Definition of Emailing

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Definition of Emailing
E-mail (electronic mail) is mail in electronic form. E-mail is one of the facilities or
internet applications most used in correspondence. Understanding Email is an electronic mail
system which is used to receive and send mail through access to the Internet. Many people used
email for their own purpose. Email is a very flexible medium and can be used for a variety of
purposes. Using email can help us to send message in letter form in the world.

E-mail (electronic mail) adalah surat dalam bentuk elektronik. E-mail merupakan salah
satu fasilitas atau aplikasi internet yang paling banyak digunakan dalam hal surat-menyurat.
Pengertian Email merupakan sistem surat dengan electronik yang digunakan untuk menerima
dan mengirimkan surat melalui akses internet. Banyak orang yang menggunakan emai untuk
tujuan mereka sendiri. Email adalah media yang sangat fleksibel dan dapat digunakan untuk
berbagai tujuan. Penggunaan email dapat membantu kita mengirim pesan dalam bentuk surat ke
seluruh dunia.

The Purpose of Emailing

Emails are used for the purpose of communication, such as communicating with
instructors and lecturers, keeping in touch with friends, requesting information from other people
or businesses, applying for scholarships, jobs and internships.

Email digunakan untuk tujuan komunikasi, seperti berkomunikasi dengan instruktur dan
dosen, tetap berhubungan dengan teman-teman, meminta informasi dari orang lain atau bisnis,
melamar beasiswa, pekerjaan dan magang.

The Purpose of Emailing based on sites “”

Valerie uses her email to send directives or instructions to members of her sales team.
She uses a brief email as a cover and attaches important documentation to the email like listing
agreements and purchase agreements. She also uses email to send her advice or
recommendations to her clients and to provide a status report on things like a pending offer or an
upcoming real estate closing. If a client gives her instructions to do something, such as accept a
counteroffer, that email will provide documentation and confirmation that Valerie has permission
to do it. She also receives reports from her firm, such as her sales and commission report, and
receives notices of sales meetings and other events via email. Her firm will often send new rules
and procedures to her by email as well. Finally, email is one of the best ways for her to ask
questions of clients, other agents, subordinates, or the management at her firm.

Valerie menggunakan email untuk mengirimkan arahan atau instruksi kepada anggota tim
penjualannya. Dia menggunakan email singkat sebagai penutup dan menempel dokumentasi
penting untuk email seperti perjanjian daftar dan perjanjian pembelian. Dia juga menggunakan
email untuk mengirim saran atau rekomendasinya untuk kliennya dan untuk memberikan
laporan status pada hal-hal seperti tawaran tertunda atau penutupan real estate yang akan datang.
Jika klien memberikan instruksi untuk melakukan sesuatu, seperti menerima tawaran balik, email
yang akan memberikan dokumentasi dan konfirmasi bahwa Valerie memiliki izin untuk
melakukannya. Dia juga menerima laporan dari perusahaan-nya, seperti penjualan dan laporan
komisi, dan menerima pemberitahuan rapat penjualan dan acara lainnya melalui email.
perusahaannya akan sering mengirim aturan dan prosedur baru untuk dirinya melalui email juga.
Akhirnya, email adalah salah satu cara terbaik baginya untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dari klien,
agen lainnya, bawahan, atau manajemen di perusahaan nya.

The structure of email

 The header, a set of lines containing information about the message's sender, such as
the sender's address, the recipient's address, or timestamps showing when the message
was sent by intermediary servers to the transport agents (MTAs), which act as a mail
sorting office.The header contains information about the sender and recipient e-mail,
delivery time and the subject of the letter. In this section there is usually a cc acronym
which stands for carbon copy filled e-mail addresses of others who are entitled to
receive copies of the letter.
From :
To :
Sent : Saturday, 31st May 2016 19.25 PM
Subject : Paja Tapuih Website

Header satu set baris yang mengandung informasi tentang pengirim pesan, seperti alamat pengirim,
alamat penerima, atau cap waktu yang menunjukkan saat pesan dikirim oleh server perantara untuk
agen transportasi (MTA), yang bertindak sebagai penyortir surat kantor. Header berisi informasi tentang
pengirim dan penerima e-mail, waktu pengiriman dan subjek surat itu. Pada bagian ini biasanya ada
singkatan cc yang merupakan singkatan dari carbon copy alamat diisi e-mail dari orang lain yang berhak
menerima salinan surat tersebut.
 Mesasage body is the part that describes the contents of the letter.

Mesasage body adalah bagian yang menjelaskan isi surat.

 Signature Is part of the identity of the mailer. Such as the sender name

Signature Merupakan bagian yang menunjukkan identitas pengirim surat. Seperti nama pengirim.

The examples messages of emailing in Indonesia

1. Saying thank you
Many thanks for helping with the conference. I’m very sorry that so
few people came on Saturday – let’s not organize the final session in
the middle of a public holiday next year.
Anyway let’s hope we have better luck in yokohama.

Take care

2. A formal massage
Dear colleague
I am writing to inform you and your staff that we are relocating our
offices to Pisa. We will close on 2 November and will reopen in our
new premises on 1 December we will contact you again in the near
Best regards
Duncan hoe

3. Every day matters

Hi Jannah
Hope you’re feeling better. I heard from jack that you had flu.
I am sorry to say that I have a problem next week. Tina’s on holiday
and I have to cover for her so I won’t be able to see you on Thursday.
I’ll call you later and we can arrange an alternative date.

Speak to you later


4. A future meeting
It was good to see you again last week. Let me know when you’re
next going to be in Salzburg and we’ll arrange a night out. There are
some excellent restaurants here.
I look forward to hearing for you.

The form of emailing Indonesia and America

The different between emailing Indonesia and America


Write the sentence in this letter in the correct order

a. That will accept your invitation

b. With optimism, we expect a good cooperation relationship
c. Abdurrahman Nugraha
d. As we move to go doing business
e. on 2nd April, 2017 at 10 am in your company
f. Best regards
g. I am writing this letter to express our respect and announcement
h. Will be created with you in the future
i. Thank you and see you

Match the two parts of the sentence

1. I am glad to inform you that we will be holding

2. I would like receive
3. Could you please let me know
4. We will make sure that this
5. Could you possibly arrange a meeting
6. Please let us know what we can do

a. With the Logistics Manager

b. To compensate you for the damages caused
c. A full refund and compensation for the damages
d. Our annual conference in Brussels on 20 April 2017
e. If you are available for a meeting on 12th April 2017
f. Will not happen again in the future

To :
Feom :
Subject : Job application

Dear Jesica,

Hello Jesica, how are you? It’s been a month since I last heard from you. Well, I just
wanted to tell you that I was in a hospital last week. According to the doctor; I was infected
by dengue fever.

At first, I felt my body became weak then I fainted when I was studying in the classroom.
Then, I was taken to the hospital because of the high fever.

At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency unit. The doctor immediately gave some
treatment. Finally, I had to stay there for one week. Everyday the doctor kept me on a drip.

At the seventh day, my condition was getting better. After the final check, the doctor gave
me permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of my illness, I am now more
careful about keeping in my house clean especially my room, I don’t want to get the same
illness again.
OK, I think that’s all from me, write to me soon ok?


Read the text carefully and choose the best answer of each question! 
1. What did the writer do she felt her body became weak?
A. She bought medicine
B. She took a rest all day
C. She went to hospital
D. She consumed the medicine

2. Why the writer was taken to the hospital?

A. She got dengue fever
B. She got diarrhea
C. She got headache
D. She got broken bones

3. How long she was taken care in the hospital?

A. Four days
B. Five days
C. Six days
D. Seven days 

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