DLWW HH Players Introduction

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players' introduction

Wild wind hisses through frosty sagebrush. First create a Seasoned hero using the
Knife-sharp clouds cross a blazing white moon. rules in Deadlands: The Weird West and Savage
In the quaking aspens that fringe the foothills, a Worlds, or use one of the printed archetype
shivering clatter draws the traveler with its siren cards sold at www.peginc.com (also
song. Danger is everywhere, even in plain view. available in PDF).
Welcome to Wyoming Territory, amigo, where Feel free to talk things over with the other
there’s nothing to fear...except plumb near players to get a good mix of combat and
everything. investigation types—’cause there’s plenty o’
both on your horizon!

Handouts & Clues

THE MISSING AGENT Horror at Headstone Hill is a “sandbox-style”
Plot Point Campaign. Your Marshal has a
May, 1884. A heap of trouble’s brewing
fully scripted tale, but its episodes aren’t
Out West in Uinta County. Folks have been
time-sensitive and most don’t need to be
going missing in the vast aspen forests
completed in a specific order. This allows
near Heaston Hill, and now even the US
for maximum flexibility and player choice,
Agent sent to investigate has vanished
but it requires you to take the reins and be
without a word.
A shadowy organization called the Twilight
At the start of play the Marshal should give
Legion has put together a posse to sort things
you and your group the following:
out. That’s you, amigo. If you’re reading this
booklet, your cowpoke’s soon to be on his or • Uinta County Map: A large, folded
her way to wild, western Wyoming! map depicting all the county’s major
settlements and features.
This booklet contains information your
character is likely to know before the story • Heaston Hill Map: A map of Heaston Hill
begins. Before we get to that, though, let’s with a key to its many establishments.
cover a few practical matters. Use this to help find the missing Agent.


• Letter from Lacy O’Malley: The The Explorer's Society

Tombstone Epitaph’s renowned reporter
The public face of the Twilight Legion is the
makes a personal appeal to your posse.
Explorer’s Society, a “gentleperson’s” club
• Photograph: A photo of the missing dedicated to exploration and cataloging flora,
Agent, George J.A. Reeg—alias Len fauna, customs, and peoples.
Buckles, miner.
Most members of the Explorer’s Society
• News Clippings: Recent newspaper aren’t members of the Twilight Legion, but
articles from the Heaston Hill Examiner, most members of the Legion are Explorers,
Tarrytown Omen, and Tombstone Epitaph and can call others of the organization
with information of interest. when needed.
In the course of play your investigator
seeks out information and discovers more
clues, which the Marshal will provide as
they’re discovered.


Your hero is one of the few who know
monsters and magic are real. She’s survived
to tell the tale and been inducted into a secret The Law
organization of monster hunters called the
Officially, the United Stages Agency tracks
Twilight Legion.
down counterfeiters, insurrectionists,
Members of the Legion have developed a seditionists, corrupt officials, out-of-control
few unobtrusive ways to identify one another corporations, and spies. They also root out
and maintain secrecy. These might be useful insidious evils—those who walk among
to you as your hero interacts with people the rest of us but are tainted in some way.
during your investigation. Dopplegangers, evil sorcerers, the possessed,
and Harrowed are common targets of the
Verbal: The spoken or written phrase
shadowy Agency.
lux in tenebris (Latin, “light in darkness”)
identifies its user as a member of the Twilight US Marshals enforce state laws while
Legion. It’s commonly used as a signature to Rangers enforce territorial laws, and may
a personal letter or telegraph. cross over into each others’ jurisdictions
when in pursuit of some lead or suspect.
Somatic: Operatives use a hand sign as
Given the nature of the Weird West, these
well, based on the Legion’s official symbol
law dogs are also frequently tasked with
of the half-set sun. It’s done by making a fist
hunting down genuine monsters!
with one hand and holding the other flat in
front of it to bisect the middle. It’s simple, There’s a lot of overlap between these
subtle, and easy to pull off in public. organizations but in general, Agents focus
on things that look and pass as humans in
towns and cities. Marshals and Rangers are
more likely to handle creatures in the less-

settled areas of the frontier.
There’s a lot of evil in the world, though,
so authorities are always short-handed.
That’s why the Agency asked the Legion for
help in finding Agent Reeg in Heaston Hill.


