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Argumentative Essay Assignment

As a required element of this course, you will be writing an Argumentative Essay. Your
goals with this assignment are:
● To demonstrate the ability to identify, evaluate, and use credible information
gained through research to support an argument
● To craft an organized and cogent argument using claim, evidence, and warrant
● To demonstrate mature thinking through respectful and balanced discussion of
opposing views
● To accurately cite sources using accurate MLA internal citation and Work Cited
● To use persuasive language techniques to increase the effectiveness of

This is a research based essay. What that means is that you need to present your
argument in your writing, then support it with evidence. You need to use the
claim, evidence, warrant, format to produce a strong and focused argument! The
research informs your stance here, not your opinion! Your argument should be
your focus!

All information you gain from your research must be cited within the text using
parenthetical citations and listed at the end of the paper on a Works Cited Page. The
lack of citation for information you use, direct or otherwise, will be considered
plagiarism and will result in a zero until the citations are corrected.

Paper Requirements
❑ Paper must be typed and double spaced using 12 point font with a common font

❑ Paper must include a Works Cited page done in accurate MLA format for credit.

❑ Professional language (no slang, no “I” or “you” except in quotes unless used
correctly, no text language, no contractions, no swearing, etc.)

❑ Plagiarism will result in no credit.

❑ You must use at least four direct quotes from three separate, credible
sources with proper citing. (No YahooAnswers, wikipedia,, etc.)

❑ Appeal to your audience (use Ethos, Pathos, Logos)

❑ 5 paragraph minimum
Research Websites
To start your research, you will go to the WCHS library website site.

Next, go to the “ Start My Research” tab at the top of the page. When you get to the
“research” page, scroll to the bottom where it says, “SIRS Knowledge Source,” and
click. After you click,it will take you to a Westerville Public Library web page that says
“SIRS Knowledge Source.” Scroll to the bottom of this page and click “Go to Website.”
You will need a Westerville Public Library login for this site. If you don’t have one of
your own, use the one that Central has:

Name: Westerville Central

Library Card: 2121300608
Pin: 6800

Once you are on the site, you will see that it offers current, relevant topics from
which you can choose. It has tons of CREDIBLE information for each topic and it is
formatted in an extremely user-friendly way.


You DO have the freedom to choose your topic for this paper. However, there are

1. It MUST be a topic from the SIRS website.

2. Your topic MUST be approved by me before you officially begin to research your

3. You should be able to provide varying forms of evidence (statistics, quotes,

testimonies, etc.) Remember, one of our goals is to support our argument in a
variety of ways.

4. You should choose a topic that is interesting to you, but one that you can
support by using credible sources. YOUR OPINION IS NOT ALLOWED in this
paper. You are arguing for a particular side of your issue based on research and
credible sources. So, make sure you will be able to have enough evidence to
support your argument before fully committing to it.

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