostasis, Pre-leukapheresis Subsequent reduction after sessions,
Author assignment (patients) age, y sex (%) Hgb (g/dL) WBC (×109/L) (×109/L) % (pulmonary, CNS) cytoreduction, % treatment, % leukapheresis, % median (range) Outcomes, %
Bug et al Leukapheresis 25 49.9 40.0 9.4 186; 100% with WBC 57 52 (52, not reported) 0% 72 intensive chemo 47 1 (1-5) 21-d mortality: 16

Non-leukapheresis 28 49.4 50.0 8.9 166; 100% with WBC 49 43 (43, not reported) 0% 93 intensive chemo N/A N/A 21-d mortality: 32

Choi et al18 Leukapheresis 22 52 40.9 7.6 186; 100% with WBC 59 86 (18, 27) Not reported 100 intensive chemo Not reported 1 (1-3) 14-d mortality: 18

Non-leukapheresis 22 56 59.1 6.8 142; 100% with WBC 51 86 (32, 59) Not reported 100 intensive chemo N/A N/A 14-d mortality: 23

Giles et al19 Leukapheresis 71 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 100 intensive chemo Not reported 1 (1-4) 28-d mortality: 23

Non-leukapheresis 75 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 100 intensive chemo N/A N/A 28-d mortality: 25

Kuo et al20 Leukapheresis 41 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 44% hydroxyurea 93 intensive chemo 34 Not reported 28-d mortality: 32

Non-leukapheresis 47 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 47% hydroxyurea 96 intensive chemo 34 N/A 28-d mortality: 21

Malkan and Leukapheresis 10 48 50.0 9.05 152.5; 100% with 44.5 40 (not reported) Not reported Not reported 31 1 (1-3) 14-d mortality: 50
Ozcebe21 WBC >100

Non-leukapheresis 18 54.5 61.1 8.95 128.5; 100% with 42 Not reported Not reported Not reported N/A N/A 14-d mortality: 28
WBC >100

Martinez- Leukapheresis 18 55 44.4 9.1 198; 100% with WBC 38 61 (not reported) Not reported 56 intensive chemo Not reported Not reported 28-d mortality: 50
Cuadron >100
et al22
Non-leukapheresis 36 63 52.8% 9.7 189 53 50 (not reported) Not reported 53 intensive chemo N/A N/A 28-d mortality: 50

Nan et al23 Leukapheresis 26 60 69.2 8.3 163.5 22.5 85 (not reported) 81% hydroxyurea 77intensive chemo, 55 1 (1-3) 28-d mortality: 38
15 low-intensity

Non-leukapheresis 26 64.5 38.5 9.2 101.3 36 65 (not reported) 65% hydroxyurea 65 intensive chemo, N/A N/A 28-d mortality: 62
19 low-intensity

Pastore et al24 Leukapheresis 20 62 Not reported Not reported 208; 100% with Not reported 70 (70, 20) Not reported 100 intensive chemo 77 1 (1-3) 28-d mortality: 30;
WBC >100 CR: 50; median
OS: 8.8 mo

Non-leukapheresis 32 60 Not reported Not reported 142; 100% with Not reported 23 (23, 0) Not reported 100 intensive chemo N/A N/A 28-d mortality: 22
WBC >100

Shallis et al6 Leukapheresis 32 71 46.9 8.3 177 45 63 (63, 25) Not reported All nonintensive Not reported Not reported 30-d mortality: 52

Non-leukapheresis 187 76 59.9 9.1 118 32 28 (50, 14) Not reported All nonintensive N/A N/A 30-d mortality: 58

Stahl et al25 Leukapheresis 113 55 50.4% 9.3 175 46.5 56 (45, 45) 2.7% hydroxyurea, 100 intensive chemo Not reported Not reported 30-d mortality: 13
97.3% none

