Project Report Handbook

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“MITSDE has developed a systematic and focused effort to provide technology
enabled FLEXIBLE LEARNING CHANNELSto cater to all your learning needs.”
MIT School of Distance Education curriculum is designed according to the guidelines
provided by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), A statutory body under
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India and according to the industry standards keeping at par with
international standards of upskilling our students.
Live projects are a good opportunity for Post Graduate students to nurture conceptual,
analytical, communication, and interpersonal skills. It helps them experience leadership and
application of classroom knowledge in real time environment.
We encourage students to do the project on their specialization subjects rather than the
core subjects as being working professionals you must have chosen the specialization
according to the career opportunity you are seeking. So a project on those topics not only
increases your research and insight in the topic but also gives you an opportunity to you to
represent this project to your employers to prove the skill you have acquired thus setting the
right stage to show case your skills that can be transformed to performance. It helps you to
learn detailed operations of a particular industry.
Organisations are actively looking for professionals who have the ability of committing to
activities, people, groups, and causes. The real world problems of an organization or its
competitors could be a world away from each other and could be all the more different from
what is being taught in the classroom. Live projects help students to understand the real
world issues and use their skills to solve them.

Good Report
The production of a good piece of technical writing for a project report is as much a part of
the project as doing the experimental work. However excellent and original a piece of work
the project may be, unless the results can be communicated to other people it may as well
not have been done! Communicating results of an investigation in a clear and useful way is
a key part of science and is the reason for devoting a lot of effort to this aspect.
The main part of the report should be comprehensible by other stage 3 students. If more
detailed information is to be included about some aspects (for instance, a complicated
mathematical derivation, of which only the result is essential to the main discussion)
consider including this as an appendix

It is not necessary, or even desirable; to describe every minute detail of what was done. One of
the most important aspects of good technical writing is to be concise, yet remain informative.
The ability to select what is essential, and to omit what is merely incidental detail, is a skill
every scientist needs to develop. In view of this, the main part of your report must be within
the word limit(s) specified in the applicable module description. An overlong report will not
gain any extra marks instead may receive a lower mark than it otherwise deserves.
Following the format of the report given in this guideline is mandatory as it will include all the
important aspects of the report.

Suggestion for writing a Project Report

1. Identify the story you wish to tell. Often this can be simply done by deciding which
diagramsand graphs of data you wish to include.
2. IDraw up a plan of what you want to say and how this fits around the diagrams/graphs
you want to use.
3. IExtend you plan to an outline that includes all the section headings you will need.
4. ICheck through the outline to see that sequence is sensible and that nothing vital has
been ignored.
5. ICheck your outline through with someone else e.g. fellow student, tutor or demonstrator.
6. IWrite a first full draft of the report.
7. ICheck the first draft through for consistency, obvious errors and omissions (e.g. figure
captions missing? References still to do?) If you can get a friend to read through it
critically so much the better.
8. IRevise the draft and re-check until satisfied.
9. ISubmit report.

While writing and planning the report pay attention to the following points:
A. IMake sure you mention the background to, and aims of, the investigation
B. IInclude the basic concepts and theory relating to the investigation.
C. IDescribe the procedures used. Identify major sources of error and explain how they
were dealt with. Only data directly relevant to the calculation of final results should be
presented, omit raw data. Graphs are a particularly effective way of presenting results –
only use table where it would make more sense that providing a graph.
D. IFinal results should be presented clearly and concisely; include an analysis of errors, but
omit details of arithmetical manipulations.
E. IIf computer code was used or written, give details of the checks and validations you
performed on the code.
F. IThe interpretation of the results must be discussed, and improvements and possible
extensions of the work suggested.
G. IGive references to any books, articles or other sources of information (e.g. web sites) that
have proved useful in preparing the report, or carrying out the work.

Dear Students,

I, Prof. Suhrud Neurgaonkar, Dean Academics at MIT School of Distance Education,

congratulate you to have completed your exams and now looking forward to complete your
project work.

MIT School of Distance Education focuses on the overall growth of our students and thus
has outlined the project work in line with their work areas. The state-of-the-art infrastructure
at MIT SDE provides our students with world class management education which could
be easily done along with their job commitments, giving them flexibility of place, time and
learning resources.

