Activity 4

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1. Describe PII and PHI.

a. PII – It is a personal information about a person which can be used to

identify a single surveyed individual with reasonable certainty. During all

steps of research and field work, research teams must protect PII through

encryption and de-identification.

b. PHI – is data that identifies a patient and is shared or disclosed during

medical care. All information that identifies the patient is protected. Even

information that seems unrelated to healthcare, such as financial account

information about medical services, can be PHI.

2. Describe the best method to sanitize SSDs.

You shouldn’t just quick format your hard drive to get rid of the

information, as isn’t actually how you clean an SSD. And when it comes to

formatting an SSD, it can be harmful to do a full format. Formatting erases your

data; this is not how you wipe an SSD or HDD. It does NOT erase your data.

When you’re formatting a drive, you’re actually stripping the old file system that

tells the OS where data is stored and tells it where to store future data. When you

run a quick format your file system is removed, and a new one is written. When

you run a full format your file system is removed, and a new one is written. It also

checks for bad sectors, which is why it takes so much longer. This is harmful to

SSDs as they have a limited amount of read/write cycles, and a full format will go

through cell by cell and write/rewrite data to it.

3. Describe pseudonymization.
A pseudonymization is an that hides the identity of a person, pseudonym

can be formed by its different meanings, just like the given example, J.K

Rowling hides her identity by using Robert Galbraith. Robert Galbraith was

created and inspired by Robert F. Kennedy an American Politician.

Sometimes pseudonym is a fictitious name that was created out of nothing

or just fabricated name.

4. Describe the difference between scoping and tailoring.

a. Scoping – is what your system can do, and what are the function than can

help the user to accomplished its task, without having a slight of problem.

Every system has a function that is selected only to comply the needs of a


b. Tailoring – can modify your systems configuration, functions and any type

of security on your system. It can also stitch 2 types of security, for

example you already have 1 type of security on your system, and you

wanted to add 1 more security control on your system, using security

baseline tailoring you can modify the present situation of your system and

add the other security controls.

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