Marvel Game Phase 2 Session 4

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ICONS Marvel Game Phase 2 Session 4

Players XP: 1 Minor Achievement

Joslyn – Cintra - Space Girl Telepath (Agent Claire Anderson) (L5)
Chris – Timothy Wilson (Trauma) - Super Soldier Medic (L6)
Adam – Mac Abra - Possessed Occultist (L5)
Karen – Phobe Feldman (Flaminggirl) - Pink Batman (the Flamingo) (L0)

Agent Val Blekkson: rogue SHIELD agent.
Andar (Agent Adrian Walker) Alien

Agent Even Pierce (level 7) Chicago Station Chief (Hates Enhanced)

Dr .Jacob Feldman – Phoebe’s father.

Cybertek (a division of AIM)

John Garrett

Mac Guffin
The Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns, or I.C.E.R.s

The Next Story

It is suspected that there may be subversive elements within SHIELD. Whether they are Hydra or
some other entities, you are not sure who you can trust.

Finding a covert base of operations has become apparent.

Chapters and Pages

Phoebe's father
Jacob Feldman
Heroes and Phoebe's father have dinner in the Diner

Next Day

Heroes continue to repair their new base of operations

Danger room

A couple of days pass

Next day

Andersen goes back to work.

The Invitation
The Nest invites you to dinner

NEST reaches out to Phoebe

Dinner at fancy Sushi restaurant

Next Day

NEST has job for Heroes
Threats with contract on father
Father did something
Contract by big somebody

Arnim Zola


Logic algra Zero level Operations


Father’s Day
Phoebe father celebrity psychiatrist
The shop is still a mess and it's kind of been appropriate to invite Phoebe's father down into the
The heroes retire to the diner down the street

It asked. He's here in Chicago to see his daughter Phoebe. He's on his way to New York. There's
a conference held by the national board of psychiatric medicine.
One of the topics is going to be a discussion on psychiatric psychological stability of enhanced
humans AKA mutant
He wants to know how she's doing
About her friends
Why she was by a building what you plan to do with it
He's going to lecture her about having a direction in life

The Base

The AI
A Computer AI program is resident in the Bases systems.
From the programs code…. This program was created to assist in managing the Bases various
With a little tweaking, the program can be activated with little issue.

Computer control systems need to be rebooted and some of the systems will need to be repaired.
INT+ (5)

Some of the internal and external cameras will need to be repaired or replaced.
INT+ (3) or STR+ (2)

Danger Room:
Holographic training room.
This is a large room with what appears to be strange looking emitters. They are situated along the
walls and ceiling. There are also several cameras in the room.
These devices appear to be old prototype holographic emitters. These devices, in conjunction
with a smoke machine, utilize lasers to create simple wireframe objects for the purposes of
training. Very Retro.

The system is currently offline and only controllable from the operations center.

Basic Simulations
One on One + (Ranged and/or Melee) (Variable number of opponents, Levels 1 to 5)

All successful attacks are scored on the wall. No damage

Arcane Library: 2 (and Arcane Lab)

A room that was formally used for storing files. The room is lined with shelves set into the walls.
The shelves are empty. There are several large metal fining cabinets. The cabinets are also

The Heroes can convert this room into Mas’s Arcane Library. (he can bring his books and stuff
from DC. The rest he can acquire)

Danger Room:
Holographic training room.
This is a large room with what appears to be strange looking emitters. They are situated along the
walls and ceiling. There are also several cameras in the room.
These devices appear to be old prototype holographic emitters. These devices, in conjunction
with a smoke machine, utilize lasers to create simple wireframe objects for the purposes of
training. Very Retro.

The system is currently offline and only controllable from the operations center.

Basic Simulations
One on One + (Ranged and/or Melee) (Variable number of opponents, Levels 1 to 5)

All successful attacks are scored on the wall. No damage

Danger Room Malfunction


Danger Room

Enhancement Detected.
Initializing Advanced Testing Protocol S9

Heuristic Processing system…. Learning Computer

Arcane Library: 2 (and Arcane Lab)

A room that was formally used for storing files. The room is lined with shelves set into the walls.
The shelves are empty. There are several large metal fining cabinets. The cabinets are also

The Heroes can convert this room into Mas’s Arcane Library. (he can bring his books and stuff
from DC. The rest he can acquire)
Problems Multiplied
While Mac is multiplied and all the other Max are doing work to clean the place up.

One of the heroes finds a weird archaic Rune type of thingy rolled pond a wall.
The Beast you said fluid saying one of the max

Nest Meeting 1
Heroes arrive at the Restaurant
Asian Fusion

Fancy restaurants top floor of one of the tall buildings downtown

A young woman sitting at the bar spots you walking in and holding her drink comes over to you
You recognize her as another member of the nest that goes by the name Sparrow.
Sparrow is a young light-skinned African American woman with light brown frizzy hair. She is
wearing a very revealing dress

She stopped in front of you looks you up and down and does the same to anyone with you.

