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Mild Mental Retardation in Black

and White Children in Metropolitan

Atlanta: A Case-Control Study

Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, MD, Carolyn D. Drews, PhD, Pierre Decoufle, ScD,

and Catherine C. Murphy, MPH

Introduction abilities Study. The details of case defini-

tion, ascertainment procedures, and the
In the United States a higher than prevalence rates of mental retardation
expected proportion of Black children are have been reported elsewhere.8'8 Chil-
placed in classes for the educable men- dren with mental retardation in this
tally retarded.1- In parallel, prevalence report were a subset of children identified
rates of mental retardation have generally during the prevalence survey,8 namely the
been found to be higher among Blacks fixed cohort born in 1975 or 1976 to
than among Whites.",25-7 Since approxi- residents of the five-county metropolitan
mately 80% of people with mental retarda- Atlanta area and living in the area at age
tion are mildly retarded, the higher 10. For this case-control study. we identi-
prevalence among Blacks is likely to be fied 379 children with mild mental retarda-
due mainly to mild mental retardation. tion (defined as an IQ from 50 to 70 on the
In a cross-sectional survey in metro- most recent psychometric examination) in
politan Atlanta, the crude prevalence of a review of records from multiple sources.
mild mental retardation, defined as an We randomly selected 1200 control
intelligence quotient (IQ) from 50 to 70, children from all 10-year-old children
was about three times higher among listed in public schools in the metropoli-
Black than among White 10-year-old tan Atlanta area in 1985 or 1986. After
children.8 We are aware of only one other excluding all children previously identi-
comparison of the prevalence of mild fied as having mental retardation, cere-
mental retardation among Blacks and bral palsy. visual impairment, hearing
Whites; in children followed to age 7 years impairment, or epilepsy; those enrolled in
the prevalence of mild mental retardation any kind of special education class (except
was nearly four times higher among Black high achievers); and those not born to a
than among White children (46 vs 12 per resident of the Atlanta area, we were left
1000).7 with 650 children.
Many reasons could account for
these differences. In particular, mild men-
tal retardation is consistently reported to
Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp. Pierre Decoufle,
and Catherine C. Murphy are with the Division
be associated with low socioeconomic of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabili-
status,7*9-'6 and race is highly correlated ties, Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
with socioeconomic status.'7 Thus, con- tion, Atlanta, Ga. At the time of the study,
founding with socioeconomic status could Catherine C. Murphy was with the Office of
explain the observed excess of mental
Epidemiology. Georgia Department of Human
Resources, Atlanta. Carolyn D. Drews is with
retardation among Blacks. We therefore the Division of Epidemiology, Emory Univer-
examined the relationship between race sitv School of Public Health. Atlanta, Ga.
and mild mental retardation after control- Requests for reprints should be sent to
Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, MD, Division of
ling for selected sociodemographic fac- Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities,
tors. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
4770 Buford Hwy, NE. Mailstop F-15, Atlanta.
GA 3034 1.
Methods This paper was accepted July 26. 1994.
Editor's Note. See related editorial by
These analyses use data from the Zigler (p 302) and annotation by Satcher (p
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Dis- 304) in this issue.

March 1995. Vol. 85. No. 3

Racial Differences in Mild Retardation

TABLE 1 The Distribution of Study Characterlstics among 10-Year-Old Children TABLE 2-The Association
wih Mild Mental Retardation and Control Children, Metropolitan between Race and Mild
Atlanta, 1985 through 1986 Mental Retardation
among 10-Year-Old
Case Children Control Children Children, Metropolitan
(n = 330) (n = 563) Atlanta, 1985 through
No. % No. %
Children Variable(s) in Odds Confidence
Sex Model Ratioa Interval
Male 199 60.3 267 47.4
Female 131 39.7 296 52.6 Race only 2.6 2.0,3.5
Birth order Race and
1st 116 35.2 232 41.2 Sex 2.6 1.9,3.4
2nd 95 28.8 212 37.7 Maternal age 2.6 1.9,3.5
23rd 119 36.1 119 21.1 Birth order 2.5 1.9,3.4
Maternal edu- 2.1 1.6,2.9
Mothers cation
Economic 1.8 1.3,2.5
Race status
White 98 29.7 296 52.6 Sex, maternal 1.8 1.3,2.6
Black 232 70.3 267 47.4 age, birth
Age at delivery, y order, mater-
<20 86 26.1 118 21.0 nal education,
20-29 191 57.9 346 61.5 and economic
.30 53 16.1 99 17.6 status
Education level at delivery, y aOdds ratio from each of seven different
<12 177 53.6 156 27.7 logistic regression models comparing
12 121 36.7 245 43.5 the prevalence of mild mental retarda-
>12 32 9.7 162 28.8 tion in Black children with that in White
Economic status
Low 187 56.7 196 34.8
Middle 97 29.4 186 33.0
High 46 13.9 181 32.2
education, and the highest economic level
as referent categories.

