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Lesson I – Exercícios com Gabarito

1- Qual das palavras a seguir NÃO está no plural?

a) teeth
b) foot
c) sheep
d) mice

2- Which word is not plural?

a) news
b) series
c) species
d) people

3- Among the words listed below, the only one which forms the plural by adding
an “s” is (Entre as palavras listadas abaixo, a única que forma o plural com o
acréscimo de “s” é):

a) information
b) employee
c) furniture
d) knowledge
e) homework

4- Choose the option that contains the correct plural forms of company / facility /
address / store, respectively:

a) companys, facilitys, address, stores

b) companies, facilities, addressis, stories
c) companys, facilitys, addressis, stories
d) companies, facilities, addresses, stories
e) companies, facilities, addresses, stores
5- Entre os substantivos seguintes, identifique aquele que forma o plural como

a) photo
b) zoo
c) shampoo
d) embryo
e) hero

6- Choose the alternative that shows the correct plural form of nouns:

a) oxi, criterias, boxes, loaves

b) geese, mice, children, syllabi
c) meanings, dice, strategys, teeths
d) spectra, matches, bacteriasis, analyses

7- A seguir, encontra-se um pequeno trecho de um texto sobre inteligências

múltiplas cujos substantivos que estão entre parênteses no singular, deverão
ser escritos na forma plural:

[...] Linguistic - using __________ (word) effectively. These __________ (learner)

like reading, taking notes in their __________ (class), making up poetry or
__________ (story). Interpersonal - understanding, interacting with others.
These __________ (student) learn through interaction. They like group
__________ (activity), __________ (seminar), __________ (debate),
__________ (interview). Logical-Mathematical - reasoning, calculating.
__________ (Person) who excel in this intelligence like to experiment, solve
__________ (puzzle) play with logic __________ (game), read about
__________ (investigation), and solve __________ (mystery).

Assinale a alternativa que completa correta e respectivamente as lacunas

considerando os plurais de substantivos:
a) words - learners - classes - stories; students - activities - seminares - debates
- interviews; Persons - puzzles - games - investigations – mysteries

b) words - learners - classes - stories; students - activitys - seminars - debates -

interviews; People - puzzles - games - investigations – mysteries

c) wordes - learners - classes - stories; studentes - activities - seminars -

debates - interviews; People - puzzles - games - investigations – mysteries

d) words - learners - classes - stories; students - activities - seminars - debates -

interviews; People - puzzles - games - investigations – mysteries

e) words - learners - classes - storys; students - activitys - seminars - debaties -

interviews; Persons - puzzles - games - investigations – mysteries

8- The pluralization of the underlined noun is CORRECT in alternative:

a) An economy-class passenger is entitled to no more than two baggages per

b) The police have found no evidences of the young man’s involvement with the
c) Manned journeys to space have been temporarily interrupted due to lack of
d) Excessive informations can hinder rather than help comprehension of a
complex topic.
e) His specialty is the design of sustainable furnitures made of natural materials.

9- Which noun does not have the correct spelling on its plural form? Choose the

a) sheep – sheep
b) loaf – loaves
c) wife – wifes.
d) man – men
10-The word “children” is the plural of “child”. Mark the INCORRECT combination
of singular + plural form of the nouns.

a) Hero – Heroes
b) Man – Men
c) Half – Halves
d) Woman – Women
e) Tooth – Toothes

11- The plural form of brother-in-law, foot and candy is

a) brothers-in-laws, feet, candys

b) brothers-in-law, feet, candies
c) brother-in-laws, feet, candies
d) brothers-in-law, foots, candies
e) brother-ins-law, foots, candys

12- Assinale a alternativa em que todas as formas estão CORRETAS:

a) Boxes, echoes, surveys, wives

b) Wolfs, handkerchiefs, pianos, selfs
c) Men, salesmen, halfs, dice
d) Calfs, pence, wharfs, dynamos
e) Libraries, houses, stomaches, flys