She smiles at you and says this way and leaves you through the restaurant to a table with one
octave occupant.
You definitely recognize this person. The leader of the nest. She goes by Egret.

Egret is very tall and of thin build. She has long striking white hair pulled back and is wearing a
white gown

She gestures to the seats while drinking from a short cup…. Saki

Hello Phoebe
Why did you contact us?

We can help you. We can put our considerable resources helping you comes with a cost. You
must rejoin the nest.

We're not here to fight. We got your message.

Contract on Mac Abra has been cancelled

That client apparently had enemies and is no longer in a position to uphold their end of the
So, other than your little indiscretion, I don't care what you do with that dirty little boy toy

I really don't know what's more embarrassing.. that you betrayed us over a man or that you did it
for the world's nerdiest dink.

She orders Fugu

I just adore eating something that's also trying to kill you
If Phoebe agrees, he'll tell her that they will be in touch and then leave

The Next Day

The Mission
Sparrow informs the Heroes that

The job
Heroes need to steal info from Oscorp
Data on their super soldier serum
Data on their combat suit
Oscorp is having a big party
SHIELD also sent agents
Black Widow and Hawkeye
Possibly The Consultant

Project Verdant

Hammer Technologies
Hired the Nest to acquire the designs for the goblin suit and flyer

The Party
Oscorp building

In the main lobby
Reception/Security Desk

Several suited security

Several well dressed, polite hostesses
Will check a pad for the guests invitations
Then escort

The party is just beyond the lobby in a large atrium

Suited guards on the lifts and stairways

Emergency Exits and such
Atrium ceiling 10 to 12 floors

People on the second floor walkway overlooking the first

Stage and band playing jazz

Dance floor
Tables 6 people


Enhanced Exo Suit

The Base
Heroes come to the realization that they need a hidden base of operations.

Exterior: Old door and 2 windows

Interior: a short counter,

Back Area: Workshop with tables and a small office.

Simple restrooms (M&F)
Back Door: Stairs to basement

Debris…. Old empty boxes and crates. Broken chairs and tables.

Locked door
Stairs down ending in a Walled up corridor

Behind the wall is a short corridor at the end is a thick metal door. Next to the door is an old
style security key pad….. Kinda Like an old phone. It to be unpowered…. Not working and
lacking a power source.

Beyond the Door is a room that opens into a small lobby area.

Heroes’ New Headquarters

The Lobby: A desk sits opposite the entrance. The emblem of the Strategic Scientific Reserve
stands painted on the wall behind the desk.

A corridor beside the desk extends into the facility

The Ops Center.

A large room with several computer stations. All have tarps draped over them.

Just about all of the Bases systems are run through this room.

The bases Security System are controlled here along with the Communications and computer

As the Heroes are trying to restore Computer access…. Cintra discovers something

A Computer AI program is resident in the Bases systems.

From the programs code…. This program was created to assist in managing the Bases various
With a little tweaking, the program can be activated with little issue.

Sensors (Power - Super-senses (Enhanced Vision) are tied into several internal and external

Computer control systems need to be rebooted and some of the systems will need to be repaired.
INT+ (5)

Some of the internal and external cameras will need to be repaired or replaced.
INT+ (3) or STR+ (2)

Prison (Power Nullification) (Roll Power)

The Heroes discovery a strange room that kind of looks like a cell with several energy emitters
pointing at it being controlled by a small control station just inside the room.

The cell is a very practical steel barred cage. The Emitters are attached to the walls pointing at
the cage in the center of the room.

The Nullification system is currently not working but can be repaired.

INT+ (4)

Heroes should test the Prison Nullification Pod.

Auto Hit, subtract Nullification level 5 from all of the target’s power levels.
A power reduced to 0 or less remains negated for the duration the occupant is in the field.
Otherwise, powers recover 1 level per page until back to normal. Nullification is limited to those
within the room and cell. Power may be boosted by using a DP, Tagging a Quality or taking a
Trouble. Boosting the Power Level (Overloading the System).

The Garage is attached to the rear of the building. It opens up into the alley in the back of the
building. It’s large enough to hold several vehicles. A heavy cargo lift is set in the corner. It was
used and can be used to move heavy equipment into the Base.
An old car, inoperable, is sitting in the garage under a tarp.
The car is an old 60’s era impala. The car is in a state of disrepair but appears undamaged.

The Lift is not currently working. The Heroes can take time to repair the lift.

As the Heroes are working on it, something fails on the lift and it starts to fall. Trauma will grab
the lift and stop it from crushing the other Heroes.

A well-stocked infirmary with outdated equipment and supplies.
All of the supplies are old and out of date. This will not affect the nonperishables.

The Heroes can acquire a Medical Pod (Power - Healing) from SHIELD
These Medical Pods are modular and once installed can be automated.

Science Lab:
There is a lab full of outdated equipment.
In one corner of the lab is an experimental (Life Support Pod)
The Life Support Pod has the ability to hold a person protecting them from death.