We defined a child's race as the We excluded from the analysis chil- Results
mother's race as recorded on the birth dren (44 case children and 83 control
certificate. We excluded five children children) for whom information on any Sixty percent of the children with
(four case children and one control child) study variable except birth order was mild mental retardation were male,
because matemal race was not recorded, missing; 83% had missing information on whereas only 47% of the control children
and four (one case child and three control maternal education. We assumed that 78 were male (Table 1). Children with mild
children) because the mother was neither case children and 85 control children with mental retardation were more likely to
Black nor White. Thus, our study sample birth order not recorded were firstborn have two or more older siblings than were
was reduced to 374 children with mild
children, because in subsequent inter- control children (36% vs 21%). Mean
mental retardation and 646 control views we found that 96 of 101 mothers of maternal age was similar in both groups
children. children for whom birth order was not (23.9 years for case children vs 24.7 years
As potential confounders or effect recorded reported the index child to be for control children). Mothers of children
modifiers, we selected from the birth with mild mental retardation were less
their first live-born child. Thus, 330
certificates sex, maternal age, birth order, likely to have completed 12 or more years
children with mild mental retardation and of education at the time of delivery than
maternal education, and economic status.
We used the mother's address to identify 563 control children were included in the were mothers of control children (46% vs
the census block group (a subdivision of a final study group. 72%). Families of case children also
census tract) in which the mother was
We used exposure odds ratios (ORs) tended to live in neighborhoods with a
living at the time of the child's birth.19 The to estimate the prevalence of mild mental lower median family income.
median family income in 1979 (1980 retardation among Black children relative The mothers of children with mild
census data) for all families living in the to that among White children. To calcu- mental retardation were more likely to be
mother's block group was used as a proxy late odds ratios and their 95% confidence Black than were the mothers of control
for the family's economic status. The intervals (CIs), we used SAS Proc Lo- children (70% vs 47%). We estimated the
median family incomes of the block gist.201 We entered all variables into crude odds ratio for the association
groups of all study families were divided logistic regression models as dummy vari- between mild mental retardation and race
into terciles based on the distribution of ables and used White race, firstborn to be 2.6 (Table 2). The odds ratio was
median family incomes among the control status, female sex, maternal age 20 to 29 reduced to 1.8 when we simultaneously
children. years, more than 12 years of maternal controlled for the other five sociodemo-

March 1995, Vol. 85, No. 3 American Journal of Public Health 325
Yeargin-Ailsopp et al.

The prevalence of mild mental retar-

TABLE 3-The Association between Race and Mild Mental Retardation among dation was higher among Black children
10-Year-Old Children within Strata Defined by Age at First Diagnosis, than among White children within all
Metropolitan Atlanta, 1985 through 1986 strata defined by our five sociodemo-
graphic variables (Table 4). There was a
Median 10 tendency for the odds ratios to be highest
Black-White Adjusted within the highest education and eco-
Age at First Whites Blacks Odds Ratiob
Diagnosis, ya (n = 98) (n = 232) (95% Confidence Interval) nomic strata and for firstborn children.

<6 54.5 (n = 28) 56.5 (n = 42) 1.2 (0.6,2.2)