The vast digital repository of world class management lectures by our distinguished
faculty, e-library, access to MOOCs video lectures, assignments , e-learning content and
special power point slides made for revising the study content, all of these available on an
e-learning platform ensure enriching effective learning.

It gives me immense pleasure to say that MIT School of Distance Education is a renowned
name in distance education in India today and all our students on completion of the course
would acquire a premium management qualification.

You will also be a part of our Huge Alumni of several thousand and have risen in their career
and professional life, boosting the confidence of many who are still joining us.

We have completed over ten glorious years in providing academic excellence and so I am very
confident in assuring you achievement in all your learning and professional goals.

With All Best Wishes,

Prof. Suhrud Neurgaonkar

Level of the program No. of credits
Post Graduate Certificate in Modern Office
8 50
Management / Retail Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Management 6 40
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration 8 50

1. The Project Report should be sent along with the evaluation charges of Rs.1500/- (per
Project Report) for Indian students and $ 30 for NRIs. The payment can be made at the
below mentioned link:
2. Please pay the Project Evaluation fees and share the receipt with your Course
Relationship Manager.
3. The project should be industry related.
4. The project topic is the choice of student but it should be related to the course and the
specialization taken.
5. The project should be done by the student & must be original. On detection of
Plagiarism the project will be cancelled and a new project will have to be submitted.
6. The Project report should be submitted ideally before / with the exams of the relevant
semester i.e. in January (January Exam Cycle ) or July (July Exam Cycle). In case the
Project Report is submitted after announcement of the result of that particular semester
then it will be evaluated, however the result and the mark sheet will be issued in the
next consecutive exam cycle. The Project Report will be evaluated within 60 working
7. The Project Report softcopy should be typed in A-4 size (29 x 20 cm) in portrait mode
and submitted in PDF format only.
8. In Project Report Guided By name should not be from MITSDE.
9. The Certificate must be on company letter head duly signed and stamped by higher
authority of your organization.
10. The Declaration & Acknowledgement should be signed by student.
11. The scanned copy of the Certificate, Declaration and Acknowledgement should be
included in the Project Report.
12. Following pages are mandatory and should be given in the same sequence as given
below in the Project Report :-
(a) Title Page
(b) Certificate on company’s letter head.
(c) Declaration.
(d) Acknowledgement.
(e) Abstract of the Project
(f) Table of contents
13. The Project Report should be submitted in one single PDF file (Please don’t send
attachments, appendix, certificate separately).
14. Project Report should be sent to your Course Relationship Manager.
Do’s and Don’ts
1. The Font Style should be TIMES NEW ROMAN and the Font Size 12 for the content, 14
for Sub Headings and 16 for Headings.

2. Always follow 1 line Spacing

3. If Images taken from the Internet should be followed by the Source link, from where
theimages where taken.

4. Tables and Figures should be numbered.

a. Ex: Table 1.1 represents 1st table in Chapter 1
b. Table 1.2 is 2nd table in Chapter 1
c. Similarly, Table 2.1 represents 1st Table in Chapter 2

5. Abbreviations used in the entire report should be mentioned in a separate page right
after the Index page.

6. The Report cannot have more than TWO Spell errors in a Chapter. Ensure that you have
carried out a spell check on your document. Grammatical errors should be strictly
avoided. Kindly use UK spellings to avoid any spelling errors.

Please note Spell errors in Project Reports are subjected for Negative Marking.

7. The Report cannot have copied content from the Internet, however the student is
permitted to take reference from Internet and write it in his own language.

8. The Report which do not follow any of the above mentioned formats and chapters will
not be considered for Evaluation.

Sr. Negative
Checklist for Project Work Marking Marks
No. Marking
1 Times New Roman Font 2
Font Size 12 for the content, 2
14 Font size or Sub Headings and 16 for 1.5
16 Font size for Headings. 1.5
2 Always follow 1 line Spacing 2
3 Source link of content or images taken from 2
internet or any other reference book
4 Tables and Figures should be numbered. 2
5 Abbreviations used in the Entire report provided in a 2
separate page right after the Index page.
6 The Report does not have more than TWO Spell 2
errors in a Chapter.
7 Negative Marking for Spell Error -5
8 Plagiarism of Content if copied -10
9 Relevant topic for the course and coverage 50
Minimum 50 pages
Field work (visit industry sites and research
Data Analysis
10 Objective of the Project 2
11 Scope of the Project 2
12 Flow of the Content 5
13 Mandatory pages
Information 3
Certificate 5
Declaration 2
Acknowledgement 2
Abstract of the Project Report 3
Table of Content 3
14 Chart or graph 2
15 Conclusion 2
16 Bibliography 2
Total 100

