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Original Article

Effect of Curcumin in Reducing Burning Sensation in Potentially

Malignant Disorders of Oral Cavity
Nitin Nigam, Siva Prasad Reddy Enja, Shruti Chandra, Neelakshi Pandey
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saraswati Dental College and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Introduction: Curcumin, chemically named as diferuloylmethane is a yellow coloured pigment which shows anti‑inflammatory, antioxidant,
pro‑apoptotic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities. It suppresses cyclooxygenase, lipooxygenase and other inflammatory mediators
and destroys free radicals. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of curcumin in reducing the burning sensation in potentially malignant disorders of
oral cavity. Materials and Methods: 100 subjects diagnosed clinically with potentially malignant disorders of oral cavity were included in
this study. The patients were administered commercially available turmeric systemically and topical application of turmeric and honey was
advised. Their burning sensation on VAS scale was evaluated after 15 days, and the data was then statistically analysed by Wilcoxon sign rank
test. Results: After the treatment there was a significant decrease in VAS scale. The median showed decrease from 7 to 4. The mean value also
showed decrease from 6.91 to 3.98. Conclusion: Hence, it is concluded that turmeric and honey showed positive results in reducing burning
sensation in potentially malignant disorders of oral cavity.

Keywords: Burning sensation, curcumin, potentially malignant disorders

 Introduction anti‑inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, and proapoptotic

activities, and hence, are used in ayurvedic medicines. It
The application of antioxidants in several industrial procedures
can be used in various forms for oromucosal disorders
have been studied in the 19th and 20th century. In recent years, in topical manner such as turmeric extract, turmeric oil,
with new advancements, there is an upsurge in the field of turmeric water, turmeric powder, burnt turmeric pieces,
prevention and treatment of disorders by utilizing the chief and roasted ground turmeric, and in systemic manner in the
property of antioxidants, i.e., scavenging free radicals. form of tablet.[3] Turmeric exhibits its anti‑inflammatory
Therefore, it is very important to determine the role of free properties by increasing the production of natural cortisone
radicals in the progression of disease as well as the preventive and lowering the levels of histamine. The DNA protecting
effects of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent cellular and antioxidant property of curcumin are responsible for
damage which is a common pathway for cancer. The reversal or anti‑precancer activities.[4] Curcumin has been shown to
control of potentially malignant disorders is a prime approach suppress transformation, proliferation, and spread of tumor
against carcinogenesis for the prevention of cancer. Research to distant sites. The mechanism of action is that it regulates
needs to be done on whether antioxidants can protect humans transcription factors, growth factors, inflammatory cytokines,
from disorders such as leukoplakia, lichen planus, carcinoma protein kinases, and various enzymes. The proliferation of
in situ, and oral cancer.[1] cancer cells is inhibited by inducing apoptosis and arresting
Curcumin, a yellow pigment in curry powder is derived
from Curcuma longa plant, which is commonly known as Address for correspondence: Dr. Shruti Chandra,
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saraswati Dental College
turmeric. It belongs to ginger family (Zingiberaceae).[2] The
and Hospital, Faizabad Road, Tiwari Ganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
components are known as curcuminoids, which include E‑mail:
mainly curcumin (diferuloyl methane), demethoxycurcumin,
and bisdemethoxy‑curcumin. Curcumin exhibits antioxidant,
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How to cite this article: Nigam N, Reddy Enja SP, Chandra S, Pandey N.
Effect of curcumin in reducing burning sensation in potentially malignant
disorders of oral cavity. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2017;29:7-11.
Received: 29‑03‑2016  Accepted: 21‑06‑2017  Published: 04‑08‑2017

