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Managerial Report: National Health Care Association


The National Health Care Association is concerned about the shortage of nurses the health
care profession is projecting for the future.
To resolve this issue, the Association sponsored a study of nurses from hospitals in the
country to find their satisfaction levels pertaining to work, pay and opportunities for


A sample of 50 nurses was selected from throughout the country, from three different types
of hospitals. Each of the three aspects of satisfaction was measured on a scale from 0 to
100, with larger values indicating higher degrees of satisfaction. The data collected also
showed the type of hospital employing the nurses. The types of hospitals were Private (P),
Veterans Administration (VA), and University (U).

Analysis of the entire data set as a whole

 Overall, the nurses show the highest level of satisfaction with their work (mean
= 79.80 and median = 82).
 The stem - and - leaf display shows 40 of the 50 nurses rated work satisfaction
in the 70 to 90 range.
 Six nurses rate work satisfaction 90 or better.
 Satisfaction with pay (mean = 54.46 and median = 55.50) was the lowest rated
followed closely by promotion (mean = 58.48 and median = 58.50).

Measures of dispersion show the following:

Variable Range IQR Standard

Work 32 15 8.29
Pay 65 16 14.75
Promotion 76 17.5 16.00

 The largest dispersion is associated with promotion indicating that this variable
has the largest differences among the nurses.
 Some nurses are apparently very satisfied with the promotion opportunities
with 11 nurses rating promotion 90 or better.
 On the other hand, 5 nurses rated promotion less than 40 including one very
dissatisfied nurse who rated promotion 16.
 The least dispersion existed for the work satisfaction variable, indicating a more
consistent opinion among nurses that being satisfied with their work is not the
major problem or concern.
Analysis of the entire data set as per the type of hospital


1. Nurses at all three types of hospitals show remarkably similar and high levels of
satisfaction with their work (means of 79.32, 80.41, and 79.71 respectively).

2. There is some disagreement among the nurses at the three types of hospitals as to
their satisfaction with their pay. In fact, pay at university hospitals ranked the highest
with university hospital nurses showing a mean satisfaction of 61.71. The lowest rated
variable in the study is the pay of nurses in the private sector. The mean rating of
48.95 indicates a good deal of dissatisfaction.

3. There is also some disagreement among the nurses at the three types of hospitals as to
their satisfaction with promotion opportunities. Promotion was rated best at private
hospitals (mean = 62.42), followed by VA hospitals (mean = 58.94). Promotion was the
major area of concern of nurses in university hospitals (mean = 52.57).


Improvements in the areas of pay and promotion may be worth further consideration.

Nurses in private and VA hospitals are least satisfied with their level of pay, while
nurses in university hospitals are least satisfied with promotion. This suggests some
improvements in levels of satisfaction of the nurses could be made by studying the
differences in operations and policies at the three types of hospitals.

Specifically, university hospitals may want to consider the promotion policies in place
at private and VA hospitals.

In addition, bringing pay levels in private and VA hospitals in line with the university
hospitals may improve the satisfaction scores reported by the nurses.

The box plots of the data show no outliers in the work satisfaction scores.

However, the pay satisfaction scores show two outliers associated with the high ratings
of 89 and 90. Both of these nurses were in university hospitals. These outliers support
the previously noted higher satisfaction with pay and lower satisfaction with
promotion for nurses in university hospitals.