Non-leukapheresis 666 55 51.2 9.2 103 31 27 (42, 44) 47% hydroxyurea 100 intensive chemo N/A N/A 30-d mortality: 17

Sung et al26 Leukapheresis 16 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported; Not reported Not reported Not reported 100 intensive chemo Not reported Not reported Death during
(100% pediatric) 100% with WBC induction: 6

2.4 | Statistical analysis

28-d mortality: 13%

28-d mortality: 26
induction: 11

induction: 42
induction: 4
leukapheresis, % median (range) Outcomes, %

Death during

Death during

Death during
The RR of early death and the OR of presence of clinical
leukostasis for patients who underwent leukapheresis vs
patients who did not undergo leukapheresis were esti-

mated with a sum of the log-ratio of individual study esti-

Not reported

Not reported
mates, weighted by sample size. Pooled effect size and

95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated with a



random-effects model. Heterogeneity of studies was
reduction after

determined with Cochranʼs Q and I2 indices, and signifi-

100 intensive chemo Not reported

Not reported
cant heterogeneity was defined as I2 greater than 60%.

100 intensive chemo N/A

100 intensive chemo N/A

Sensitivity analyses were performed for the overall sum-
mary effects by removing the study contributing the most
to study heterogeneity and rerunning the meta-analysis
treatment, %
Pre-leukapheresis Subsequent

Not reported

Not reported

Abbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; CR, complete remission; N/A, not applicable; OS, overall survival; WBC, white blood cell count.
excluding this study. Univariate meta-regression analysis
was performed to statistically compare the effect sizes of
studies based on whether these included a matching pro-
% (pulmonary, CNS) cytoreduction, %

cess of patients who received and patients who did not

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

receive leukapheresis. All analyses were performed with

computer software (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 2.2,
31 (31, not reported)

63 (63, not reported)

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported
baseline platelets leukostasis,
Presence of


3.1 | Results of literature search

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

With use of our search strategy described above, 638 cita-


tions were identified with 495 unique citations remaining

after removal of duplicates. Applying the exclusion
100% with WBC

100% with WBC

100% with WBC

100% with WBC

100% with WBC

Median baseline

criteria outlined in the methods section, 319 publications

Hgb (g/dL) WBC (×109/L)

Not reported Not reported Not reported;

Not reported Not reported Not reported;

Not reported Not reported Not reported;

Not reported Not reported Not reported;

Not reported Not reported Not reported;

were excluded based on title and abstract review. The






remaining 176 manuscripts were reviewed in full for eli-

gibility, and another 163 publications were excluded as
outlined in Figure 1 to arrive at the final sample of

13 publications that were included in this meta-analysis.

sex (%)

3.2 | Description of included studies

(100% pediatric)

All 13 publications used a retrospective design and com-

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported

pared short-term mortality of patients with AML who

(patients) age, y

underwent leukapheresis and those who did not. Studies

included were published between 1988 and 2020 and con-
ducted in Europe, Asia, and North America.5,6,17-27 Four





studies used various approaches to match baseline




patient and disease characteristics between the two

Ventura et al Leukapheresis


groups to reduce the potential influence of selection


bias,18,22,23,25 with two of those studies using propensity

score matching.18,25 The decision regarding which

patients should undergo leukapheresis was driven by



department policies,18,23 the discretion of the treating

physician,5,19,20,22 or a combination of both17,21,24 in two,

four, and three studies, respectively. The indication for studies leukapheresis was stopped once the WBC dropped
leukapheresis was not specified in four studies.6,25-27 below 100 × 109/L17,23 or after clinical improvement18,23 in
two studies each. Three studies did not specify the criteria
for discontinuation of leukapheresis.19,21,24
3.3 | Baseline patient characteristics