© 2017 Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 7
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Nigam, et al.: Effect of curcumin in potentially malignant disorders

cells in different stages of cell cycle.[5,6] Curcumin also shows taken twice daily for 15 days along with the topical application
antiviral property by inhibition of HIV‑1 and HIV‑2 proteases, of turmeric and honey in a paste form by cotton applicator
reduction of HSV‑1 replication, and suppressing transcription 2–3 times daily. After 15 days, patients were recalled and the
of HPV‑18.[7‑10] VAS score was recorded. Patient was asked to get empty tablet
In‑vitro studies have proven that curcumin is an effective blister packs to ensure that tablet was taken on a regular basis.
destroyer of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen No other parameter was taken into account. The data was then
species. The inhibition of lipo‑oxygenase and cyclo‑oxygenase statistically analyzed by Wilcoxon sign rank test.
activities has also been observed. It has been seen that
curcumin lowers the activity of smokeless tobacco extract Results
or nicotine‑derived nitrosamine ketone‑induced nuclear The results showed significant decrease in VAS value after the
factor kappa‑light‑chain‑enhancer of activated B cells and treatment [ Graph 1]. An example of how to interpret the box
cyclooxygenase‑2 in oral premalignant and cancer cells. plot is shown in Graph 2. In comparison of the medians, median
Turmeric also acts by increasing the number of micronuclei value of VAS after treatment is significantly lower i.e., from a
in the circulating lymphocytes.[4,5,11] value of 7 pre‑treatment to 4 post treatment. The mean value
Honey exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, and anti‑inflammatory also showed reduction from 6.91 to 3.98 [Table 1]. The Z value
property. It decreases prostaglandin synthesis at site, increases and P value were −8.642b and <0.001, respectively [Table 2].
nitric oxide in lesion, and inhibits leukotriene B4, which is
mediator of inflammation.[12] Discussion
In 1952 Schwartz named an oral fibrosing disorder as
Materials and Methods atrophica idiopathica mucosa oris based on the findings in
This study was conducted in relation to the effect of curcumin to 5 Indian women from Kenya. Joshi named the condition as
reduce the burning sensation in potentially malignant disorders oral submucous fibrosis  (OSMF) in 1953. As the etiology
and was conducted in the Department of Oral Medicine and pathogenesis of this disorder is not specific, it is believed
and Radiology in Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow after that the cause is multifactorial.[5] Pindborg in 1968 and Caniff
receiving approval of the ethical committee. et al. in 1986 described the disease as a reaction to capsaicin,
an irritant in chillies, however, this was not completely
One hundred patients (both male and female) were included
proved in the experimental work.[13] Oral lichen planus is
as participants in the study where they were clinically
a chronic inflammatory disorder which affects 0.5–2% of
confirmed as suffering from potentially malignant disorders,
the general population. It is caused by an immune response
i.e., oral submucous fibrosis (60 patients), speckled
which is mediated by abnormal T cell. There is a change in
leukoplakia (10 patients), and oral lichen planus (30 patients).
the antigenicity of the basal epithelial cell surface.[14] Oral
They gave a positive history of smoked/smokeless tobacco
leukoplakia which is derived from the Greek words “leukos”
and burning sensation. Although no documented reports
meaning white, and “plax” meaning plaque is mainly caused
could be found in literature which gives the prevalence of
burning sensation in leukoplakia, in this study only patients by tobacco intake. Because of chronic irritation of the mucosa
who had speckled leukoplakia with burning sensation were by tobacco, there are inflammatory changes and increased
taken into account. Other variables can be taken into account permeability of mucosa to carcinogens and nitroson or
to assess the response to treatment in leukoplakia, however,
in this study only burning sensation i.e., subjective symptom
was considered. It can be considered reliable as the subject
and investigator are the same while assessing the response to
medication. Patients were evaluated on clinical basis alone as
this study does not proves changes at the histopathological
level by the treatment and is only based on the subjective
symptoms of the patients pre and post treatment. A written
consent of the participants was taken on an ethical format
regarding their participation in the study.
The study involved the use of visual analog scale (VAS), which
is one of the key method for the study to record the severity of
burning sensation in the individual patients.[1] The 2nd material
holds an equal importance as it is the drug of choice prescribed
to patients to reduce the burning sensation, i.e., tablet Turmix.
The burning sensation was noted on VAS scale on the first visit. Graph 1: Graph depicting median value of VAS Scale before and after
The patients were given tablet Turmix by the investigators to be treatment

8 Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology  ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January‑March 2017
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Nigam, et al.: Effect of curcumin in potentially malignant disorders

Table 1: Statistical analysis of burning sensation on VAS scale before and after administration of Turmix tablet and
local application of turmeric and honey
Mean Maximum Median Minimum Percentile Percentile
25 75
VAS Before 6.91 10 7 2 5 9
VAS After 3.98 8 4 1 2 5