The Headstone Nugget

UINTA COUNTY One recent event was significant
enough to alter the county’s path for the
forseeable future: the discovery of the
Uinta (“you-IN-teh”) County was formed Headstone Nugget.
in 1869, one of five counties in Wyoming
In January 1884, a down-on-his-luck
Territory. It stretches north all the way to
prospector named William Phoenix dug
Montana and encompasses all of Yellowstone,
a 6.66-pound ghost rock nugget from the
the world’s first national park. Its name
Uinta foothills. Before you could say “ghost
comes from the Ute word Yoov-we-teuh,
rock fever” there were more miners than you
meaning “pine forest.”
could shake a stick at swarming all over the
Uinta is wild Wyoming mountain country, bluff, known locally as Tarrytown Bench.
most of it at least a mile above sea level. The
Following the independent miners came
county’s geography is defined by two river
the Heaston Mining Company with its
valleys—Bear River in the west and Black’s
deep pockets and extensive water-flume
Fork of the Green River in the east—and the
extraction systems. Owner Jerem Heaston
mountain range that splits them roughly
brought the town of Heaston Hill numerous
down the center, known locally as the Divide.
improvements—including electric lights on
The climate is generally more arid in the east,
Main Street—but there’s been a persistent
tending toward alpine to the west. Winters
and troubling pattern of conflict between
are brutally cold.
Heaston’s employees and local miners. And
Uinta’s residents are mostly miners, by most accounts it’s getting worse.
loggers, trappers, and Denver-Pacific railroad
Most folks in town know the history of
employees, but ranchers—raising cattle and
the Headstone Nugget, but everyone knows
sheep—and farmers are a growing presence.
it recently went missing! And rumors are
Eastern Shoshone, Bannock, and Ute Indian
flying about who might have taken it.
bands migrate through the region seasonally,
but those who follow the Old Ways almost
always winter in the Sioux Nations.


Silver Fountain: This opulent Chinatown

restaurant serves exotic and exquisite
HEASTON HILL HOTSPOTS samplings from the Far East, as well as
Western cuisine. Owner Ah Lin does it all!
Here are some establishments you and your Wyoming Restaurant: A fine steakhouse
posse might want to check out during your serving premium cuts of lamb and beef.
stay at Heaston Hill. Open only for dinner! The “Wy” also features
a stunning view of Tarrytown Bench.
Angel’s Corner: A cozy place run by one Saloons
of the town’s founders, widow Angel Epp. Aspen Lounge: Notorious for outlaws
It’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. and shady characters, it’s a rough place with
frequent brawls and shootings. Run by Elmer
Bakery di Bianchi: Massimo and Zarina
Blaine, whose house specialty is Redeye:
Bianchi serve fine breads and pastries at this
“Makes a hummingbird spit in a rattler’s eye!”
shop. The meat pies are a big hit with miners.
Cowboy Saloon: G.H. Shrobel runs this
Debeney Cafe & Cigar Store: Miner’s
bar, primarily for the men and women
Union President Frank Debeney owns this
working the Crittenden Ranch. Others are
place, where folks can enjoy cigars in rocking
welcome as long as they pay cash!
chairs on the porch after supper.
Dance Hall: Kitty and Clovis Labeau run
Mountain View Restaurant: Millie
this place with the help of genuine English
LaChance specializes in delicious Southern
Earl! “The Earl” keeps the peace.
home cooking.
Gambler’s Paradise: The biggest and best
Nolly’s Grub: J.D. Nolly’s meat pockets
gambling hall in Heaston Hill.
are also popular with the local miners, giving
the Italian bakery a run for its money.