Life Support 3
Life Support lets you ignore physical needs and hazardous environments, including breathing,
cold, disease, heat, pressure, radiation, toxins, and vacuum

The Life Support Pod is controlled and monitored from the Lab and the Control Center

Danger Room:
Holographic training room.
This is a large room with what appears to be strange looking emitters. They are situated along the
walls and ceiling. There are also several cameras in the room.
These devices appear to be old prototype holographic emitters. These devices, in conjunction
with a smoke machine, utilize lasers to create simple wireframe objects for the purposes of
training. Very Retro.

The system is currently offline and only controllable from the operations center.

Basic Simulations
One on One + (Ranged and/or Melee) (Variable number of opponents, Levels 1 to 5)

All successful attacks are scored on the wall. No damage

Arcane Library: 2 (and Arcane Lab)

A room that was formally used for storing files. The room is lined with shelves set into the walls.
The shelves are empty. There are several large metal fining cabinets. The cabinets are also

The Heroes can convert this room into Mas’s Arcane Library. (he can bring his books and stuff
from DC. The rest he can acquire)

Sleeping Area
There are a couple of rooms that were at one time used as a sleeping barracks. Stacks of metal
bunks and old moldy mattresses are stacked against the wall

A small armory about the size of a small walk in closet exists. Currently there are no weapons in
the armory.

Once an empty room used for storage, can be converted into a workout area.

Dining and Kitchen

Simple area
Once was used to store foodstuffs
Trauma visions
Traumas in of a lab much larger and different from the one osada is using

He is fighting Agent Walker

This guy is dressed strangely he's wearing some kind of armor
and a hooded cloak

With during this big fight you kept her hands and physically shuck him throw him through large
window on one wall of the lab he crashes through it. You look up with the lab has been bathed in
a radish
Calling approach the smashed window and look out what appears to be a apocalyptic apocalyptic
lynskey. The ruins of a city and what appears to be desert Beyond. All bathed in a red light. The
sky above is tinted red.
Annoys draws your attention to something just below you

As you look out over the landscape a battle seems to be raging below you. In a very tall building
overlooking the apocalyptic ruins the city

Text alien is hanging from the edge of the March window. Set Ford look down at him and then
run your foot into his hands until he lets go. Obviously falling to his death

You hear something else the drawers your tensions behind you.

As you turn you see Victory Honda standing there. He's wearing strange clothes

Mac as a demon
Centra a symbiote
Phoebe as a leather-clad assess

Phoebe arrives says something can't hear her. Says something to osada

The song that says something to you you can't hear what he's saying for some reason but his
mouth is moving but he gestures to you

Centra appears to be fighting someone. It's hard to see who she's fighting
She strangles this person with big long tentacle which reforms into her arm

Lucinda said something to you. Can't tell what he's saying. Heath and gestures towards the

You walk towards as a burst of energy in the machine. The Identical Spirit energy fans in the
center of the lab as you step towards it. There's a large bright flash of light has your vision blurs
and then fades
Hydra Intel – Jack Lynch, Sergi Topolev
I encountered these men just after we achieved our freedom from the soviets….. About 15 years

Doom shows you the pictures of two men….

Two Men…. Agent Jack Lynch (Jack Garret), American…. Shield agent….. and Sergi Topolev
KGB. I knew him…. Worked with him from time to time…..

Garret – Shield Field agent, team leader for a Strike unit (Former Shield, Now Hydra)
Topolev – Former KGB. Former colleague of Doom

I returned my friend Topolov to our old friends in the KGB…..Not to worry… I didn’t have to
pay much for the postage…. It was a small box.

As for Mr Garret…. I put a bullet in his head and dumped him in the Vostov river….
It was Blekson all along
In a sield files Blekson was able to learn that Mac was a sorcerer

Blekson hired The Nest to gain as much information about Mac as possible in the hope that he
will be able to use that information to acquire the the other infinity stones on earth (Tesseract
and time Stone)

Unable to locate the tesseract, and learning that it was not among the wreckage where the patient
was found, decided to utilize the knowledge of Osanda to find the Tesseract (space Stone)

His reaction two trauma being involved with the patients, or lack thereof, was due to him already
having knowledge of the existence of a of the patient.

Osanda would be able to isolate the energy signature created by the tesseract within the ancient
Hydra weapons

With this knowledge he would be able to locate the missing time Stone

In this universe, Howard Stark never found the Tesseract at the bottom of the ocean. It is still

Also. Blekson gave Osanda one of the Hydra energy rifles. Osanda was able to learn the location
of the Tesseract.

Heroes sent to acquire Tesseract

Another group has taken it (for Blekson)
Blekson has fake made
Will switch a roo
(For the next part)
If anyone follows Osanda
He will go to another lab to retrieve the info for Blekson

Tesseract lab
Another lab
Sophisticated equipment
Hydra energy rifle - circa 1944
Its hooked up to several devices
Int - science
Isolating unique energy signature
Holoimage showing globe
Location north Atlantic

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