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Grammar 3 Find and underline severi examples of the passive

voice in the text, TI1e first one has been done for
1 Underline the correct alternative. you.
a) l don 't mind being 1 ta be the center of

b) People tell me / ta me that l' ni perfect.

c) 1want having 1 to have a pierced nose,

d) 1 can' t stand reading / ta read fas ilion


e) 1enjoy spending 1 ta spend money.

f) 1 need getting 1 to get il new camera.

g ) l never ask people helping 1 ta help l'ne.

h) I've never tried go 1 to go on <1 diet.

Patry J learst was the granddaughter of the rnulti­

Change the sentences to rnake them true for you. millionaire, Randolph Hearst. At the age of ninctcen,
Patty was kidnilpped by a terrorist organization.
2 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words Shc was ~-(ept as il hostage for two months, She then
given. announced that she had joined the organization,
Iwo weeks later, she WC1S photographed during a
bank robbery. She was carryin g a gun. She was later
arrested in il San Francisco aparlment with other
mernbers of the orga niza tion ,
She was sentenced to sev en years :'1 pr iso n. but shc
was released after twenty-two months,
Her hic has been made into a movie. which stars the
lare Natasha Richardson.

4 Complete the questions with the words in the box.

a) "Dont touch it, " he told me . Are be been being;

He warned 1>1(1 ;,u .' ;0 JOLlen ,l, i Have ls ~ were

b) 'Til be there at eight," she said .

She promised _ a) When :1!a s your house built?

c) "Why dori't you sue the photographcrs?" he

b) Will yoUl" dinncr ... cooked for you this
askcd me. evening?

He suggested _ c) you ever described as "glamorous"?

d) " The intcrest rate changes from time to time,"
d) What was the last th ing you forced to
she told me, do?

She explainec __ e) YOll ever been told to go away?

e) " : 'd better not leave this job," l thought.
f) your private .rfe talked about by other

- -- - - - - -- - - - g) Are you watched by anyone right
f ) "Forget about me, " he said to his w ife.

He told

- - -- - - - - -- - - - h) Has l'our hornework checked recently?

g) " OK, ['II see you both later," she said.
She agreed Write true answers ta the questions.
h ) "Could you stop being mean?" he asked her.
Hc asked

F.f~ News
5 Complete the sentences with the verb in 7 Correct the follawing news stories by changing
parentheses in the passive form. Use the simple one verb in each story, Sorne need to be changed
present, simple past, or present perfecto from active to passive, and sorne from passive to
a) The rock star, Sonia Thome, IlIl1S Ml'esied active.
at Los Angeles airpor: Jasr n ight. (arrest)
a) [--- '.-.. "'-' ._- --_.._- _..__ _.. -- _ '--1
, Donald Thomas "a,3 C3ct lped from p ris on in
b) She after ilrriving on a flight
Rhode Island, in the US, artel' serving 89 day s
hum Miami. (stop)
of 3 gO-day se ntence, He 'Nas caug ht and
c) Almost two kilos of cocaine
sentenced to an e xtra six months.
in hcr bags. (find)
...... . O" . ' -..... . ~ ••• •• •_ • •~ -; _ . .... / :.. •. • • •.. ••• • •"___ •

d) This is the third time that Ms, Thome

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on drug charges. (arrest)
b) r ..- _ _- .._ _ "--' '-_. .._ _ _..,
e) H owever, sne _
(ne ver / convier) Ph ilip Johnson, 32, From Preston burg, Kentucky,
shot himself in the chest because he wanted ta
n Ms. Thom e in a police
see if it hurt. He W Ol S discovered that it hurt a lot.
station last night. (keep)
~ ..
- - - '\' . ­

g) Because of h er a rrest, her concert a t the

Hollywood Bowl _
(cancel) c) f" _... . _- -- __ - _ _._ __.._- __ _ _-_. "
h) Tt that shc will appear ! Bank robber. John Perkins, 37, arrested at
in court later toda y. (believe) Los Ang eles airport . He was asked If he had
anything in his bag and he rephed, A.~ a joke ,
6 Rewrite the sentences using a passive verb. "Only a bomb!" H is bag was searched and 'he
a) T.h.e paparazzi .ollowcd the car for ten stoien money was found .
kiJometers. J - - .•_ _ .il. -r , .•_ _ . ._ __ .

