Group 16

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Bhagat Pratik Jaydas | MBA19183
Md Atif Yamin | MBA19203
Prateek Dhyani | MBA19213
Ujjwal Singh | MBA19238
Prateek Pandey | MBA19265
Performance Scorecard
Quantitative Qualitative

Financial Measure : People :

Based on total revenue and profit Measures manager’s relationship with
margin subordinate

Strategy Implementation : Measures Standards : Measures manager’s

financial Performance against Branch involvement with task external
Strategy environment

Customer Satisfaction :
Through feedback from branch

Control Measure : Internal Auditing

Critical Analysis of
Performance Appraisal
Pros Cons

Covers both quantitative and Standardized system for all the branches irrespective of
qualitative aspect of performance individual differences i.e. one size fits all approach
evaluation method There is no harmonious interaction amongst the
various parameter
Measures internal as well as external No real time evaluation of the branch. The measure
functioning of the branch only take place Quarterly
Low sample size to measure customer satisfaction

This system cannot be used in other branches because the work conditions, number of customers
served, and financial targets are different for all branches. Therefore, the performance measure must be
customized based on individual branches needs
Alternative Mechanism
1.360˙ Appraisal method : Managers Performance should be reviewed by
coworkers and managers on a real time basis
2.In 360˙ Appraisal there should be an option for self assessment
3.Activities beyond the scope of a manager should not be measured during
4.There should be cultural sensitivity
5.The scale for performance measurement has only three levels now : above par,
below par. This scale should be broadened to include more levels
6.There should be training to help managers perform better on Performance
Only measurement, without training, would serve no purpose but divert the
attention of the manager from one measure to another
7.More Integrated rating Matrix should be in place
Should James be given a bonus
Yes, James should be given a bonus but only as per current performance evaluation
mechanism. Therefore, his bonus should be only of the ‘par’ bracket

However, Frits and Liza should talk to James about the shortcomings of the current
performance appraisal mechanism since James has been continuously over
performing on the financial parameter his input would be very relevant to improve
this mechanism 

If we provide James with 30% Bonus like above par rating the message it would give
to the rest of the branches is that financial performance weighs more than customer
satisfaction this would go against City banks organizational strategy

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