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Decision Point: Choosing the Type of Advertising Objective

Your first task is to set an advertising objective. Remember, your key goals are to build brand
preference for your product and to differentiate your product as the safe and natural choice.
Decide on the best type of objective for your national campaign. Persuasive advertising:
Reinforce why consumers should choose Enliven as their first choice.

Mentoring Moment: Advertising Objectives

Advertising objectives can vary depending on the goals for the product and the stage of the
product life cycle.

1. Informative advertising is often used in the ________ stage of the product life cycle.
2. Informative advertising is useful to build ________ demand, which is demand for an overall
product category.
3. Persuasive advertising is used to build ________ demand. It is used when products are
________ and competition is still entering the market.
4. Reminder advertising is used for ________ products to maintain existing customer awareness
and loyalty. -Introduction
- Selective ,Established
- Mature

Decision Point: Setting a Specific Advertising Objective

Now that you have decided on persuasive advertising, you must decide how to further focus the
advertising objective. Reinforce the positioning of Enliven as healthy and natural.

Decision Point: Creating Your Advertising Message

With your focused objective set, the next task is to choose the advertising message. Your
creative team has come up with four possible messages for the Enliven national campaign.
Examine the options and choose the best one for your advertising objectives. Enliven: A
Woman's Natural Choice to Renew Energy

Decision Point: Choosing Your Message Style

Now that you have chosen an advertising message, you must choose the style of execution. Your
team has developed a brief ad concept for each possible type of message execution.

The Chief Marketing Officer says: "Consumers who bought Enliven in the past are active moms
who are interested in Enliven's health benefits. These consumers are also busy multi-taskers who
want the energy to manage the many demands of their daily lives. Keep the target market in
mind." Slice of Life: A busy working mother struggles to balance work, exercise, and children.
Enliven gives her the energy to manage and enjoy it all.
Decision Point: Setting Your Advertising Budget

Now that you have selected the focused advertising objectives for your campaign, it is time to
determine the advertising budget. Objective-and-task method: Determine specific advertising
objectives and set the required budget to accomplish each.

Mentoring Moment: Media

Now that you have set your budget, the next step is to choose among media vehicles to convey
your message. Before choosing, let's review some of the advantages of specific media vehicles.
1. High demographic and geographic selectivity -Radio
2. High credibility, prestige, and interest level -Magazines
3. Low cost per exposure for mass audiences -Television
4. High engagement and interactive capabilities -Digital and Internet
5. High repeat exposure/frequency -Billboard

Decision Point: Selecting a Specific Media Vehicle

The next step is to choose among media types to convey your message. You and the Chief
Marketing Officer have narrowed the choices down to three specific media vehicles, based on
Enliven's past campaigns and your current goals. The budgeting method you selected earlier will
impact your options. Remember that your budget is $2.3 million.

The Chief Marketing Officer says: "Any of these choices could work, but some will probably be
more effective than others, given our budget and goals." Television

Decision Point: Selecting a Television Vehicle

Now that you have decided on television as the major media type for your advertising campaign,
you must decide on specific media vehicles. You need to choose among the three television
shows during which you can purchase ad space. Your budget is $2.3 million. A popular
cooking show that helps working moms get fast, healthy meals on the table. It has a viewership
of 1.5 million. A 30-second commercial will cost $400,000.

Decision Point: Deciding on Media Timing

The last step in your advertising campaign is to decide on the media timing. Begin with a
large pulse of advertising over the first two weeks, followed by steady advertising for the rest of
the time frame.

Decision Point: Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness

After the campaign has run for a month, the Chief Marketing Officer calls a meeting with you to
discuss the effectiveness of the campaign.
Chief Marketing Officer: "Let's sit down and look at the development of the campaign overall.
How do you think we should measure the success of this initial campaign?" We need to
assess whether our message is being received and understood. We should conduct market
research to assess awareness of brand benefits and brand preference.

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