The car "l dS (o//(lLved bi! I~e papal"CQ2! for !-1'(1

hilomcters. ~ •• • • •__. ". _ • •_ _ • •••• •••• • _ • • •• . _,_ , • • 0_-. - • •_ _ ••• • ••• 0. ' 0. ' •• . • • ,
b) People photograph her when she walks clown A ndré Gurrnon , from Mun treal. Canada, was put !
the street, an advertise ment in the ncwspapcr, Ir said: "Lad ies 1
She _ - wrire to me if l'ou are bord wirh the man in i
l'our life." He received a reply (rom hL, wi te, !
c) The newspaper will P<lY her $50,000 for the
e) J~ ' - ' '-.,,-. .._..._. ._-_.- ...- --... 0 • • •• • • " . on -- • • • ._ •. •_ . - 0 . __ - .. ......-...,

Circus girl, Jasmine Brown, 22, Jalled for six

! days :lY a court in Sai Diego. She was riding
d) lhey are going to put the picturcs on the front
an elephant on a busy highway and she was
page of the newspaper.
net wearing any c1othes.
The pictures _
L. ~ •• •- __• • •' . _,•• · ~ ' I J. • • ~ • •- # •• - • • -_., - ' - ' - ' ....

e) Thieves stole an enorrnous SUIn of money from

f) ,'---"" "-- " ' .0 · _ ft . ~ __ -. ._ .._.- ~- - "-- _.. _•.....• r • • • •• _ _ ~

a: lollywood celebrity last night,

Ha rrison Forci has severa 1 fals e teeth , Forci

l.ast night, an cnormous su:» of money _

told the trulh abo ut his teet h aft er h e vot ed

sexiest mun alive in a popular magazine. [
i.. - 0• • • • - - - - - _ . " -._ - _ •• • _ . _ " .- - ~." .. - -... ~''' - , .. -.J
f) Police officers have accused the football player,

Ld Flo w er, of b urgla ry.

The football p layer, Ed Flower. ~_

g) r'---'' -''._-.....-_.. . ''_' .. . ._-_..._-..- "'--- . _..._. . . _··1

1 H o llyw o od star, Tom D uffy. has be e n seen 1

1. wi t h his new gir-l fr-i end. the glamor-o us Dolores

gl The p olice d escribed him as desperate and Bar-ker. T he happy couple w as being visitcd
dangerous. Trinidad fo r a short vacat io n.
He --~-~~--------~-

h) The ju d ge sentenced him to four ycars in jail.

He _ _ ~_~ ~~_

VocabuLary 3 Match the TV shows with the descriptions.

1 Match the definitions with the words in the box.

l'-" .... . ... .... ... _. .... ..... ... ... ... ..
1 desperate hypocritical insensitîve:
1 obsessed l"lt8te~eltie unflattering' * Fug it iv es! (Channel 7.
7:00 p.m.-8 .00 p .m.)
<1) a persan who looks good in pictures *- Parking Ticket (The Laugh Channel.
IA% gcilIe 9:30 p.m .-1 0 '1 5 p.rn.)
b) believing sornething is so important thar you * Family Court (BBTV, 8:00 p.m .-g 'DO p.rn.)
think about il 2111 the tirne
* St o p, Thief (TV22, 7 :4 5 p.m .-8 :3D p.m .)
c) making sorneonc seern less pleasant or attractive
* Pap arazz i Chase (Filmplus,

than usual

.. .. ; "
8'45 p.'lI .- 10'30 p. m. )
Hot Gossip (BBTV, 11 :00 p.rn-Tl :55 p.m .)
r .•••, ., __ : ,. . , . , ••• - ".,. • . .. .. " :' ,r. ~ •• ....
cl) needing or wanting something very much
a) Celebritics in the news find out which

Hollywood star is suspccted of lcading a

e) not noticing or caring about the feelings or

double ~ik

needs of other people

Ho! C.ossip
b) Comedy show about a glamorous officer in the
f) saying that you believe certain things but
highway patrol
behaving in a different way

cl Documentary about six convicted crimi nels who

2 Complete the sentences with words from escaped from a high-security jail
Exercise 1.
a) He was extrernelv i flS N ISI / W C and cl) Enjoyable action movie about a photographer
d idnt 1isten ta me at all . who has to hide from a m ysterious m an in black
b) ['01 ta see her élgain.
c) I'rn the Ieast person in the el Ordinary members of the public in the figh t
world and l dont have a single good picrure of against crime . This week : a burglar is ca ught in
rnyself. an embarrassing situation
cl) Money, money, money, that's ail she thinks
about. She's cornpletelv _ f) Proceed ings Me dramaricallv stopped in Kate 's
e) Stop bcing 50 ! l know you divorce when the judge has a heart attack
don't really bclicvc what you'rc saving.
f) It's an interesting painting of her, but ifs a little
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box .