6-7 67.0 (n = 41) 62.0 (n = 102) 1.7 (1.0,2.7) Discussion
8-10 68.0 (n = 29) 67.0 (n = 88) 2.5 (1.5, 4.4)
We found that the excess prevalence
MAMl control children are included in the analysis for each stratum. of mild mental retardation among Black
bBlack-Whfte odds ratio adjusted for maternal age, sex, birth order, maternal education, and children was reduced by nearly 50% when
economic status. we controlled for sex, maternal age at
delivery, birth order, maternal education,
and economic status. However, the re-
sidual excess among Black children does
not necessarily indicate that Black chil-
TABLE 4-The Association between Race and Mild Mental Retardation among
10-Year-Old Children within Strata Defined by Sociodemographic dren are at higher risk for mild mental
Factors, Metropolitan Atlanta, 1985 through 1986 retardation. The true odds ratio might be
smaller than 1.8 if other unmeasured
Black-White Adjusted confounders shown previously to be asso-
Odds Ratioa ciated with mild mental retardation, such
Case Children Control Children (95% Confidence as maternal intelligence and housing
(n = 330) (n = 563) Interval) density,7 were controlled. We did not
Sex control for birthweight in most of our
Male 199 267 1.8 (1.0,3.0) analyses because it was unclear whether
Female 131 296 1.9 (1.1,3.1) birthweight should be considered as a
Maternal age, y confounder or an intervening variable.22
< 20b 86 118 1.7 (0.8,3.5) There may be residual confounding
20-29 191 346 1.8 (1.1,2.9) due to inaccuracies in the measurement
. 30 53 99 1.6 (0.6,4.2) of the other five covariates that we used.
Birth order For example, it is unlikely that our
1 stc 116 232 2.9 (1.6,5.3) measure of economic status accurately
2nd 95 212 1.4 (0.7, 2.6)
. 3rd 119 119 1.3 (0.7,2.5) reflects the economic status of each study
family in that block group. Further,
Maternal education, y information obtained from birth certifi-
< 12 177 156 1.5 (0.9,2.6)
12 121 245 2.0 (1.1,3.6) cates is likely to contain errors.23 Misclas-
>12 32 162 2.3 (0.9,5.7) sification of information on birth order
Economic status may be a particular problem, since we
Low 187 196 1.6 (0.9,3.3) assumed that if birth order was not
Middle 97 186 1.5 (0.9,2.7) recorded, the child was the firstborn.
High 46 181 2.9 (1.3, 6.4) However, our results did not change when
aBlack-White odds ratio adjusted for all other study variables. children of undetermined birth order
bin this model, education was categorized as < 12 y or . 12 y and birth order was categorized as were excluded from the analysis (adjusted
firstborn, secondborn, or higher. OR = 1.8). The omission of 105 children
Cin this model, age was categorized as < 20 y or 2 20 y. whose mothers' education was missing on
din this model, age was categorized as < 30 y or 2 30 y.
the birth certificate probably did not
substantially alter our findings, since the
overall crude odds ratio with those chil-
graphic variables. Limiting the analysis to median IQ among children whose mental dren included was almost the same (2.7)
children with birthweights above 2500 g retardation was diagnosed when they as the crude odds ratio with them ex-
did not substantially alter the magnitude were at least 6 years old (Table 3). There cluded (2.6). Residual confounding may
of the observed association (adjusted was no significant difference in the preva- also result from the fact that some
OR = 1.6, 95% CI = 1.1, 2.4). Moreover, lence of mild mental retardation between educational and economic strata include a
the Blac4-White odds ratio was 1.7 (95% Black and White children whose mental heterogeneous mix of individuals. For
CI = 1.3, 2.3) when we controlled for retardation was diagnosed when they example, mothers of control children in
birthweight (i.e., < 2500 g, > 2500 g) as were less than 6 years old (adjusted the highest economic stratum lived in
well as the other five covariates. OR = 1.2). The adjusted Black-White block groups in which the median family
The median IQ among both Black odds ratio was the highest for children income ranged from $22 036 to $43 622.
and White children diagnosed before they first diagnosed at ages 8 to 10 years Although we believe we have identi-
were 6 years old was lower than the (adjusted OR = 2.5). fied most children who were diagnosed

