Relative Pronouns

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Relative Pronouns

Singular Plural


Nom qui quae quod qui quae quae

Acc quem quam quod quos quas quae

 The words above are relative pronouns. They mean “who”, “whom” or “which”.
 They appear in relative clauses - the parts of sentences which RELATE to nouns already mentioned.
 Do not confuse relative pronouns with the following words which look the same:
quod = because quam + superlative adverb = as… as possible
quam = than quam = how...!

Barbillus est vir qui diligenter laborat = Barbillus is a man who works carefully.
gemma, quam inveni, pretiosissima est = The jewel which I found is very expensive.
servi, quos tibi trado, ignavi sunt = The slaves (whom) I am handing over to you are lazy.

Further examples
1) dominus, qui est in horto, iratus est.

2) domina, quam amamus, laeta est.

3) Alexandria magnum templum habebat, quod Augustus Caesar aedificavit.

4) multi Aegyptii, qui in urbe habitabant, tabernarii errant.

5) Barbillus, qui triginta tabernas possidebat, notissimus erat.

6) in foro erat ingens multitudo, quae vias complebat.

7) Isis est dea, quae Aegyptios curat.

8) subito latrones, qui insidias paraverant, impetum fecerunt. latro = robber

insidiae = ambush, trap
impetus = attack

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