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Join Jim McFarland as he steps into his role

as the "Performance Professor" and shares

a wealth of knowledge and experience that
will help take you to a higher level of per-

Jim McFarland

Air Flow & The Internal Combustion Engine

Without adequate and properly that air is pulled or “drawn” into ciency of 100%. It can be less or
timed airflow, power from an cylinders rather than forced there more, depending upon a variety of
internal combustion engine will be by atmospheric or mechanically circumstances.
less than maximum. Following are derived pressure. This difference In reality, an engine’s volumetric
some keys to making certain you in perspective of how air enters an efficiency at each rpm of measure-
know how to obtain horsepower engine is important to remember, ment can be represented on a
from proper supply of air. Also particularly when considering the graph. Sample v.e. and torque
included are some basic defini- way carburetors operate. It will be curves are provided elsewhere in
tions of related and important a concept to which these “lessons” this lesson (see illustration #5).
terms. will refer as discussions unfold Interestingly, a volumetric efficien-
during following months. cy curve closely approximates an
Engine Airflow engine’s torque curve, or the
(Basic Information) amount of torque produced at
“Of particular
each rpm of measurement. From
Engines operate in a “sea” of importance is the this, you might suspect that there is
air pressure. This either takes the fact when a change a specific relationship between a
form of atmospheric influence or in airflow is caused volumetric efficiency curve and a
some artificial means of getting air (typically an increase), torque curve…and there is.
inside an engine. If atmospheric it is necessary to make Generally speaking, increases
pressure is the driving force that changes in fuel flow and or decreases in volumetric efficien-
provides air, the engine is said to ignition spark timing.” cy correspond to increases or
be “normally aspirated.” Should a decreases in torque. If an engine
mechanical means be added to modification is made that increas-
atmospheric pressure, “super” air Cylinder Filling & Torque es airflow (or volumetric efficien-
charging is the method of aspira- cy), the potential for an increase in
tion. Stated another way, an The ability of an engine to torque is available. In fact, the
engine becomes “supercharged” ingest air is a measurement called majority of changes to a stock
with air pressure higher than “volumetric efficiency.” Although engine intended to increase power
atmospheric. this term will be discussed in more are associated with some form of
The downward movement of technical depth a bit later, suffice airflow change.
pistons creates an in-cylinder that it is a means by which an Of particular importance is the
pressure that is less than atmos- engine’s physical capacity is com- fact when a change in airflow is
pheric, causing air to be forced pared to actual air intake. This is a caused (typically an increase), it is
into the engine, either by atmos- dynamic measurement obtained necessary to make changes in fuel
pheric or some artificial means of as a function of engine rpm and flow and ignition spark timing.
providing pressure (supercharging load. If an engine accepts a vol- Historically, these changes have
is an example of “artificial” aspi- ume of air that is equal to its phys- been made to “mechanical”
ration). The term “suction” is ical volume (piston displacement), devices (carburetors and ignition-
somewhat a misnomer, suggesting it is said to have a volumetric effi- point distributors). Today, on-

1 Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine

Illustration of External Air Pressure (Forces)
Acting on an Internal Combustion Engine
Illustration 1
Piston movement within the
cylinder block creates low
pressure conditions, causing
Atmospheric Pressure air to be forced into the engine.
Acting on Inlet Side This inlet force can be created
of the Engine by atmospheric or artificial means
(some form of supercharging).

Atmospheric Pressure
Acting on Outlet (Exhaust)
side of the Engine

Front View of V-Type Engine

Note: Atmospheric pressure exists at an engine's exhaust outlet point at all times.
If conditions within cylinders become lower than atmospheric pressure (as during
valve overlap) outside air or exhaust gas can pass back intothe engine, causing
fresh air/fuel mixture contamination and reduced combustion efficiency.

