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The research topic can be analyzed and can be done in a given time span because the majority of
the people are now focused on social media. Cellphones, laptops and other gadgets became a
medium of communication. Online shopping became a coping mechanism for most people
because it’s impossible to transport goods, materials and equipment due to limited transportation.
This COVID19 pandemic gave an impact to everyone, especially to students who are studying in
the medical field, this will help in managing psychological distress during this pandemic.


The research topic is exceedingly relatable especially in this time of pandemic because living in
a world where a pandemic exists is tremendously tough for everyone because a pandemic is
associated with a lot of risks and restrictions which sometimes makes our lives a little more
stressful than before. Most of us have been exploring ways and trying new hobbies to combat the
stress that we are facing during this pandemic, and one of those is online shopping. Online
shopping is very in demand right now because it is a form of electronic marketing wherein the
consumers can directly purchase products and services anytime and anywhere via the internet
which we think is a very interesting and convenient way to make our lives easier and stress free
during this pandemic. 


Safety, health, and hygiene will become the top of the priority of this study. As student nurses,
protocol and etiquettes are required especially in this pandemic wherein the mode of
transmission of the bacteria is through interaction. This study will show the impact of online
shopping as a coping mechanism of students. In addition, this study will know if the implication
can really help the students in handling their stress.


This research topic will not harm nor violate the participants' privacy and personal preferences.
The study only aims to find out how online shopping helps them in terms of their mental health
during this pandemic. As well as, their feelings towards using online shopping as their way of
coping and adapting to the changes that this pandemic brought. 


The research topic is very timely and relevant in the current situation of our society especially
here in the country. Even before the pandemic, a lot of people were already online shopping
because of many vloggers who influence people, especially students, into buying online.  When
the pandemic started, the use of online shopping has rapidly increased due to the implementation
of the lockdown. It is not just confined to the range of students but also to parents, young
professionals and middle age groups of people. A lot of us cannot go out of our houses because
most of us are afraid of getting infected by the virus. The Covid-19 virus raised panic among us.
Due to the transition to blended learning, the stress of the students regarding academics
worsened. Due to this, it has led to bigger problems such as depression due to overload of
activities, financial problems and many students just do the activities for the sake of compliance
and not learning. Many use online shopping as a way to purchase their needs and wants but many
students do online shopping not just because of the said reasons but also, it is their way of coping
and adapting to the pandemic. 



We have limited our chosen population to the 3 year and 4 year female nursing students since
rd th

the pandemic emerged during our academic term.


 Dependent Variables : Money

 Independent Variables :  Age, Sex, Population: Student Nurses


 To know the effectiveness of online shopping as a coping mechanism 

 To validate the impact of using online application as a medium of transportation


 People tend to buy things when they are having negative emotions like stress because
shopping serves as their mood booster
- According to a study conducted by a Penn State researcher, a group of regular shoppers
had bought themselves a treat in the past week, and found that 62% of those purchases
had been made in an effort to lift mood.
 Shopping stimulates senses
- According to a psychologist Dr. Scott Bea, the smell of something new, the bright lights
and colorful displays combine to create an imaginative, sensory experience that can
remove us from our own reality, even for a little while. Shopping and its sensory
stimulation gets us to visualize positive outcomes.
 Online Shopping is convenient and reduces the risk of acquiring Covid-19
- At this time of pandemic, many of us prefer to shop online not only because it is safer but
also because it is more convenient and comfortable than going to the stores or malls that
have strict policies.

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