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Common Visual Symptoms

Blurry or Vision loss or Glare or Sensitive to

Floaters Flashes Distortions Pain Double vision Night blindness
hazy curtain over vision halos light

New sudden Quick flashes New sudden New sudden New sudden Monocular
Large in size New sudden onset Severe new onset Gradual onset
onset in periphery onset onset onset (one eye open)

Wet AMD PVD PVD Wet AMD CRVO or CRAO Uveitis/scleritis Anterior uveitis Cataract RP

Wet myopic Acute angle

High blood sugar Vitreous Acute angle
Retinal tear macular Vitreous hemorrhage closure Cataracts AMD Cataracts
level in diabetics syneresis closure glaucoma
degeneration glaucoma

Vitreous Very small in Retinal CRVO or New progressive Gradual

Endophthalmitis Ocular migraine Macular edema Advanced glaucoma
hemorrhage size detachment CRAO onset onset

Red dots: Foreign body

Uncontrolled Auras and
blood pressure
Vitreous Gradual onset Retinal detachment sensation or itchy Cataracts Meningitis Macular pucker Rod-Cone dystrophy
hemorrhage Scintillas

Use of certain medications

Black dots: Temporary loss or
Gradual onset Anterior uveitis
Ocular migraine Dry AMD Dry eyes Macular hole like phenothiazene or
graying of vision plaquenel

Black or Grey Dry myopic Lasting seconds:

Seeing stars or Binocular Congenital
Refractive error dots: macular 1. Dry eye Corneal abrasion
black areas (both eyes open) stationary night blindness
Retinal tear degeneration 2. Papillaedema

Lasting minutes:
Dry eyes Hypoglycemia Macular pucker Transient ischemic Blepharitis Vitamin A deficiency
(muscle imbalance)

Lasting more than 20

Cataracts Hypotension Macular hole minutes:
Ocular migraine


Acronyms used: AMD-Age related Macular Degeneration, CRAO-Central Retinal Artery Occlusion, CRVO-Central Retinal Vein Occlusion, PVD-Posterior Vitreous Detachment, RP- Retinits
Disclaimer: The information within the chart is intended solely for the general information of the reader. The information presented here is neither intended to diagnose health
problems or to take the place of professional medical care. If you have any questions, call us at (626) 202-2446 to make an appointment with our doctor.

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