board electronic controls, using Artificial means of supplying an and exhaust manifolds (or “head-
various types of microprocessors engine with air include a variety of ers”). Valve timing can also favor-
of mini-computers, provide pro- superchargers. Such devices pro- ably affect volumetric efficiency by
grammed fuel delivery and spark vide pressure higher than atmos- the exchange of a stock camshaft
timing. pheric, virtually independent of with one of non-stock valve events,
geographical location (altitude). typically directed to increased vol-
Methods of Cylinder Filling Some of these are belt or chain umetric efficiency in a specific
driven by an engine’s crankshaft range of engine rpm. In addition,
If an engine receives air based on while others derive motive force valve rocker arm ratios can be
the force of atmospheric pressure, from exhaust gas flow (turbo- changed to effect improved v.e.
it is said to be “normally aspirat- superchargers). In any case, air Low-restriction air filters or ele-
ed.” In this case, atmospheric pressure higher than atmospheric ments can increase airflow, as can
pressure changes with altitude, is provided, resulting in substantial re-designed air inlet systems or
so engines must have their increases in volumetric efficiency ducting.
air/fuel mixtures and spark igni- and torque. And in virtually every Essentially, air supplied to an
tion timing adjusted to compen- case of artificial aspiration, adjust- engine is related to lower-than-
sate for changes in atmospheric ments to fuel volume and ignition atmospheric cylinder pressure. How
pressure. In today’s computer- spark timing are required to opti- this low-pressure condition is creat-
controlled engines, fuel and spark mize benefits of the additional air. ed and related to engine rpm and
calibrations are adjusted by Besides artificial aspiration, it is load will determine much of its abil-
predetermined components in possible to improve an engine’s ity to produce torque. Traditional
the microprocessor program that volumetric efficiency and torque modifications made to increase
address a variety of environmental by the addition of non-stock, bolt- engine performance are directed to
conditions…including atmospheric on components. Included among increased airflow and attending
pressure. these are special design intake changes to fuel and ignition spark.
Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine 2
Illustration of Pressure Conditions During "Critical" Engine Cycles
Intake Path Exhaust Path
Pressure Conditons During
"Critical" Engine Cycles: P1 P3

P1>P2<P3 - This is the intake cycle

during which time air is forced into P2
the cylinder.
Cylinder Piston
P1=P2= or >P3 - This is at the moment
of intake valve closing where cylinder
pressure may be higher than atmospheric P1 - Pressure
if a measure of "resonant tuning" in intake path
(sometimes called "ram") has been P2 - Pressure
accomplished. in cylinder
P3 - Pressure
P1<P2>P3 - At this point, the exhaust in exhaust path
cycle begins and continues until... Illustration 2
P1>P2>P3 - This is the beginning of
valve overlap, when the intake valve is beginning to open and the exhaust valve is about to close. Depending upon these
pressure conditions, fresh air mixture may pass directly fromthe intake path, through the cylinder and out the exhaust path.
P1>P2<P3 - These condtions set up the beginning of the next intake cycle.
Special Case: When the intake valve first begins to open, it is possible that P2>P1, due to residual combustion pressure
not reduced through the normal exhaust cycle. This causes exhaust gas to be passed back into the intake path, diluting
fresh air/fuel mixture. The condition is often called "reversion".