.~ ~p~~ ~~~d ..-- ~~~~ti;;~d"''' ' ~'~c~'~~~--" " '~s'~;;;~d"'1

! kidnapped pa troled srolen [
J __ _..• ' u "' • • _ "0 _ ' " .~ • • ••• • _ • • •• _ ~
• •• ••• _ • • • _ • • •• • • • • • )

arrcst ed

42 News
5 Match the newspaper headIines (1-9) with the 7 Number the Unes in the correct order ta make
different kinds of news (a-c) , min i -con versa rions.
a) celebrity news Conuursation
, -,

b) financial news a) Congratulat ions!

Are you going [0 celebratc?

c) political news :' -1

b) l've been promoted at work.
o ",~,.""'"
Senators Clash at Committee Hearing
• •••• rr ••r· •••••. :l. ' " '" .•.•• . ••• •••• •.• •• r.. ••...· .••• •••.••••. -•••••••••: •• •• •. ••••
:' C ;
c) :- ( ! What are ye u Jooking sa happy about?

Conversation 2

Q Boxer ta Wed Governor's Daughter i::---- a)


Cuess w hat?
~ . ;, • • • -_ •• ~ . • ; •• • • •• r- • • . • •• • ••• ~ •• • :: ••••••• ~ . . . . . . . . . ... . . • • ; , . ; • • •1'" ,,; _,_ ~ • • :,; • • • •••; .... : :
i H ow an noy ing !

. ... ... "- c) : 1got a parking ticket this afternoon .

• • •• • • • - ••• . . .. . ; •• . • • • • •• : r. • • : : · • •• • • • • ::• •• : .:•• •• H,j'.:·..• ••• I: .••• •••. •,;:: . • : . •__ J-" , ~f ..1
d) Wha t?
Conversation 3
Il Government Spokesman Quits (,_:-; a) i i Mine , actu a IlY­
.:--0' 'c - ' If·'&": ··~:- - · ··Ô; · · ·' · ·••. ô;1 "" ":":":"'" , •• • ~ • • :;:.. , • • , • •: •••• :.!·f1; ..... u - • • • '; ••• : :

b) i ..:c.: Yes.I'm gOlng ta an engagemen t party.

El Denver Restaurant Bars Rock Band :-iJ c) Are YOLi doing anything intercsting this
: ; ••• 1T4 • • • • • • • • • • u::~ .t" . :.. .•.•• " ~ ' ...•.•. .... ..· ·. u ·· ....:.r.. :··:· ·· · ·· · •.• .:.. • , :~ ••. ;.•. ;.: · ··· .• l!- weekcnd?
d) Luck y y ou! Wh{)~,' is it?
fi Dëmo c~ a:t~; D~~~-nd -VoteProbe ~ "i

:-.... -~;:;::::~::-- ':" ;:.-:':-;:.:;.::::::'~::l ~:·=·.~·~=:;;;::..:=:·:~ :::: ; : ::;;;::=.=:;~:~. ;: ~ ... ~.}. -. Com.ersation
... .-!

<1) 1 wa s a rres tcd Iast night.

Il Banks Hit as Oil Priees Ris;- .J b) ..... .:
Oh, no. l' rn ~ () rry to hcar thal. What
' . - r.· zl••• U' •• ••• _ r. . .... l; •••••••;;•••::•••••• .••· · ·• .s: ·· , · ·· · ..:....·;···, ;····-4:.......
happen..:J ?
li MTV Winner in Talks With Record Company t~ i
•.••••••- . . ••,- ..••••1::·· •..,··· ·..·; ··, · ···· ...•••••••··..
c) .1 That 's terrible. Who did the y th ink you
••••• . .- • •• • • __o .

