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What is the best platform for a mobile application, Is it a Web-based or native? 


For me the best platform for mobile application is native mobile application, since

it is accessible without the help of the internet, you just need to download the

application itself to use it. Most of the application developers become more

flexible on making a native application because they can detect the problems or

errors that will occur on the application, such as communication errors,

functionality errors, and control flow errors.

2. What is the technical difference between the two?

Native mobile application can be downloaded through smartphones, laptops and

desktops, while Web mobile application can be access through browsers such as

Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.,

3. What came first for mobile phones – the native app or Web app?

Native applications came first for mobile phones, in the history of mobile devices,

they are games that can be accessed through keypad mobile devices, like Tetris,

Snakes, Space Impact, and Bounce Ball, that you can use without the help of the


4. What do native apps do better than Web apps?

As I mentioned in another question, native applications can be accessed without

the help of the internet and it is easy to use.

5. What do Web apps do better than native apps?

Web application is more advanced than native application, as long as your

devices are connected to the internet, since you are connected to the internet
you can read the feedback that the user sends to response about the web

application that you create, and you can immediately update it.

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