Engine Airflow from happening. The result has with the quantity of air that travers-
(Advanced Information) become a complex engineering es the inlet path and the quantity of
problem of designing the most air that reaches the combustion
Today, the long-assumed status effective and efficient paths that space. It is not a flow rate. So cubic
of engine airflow as a “black art” join an engine’s cylinders with feet per minute (cfm) doesn’t
is changing. The evolution of pre- atmospheric pressure, on both equate to volume (or mass).
cision air flow measuring equip- sides of the combustion space On the other hand, airflow
ment, computer modeling of (intake and exhaust). “quality” describes the dynamic
engine functions, computational Since atmospheric pressure is the configuration of air. For example,
flow analysis of air movement primary energy source for cylinder how air pressure is distributed
to/within/from the combustion filling, we need to know how it can within a passage contemplates
space and related technology be used to optimize volumetric effi- high and low pressure areas, typi-
development are rapidly increas- ciency and torque. In the future, cally related to flow velocity. (see
ing engine performance, efficiency when the combustion process is a illustration #6, showing a vec-
and outright power. lesson topic, ways airflow “quality” tored “distribution of pressure” in
can influence the burn process will a flow passage.) While airflow
Atmospheric Pressure be discussed. Meanwhile, it’s quality is critical in the conveyance
as an Energy Source important to distinguish between of fuel to the combustion space,
airflow “quantity” and “quality,” this aspect of flow dynamics
Were it possible, especially both of which are initially affected affects even “dry flow” induction
when normally-aspirated, engines by the amount of atmospheric systems (fuel introduced at or near
would be designed with intake and energy that’s available during any the combustion space).
exhaust porting that provided intake or exhaust cycle. As this instructional series
direct, line-of-sight paths into and Airflow “quantity” relates to the unfolds over the coming months,
out of the combustion space. A volumeof air present in an engine’s we will discuss specific design
plethora of conditions prevent this air path. Most importantly, it deals components that affect engine air-
3 Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine
flow. These discussions will be
directed to increased knowledge
in the selection of parts as well as
a more in-depth understanding of
their functions. At this point, it will
be helpful to expand upon the
term “volumetric efficiency,” par-
ticularly since it bears such a
strong influence upon an engine’s
potential to produce torque.

Volumetric Efficiency

Generally, volumetric efficiency is

defined as a ratio of induced air
(for a given cylinder and at a spe-
cific rpm) to the swept volume
(physical volume) of the cylinder.
More exactly, “induced air” should
be considered at ambient temper-
ature and density, where “ambi-
ent” is taken to mean air condi-
tions outside the engine at time of
measurement. It should be under-
stood that the temperature and
density of induced air at the end of
the intake cycle (including fuel
charge density and temperature)
are more specific to the calcula-
tion of v.e.
From a practical standpoint,
there are variables that influence
“net” volumetric efficiency, includ-
ing the effects of mechanical com-
pression ratio. But for purposes of
discussion and understanding,
suffice that volumetric efficiency is
a measure of how effectively an
engine is able to ingest volumes of
air equitable to its physical piston
displacement or total swept vol-
umes. Volumetrically efficient
engines typically produce v.e. in
the range of 85-90% at peak
torque (or peak v.e.). Engines fit-
ted with tuned intake systems pro-
ducing inlet pulses of pressures
higher than atmospheric can pro-
duce v.e. in excess of 100%.

Factors Affecting
Volumetric Efficiency

They are numerous. Of them,

there are certain ones that should

Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine 4

Illustration of Basic Flow Passage Shapes for Engine Air Movement
See text for further explanation and examples

Direction of flow for

all three passages

K.E. = 1/2m{v x v}, where

K.E. is Kinetic Energy of the
flowing material, m is its mass
and v is the material's velocity
or flow rate. (See text for
further explanation of this

Illustration 3

Note: See text for further explanation of these illustrated pressure conditions. In particular,
note that any point along the axis of passage #1, flow velocity is a constant (there is no change
in crossection area). In passage #2, there is a constant change in flow velocity, caused by a
continuous change in crossection area. Passage #2 is a "special case", discussed at length in the text.
So-called "stepped" passages are commonplace in exhaust headers used for some high performance
street and many race engine applications.

be considered during the modifi- Here’s the so-called “balance” are altered, both the amount of
cation (or building) of an engine issue. If intake air temperature fuel delivered AND ignition spark
or its parts. is increased, the temperature timing should be evaluated for
One consideration is the effect difference between it and heated optimum performance. For exam-
of inlet air temperature. There engine parts located along the ple, increasing final mixture densi-
is a “balance” between low tem- inlet air path will be reduced. This ty tends to accelerate combustion
perature inlet air that is more reduction in temperature differ- flame travel. This opens the door
dense than higher temperature air ence can lead to a v.e. increase, for a slight reduction in ignition
and air that is heated along the since the inlet air and in-cylinder timing, leading to an opportunity
inlet path into the cylinders. air temperatures approach each to reduce the amount of work
Higher density air is usually asso- other. In fact, if this notion is taken (negative) performed on a piston
ciated with increased oxygen con- to extreme, it’s possible that heat- ascending TDC on the compres-
tent, and correspondingly higher ed intake air could lose tempera- sion/power stroke.
power. What must be weighed ture to the inlet path and con- There are also dynamic condi-
against this possibility is that as tribute to a net v.e. increase. tions that can affect volumetric
heated engine parts add tempera- Bottom line, it’s generally a efficiency. In fact, these factors
ture to incoming air and its densi- good idea to reduce inlet air tem- play a part in differences between
ty is decreased, volumetric effi- perature and achieve an oxygen- v.e. and its corresponding torque
ciency is reduced. Remember that increasing density elevation, result- curve. Fluid friction and inherent
volumetric efficiency is a compari- ing in a power gain…simply stat- inertia characteristics of the “work-
son of air volumes by weight, and ed. And as these changes in final ing fluids” in an engine’s intake or
altering density by a temperature mixture density (from combined exhaust system (air, air/fuel mix-
change affects air weight. inlet and in-cylinder temperatures) tures or exhaust gas) when com-