mJobless to Get More Cash

. :.",. "., tl ••• • :.·~;· · .. .., .1· · · ·· .. ... l· ~:: ••••• ;:•• •• I ••• r t : •• u ..... .::··,. .. .. : ...:
The po lice thought l was so rneo ne e lse.
You d ori't look too happy. How are things
6 Complete the email with the words in the box, i!J 35 Listen and check.
Actually Anyway ~ Guess let
Love news Talking thing touch
___ , _ , .___ - _ .1
1 if!è 36 Listen and
repeat the sentences, Notice the
wa y that sorne words are joined together.
a) Kate Iv105s as kedusnotto lake picturesofher
-.... -.... -_.. d au ghter.
i Dear Pia,
i b) People also wa nttoth in k that they're justnormal
" It was n) grea! to hear fro m you. 1 didn 't know
: th e ( 2 ) abou t Anna and Jo rge but Irn
·i not sar ry ta hear il. They wer ent gett ing J iang at a!l.

c) She stoppedto askhcrif she wasvOK.

i (J ) , J never 1i ked Jorg e, and d ) The y w an tto know what hc's güîn g)o

i An n il deserves so~~ c ne bel ter than hlm. The good doabouti ..

; (4) now 15 that she can look for snrnsone

, l' Ise. 2 '.: 37 Listen and figure out the correct spelling of

. 1 heard f rom Sue, who was ln (5 ) last week . !. the following phrases,

i She 's loo k ing l orwar d t o her baby and she /s hacl ai l t he
a) wannathink

i test s. Apparentl y, it's

a boy, 50 her husband is hap py, but l

i th ink she want ed a girl.

: (6) 0 1 happy co up les, it sounds as th ough b) prornisrachange

i youre ver y happy wi t h your new boss!
i {7} , l was so happy t o hear th at yo u' re c) forgeddaboudit

i t aking a vacat ion in August. (8 ) wh at ! l ' rn

: on vacat ion then , ta o. l ' II (g ) you know my

:. exact dates wh en J have th em. Wh y don 't IVe do somethi ng d ) jus d oingaj o b

i tog et her?

l (l0)
- - - - - e) wotchagonnadoaboudit
, .: Jan
l• •• • - . . . ... r ..... . . - - _ _ .... . . __...... ~

f) wilzitY<l firstime

News 43
Reading 3 Match the verbs on the left with the noun phrases V
on the right to make expressions from the text,
1 ", 38 Read the profile of Paris Hilton. Check (.1) <l} attend a million dollars
the descriptions of her below that are true, b} attract 2 a rnodcl
1-- ._- - ---- ---- - _.......... ! -•• -•.•, ._. . '-'
actress designer c) become 3 il show
1 i
1 au thor , dog lover d) make 4 an album 1
business wornan mode: e) record 5 jai!
con victed crirninal singer f) rclcase from 6 the best schools
,1 crime fighter go) star in 7 pubiicity

2 Read the profile again and put the topics below in 4 What do you think is Paris Hilton's greatest
the order in which they are mentioned.
j-- her career

her current lite

: ...._, . - • •• • - • . " j

her education

her Iamily background

her money

hcr problems

her jail sentence

other pcoples opinion of her

---- .•_.. ""--- ""---- ----_.- -- - ------ ----- - --_ __ _ •._ _._- -- j

_ :/~·· ÏJ X [i! f; : Paris Hilton
..: .. ::.:. ,.:' . :~ ::::~:~ .... :: ~ .. ..
:. ::'

Her grandfather gave over one hillion dollars to

charity last year. but Paris is probably not too 2
worried. She made over seven million dollars
herself in the last twelvo rnonths from a variety of
jobs and investments. Pari s Hilton. a star who is
farnous for being Iamous, and who sounds like H ..

luxury hotel, is thought by S0018 10 be the world's

most ov errated celebrity.

She W<lS barn in 1981 into tho family that started

flle Hiltuo hote1 chain and sile was never short of
rrioney. She I' v e d in a five-star Manhattan hotol
and in fashionabl e Beverly Bills. She attended
the best schools, but stopped her education before One way or another. she needs to attracr publicity.
getting her high school diploma. She's very successful dl H, but nol olways for the
righ; reasons , ln 2004, her pet chihuahua dog
,\t the LIge of 19, she became il model with an
was kidnapped oy burglars who bro ke inlo her
agency that was owned by CI family Iriend . She has
apartmcnt. In 2006. sile was arrost ed for drunk­
beon 011 the cuver of a11 the top Iashion magazines
driving. In. 2007. she wa s arrested ag a in. 'l'his
and ha s not been out of the D(~WS since th en. She
t irne. she was driving without a licenso. She was
has recorded an album that rear:hcd nurnber six in
the US charts, she's made several movies (none of
sentenced to 45 d2YS, but she was ,: e}r; il seJ l'rom
them es peci a ~: y succass ful), starred in a TV real i t Y jail after doing half that ,
show, and written her autobiography, There are Sinco leaving jaii, sne has promised 10 change her
four ;1erfu m es thal <Ife named afler uer, and shs life and she has talksd about a "new begin n ing."
was involved in the design ofa range of best-sel ling According .o her web page a l MvSpac e' ", sho hHS
jewelry. Shc has also been used in advertisernents mail)' plans . There is one thing we can he sure of:
for Italian Prosecco wine. Paris Hilton will never he far from the news .
.•~ ... - •. j
Writi 9

