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CATEYE,| MODEL CC-7000 INSTRUCTION MANUAT ‘MODE D'EMPLOT BETRIFBSANLEITUNG —TREDIENINGSHANDLEIDING ISTRUZIONI Main Unit Accessories Measuring and Display Functions Button Funetions Main Unit Preparation MagneliSensor Mounting Bracket Mounting Securing tho Wire Main Unit Mounting Test How to read dala ‘Troubie Shaoting ae OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CATEYE VECTRA MODEL CC-7000 CAT EYE CO., LTD. JAPAN INDEX 2 4 15 6 16 7 Introduction Thank you very much for purchasing a CATEYE VECTRA CYCLOCOMPUTER Model CC-7000. This cyclocomputer not only can display speed but also measures, stores, and displays maximum speed, total distance, trip distance, average speed and elapsed time. Set the distance scale (mile or km) and wheel circumference for your bike. Before operating, thoroughly familiarize yourself with this manual so you completely understand the functions of the cyclocomputer, and enjoy computerized cycling. Store this manual in a safe place for future reference. EL Main Unit 7 Front view of main unit Back view of main unit —o @ Mode symbol ® Mode butlor peed display @ Speed scale symbol © Selected function cisplay © Starvstop button @ AC button © Serial No Battery case cover ® Contact @ Depression EA Accessories « © Bracket @ Wire @ Sensor @ Magnet © Wie clip, targe (3 pieces) © Wire clip, small (1 piece) @ Bracke! rubber pad (1 rm) @ Bracket rubber pad (2 rm) @ Sensor band rubber pad (1 rn) @ Sensor band rubbor pad (2 mm) ve Eq] Measuring and Display Functions SPD Current Speed 35 7 ‘The current speed is displayed on the upper fine of the display and updated once a second over a range of 0(3) 065 miles/h,(0(4)t0 105 krvh). The upper limit of measurable speed depends on the whee! size as shownin the table. [m 1382S 1] Wheeisize 2 | wihee| reunference —_— [ten [-20| 22 28-26] 27] 28 (en) [60] 776] 216 224 ‘niet | 48) 53 3 | Speed tet (Kvh)_| 78] 86) MXS: Maximum Speed = Pe | 28 ‘The maximum speed is storad in memory and displayed on the lowor line of the display. Measurable in the range (of 0(3} 10 65 miles, (0(4) to 105 Kru). The oper limt is the same as the current speed. 000 Total Distance (Odometer) _ ~ 35-1 1234S The total distance 1s continuously measured, accumulated and displayed on the lower line of the display unl he battery wears down, The range is 0.0 0 9999.9 rvles (krn) in 0.1 ee (kr) incroments, When 10,000 mies (kin) are reached, the odometer relums fo zero and counting begins anew. DST 34» OC eSaY, Trip Distance ‘The trip distance from the starting point to the current point ig calculated and displayed on the lower line of the splay. The range 1s 0.00 to 999.99 miles (ken) in 0.04 rme (ern) increments. When 1,000 miles (ken) ave reached, the tip distance relums to zero and counting begins anow AVS ‘Average Speed fe 157 cc ne ‘The avorage speed is calculated on the basis of the elapsed ti the current porn, ang displayed on the lower line of the display 18 and the trip distance from the starting point to Measurable up to 27 hours 46 minutes 29 seconds (99,999 seconds) for the elapsed time or 989.99 les (km for the tip distance. If ener is exceeded, F is displayed and calculation ceases, Elapsed Time ‘he elapsed tune is measufed from the starting point fo the current point, and displayed on the lower fine of the display in units of hours, minutes anc seconds, The range & 0:00 00 to 8:59'59 in second increments. When 10 hours have elapsed, the counter raturns lo zero and tne calcula ion is restartecs Button Functions Mode Button (MODE) Mrevcsply owe ri sits in the Pusaied sequence each since the bution is pressed, and the cortenponding Galas stuteneoshy Sspiyad on te ower sve’ the Gaplay Star/Stop Button (ST/STOP) Ieesurerrent ol fe ip atance ard elapsed tmo i simisanoously start or sloped when the statist baton (Simossed: Guang operation ti spuod sea yirbot faces ‘AG Button (AG) ‘Ne burton 0Sea von executing “AI Clear operation o RESET: Seley inode excep oa tance (O00), and press he ode tulton and statgp bution simuitanensy Cexmem speee WH. tp dtarce (DST). average speed (AVS) ad elapsed te TA sala be soe | evALL CLEAR! Sten ine Freee buon, stanstop bulton, and AC bulton are pressed sinatanoousy, al dan sor in mertory {residing OBO and wes! creatHetenee dai) re cested. al dapays Murtate Ws 3 sacond Won ho nor sya forneles {HB Speratn Stouts ony be executed ator replacing the tater or wen regular dpa of normaly occurs Sco al ne emotes ato erase. st the stan seats a wee curses astm acc ohana Propaaton’ Page 10) EX Main Unit Preparation © The following must be completed before operating (A battery is already loaded in the main unit when purchased.) © Setting the distance scale Press al three buttons simulianoously (AC button, mode button and starstop bullon) to clear all data. All displays wil illuminate for 2 seconds Then mileM alone will be displayed as lustrated in Fig, 1, Kern and mieMh ate altematoly displayed each tine the slarUslop bulon is pressed, Select eiher as desired. Next, press the made bulon, and the distance scale wil be Set and displayed as shown in Fig. 2 How to replace the battery Turn the main uni over, remove the ballery case cover using coin or similar opener as lustated in Fig. 3, and insert a new ithium batlery (CR 2032). Postioning the (+) pole upward as ilystraled, place the battery properly into the case and close the cover securely ‘Fig 4) © Setting the wheel circumference (t) How to measure wheel circumference Measure te radius A (em) wih the rider onthe bicycle as shown in Fig 4, and colculate the wheel ccunteronce. Lem) using the folowing formula 2a = 6.283 A (om) Or, paint a mark on Ihe ground contact surlace of the wheel, and drectly obiain the whwel circumforence by Imeasurng the distance between the marks printed 0” io Ground "Table T shows F (em), L (cm) aid wheet diameter (inch (2) Setting the whee! circumference 1@ {standard uneel crcumlerenee (em) for 27° whee!) is displayed as shown Wn Fig. 2. When using 216 without fevision, press the mode button, and (ODO) wil be cisplayed. and 216 is set. To revise 216, press the starvsion bution when the wheel circumfeience is iially displayed, and 216 wil be changed to a lickering 217. Then, the urnber wil increase by 1 avery time Ine sta/Ustop bution is pressed When the button is held down, twill randy increase. Select a number in the tanga SI 120 to 229) according fo your bicycle. When the desited number appears, pros the mode butlon. When (ODO) appears, preparation 's complet (8) Resetting or changing the wheel circumference jt the siop state wn he (ODO) made, and proas the mode button and the AC bulton simultaneously. The wheel ‘creumference number stored wl icker an Ihe lower ine of the display. Revise the nurnber as required according to the Instructions given in (2). 1 The stoted wheat cicumforence number is displayed while the mode and stat/stop bultons are simnultaneousty pressed in the {00} mode ~10~ 8 L fem) D finch) Table 1. Setting Values Cross Reference Table RSs) GAS Ped arr Aiea) | Lem) [DGne) | Alem) | Liem) | Ten] Bich) | Aen] _ttem) | Omen 254-5 "| 160 [200 [oes | 178 % Bowt [aie | me 700x286 26-7 | 161 | 4 [205 179 % a2 215 |e 26-7 [180 % shad [216 | 270 ToOraeS 23.8 18h ny yee [27 29.9=300) 192 ‘200 [250 347 aie | aie [189 zor] a9 [219 | a. 188 oe | 350 280| aie 5 2a 351-2 [221 208 106 za % 2a7-8_[ 1a 205 oe 0-108 206% 20 7008 3a 168 207_| % 208 [260 GOA % 209 | 6508) i 210 | TODS % 305-7 2 fw * ‘08-9 [19 21s Taal 195 2a _f® [AI Magnet/Sensor Mounting © Center of Magnet @ Sensor Sensor band © Screw © Faber pad © Marking ine (Fig. 8) (1) Attach the magnet by clamping the right spokes of the front whee! as shown in Fig 5 {2) Attach the sensor on the right side of the ant fork. Use either the 1 mm- oF the 2 mm-thick rubber pad, whichover malches the tube ‘diameter of your bicycle as shown in Fig. 6, and lightly fasten the screw to allow positon adjustment of the sensor Suitably postion the magnel and the sensor, elerting to Fig, 7. {@) Align the center of magnet and the marking line of sensor Make sure there is about 1 mm clearance between them. Then, tighten the screw securely (See Fig 7 and Fig. 8) ~- Bracket Mounting fae Nw © Bracket @ Sciow Rubber pad @ Robber pad @ @ From (Fig, 19) @ Handlebar Use either the 1 mm- or the 2 mm.thick rubber pad if necessary, according to the handler diameter. Attach the bracket close to the handlebar stem as shown in Fig, 9, and tighten the screw as shown in Fig, 10 so thal the bracket cannot turn =13- Eq Securing the Wire Wire Clip (Large) Hole —_ od Wire Clip (Large) wee clip Smat)// { fom il Ui XS (ig. 12) (Fig. 13) (Fig. 14) Ciamp the wire with wire clips as shown in Fig. 11, 12, Loosen the wire in the area marked with the aow (¢») so that the wire does not hinder handlebar operation. Fold the excess wire al the clip area as shown in Fig. 13. Pass the clip end through the clip hole as shown, in Fig. 14, and fnrmy pul the end with pliers or similar tol. Cut off the projecting part of the clip. -14- EL Main Unit Mounting Slide the main unit from the front to engage the lock Mook of the main unit into the bracket groove, Be sure to click the projection of the bracket into the ‘depression of the main unit, The contacts are automatically connected To remove, pull the main unit forward and off @ Projection Fig. 18) ® Contact © Inset @ Remove Mount the iain unit on the bracket. Clear the front wheel off the ground and spin the whee! to check thal the speed! is d'splayed -15- E]_How to read data Basic Data (a) Check that the speed scale symbol (mileyh or knvh) is nt flickering. (Set the operation on stop.) (b) Select any made except total distance (000), and press the mode butlon and star/stop button simultaneously, (Maximum speed (MXS), tip distance (OST), average speed (AVS) and elapsed lime (TM) should be zero) (6) Press the starvstop button when starting, (Crier (Kv) wil fheker.) (8) Press the star'sop button when reaching your destination. (The speed scale symbol stops flickering, ahd the unit enters the stop state.) (e) Press the mode button to read the data Application of data (a), Toaccurnulate actual ip data during a tour, resting ime canbe eliminated by pressing the start/stop button belore and alter resting (0) To check lap time and maximum speed data on a track, press the starUstop bution when passing the start ino and again, when passing the finish tine -16- [Hi Trouble Shooting “The following situations do not indicate mattunction of the CYCLOCOMPUTER, Check the following before taking it for repairs Trouble ‘The entne quid crystal screen is dark andunusual display is seen where it ould not be, Display response is siow. “ody T (Check tems Wasn titiettfor along ime under direct sun? "Tentivatafow temperature under 32°F wey? Haste Lithium Battery worn out? Remedy Tireturns torormal sate iettin3he shade. No adverse effect on data itroturns to rormal state when temperature Pope the ium Battery wha new one Incoriect data appears ‘Gurrent speed does not appear. Isstmereanjtting one contactor Roimmonterotinotrackot “Wipe the contact clean, are Trouble Gheckniems Remedy Refer to*Magnet’Senso: Mounting” (Page 12) and re-adiust correct. | Current speed does not appeer. Isn’tthe distance between sensor and magneto far? ‘Are the raking ine ofthe sensor and the ccenler of magnet matched each other Connect and solder the wire, keeping correct Insulation between the 2 wives. Or, replace the Bracket & Sensor part with anew one. “Isn't the wire broken? Precautions {2} Do not leave the main urit exposed to direct sunfight when the unit is not Use (D) Do not disassemble ihe main unt or its accessories {c) Don't pay toa much allantion to your Vectta’s functions while nding’ Keep your eyes on the road and give dur considerntinn to trafic salety [ Specticatons Functions 0(3)~ 65 mil i SL) 18 eines T= 65 mies Of) 1s sn 27m (0.00 ~ 999 99 mies orm 00 emis Sohn Comor Githiv Battery (C2032) xT fee re (22F ~ 10K) e ro ~ arei 4 eR) [Appin oyae Ses ean 1 llegar Kercher 31 eniles/y (50 kath) ‘inn nen 04 mite oF tn Standard Accuracy “]- sb0raeorim ~ ~]s@ oh arowi > 0.009% . Fe | Baten iite Hep 2~ a: rege mie | DimensionWeight 2 : 2 a AIG 217 6 21 ey Hew CH ‘The specifications and design are subject to change without notice. =20-

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