5 Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine

Simplified Illustration of Pressure Wave Motion in an Air Flow
Passage as Analogous to a Spring-Suspended Weight
Illustration 4
L = Length of Passage
Direction of Flow


A = Cross Section Area

of Passage

- Period

Y= Displacement of Spring
Simplified Graph of Simple Harmonic Motion

Note: Assumes flow is initiated in the indicated passage, from left to right (as veiwed in this illustration).
If atmospheric pressure exists out the outlet end of the passage, a "return" wave will be directed back ]
to the outlet. Upon arrival at the inlet end, this wave will be re-directed back to the outlet end. Motion
of wave travel can then be described as "simple harmonic motion", akin to that produced by a weight
suspended by a spring. (See text for further explanation.)

bined with improper valve timing depth discussion of how major fact that v.e. is linked to torque is
can lead to reduced volumetric engine components (or systems) important.
efficiency. should be viewed for proper func- In order to make sensible deci-
From a practical viewpoint, tional integration. sions about changing camshafts,
these poor results often accompa- headers, mufflers, intake mani-
ny incorrect “matching” or inte- Concluding thoughts folds, carburetor, air valves, cylin-
gration of engine parts. There is a on volumetric efficiency der heads and an assortment of
“symmetry” to the functional rela- (for future reference) other power-enhancing parts or
tionship among an engine’s com- systems, the role of volumetric effi-
ponents. By avoiding this concept, Essentials to the improvement of an ciency requires acknowledgment.
the “whole” of an engine is not the internal combustion engine’s out- The reason for this is basic: Given
sum of its parts. For example, fail- put include increased airflow, at proper adjustment to factors
ing to consider such basic ele- varying rpm and conditions of affected by or affecting volumetric
ments as intake and exhaust port load. Volumetric efficiency is a efficiency, increased torque should
flow when selecting a camshaft measure in determining these result. Clearly, bigger is not always
can lead to the failure of all three improvements. While the determi- better. In far too many instances,
components to fall short of their nation of quantitative degrees of bigger is worse.
optimum performance. volumetric efficiency are not the
As this series of lessons contin- direct concerns of “hobby” or street
ues to unfold, expect more in- performance engine builders, the
Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine 6
Illustration of Fundamental Relationship Between Peak Torque & V. E.
Peak Torque & Peak V.E.
Areas of Combustion Inefficiency
(see note)

V.E. Curve

Torque Curve

Volumetric Efficiency
& Brake Torque

Illustration 5
Engine RPM

Note: Areas of "combustion inefficiency" show where the fact that air is present in the
cylinders does not always translate into torque. Up to peak torque rpm, inefficient charge
mixing decreases combustion efficiency. Above peak torque rpm, there is either insufficient
time to combust the air/fuel charge or charge quality is reduced by air/fuel mixture
separation or dilution with combustion byproducts, typically exhaust gas.