326 American Journal of Public Health March 1995, Vol. 85, No. 3
Racial Differences in Mild Retardation

with mild mental retardation, our control entered school. These findings suggest services showed that Black Americans
population was limited to children en- that differential referral of school-aged had less access to health care than White
rolled in public schools. On the basis of children for IQ testing contributes to the Americans at all socioeconomic levels.37
data from the 1980 census, we found our association between race and mild mental In addition, differences in cognitive stimu-
controls to be somewhat less likely than retardation that has been found in many lation and early educational experiences
all children in the study area to live in studies."5'6 An alternative explanation is may contribute to the increased risk for
census block groups with the highest that different identification or referral mental retardation among Black chil-
median incomes. However, within a given factors may operate for Black children dren.3841
economic stratum, the probability of be- than for White children before the age of Traditional measures of socioeco-
ing selected as a control subject did not 6. Either of these possibilities could nomic status may be insufficient to control
vary appreciably by race. Moreover, we do produce the patterns that we observed. for racial differences in lifestyle or behav-
not believe that our choice of public Like the Collaborative Perinatal ior that could affect pregnancy outcome.28
school students as control children cre- Project researchers, we found that the Further, poverty in previous generations
ated a substantial selection bias because excess of mild mental retardation among may affect the risk of mild mental retarda-
only about 6% of metropolitan Atlanta Black children was present in all socioeco- tion in subsequent generations through a
schoolchildren attended private school in nomic strata and that odds ratios were family's persistent lack of economic re-
1986.24 greatest among children with the lowest sources, through its lack of access to
Our findings are based on administra- baseline prevalence of mild mental retar- quality education or social services, or
tive prevalence, that is, on the number of dation (i.e., children of mothers with the through sustained physiologic depriva-
children with mild mental retardation highest educational or economic status).7 tion. Some researchers have suggested
who had been previously identified for the Investigators have found that the relative that the mother's own prenatal and
purpose of providing services. Racial risks between Blacks and Whites for a childhood environment may be important
differences in the rates at which children variety of reproductive outcomes greatest determinants of the outcome of her
are referred for psychometric testing or in the low baseline risk groups.2831 How- pregnancies.34'42 Since proportionately
placed in special education classes could ever, these findings may be artifacts of the more Blacks than Whites have had a
create spurious differences in the preva- use of a ratio measure to assess the history of poverty in previous generations,
lence of mild mental retardation.2 In some magnitude of the association in groups possible intergenerational factors may
studies, researchers have found a ten- with different baseline risks. These results contribute to an increased rate of a variety
dency for children from minority racial or may also be due to the possibility that of poor reproductive outcomes among
ethnic groups to be overrepresented within the lowest baseline risk stratum of Blacks, including mild mental retarda-
among children who are tested and placed a given factor, Black mothers are not tion.42
in classes for children with mild mental comparable to White mothers with regard We recommend that additional re-
retardation.24 Unlike possible referral to that factor or other risk factors for search focus on how differences between
and testing biases, educational placement adverse reproductive outcomes. This was Black and White children in the preva-
should have little effect on our findings, evidenced in our data, since within the lence of mild mental retardation are
because we did not limit our study to highest income tercile, White mothers affected by factors such as environmental
children who were placed in special tended to come from areas with higher exposures, maternal health conditions,
education classes.18 Further, the Collabo- median incomes than Black mothers (e.g., poverty in previous generations, maternal
rative Perinatal Project researchers, who 26% of White control-group mothers in cognitive level, and children's early cogni-
tested all children from a defined cohort, the highest economic stratum lived in tive experiences. Previous studies have
found a marked difference between Black block groups with median incomes above demonstrated that less advantaged Black
and White children in the prevalence of $30 000, compared with only 8% of Black children who received early, structured,
mild mental retardation.7 control-group mothers). and intensive social, medical, and educa-
It has been suggested that many test Black children may be at increased tional interventions scored higher, on
instruments may penalize racial minori- risk for mental retardation because they average, on tests of cognitive ability than
ties and non-English-speaking children.25'26 may be more likely than White children to Black children from similar backgrounds
Psychometric test scores may be lower for be exposed to the cumulative effects of who had not received these interven-
Black children than for White children deleterious postnatal factors, such as tions.3"4 Thus, we believe that much of
because some Black children are being ambient lead or anemia. Further, some the excess prevalence of mild mental
raised in environments where they do not maternal medical or biological conditions retardation among Black children is pre-
have access to the skills and knowledge that are more common among Blacks may ventable. O
being assessed by most IQ tests.27 Thus, alter the in utero environment in such a
studies such as this one that depend on way that the child's risk of mild mental
the results of traditional IQ tests to define retardation is increased (these conditions Acknowledgments
mild mental retardation may overestimate include anemia, elevated lead levels, This work was supported, in part, by funds
from the Comprehensive Environmental Re-
the number of minority children with this hypertension, diabetes, chronic renal dis- sponse, Compensation, and Liability Act trust
condition. ease due to hypertension or diabetes, and fund through an interagency agreement with
We found little difference in the sickle cell anemia).32-36 Systematic differ- the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
prevalence of mild mental retardation ences in the early treatment of maternal Registry, Public Health Service, US Depart-
or pediatric medical conditions may also ment of Health and Human Services.
between Black and White children diag- The authors especially thank Drs John
nosed before reaching school age, but affect the child's risk of developing mild Kiely, Zena Stein, and Jane Mercer for their
Black children were overrepresented mental retardation. For example, a 1986 critical review of this report and earlier work
among children diagnosed after they national survey of the use of health pertaining to this report. We also thank Ms

March 1995, Vol. 85, No. 3 American Journal of Public Health 327
Yeargin-Aflsopp et al.

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