There were 1743 patients (486 leukapheresis and 1257 3.5 | Assessment of study quality
nonleukapheresis patients) among the 13 studies
included. All studies except for the study by Sung et al26 Scores ranged from 16 to 22 points on a Downs and Black
were performed exclusively in adult patients. In seven checklist.15 Four studies used various matching strategies
studies, all patients had a WBC of greater than to minimize the risk of selection bias with regard to
100 × 109/L on presentation independent of whether they leukapheresis receipt.18,22,23,25 Results of those studies,
subsequently underwent leukapheresis.5,17,18,21,24,26,27 including two studies that used propensity score
Baseline cytogenetic risk and presence of selected somatic matching for baseline demographic and clinical factors
mutations were reported by four and two studies, respec- including the presence of leukostasis were overall in line
tively.6,17,23,25 Patients who underwent leukapheresis with the results from all studies combined.18,25 Quality
appeared to be younger (mean median age, 56.6 years vs assessments for individual studies are provided in
59.8 years) and to have had higher WBC counts (mean Table S1.
median WBC, 180.9 × 109/L vs 137.1 × 109/L) than Due to the observational retrospective study design,
patients who were not treated with leukapheresis, respec- the quality of evidence based on GRADE approach was
tively (Table 1). A formal statistical comparison was not low. Additionally, eight,5,6,17,19-21,24,26 one,27 and four
feasible, since measures of dispersion of age and WBC studies18,22,23,25 were deemed to be at high, unknown,
counts (standard deviation or interquartile range) were and low risk of bias, respectively (Table S2).
not consistently reported across studies and a pooled
sample variance could not be generated.
3.6 | Relative risk for early mortality

3.4 | Treatment characteristics The early mortality rate was reported by all 13 studies.
The pooled estimate of RR of early mortality of patients
In six studies, all patients received intensive chemother- who received leukapheresis compared to patients who did
apy in both the leukapheresis and nonleukapheresis not receive leukapheresis was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.69-1.13;
groups,5,18,19,24-26 while no patient in the study by Shallis P = .321) indicating that leukapheresis did not statistically
et al6 received intensive chemotherapy. significantly reduce the risk for early mortality of AML
In all studies that reported the number of leukapheresis patients presenting with hyperleukocytosis (Figure 2). Het-
sessions per patient, patients underwent a median of one erogeneity among the various studies was low with a
leukapheresis procedure with a maximum of three to five Cochranʼs Q statistic of 18 (P = .115) and an I2 statistic
sessions in individual studies.17-19,21,23,24 Among these of 33.4%.

F I G U R E 2 Meta-analysis
risk ratio for early death [Color
figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 3 Odds ratio of
clinical leukostasis at time of
presentation in treated patient
population [Color figure can be
viewed at]