Services & Entertainment

Barber & Dentist: Paddy Gallagher not
only shaves heads and pulls teeth, but he
also sells choice beef cuts from time to time,
supplied by his brother Rider Gallagher.
Blacksmith: Burly Nils “Swede” King
can work wonders with metal. He’s lived
in Heaston Hill since its earliest days and
specializes in shoeing horses and repairing
busted wagon wheels.
Church: Father T.D. Branch is a fire-and-
brimstone Methodist preacher. Every few
months the church holds a camp meeting,
just outside town in the willow grove where
the South Creek splits from Smith’s Fork. It’s
a chance for folks from all over the county to
gather and socialize.
Dr. E.B. Kirk: Former Union Army
surgeon E.B. Kirk, attending. Doc Kirk, a
fairly recent arrival, practices out of a small
two-story dwelling on Second Avenue.
Drug Store: This Heaston company drug
store sells medical supplies, surgical tools,
and amputation kits. Try their unique “anti-
pain plasters” to soothe your hurts.
Ladies & Lords: L&L stocks only the finest
liquors, wines, and brandies from all over The Emporium: This is the place to go for
the world. Lord Diamond is the proprietor. mining equipment, from the mundane to the
A sign out front suggests it’s “For those of an cutting-edge! Owner “Stretch” Moore keeps
educated thirst.” the shelves well-stocked.
Music Hall: This is the watering hole for First National Bank of Heaston Hill: The
those with an ear for tunes. Singer Lilah First National is a shiny, new affair that bills
Denslow is known for her stirring rendition itself as “the safest vault west of Laramie.”
of “The Ballad of Bogwater Bill.”
Frontier Store: Originally owned by town
Red Door: The town’s first saloon shows founders Standish and Angel Epp, under
its age, but still features a genuine mineshaft Frank Debeney’s management it’s still the
folks can explore for $1! It’s owned by biggest and best store in the county.
George “Beam” Gleason, a former miner
Heaston Hill Hotel: The town’s fanciest
turned bartender.
hotel is a two-story affair with 14 rooms and
Tarantula Hole: “The Hole” is a rough and two “presidential suites.”
tumble saloon fit mostly for outlaws. They
Two-Penny Theater: Though it costs
sell “world-famous” Tarantula Juice.
nothing of the sort, J.C. Philpot always has
Wildcat’s Den: Exclusive seller of Wildcat some outrageous or moving act on hand to
Whiskey! Owner Crawley Dake even offers entertain the masses. And he’s a master of
cots for those who can’t handle his special shameless self-promotion!
tonsil varnish—just ask for the “drunkard’s
Whispering Pines Fancy House: Those
heaven” upstairs.
looking for companionship should look
Zang’s Brewery: Watch B.G. Zang brew no farther than Maura McGillicuddy’s
your beer while you wait! “boarding house.”


criminals in the county’s rugged northern

reaches and Yellowstone. When local Field
UINTA COUNTY BIG BUGS Rangers receive orders, they get them from
Tex Fimbres.
What would Wyoming be without its people? Amanda Lobdell: Wyoming Territory
Here’s a selection of “big bugs”—powerful, granted women suffrage in 1869, and the first
well-known, or influential folks—from woman voted in 1870. In 1881, Mrs. Lobdell
across Uinta. saw an opportunity. She ran for mayor of
Heaston Hill (then called Tarrytown) on
This list isn’t exhaustive, rather an
a platform of leveraging the area’s riches
overview of the best-known county residents
for the benefit of all, and creating a city to
and those who are sure to be of interest while
rival Evanston for county seat. She won in a
investigating Agent Reeg’s disappearance.
landslide. Lobdell’s husband Sylvester owns
Black Horse: Black Horse’s Ute band a cattle ranch near the town of Robertson.
has largely abandoned the Old Ways, and
Mose Drachman: Livery stable proprietor
burned two homesteads this year. The
Mose Drachman was among Tarrytown’s
Utes are known as fierce warriors and
founders. A former soldier who fought for
master horsemen. Shoshone and Bannock
the Union, Mose is an influential figure on
Indians are more likely to be friendly with
the town council as well as the de facto leader
whites. The Shoshone host an annual trade
of Heaston Hill’s black community.
rendezvous on Smith’s Fork northeast of
Robertson, which typically includes Bannock Jerem Heaston: Owner of the Heaston
and Utes, and sometimes visiting Nez Percé Mining Company and likely the richest man
and Flatheads. in Heaston Hill. He has a wife in Evanston,
along with extensive holdings and a mansion,
Governor William Hale: Hale was
but resides in his new house in Heaston Hill
appointed Territorial Governor by President
while the ghost rock boom is still rolling.
Chester A. Arthur in 1882. Hale showed his
mettle when Montana officials were rumored Ah Lin: Head chef and owner of
to be maneuvering for stewardship over the Silver Fountain Restaurant, Ah
Yellowstone Park. In spite of illness and Lin is revered by Heaston Hill’s
poor health, Hale journeyed north to Chinese citizens. He honed his
Yellowstone to “plant the Wyoming culinary arts in Shan Fan, California.
flag,” as it were. He’s rumored to be Following the Chinese Exclusion
a stubborn and ruthless man. Act and its 10-year immigration
ban, Ah Lin and his partner Sam
Sheriff J.J. LeCain: Based in
Tang headed east with miners
Evanston, LeCain’s primary
recruited to work the rugged and
duties revolve around tax
dangerous Wyoming Territory.
collection and prosecuting
instances of election fraud and Marshal Pilsbury Wister:
ballot stuffing. That said, he’s Marshal “Chips” Wister is
been known to deputize or hire a the head law dog in Heaston
posse now and then to hunt down Hill, but former deputies
wrongdoers and return them to the claim his favorite
county jail. With the recent spate chore is collecting
of robberies across Uinta, LeCain’s the bounty for
office is low on manpower. shooting stray dogs and
pigs. He’s most often found
Ramon “Tex” Fimbres: One of
with his boots up on the
Wyoming’s Territorial Rangers,
front porch rail, but on
Ramon “Tex” Fimbres, has an office
occasions has been
in Evanston too. Ranger Fimbres is
roused to enforce
almost never found there, though.
local ordinances.
He’s more often chasing down



