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Aristotle about The Good Life

In Aristotle’s best-known work, Nicomachean Ethics, the philosopher

adds important insights about the good life. Aristotle seeks to construct a
framework by developing an understanding about the highest good for human
beings. He points out that to most people; the highest good consists either in
the acquisition of wealth, the pursuit of honor or the satisfying of bodily
pleasures. As a result, most people act accordingly. They seek wealth, honor
or satisfaction and thereby hope to ultimately attain happiness. Aristotle,
however, points out that none of these aspects can ever serve as the highest
good. Firstly, he argues that wealth is primarily used to acquire other things.
In itself, wealth cannot make happy. Secondly, honor might not necessarily
contribute to a person’s happiness. Instead, honor is primarily sought to
change how people think of us. Thirdly, the desire to fulfill one’s desires is not
something limited to human beings alone. Animals are seeking pleasure, too.
Even more so, by orientating one’s life primarily to the satisfaction of bodily
pleasures, a human being behaves no differently than an animal. According to
Aristotle, such a life is neither fit nor meant for human beings.
From this Aristotle concludes that the highest good cannot consist
primarily out of these three aspects. Instead, the highest good should be
something that aims to maximize the inherent faculties of man. It helps human
beings to develop that which separates them from animals. In line with this
arguing, the capacity for reason is that which separates man from cattle.

Based on his reflections, Aristotle highlights the essential qualities of

the good life. These qualities primarily consist of contemplation and learning.
It is through the process of contemplating and learning that intellectual virtues
are steadily acquired. These virtues can for instance stem from the acquisition
of knowledge about the fundamental principles of nature. Furthermore, this
knowledge can be expanded by applying the principles of nature.
However, contemplation and acquiring knowledge is not enough to live
the good life. Solely understanding nature’s principles and contemplating on
these does not contribute the highest good. It is only through right action that
knowledge can be put to its proper use. Hence, the development of a strong
and virtuous character is necessary to perform right actions. Aristotle
therefore concludes that the highest good consists of the acquisition of both
intellectual and personal virtues. And, by living in accordance to the highest
good, happiness can be attained. Consequently, a person achieves
happiness by contemplation, learning and the mental strength to perform right
actions. Such a person does not only know what is right, but also acts
accordingly and derives happiness, fulfillment and purpose from it.

4. Drawing joy and happiness from life’s simple pleasures

In their quest to live the good life, the vast majority of people shift their
attention from the present moment to a desirable state in the future. They
think that the good life can only be attained through the acquisition of wealth,
status and a variety of other things. Therefore, these people will never truly be
able to live the good life, because there will always be something missing.
They either do not have enough material possessions to satisfy all their
desires. Or they are no longer able to enjoy these possessions after a certain
period of time.
For this reason, the ability to draw happiness from life’s simple
pleasures is essential. It’s a person’s ability to take pleasure from even the
most simplistic things in life that will help in understanding how worthwhile this
present moment is.

9. Live your passions

Living the good life is all about discovering your true passions and
having the courage to pursue these activities. By doing what you’re
passionate about, a sense of fulfillment, accomplishment and true satisfaction
can be added to your life.

Live your passions

Living a good life is all abouit knowing what is you true passion and have strength to pursue
it.No mattet what we do in our life always be passionate. Enhance the quality of your
performance, And your chances of success by pursuing what excites you.

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