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This weapon is wreathed in magic. All its attacks count as Magical. This weapon counts as Damaging when attacking an enemy with the Ethereal Creature Traits.
Enemies with the Ethereal Trait can only be harmed by Magical or Blessed attacks.

Additionally, many Magical weapons are empowered by a source of Magick. Some weapons may already be empowered with a type of Magick when found. If a weapon
is targeted by an ability which causes it to “count as” Magical, choose one of the effects below or come up with a unique one. One good method is to pick an appropriate
spell and imbue the weapon with the effects of that spell. If you want, include a drawback for those not trained in managing the Winds of Magic.

Empowered by Colour Magic

Ghur (Beasts): This weapon growls, barks, or crows with a terrifying savagery as it is swung through the air. Gain the Fear (1) Creature Trait when it is
equipped. If you already have Fear, increase its rating by 1. Unless you have the Arcane Magic (Beast) Talent, you must pass an Average (+20) Cool test each
time you want to equip this weapon.

Shyish (Death): This weapon moves through the air silently, and the wounds it causes are strangely draining. Whenever a target suffers Wounds inflicted by
this weapon, they must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test. On a failure, they gain 1 Fatigued condition. Unless you have the Arcane Magic (Shyish)
Talent, after every encounter in which you used this weapon, make an Average (+20) Endurance Test. On a failure, gain 1 Fatigued condition, with each
negative SL beyond 0 causing an additional Fatigued condition.

Aqshy (Fire): This weapon is wreathed in flames or the blade, point, or bludgeon is searing hot. Whenever a target suffers Wounds inflicted by this weapon
and is wearing clothes, armour, or equipment which is flammable, they gain 1 Ablaze condition. Unless you have the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent, touching
the blade yourself at any time causes 1 Wound, and if you Fumble while using this weapon and are wearing clothes, armour, or equipment which is
flammable, suffer 1 Ablaze condition. A special sheath may be required for this weapon to prevent it burning the wearer.

Azyr (Heavens): This weapon crackles with streak and flashes of blue-tinged light, like bottled lightning. When inflicting hits with this weapon, add
Damage equivalent to your Willpower Bonus – 1 (e.g for a WPB of 3 you inflict +2 Damage). Unless you have the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, when
this weapon is on your person or you have used it that day, you suffer incomprehensible, nightmarish visions when sleeping. As a result, when making a test to
recover wounds from sleeping, the difficulty is Challenging (+0) instead of Average (+20). After waking, roll an Average (Endurance) test or gain 1
Fatigued condition.

Chamon (Metal): This weapon is enormously heavy and hits like a wagon at full-tilt against armour. When inflicting hits with this weapon, ignore the first
Armour Point from metal armour and inflict Damage equal to the Armour Points of any metal armour in the Hit Location struck. Unless you have the
Arcane Magic (Metal) Talent, this weapon always counts as Slow.

Ghyran (Life): This weapon seems to be threaded with moving vines under the metal and it ebbs with life. Vines, grass, and weeds sprout around it if it is
placed on suitable ground. If it is left on the ground for several hours, it may become entirely wreathed in undergrowth and be difficult to find. When
inflicting hits on a target, they gain 1 Entangled condition on a failed Average (Intelligence) Test, which lasts until the end of the next round. When
inflicting hits on a target with the Undead Creature Trait, also inflict bonus Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, ignoring Toughness and Armour
Points. Unless you have the Arcane Magic (Life) Talent, gain one Entangled condition after sleeping with this weapon or when you are knocked Prone
during combat with this weapon, as vines sprout from the ground and grasp your appendages. A successful Average (+20) Strength Test is required to break
free and can be made at the end of each Round.

Hysh (Light): This weapon shines with the purest white celestial light, fully illuminating an area of 20 yards in every direction. This light cannot be doused
and if the weapon is sheathed then the sheath, no matter its material, will glow brightly for 10 yards in every direction. When inflicting hits on a target, they
gain a Blinded condition on a failed Average (Intelligence) Test, which lasts until the end of the next round. When inflicting hits on a target with the
Undead or Daemonic Creature Trait, also inflict bonus Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, ignoring Toughness and Armour Points. Unless you have
the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent, gain 1 Blinded condition when you Fumble with this weapon, lasting until the end of the next round, as you mishandle it
and it shines directly into your unprepared eyes.

Ulgu (Shadows): Weapons empowered by Ulgu are almost always swords. This weapon seems to have a shadowy, almost insubstantial black or grey blade
which constantly billows faint smoke. When inflicting hits with this weapon, ignore all non-magical Armour Points as the weapon glides through into the
flesh beneath. While equipped with this weapon or have used it within 10 – WPB days, unless you have the Arcane Magic (Shadows) Talent, suffer -40 to all
social tests attempting to charm or convince someone, as you give the impression of deceiver to anyone you interact with.

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