Illustration of Pressure Distribution During Changes in Flow Direction

Distribution of air & fuel Pressure distribution

mixture upon entry into for fuel (incompressible
flow passage (uniform flow)
distribution based on
geometry of passage)
Curved flow path of
circular cross section

Pressure distribution for air Illustration 6

(compressible flow)

Note: The geometrical configuration of flow passages, whether for dry (air only) or wet (air and fuel) can
be designed to provide uniform distribution during flow directional changes. Essentially, these designs
accommodate changes in direction as if none had occured...highly desireable in wet-flow environments and
flow rates in excess of 300 feet/second which are common in racing engines.

7 Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine

Jim McFarland

Air Density Displacement Static
Basically, density refers to a sub- The physical volume of a piston or set Applicable to conditions or functions
stance’s mass per unit volume. In the of pistons determined by cylinder bore whereby there is no motion or rela-
case of an internal combustion size and length of piston travel (stroke) tionship with time.
engine, air density usually refers to from its bottom to top positions.
the total mass of an air sample as TDC (top dead center)
affected by the percentage of water Dynamic The location of an engine’s piston
(moisture) it contains, temperature Applicable to engine functions or con- where there is momentarily no verti-
and pressure at which it is measured. ditions that imply movement or ener- cal motion and direction is changed
gy (as opposed to static conditions). from upward to downward.
As this pertains to an internal com- Horsepower Torque
bustion engine, the term applies to The application of torque acting over The result of a force acting on a body
the temperature of air immediately a period of time, or the time-rate of that intends to produce rotation.
surrounding the air inlet point. performing work; e.g., 1 horsepower
= 33,000 feet-pounds/minute or Vacuum
CFM (cubic feet per minute) work/minute divided by 33,000. A condition that results when the
This is a measure of engine airflow pressure in a space or region is less
(by volume) as a function of time. Induction than atmospheric pressure.
A process whereby air or air and fuel
Combustion is admitted to an internal combustion Velocity
This is a process whereby a rapid engine. In automotive applications, this is a
chemical reaction takes place measurement of the time rate of
between oxygen and a fuel, causing Inertia change of an object, system or work-
the liberation of heat, which is energy A characteristic of an object or sub- ing fluid. If velocity becomes variable,
in a useful form. stance to resist a change in state of the subject experiences acceleration.
motion, either from at rest or in motion.
Compression Stroke Volume
The upward movement (stroke) of an Net Power A space measured in cubic units per-
engine’s piston immediately follow- A term applicable an internal com- taining to capacity.
ing closing of the intake valve, caus- bustion engine whereby all parasitic
ing a rise in cylinder pressure. losses are considered to produce a Volumetric Efficiency
final value of output. A measurement comparing the
Compression Ratio weight of a gas or a combined work-
A numerical value that compares the Pressure ing fluid passing into an engine on its
volume above an engine’s piston at In automotive application, a measure induction stroke compared to the
its bottom dead center position to the of stress (typically expressed as force weight of that gas or fluid that would
volume above the same piston at its per unit area) that is uniform in all occupy the engine’s cylinders under
top dead center position. directions, including conditions where- standard conditions of atmospheric
by the distribution of such forces may pressure and temperature (usually
vary with location. represented as a percentage).
Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine 8
Join Jim McFarland as he steps into his role
as the "Performance Professor" and shares
a wealth of knowledge and experience that
will help take you to a higher level of per-

Jim McFarland

Guest Commentator on the subject of “Basic Engine Air Flow”

