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PRESENT Peter Studies at a Peter doesn’t study Does Peter study at

SIMPLE-FORM secondary school. at a secondary a secondary school?
TIME MARKERS Frequency adverbs : always, usually, sometimes, never, often,
Other time markers: every day/ month/week, at the weekend, on
Saturdays, once/twice/ three times a year/month…
USE Habitual actions/ routines ;
Programmes and timetables (school, buses,…) ;
A permanent state ( I live in a small town…)

General rule It takes s.

She likes reading.
With verbs ending in: It takes es.
o do- does
s miss - misses
x mix - mixes
sh wash - washes
ch catch - catches

With verbs ending in: It takes s.

vowel + y enjoy - enjoys
With verbs ending in: It changes y into I and takes es.
consonant + y study - studies

Present Simple

Third person singular: He, She, It

Present Continuous


PRESENT Susan is studying Susan isn’t Is Susan Studying
CONTINUOUS - for her exams. studying for her for her exams?
FORM exams.
TIME MARKERS now, at the moment, today, these days, at present
USE To describe something taking place at the moment of talking;
For something happening for a short time.

A. Underline the correct form. 18m 2e

1. What do you think / are you thinking of his performance?

2. You look sad. What do you think / are you thinking about?
3. I’m not seeing / don’t see what you mean.
4. I think I’m getting / get sick.
5. My sister is spending / spends six month in Holland on the Erasmus
6. Why are you leaving / do you leave now? It’s still early.
7. Why are you having / do you have a hamburger? I thought you were a
8. Wake up! You aren’t listening / don’t listen to me.
9. “Are you enjoying / Do you enjoy the party?”
“Yes, I’m having / I have a great time.”

B. Say if the following sentences are right or wrong and make the necessary corrections.
18m 2e

1. I’m wanting to buy a new mobile phone. Wrong

I’ve been wanting to buy a new mobile phone

2. He doesn’t worry normally about his appearance. Correct

3. That teacher never is on time! Wrong

That teacher is never on time

4. Most of my friends are learning two foreign languages. Correct

5. Just a moment! I eat my toast. Wrong

I´m eating my toast

6. He goes often to the cinema Correct

7. I’m having cornflakes for breakfast every morning. Correct
8. They are making a political statement through their behavior. Correct
9. He goes through live without a care in the world. Correct

c. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 16m 2e

1. Listen to the kids! It sounds like they are having (have) a great time but I had
better go and see what they doing (do). They always break (break) something
when they come (come) over to play.
2. She’s a Goth so she usually wears (wear) something totally different!
3. She’s a teleworker so she normally works (work) at home but today she went
(go) to the office for a meeting.
The traffic is really bad so she took (take) a long time.

Micaela Turrado 3º3º

TOTAL: 52M = 100%

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