13- Escolha a alternativa que contém EXCLUSIVAMENTE palavras no singular:

a) News, phenomenon, ox
b) Oxen, church, business
c) Mice, tooth, mouth
d) Foot, lice, knife
e) Wives, wolves, child
14- Complete the sentence with the correct word: I love reading. I have 100 _____.

a) book
b) bookes
c) books
d) booken

15- Complete the sentence with the correct word: I have five ______ today.

a) clases
b) class
c) classes
d) class’s

16- Complete the sentence with the correct word: They have four _____, all girls.

a) childs
b) childes
c) childen
d) children

17- Complete the sentence with the correct word: I normally have one ____ a year.

a) holiday
b) holidays
c) holidaies
d) holidays

18- Complete the sentence with the correct word: Remember to brush your _____.

a) tooths
b) toothes
c) teeth
d) teeths
19- Complete the sentence with the correct words: In some _____ of the Middle
East _____ can have four _____.

a) country – men – wife

b) countries – man – wifes
c) countries – men – wives
d) countries – man’s – wives
e) countrys – men’s – wives

20- Complete the sentence with the correct words: Most _____ and _____ are
afraid of _____.

a) womans – childs – mouses

b) women’s – children’s – mouses
c) women – children – mice
d) womans – children – mices
e) womens – children – mices

21- Complete the sentence with the correct word: _____ are animals.

a) Sheep, deers, ox, geese

b) Sheep, deer, oxes, goose
c) Sheeps, deers, oxes, geese
d) Sheeps, deer, oxen, goose
e) Sheep, deer, oxen, geese

22- A única palavra em cujo plural o -y não é substituído por -ies é:

a) Lady
b) Baby
c) Family
d) Cowboy
e) Story
23- Dadas as informações de que o plural de
1. OX é OXEN
Constatamos que está (estão) correta (s):
a) Apenas a afirmação 1.
b) Apenas a afirmação 2.
c) Apenas a afirmação 3.
d) Apenas as afirmações 1 e 2.
e) Todas as afirmações.

24- Todas as palavras abaixo formam o plural como “life/lives”, exceto:

a) Calf
b) Half
c) Leaf
d) Chief
e) Wolf

25- The plural of louse and mouse is:

a) Lice – mice
b) Louses – mouses
c) Lice – mouses
d) Louses – mice

26- The plural of brother-in-law is:

a) Brothern-in-law
b) It has no plural
c) Brothers-in-law
d) Brother-in-laws
e) Brothers-in-laws
27 – Read the text below and answer the question related to it:

Rude – Magic

Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes
‘Cause I need to know
You say I’ll never get your blessing till the day I die
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don’t you know I’m human too
Why you gotta be so rude
I’m gonna marry her anyway
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
(Marry that girl) And we’ll be a family

What is the correct plural form of the words, in bold type, in the text?

a) daughter, lives, days, and family.

b) daughters, life, day, and families.
c) daughters, lives, days, and family.
d) daughters, lives, days, and families.

28- Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks in the text:

Good day! My name is Sheila. I’m from Melbourne, Australia. My ______ is from
Montreal, Canada. We live in Sydney. A lot of ______ living in Australia come from
other ______.

a) husband – peoples – country

b) husband – people – countries
c) husbands – persons – country
d) husbands – person – countries
29- Read the dialogue below and answer the question related to it:

Dad: Frog, I like frog. It runs through a maze for some cheese…
Child: Noooooooooo, that's mouse!
Dad: Oh, mouse. I see. Mouse. I like mouse. I like how it swims in the ocean…
Child: No! That's fish.
Dad: Oh, I see. Fish. I like fish. I like how it scratches at fleas and bark at the
Child: No, no, no, no.
Dad: No?
Child: You don't know anything about animals, daddy!
(Adapted from “The Elephant Song”, by Eric Herman)

Choose the alternative that presents the plural of the nouns “mouse” and “fish” ,
in the text, respectively.

a) mice – fish
b) mice – fishs
c) mouses – fishs
d) mouses – fishes

30 - All words below describe male family members, except:

a) son
b) uncle
c) mother
d) grandfather

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