Ron Funfar, President

Hedman Hedders & TD Performance Products

“In the study of engine air flow, “You can take this concept right Torque is what makes a vehicle
it is important to consider how air to the selection process when quick. Horsepower makes it fast.
enters and leaves an engine’s choosing parts that affect air flow. The ability for an engine to make
cylinders. Without this knowledge, In the case of exhaust headers, the torque depends on how fast it can
the selection and matching of installation of big-tube headers get air. The faster it can ‘breathe,’
components that improve airflow might allow efficient airflow at the quicker it can make torque. I
will not be optimum. There are high rpm, but these same headers think this is a subject talked about
certain basic considerations in the can decrease torque in the mid- in this month’s n2performance
choice and application of per- rpm range and adversely affect lesson, so I won’t go into it further
formance parts affecting engine street performance. here. But it’s very important to
air movement and, ultimately, net “Not only does rpm influence understand that an engine’s abili-
power. parts selection, so does an ty to make torque depends on
“First, the engine’s final appli- engine’s size or piston displace- rapid, clean airflow…in and out
cation must be considered. ment. The same size headers that of the engine.
Whether it’s for high performance make good high rpm power on a “Overall, learning as much
street use, racing or towing a trail- small displacement engine will about the basics of engine air flow
er, how an engine will be used improve power at a lower rpm on will lead to the ability to properly
determines the method and extent a larger displacement engine. It’s select and apply modified parts
of modifications to be performed. simply a matter of how much air is and systems. Knowing the basics
“It’s also critical to determine a displaced at each rpm, and the is something that we often don’t
specific range of rpm in which the bigger the cylinder the more air take the time to do, but in the case
engine will be used, most of the it’ll move…at the same rpm. We of understanding how engines
time. For example, an engine that size our headers based on piston work, we don’t have a choice but
makes good power and high rpm displacement and rpm, thereby to take the time to learn.”
but is used on the street is a mis- addressing torque output based
match of components and appli- on these two conditions.
cation. Conversely, it’s a waste of “Another area I believe needs to
money and time to build a low- or be understood by people learning
mid-rpm engine that sees use pri- about engines is that torque and
marily at high rpm. horsepower are not the same.

9 Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine

Jim McFarland

Review Questions — True or False

1. Atmospheric pressure acts only on the intake side of an engine, causing the exhaust sys-
tem to operate in a partial vacuum.

2. Because of the rapid decrease in cylinder pressure during an engine’s intake cycle, air
(or air/fuel mixtures) are drawn or “sucked” into the engine.

3. When an engine is modified to increase net airflow, it is often necessary to make changes
to fuel delivery and ignition spark in order to optimize power from the additional air.

4. Without some means of mechanically aspirating (supercharging) an engine, it is not pos-

sible to achieve volumetric efficiencies higher than 100%.

5. Airflow “quality” refers to the dynamic condition of engine air, particularly with regard to
the distribution of pressure within a given sample and how this may affect air/fuel mixture

6. According to Hedman Hedders President, Ron Funfar, header selection should include
consideration for total piston displacement and rpm in order to maximize torque from an
improved exhaust system.

7. Changes in the temperature of an engine’s inlet air have little or no effect on overall
volumetric efficiency.

8. In the modification or building of a performance or racing engine, it is important to

understand the relationship between and importance of volumetric efficiency and torque.

9. All else being equal, the reduction of air/fuel charge temperature (in an engine’s cylin-
ders) tends to increase mixture density and flame travel.

10. Generally speaking, “ambient” air temperature can be taken as the temperature of air
surrounding an engine.

Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine 10

Jim McFarland

1. False – Atmospheric pressure surrounds an engine entirely, even if it is artificially aspirated.

2. False – An engine’s cylinders are filled by the positive pressure (work performed by)
either atmospheric or artificial pressure sources…as in supercharging. Engines operated
below sea level experience a form of “supercharging.”

3. True – Increased volume of air in an engine’s cylinders, required to combust in the same
period of time as before the increase, typically required a change in fuel volume and igni-
tion spark timing.

4. False – By the use of certain intake system “resonant tuning” characteristics or phenom-
ena, it is possible to achieve volumetric efficiency levels above 100%. This is commonplace
in well-tuned racing engines.

5. True – The “construction” of airflow and its nature during combustion can be related to
its quality, not quantity.

6. True – In both design and selection of exhaust headers, pipe size relates to total piston
displacement and rpm because of how these two factors affect exhaust flow rate and tun-

7. False – Air temperature and its density are related. And because changes in air density
can affect volumetric efficiency, temperature changes can impact v.e.

8. True – Either directly or indirectly, one leads to the other.

9. True – Again, all else being equal, dense air/fuel charges burn more rapidly than do
those less dense.

10. True – Even though air temperature differences are apparent in various areas on and
within an operating engine, the initial temperature of air that passes the first point of entry
can be considered ambient.

11 Airflow and The Internal Combustion Engine

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