There’s been little solid information out of
Heaston Hill since Agent Reeg disappeared,
but the Twilight Legion has learned of several
ominous rumors and folks to watch out for.
• Black Horse’s Raiders: Black Horse
and his band of Utes have been on the
warpath for several months, following
a series of brutal attacks by US cavalry
forces stationed at Fort Bridger. No
one’s sure whether a peace can be
forged or Black Horse will fight on, and
Fort Bridger’s troops show no sign of
softening their approach.
• Outlaws Unleashed!: At least three well-
organized bandit groups are on the loose
in Uinta, plaguing the county’s Denver-
Pacific rail service as well as its banks.
These are the Ghost Steel Gang, the Sage
Dragons, and the Little Rock Irregulars.
See the wanted posters at Marshal
Wister’s office for individual names
and bounties.
• Sabotage in Aspen: Denver-Pacific tracks
have been torn up all over the county
lately. Over the past few months the tool
house at Aspen’s mountaintop refueling enigma was Agent Reeg’s primary reason
station has been burglarized twice. More for traveling to Uinta County. If anyone
recently, a near-derailment panicked the knows for sure what lurks in the woods,
telegraph operators, who swear they they aren’t talking.
saw shadowy figures lurking in the
• Blood in the Water: The idyllic Blood
nearby trees.
Pond near Heaston Hill used to be a
• Riddle o’ the Headstone Nugget: The six- favorite swimming hole for local youths.
pound nugget that sparked Heaston Hill’s But since a boy drowned in it, it’s
boom vanished from the Assay Office. shunned by superstitious folks. Some
Someone removed it from a locked cage even say an evil presence has taken up
without disturbing the bars or the lock. residence there...
Independent miners swear the thieves
• Nocturnal Predators: Something’s been
must be Heaston’s sons, while Heaston’s
hunting in the sage-grass hills south of
people suggest some poor miner swiped
Heaston Hill around Poverty Flats and
the nugget for his or her own enrichment.
the Crittenden Ranch, but no one can say
Others speculate the Sage Dragons Gang
with surety what it is. So far it’s carried
may be to blame, since they specialize in
off a few sheep and a dog.
cracking safes and robbing bank vaults.
• “Headstone” Hill: Despite the town sign
• Aspen Forest Mystery: Several folks are
being repainted and replaced several
known to have gone missing in the vast
times, someone keeps scratching a rough
quaking aspen forests east of Heaston
D and E onto it to change the name
Hill. In fact, sorting out the forest’s

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