Wridng an essay
Linking sentences with
1 Read the examples in the box, showing how 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
to con tras t ideas using alihough, despi te, and
ho ui eoer. believe conclusion cons idere d m ore
El j9:Ai I3A po int rernernber w ro ng
Conrrasting ideas
a/tllOlIgh a) In m )' Op l 11 ion / it is w ro ng for the press
A lrhough l'm a fan of Al icia Kevcs, l'rn not to p ho tograp h th e p riv a te lives of movie stars.
in tcrcstcd in h er pri val e life. b) Personally, [ th at we h ave the
H e.' d a im s lm, marriage is happy, alrhough he ri ght to know about their live s .
was sccn at a New Yor k club with his personal
c) However, it is impcrtant to that
as sistant.
th e press some tim es g oes toc far.
d ) Althoug h so rne peo p le fccl th at it i s
Despitc th e fact th at I'm J fan of Alicia Kcycs, l'rn
_ _ _ _ _ _ ta p rint th ese stories, m ilny
no! interested in her privat e lite.
stars do n ot mind a t ,111.
;'\e d aim s his ma rriage j 'i happy, despite th e fac t
tha t he was scen a t a New York club wi th his e) However, perh aps the most important

pc r~onil 1 ass istan t. _ _ _ _ _ _ is w hat th e ind iv id ua l

celebrities thin k abo u t il.

I'rn il ',Hl of Alicia Ke yes. However, l'rn nol f) Wh at is . sorn e ce lebrit ies se ll
interes ted in her priva te life. the ir stor ies to the press.
H e da ims his m a rnage is happy. However, he g) A il things , l d o Ilot th i nk that
WaS seen a l a New York club with his personal w e shou ld ban th is kind of rep ortin g.
assist ant. i l) ln r l wo uld say that we shou ld

j a n the reporting o f these scanda is.

2 Complete the sentences with althougi), despite, or
hotoever. 4 Write an essay, using the title and essay plan
a) A lot of people bu)' gossip magazines, ,/t:spiit'
i:he fact tha t the y con ta in a lot of trash. • First, make il plan on il piccc of paper. Use sorne
of th e id cas from Excrcise 2 to hclp you.
b ) Youn g pe ople often look up ta movie and rock
stars . r these celebrities are not cl lw avs
• Befor e yo u start, loo k a t the language in Exercise
goo d rol e model s.
3 to hel p yon.

c) sorne ce leb rlt ies Sil)' thev ha te the Cel ebrity scandais" in the press: should they be
ta bloid p ress, th ey so met im..:- sel i their stori es to banned?
th ese newsp apers for il lot o f money.
d) 1 like some rnovie sta rs, l' m not
Partlgraph 1: Int roduction
Expl ain tha t so rne p eopl e thin k that the repor ting
inter es ted in reading abo u t their love lives .
of celebrity scandais' in th e pres::, sh ould be
e) Most peop le ' ike to read gossip , the banned. You m ighr wa nt to give an exarn p le of
fact that th ey daim th e op posite. such a scan da l.
f) New sp aper s shou ld not be allowed ta printli es.
_ _ _ _ , ifs im po rtan t for the press to re rna in Paragraph 2: Gi ve yo ux opi nion an d choose dt
lea st tw o rc as o ns f OI thi s. A lso give arg um en ts
aga inst yo ur l'ca sons.
Paragraph 3: Sta te the opposite o p in ion w ith a t
lcast two reaso ns that could be g iven for it. A rg u e
ilgil inst these reasons.

Paragraph 4: Con clusion

C ive YOUI opinion aga in.

* scandale = repo rts in the p ress about shoc,.,mg beh avi or


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