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Hello, the world is so updated that it has made many people and even before birth know a little

about technology or the evolution of social networks or websites, that is, mothers when they are
in their pregnancy stage put different types of videos for your babies that are inside it.

Now my 5 favorite websites, in fact I have more.


Google: I consider that it is the most important in every way it allows you to search for information
and from this website you can learn many things, obviously for the better. I can say that it is like
the mother of web sites.


Instagram, I treasure it and love it with all my heart, it is a very particular social network or website
which has allowed me to relate and get to know a little about the lives of certain people that you
admire and if you can look at it through this great platform.


WhatsaAp: This platform is the one that gets me out of trouble, I can only say hehe.


YouTube: My website that gets me out of trouble to watch videos of all kinds of classes, which
serve me for my training stage as an apprentice and as an integrated person, without leaving the
positive that this platform offers me.


Facebook: The first website or social network that I use, but as a result of time I stopped liking it a
little, I really use it but more like to watch videos, and know a little about what my friends do in
their daily lives.


Juan David Caicedo Sinisterra

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