Learning Objectives and Tasks - BDAT - Data Programming

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Learning Objectives and Tasks for Week 1 Material:

 Explain in your own words what data is and list examples of different data formats
 From IT perspective, Data is a set of information stored in a soft format either qualitative or
 Different types of data as explained in the class are: Txt, MP3, MP4, JSON, CSV, Excel, PDF,
PSD, PPT etc.
 Identify what programming is and explain WHY /How we use it for data analysis
 Programming is the process of compilation and interpretation of data into machine code which a
computer understands.
 A computer can only understand binary codes which are written by a programmer in high
level language to translate to assembly language which then turned into machine
language later displayed as output.
 Differentiate between compiled and interpreted languages
 A compiler takes entire program in one shot as input and also displays in one shot. These generate
intermediate object code and allows to execute codes faster. However, due to one shot input and
display it require more memory. Examples of Compiler are C#, VB.Net, Java etc.
 An interpreter on the other hand works in steps which takes input as a single line and displays any
error for it. Due to which interpreter are a bit slower than compiler. Interpreter doesn’t open
intermediate object code.
 List the software tools needed for the course
 Anaconda/Jupyter Notebook/Python/R/DotNet Kernel for Jupyter/C#
 Summarize the Data Analysis Process and each of it's components 
 Data analysis is the process of Inspecting, Cleaning, Transforming and Modeling the data. The
ultimate goal of Data analysis process is to discover useful information, suggest conclusion and
help in making decisions that would leverage a business.
These processes further go down to various stages.
Inspection of data involve Collection of Data from various sources which is further processes to
Transform the data in a sequential relationship for referencing through key identifiers.
In later stage data is Cleaned through exploration of various categories or fields and at this point a
decision is made to store the data in a single format gathered from various sources. This step will
represent how your data will look like and displayed.
After cleaning stage various mathematical and statistical Models are set in place to identify the
attributes of a unique identifier. On the basis of these models, various algorithm are (can be)
developed to extract, transform and load other attributes of a unique identifier or display
relationship with other unique data identifier(s).
Once data analysis is completed, a data product is available for the purpose of making decision
on a required output. The last stage involves the most important component of communication for
the purpose of presentation and display.

 Recognize the strength and weaknesses of the C# language 

 Classify C# Data types

 Generate an Ipython Notebook with a C# kernel and run the hello world script

Week 1 To Do List
Week 1 To Do List
1. Review the Course Syllabus and Success Strategies - Done
2. Sign and upload the course contract - Done
3. Introduce yourself in the Week 1 discussion board – to be done by Huda
4. Read the weekly reading A History of Programming Languages (history-prog-lang.pdf) – Not DONE
5. Watch the Installing Anaconda video and follow the steps - Done
6. Download and open the Week 1 Notebook - Done
7. Watch the Lecture 1 video and follow along in the notebook -

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