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Martinez, Ethan David

ABM 12- Soliman Immersion

Day 1 (09/24/18)
I woke up at 5am to get ready for my first day at work immersion, it made me feel
nervous but hey I worked for a happy bee in 2 months “I should be able to handle this”
was on my mind. I arrived before the expected call time, 7:45am and saw my friends
waiting for the experience as well.
It now starts; time for breakfast was given to us and of course we were asked to
introduce ourselves properly. They introduced their selves as well and the approach
was friendly yet professional, as expected of any office in Tytana especially the
Marketing and Public Relations Office.
Sir Josh taught us Photoshop, the basic uses and I still learned something even though
I had experienced using the app because of academic reasons. The rulers and gridlines
were something I rarely use. It taught me precision which is good for any project.
Ms. Abi also discussed about the Career Talk my chosen classmates will go participate
in. Public speaking was never a problem for me; I think the only scary fact about
speaking publicly is not knowing what you have to say and when you have to talk. If it
happens by surprise then shame on me I guess. We now prepare brochures, folders
etc. for the talk and Ms. Jen discussed the Alumni Tracker to me and Julia, our soon to
be task. The first day was productive, I learned a lot about work that will help me a lot in
the future.

Day 2 (09/25/18)
A bright morning shone upon me, I traveled again for my second day and this time I was
a bit excited. My other classmates left for a Career Talk and we were left at the office. I
tracked alumni’s all over the world and encoded them in excel to provide information if
their current job is aligned with their course.
We also double checked the materials for Saint Mary Magdalene, prepared everything
and made sure that we were ready. We were asked to help Sir Roy after to set up a
tarpaulin for the alumni’s, the concept was nice as it includes the graduates of Tytana
with their current occupation and country. It was my first time using a staple gun and it
felt kind of nice. The encoding now continues reaching a specific number until Ms. Jen
lets us end it by 3:30 taking breaks, and then going home with new experiences.
Day 3 (09/26/18)

You know the drill, the early morning sun is not something I see every time that’s why
the immersion was a good chance to take a good luck and feel the warmth. I arrive at
the office, and now tracking the alumni’s became harder. There were a lot of people
commenting on the post suddenly and it got a bit hard to encode all of them so we
divided the work properly, this task made me spend the whole day as it was pretty tiring,
seeing the graduates jobs gave me some motivation to strive for success. The patterns
we encode are of course names, batch, country, occupation and course. This continues
on and I with a computer will always feel comfortable. A tour on the campus was also
included; we saw the facilities of Tytana such as the Hotel, the iMac Laboratory, the
restaurant and many more. We talked with Ma’am Liezel and she gave us an inspiring

Sir Roy also tasked us with creating a tarpaulin for college admissions, to be put at the
front gate. It was challenging to think of a concept but it seems simplicity is really a
beauty. The day passes by, and another day not wasted.

Day 4 (09/27/18)

I arrived early, waiting at the bench in front of the office. We double checked brochures
again because the day to leave will be tomorrow. We were also taught how to set up a
digi-post. It was a first time experience and I never thought it was that simple. We talked
with Ma’am Liezel and she gave us an inspiring speech!
Now the encoding continues, Ms.Jen’s post bursted and a lot of alumni’s were
commenting their data. We did not need to message everyone because the comments
were a lot. Some of them were from different countries all over the world and it amazed
me on how successful all of them had become. Some of them were at UK, UAE,
Antarctica and USA with different positions! Some ended up with a job not related with
their course but the does not hinder success. Manila Tytana Colleges is indeed a
wonderful school worth going to! I have discovered a lot about Tytana in this immersion
and it helped me look differently at this school.

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