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 In this section you must choose the answer which best completes the text.
 For questions 1 to 10, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


Hockey mega-star Sydney Crosby (1) ____ in a press conference yesterday that he is leaving
hockey for this season, and perhaps longer. This announcement (2) ____ for a long time, as the
young prodigy has had trouble with brain injuries. In two consecutive games in January, Crosby (3)
____ hard on the head, and began suffering symptoms of concussion – a type of brain injury. His
concussion symptoms lasted longer than normal, which means that another hit to the head (4)
____ permanent disability, or even death. So, his doctors recommended (5) ____ a break from
hockey to give his brain a chance to recover. Brain injuries are not well understood, so perhaps
Crosby (6) ____ be able to return to the game he loves. Hockey could lose one of its greatest
players ever. Now, hockey has to decide how to prevent this from (7) ____ again. If hits to the head
(8) ____ illegal, then far fewer concussions would happen. But speed and hitting are popular with
the fans, and nobody wants (9) ____. How many more superstars (10) ____ their careers cut short
before the fans decide it’s not fun anymore?

1. a) has announced b) announced c) had announced d) announces

2. a) is expected b) expected c) has expected d) has been expected
3. a) was being hit b) had hit c) hit d) was hit
4. a) can be causing b) could be caused c) could cause d) could be causing
5. a) taking b) him to take c) he has taken d) to take
6. a) can never b) may never c) would never d) could ever
7. a) happening b) happen c) to happen d) happens
8. a) are b) were c) have been d) had been
9. a) to slow it down b) slowing down c) slow down d) slowing it down
10. a) can have b) have c) are going to have d) had

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