3.7 | Odds of presence of leukostasis receive leukapheresis was 2.99 (95% CI, 1.98-4.51;
P < .001), indicating that when the study by Ventura
The percentage of patients with evidence of clinical et al5 was excluded clinical leukostasis was three times as
leukostasis at the time of presentation was reported by likely to be present in patients who underwent
eight studies.5,6,17,18,22-25 The pooled estimate of the OR of leukapheresis compared to patients who did not undergo
presence of leukostasis at the time of presentation for leukapheresis (Figure S2). Heterogeneity among the vari-
patients who received leukapheresis compared to patients ous studies was substantially reduced with a Cochranʼs Q
who did not receive leukapheresis was 2.01 (95% CI, 0.99- statistic of 8.0 (P = .24) and an I2 statistic of 25.3%.
4.08; P = .052) indicating that clinical leukostasis was As above, some studies used a formal matching process
twice as likely to be present in patients who received of patients who underwent leukapheresis and patients
leukapheresis compared to patients who did not receive who did not undergo leukapheresis,18,22,23,25 whereas other
leukapheresis, although this difference did not quite reach studies did not use a matching process to compare these
the level of statistical significance (Figure 3). Heterogene- two patient groups. Therefore, we conducted a univariate
ity among the various studies was high, with a Cochranʼs meta-regression analysis of the RR of early death based on
Q statistic of 30.1 (P < .001) and an I2 statistic of 76.7%. whether studies used matching. The pooled estimate of
the RR of early mortality of patients who received
leukapheresis compared to patients who did not receive
3.8 | Sensitivity analysis leukapheresis was 0.79 (95% CI, 0.54-1.15) in the studies
that used a formal matching process, which was not statis-
The study with the largest impact on the heterogeneity tically significantly lower than the RR of early mortality of
between studies was the study by Ventura et al.5 There- patients who received leukapheresis compared to patients
fore, meta-analyses of RR of early death and OR of pres- who did not receive leukapheresis (0.92; 95% CI, 0.67-1.28)
ence of leukostasis at time of presentation were repeated in the studies that did not use a formal matching process
with exclusion of the study by Ventura et al. Notably, the (P = .59) (Figure S3). Heterogeneity was low both among
study by Ventura et al was the only one in which patients the studies that used a formal matching process (Q = 1.41;
with leukostasis were less likely to undergo leukapheresis I2 = 0%; P < .001) and among the studies that did not
compared to patients without leukostasis and was publi- (Q = 16.2; I2 = 44.5%; P = .062).
shed more than a decade before any other study.
The pooled estimate of the RR of early mortality of
patients who underwent leukapheresis compared to 4 | DISCUSSION
patients who did not undergo leukapheresis was 0.93
(95% CI, 0.77-1.12; P = .446), which similarly to the prior To our knowledge, this is the largest systematic review
analyses showed no significant risk reduction of early and meta-analysis on the effect of leukapheresis for the
death with leukapheresis (Figure S1). Heterogeneity treatment of AML patients presenting with hyper-
among the various studies was reduced with a Cochranʼs leukocytosis. In our analysis of 13 studies with 1743
Q statistic of 9.9 (P = .446) and an I2 statistic of 9.9%. patients (486 leukapheresis patients and 1257 non-
The pooled estimate of the OR of presence of leukapheresis patients), leukapheresis did not lead to an
leukostasis at the time of presentation for patients who improvement in the primary outcome of early mortality
received leukapheresis compared to patients who did not compared to treatment strategies that did not employ