Analysis of the entire data set as a whole

Work Pay Promotion

Mean 79.8 Mean 54.46 Mean 58.48
Standard Error 1.17 Standard Error 2.09 Standard Error 2.26
Median 82 Median 55.5 Median 58.5
Mode 72 Mode 60 Mode 52
Standard Deviation 8.29 Standard Deviation 14.75 Standard Deviation 16.00
217.4 255.9
Sample Variance 68.69 Sample Variance 8Sample Variance 7
Kurtosis -1.05 Kurtosis 0.08Kurtosis 0.41
Skewness -0.17 Skewness 0.26Skewness -0.26
Range 32 Range 65Range 76
Minimum 63 Minimum 25Minimum 16
Maximum 95 Maximum 90Maximum 92
Sum 3990 Sum 2723 Sum 2924
Count 50 Count 50Count 50
Largest(1) 95 Largest(1) 90Largest(1) 92
Smallest(1) 63 Smallest(1) 25Smallest(1) 16
Confidence Confidence Confidence
Level(95.0%) 2.36 Level(95.0%) 4.19 Level(95.0%) 4.55
Quartile One 72 Quartile One 45.5 Quartile One 51
Quartile Three 5 Quartile Three 60 Quartile Three 67.75
IQR 5 IQR 14.5 IQR 16.75
Analysis of the entire data set as per the type of hospital
Work Pay Promotion
Mean 79.32 Mean 48.95 Mean 62.42
Standard Error 1.84 Standard Error 2.65 Standard Error 3.03
Median 82 Median 49 Median 63
Mode 74 Mode 57 Mode 62
Standard Standard Standard
Deviation 8.04 Deviation 11.53 Deviation 13.20
Sample Variance 64.56 Sample Variance 132.94 Sample Variance 174.26
Kurtosis -1.35 Kurtosis -0.36 Kurtosis 0.11
Skewness -0.26 Skewness -0.60 Skewness 0.14
Range 26 Range 41 Range 51
Minimum 64 Minimum 25 Minimum 40
Maximum 90 Maximum 66 Maximum 91
Sum 1507 Sum 930 Sum 1186
Count 19 Count 19 Count 19
Largest(1) 90 Largest(1) 66 Largest(1) 91
Smallest(1) 64 Smallest(1) 25 Smallest(1) 40
Quartile 1 72 Quartile 1 42.5 Quartile 1 55.5
Quartile 3 86 Quartile 3 58 Quartile 3 67.5
IQR 14 IQR 15.5 IQR 12
Work Pay Promotion
Mean 79.71 Mean 61.71 Mean 52.57
Standard Error 1.94 Standard Error 4.20 Standard Error 5.19
Median 78 Median 57.5 Median 51.5
Mode #N/A Mode 53 Mode 51
Standard Standard Standard
Deviation 7.27 Deviation 15.70 Deviation 19.43
Sample Variance 52.84 Sample Variance 246.37 Sample Variance 377.49
Kurtosis -1.58 Kurtosis -0.16 Kurtosis 0.89
Skewness 0.08 Skewness 0.61 Skewness 0.07
Range 21 Range 54 Range 76
Minimum 69 Minimum 36 Minimum 16
Maximum 90 Maximum 90 Maximum 92
Sum 1116 Sum 864 Sum 736
Count 14 Count 14 Count 14
Largest(1) 90 Largest(1) 90 Largest(1) 92
Smallest(1) 69 Smallest(1) 36 Smallest(1) 16
Quartile 1 74.25 Quartile 1 53 Quartile 1 46.75
Quartile 3 86.5 Quartile 3 69 Quartile 3 61
IQR 12.25 IQR 16 IQR 14.25
Veterans Administration
Work Pay Promotion
Mean 1 Mean 54.65 Mean 58.94
Standard Error 2.35 Standard Error 3.71 Standard Error 3.69
Median 82 Median 56 Median 58
Mode 72 Mode 37 Mode 37
Standard Standard Standard
Deviation 9.70 Deviation 15.30 Deviation 15.23
94.1 234.1 231.9
Sample Variance 3 Sample Variance 2 Sample Variance 3
Kurtosis -0.90 Kurtosis -1.05 Kurtosis -0.23
Skewness -0.28 Skewness -0.12 Skewness -0.30
Range 32 Range 49 Range 57
Minimum 63 Minimum 27 Minimum 29
Maximum 95 Maximum 76 Maximum 86
Sum 1367 Sum 929 Sum 1002
Count 17 Count 17 Count 17
Largest(1) 95 Largest(1) 76 Largest(1) 86
Smallest(1) 63 Smallest(1) 27 Smallest(1) 29
Quartile 1 72 Quartile 1 42 Quartile 1 53.5
Quartile 3 86 Quartile 3 66 Quartile 3 70
IQR 14 IQR 24 IQR 16.5

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