MIT – WPU Campus, Ex- Servicemen Colony, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411038 Phone No.:
7722017705 Website: 07






Student Registration No. :


PUNE - 411 038

YEAR 20 -20
(Address, PIN no. and contact

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. has completed
the project report with us for his/her project report work on “TOPIC ” in fulfillment for the
completion of his / her Course with MITSDE on “COURSE NAME” as prescribed
by MIT School Of Distance Education, Pune.

This Project Report is record of authentic work carried out by him / her with guidance by
our relevant department from Dated-DD-MM-YY.

Name and Signature of Guide

In Organization/Company. (With seal)

(Note: - This format should be properly filled and printed only on authorized Letter Head
of company/Organization.)

I hereby declare that this project report entitled “NAME OF PROJECT” is a

bonafide record of the project work carried out by me during the academic year 20 -20 ,
in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA
IN (PGD ) of MIT School of Distance Education, Pune.

This work has not been undertaken or submitted elsewhere in connection

with any other academic course.

(Students’ Name and Signature)

Student ID :


I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to
(Reporting persons’ name) of (Organizations’ name and place) for giving me an
opportunity to do my project work in your esteemed organization and it has indeed been
a great learning and enjoyable experience.

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude and profound thanks to all staff
members of (Organizations’ Name and place) for their kind support and cooperation
which helped me in gaining lots of knowledge and experience to do my project work

At last but not least, I am thankful to my Family and Friends for their moral support,
endurance and encouragement during the course of the project

(Students’ Name and Signature)

Student ID :

Write an abstract of your project which gives a brief idea about purpose of this
project, and importance of the project. (Minimum 250 words)
Chapter No. Title Page No.
1 Introduction
2 Organizational Profile
3 Project Objectives and Scope
4 Data Analysis and Interpretation
5 Conclusion / Findings
6 Suggestions / Recommendations
7 Annexure
8 References / Bibliography


Give a detail Introduction about company or organization in which you have completed your
project work.



• About the organization

• Timeline
• Management Team
• Product/Service Profile



• State the objectives and rationale for technical assistance.

• Describe the major project related tasks such as research, experiments, field work etc. you
• Lay out the logical framework of the project, state the expected outputs of the project and
idea about measuring the progress.
• Outputs and outcomes.

Working score Expected outputs Actual outputs


• Scope from Organization’s point of view:

• Scope from candidate’s Point of view: 14

• Present a survey statistics to emphasize on your research

• Draw out a Data Analysis with interpretation for that Analysis
• You can have graphical representation with flowcharts



• Basic information about the project.

• Recipient (Beneficiary) Agency(ies).
• Brief about the project outcomes and achieved outcomes.

Limitations of the project should define the areas the project has not covered due to any reason.
Also, such factors as were out of control or boundaries of the project may be mentioned.


• Way to improve the product or service quality.

• Suggestions about the future growth and present system in the organization.
• Suggestions about improvement areas of organization

Supporting Statistics or reports

• Books / websites and other references referred for completing the Project Report.

The Following are the Example for the Referencing System

1. Writing a Reference for Book

Ex: dev Jerry (2008). Technological innovation and the apocryphal Hollywood. Philadelphia:
Temple university publications. P22-24

2. Writing Reference for a Chapter

Ex: dev jerry (2008). Nuances of Multimedia. In: Dr.Paul Levinson, jerry dev Technological
innovation and the apocryphal Hollywood. Philadelphia: Temple university publications. P22-

3. Writing Reference for a Journal

Ex: dev jerry. (2009). Neo educational pedagogy. Education Times. 4, p10

4. Writing Reference for a Web link/Website

Ex: dev jerry. (2009). Neo educational pedagogy. Available:
htm. Last accessed 20th Jan 2010
MIT Campus, Ex- Servicemen Colony, S.No. 124, Paud Road,
Kothrud, Pune 411038.
• Phone No.: +91 (020) 7722017705 • Website:

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