leukapheresis (RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.69–1.13; P = .32). The two groups. Neither study showed an early mortality ben-
absence of heterogeneity in the meta-analysis supports efit for leukapheresis and were in line with the results of
the generalizability of this finding, with only the study by the entire meta-analysis, further supporting the validity
Ventura et al5 reporting a mortality benefit among of our findings and arguing against selection bias with
patients receiving leukapheresis. The study by Ventura regard to leukostasis and leukapheresis receipt as the
et al differed from the other studies in various ways, as it cause for the absent mortality benefit with leukapheresis.
was the only study in which patients with leukostasis As single-arm retrospective studies have a significant
were less likely to receive leukapheresis than patients risk of bias that can complicate the interpretation of
without leukostasis and that it was conducted more than results and cross-study comparisons, a major strength of
a decade earlier than any other study included in this our study was the fact that we included only studies with
meta-analysis. Furthermore, in a prespecified sensitivity a control group of patients who did not receive
analysis that excluded the study by Ventura et al, hetero- leukapheresis. While Oberoi et al2 conducted a meta-
geneity among studies was further reduced and there was analysis on leukapheresis in AML in 2014, results from
again no significant mortality benefit observed with that study are difficult to interpret given the inclusion of
leukapheresis (Figure S1). studies that reported pooled results from various cyto-
In our meta-analysis, patients with leukostasis were reductive strategies (eg, leukapheresis, exchange transfu-
twice as likely to receive leukapheresis as patients without sion) and cranial irradiation., 29,30 Based on our more
signs or symptoms of leukostasis, although this did not stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure cross-
meet the threshold for statistical significance (OR, 2.01; study comparability, we excluded two studies from our
95% CI, 0.99-4.08; P = .052).12 In a sensitivity analysis that meta-analysis that were included by Oberoi et al.29,30 In
excluded the study by Ventura et al,5 this difference our meta-analysis, there was no statistically significant
reached statistical significance (OR, 2.99; 95% CI, heterogeneity among studies for the primary endpoint,
1.98-4.51]; P < .001). Additionally, comparing the baseline which strengthens the validity of our results.
characteristics of our patients, younger patients appeared Our study has several limitations. First, leukostasis is a
to be more likely to undergo the procedure. The age differ- clinical diagnosis without an established diagnostic stan-
ence could be due to the perception that leukapheresis dard. As we had to rely on the data provided by the origi-
without subsequent intensive chemotherapy is futile and nal studies, we cannot exclude the risk for confounding
should therefore not be offered to patients who are ineligi- based on inconsistent definitions and misclassification of
ble for definitive leukemia-directed treatment. leukostasis. However, given that studies using matching
The fact that leukostasis has been shown to be an strategies for baseline disease and patient characteristics
adverse prognostic factor in multiple studies20,25,28 and including the presence of leukostasis also did not show an
the finding that in our study, patients with leukostasis early mortality benefit, selection bias based on the pres-
were more likely to receive leukapheresis could have led ence of leukostasis is unlikely to explain the absence of an
to selection bias favoring the nonleukapheresis group. In early mortality benefit with leukapheresis. Second, we
contrast, a younger median age of the patients in the were unable to conduct meta-analyses on other clinically
leukapheresis group could have biased results positively relevant outcomes such as long-term survival or adverse
toward a benefit for leukapheresis. While controlling for event rates due to the heterogeneity of subsequent thera-
baseline patient and disease characteristics should ideally pies and the reporting of endpoints. Third, the decision of
be done through a randomized controlled trial, the logis- which patients should receive leukapheresis was not stan-
tic burden and the rarity of potentially eligible patients dardized in most studies and could have differed between
have prevented conduct of such a trial to date, and it is the studies included in this meta-analysis. Finally, in the
very unlikely that such a trial will ever be conducted. absence of randomized controlled clinical trials, quality of
Four studies tried to minimize selection bias via vari- evidence is derived from observational studies with an
ous matching strategies for baseline demographic and inherently lower quality of evidence.
disease characteristics.18,22,23,25 While this does not fully
exclude the risk of selection bias, it is reassuring that
there was no statistically significant difference in early 5 | CONCLUSION
mortality rates compared to studies that did not match
patients (Figure S3). Furthermore, a more stringent pro- In this systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 studies
pensity score matching approach has been used to con- with 1743 patients (486 leukapheresis and 1257 non-
trol for differences in baseline characteristics including leukapheresis patients), we did not find any evidence for
the presence of leukostasis and the extent of hyper- an improvement in the primary outcome of early mortal-
leukocytosis by Stahl et al25 and Choi et al18 between the ity for leukapheresis compared to treatment strategies

that they did not employ leukapheresis. The quality of 5. Ventura GJ, Hester JP, Smith TL, et al. Acute myeloblastic leu-
evidence was limited by the observational study design kemia with hyperleukocytosis: risk factors for early mortality
and risk of bias, as patients presenting with leukostasis in induction. Am J Hematol 1988;27:34-7.
6. Shallis RM, Stahl M, Wei W, et al. Patterns of care and clinical
were more likely to receive leukapheresis. However, in
outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leu-
the absence of evidence from a randomized clinical trial, kemia presenting with hyperleukocytosis who do not receive
which is unlikely to be conducted in the future, our intensive chemotherapy. Leuk Lymphoma 2020;61(5):1220-5.
results provide the highest quality of evidence available 7. Tallman MS, Wang ES, Altman JK, et al. Acute myeloid leuke-
to date and argue against the routine use of leukapheresis mia, version 3.2019, NCCN clinical practice guidelines in
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