Table 2: Z value and P value of VAS Scale

VAS After ‑ VAS
Z ‑8.642b
P Value <0.001

nicotine. There is moderate‑to‑severe grade of dysplasia in

nonhomogenous leukoplakia, and hence, there is a greater
risk of developing into malignancy because of the presence of
erythematous component. Burning sensation can be attributed
to chronic irritation and erythematous surface.[15,16]
Deepa et al. in 2010 conducted a comparative study on
the efficacy of curcumin capsules and turmeric oil as
chemopreventive agents in oral submucous fibrosis, in which
they divided 48 patients into three groups on the basis of Graph 2: Key to interpret plot in graph 1
different types of medications administered. Group I was
given curcumin capsules, group II was given turmeric oil, and commercially available turmeric thrice daily and after every
group III was taken as the control group and were provided with month for 3 months, burning sensation on VAS scale and mouth
multinal tablets. In this study tablet Turmix twice daily and opening were noted. However, in our study 100 patients with
topical application of turmeric and honey was the medication oral submucous fibrosis, lichen planus, and leukoplakia were
and 100  patients suffering from oral sub mucous fibrosis, taken and tablet Turmix was given twice daily for 15 days,
lichen planus, and leukoplakia were included. Their study and only change in burning sensation on VAS scale was noted.
concluded that participants in group I and group II presented Their study showed that the improvement in mouth opening
with statistically significant reduction in burning sensation and was not significant; however, the change in burning sensation
reduced difficulty in consuming spicy food after the treatment on VAS was significant with a P value <0.001, which is in
period of 3 months and follow‑up in comparison to those of accordance with the results of our study.[18]
Group III. Because curcumin had comparatively more effect
Jurenka conducted a study in 2009 in which phase 1 trial was
than the other medications provided during the treatment, it
done among 25 patients to assess the efficacy of curcumin in
can be used for the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis.[17]
preventing the progression of different potentially malignant
The results of this study are in concordance with their study
disorders. The initial dose given was 500 mg daily which was
with the decrease in burning sensation on VAS scale after
later increased to 8 g daily for a duration of 3 months. In our
treatment period of 15 days.
study, the dose of tablet Turmix given was fixed for 15 days
Nagpal and Sood in 2013 presented a review article on for 100 patients. On histopathological analysis, decrease in
the role of curcumin in oral and systemic diseases. In the hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, dysplasia, and inflammation
treatment of various potentially malignant disorders such as was seen. Two out of 7 patients with leukoplakia and 2 out
oral submucous fibrosis, leukoplakia, and lichen planus, the of 6 patients with Bowen’s disease showed improvement
role of curcumin has been studied. In‑vitro and in‑vivo animal in condition.[19] In this study, histopathological examination
experiments with turmeric extract and turmeric oil have shown was not done. The results of their study supports the
oncopreventive property. The local symptoms of burning anti‑inflammatory action of curcumin, which is proved by
sensation and pain were reduced and mouth opening was also this study as well because the burning sensation is reduced.
increased.[13] The results of this study are in accordance with
In a study done by Hazarey et al. in 2015, 30 patients suffering
the anti‑inflammatory effect mentioned in the article.
from oral submucous fibrosis were equally divided into
Agarwal et al. conducted a study to check the effect of turmeric two groups, i.e., the test and control groups. The test group
on mouth opening and burning sensation on VAS. The study was administered longvida lozenges (curcumin) and the
was conducted among 30 patients who were diagnosed with control group was treated with tenovate ointment (clobetasol
oral submucous fibrosis. The patients were administered propionate 0.05%) for a period of 3 months and follow‑up was

Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology  ¦  Volume 29 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑March 2017 9
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Nigam, et al.: Effect of curcumin in potentially malignant disorders

done for 6 months. In our study the sample size was 100 which recurrent apthous stomatitis, 92% reported relief in pain in one
comprised patients suffering from oral submucous fibrosis, day after application of honey. Two patients suffering from
leukoplakia, and lichen planus, and turmeric in both topical recurrent intraoral herpes reported immediate relief of pain and
and systemic form along with honey was prescribed twice complete resolution by 5th day of start of the lesion. Eighteen
daily for 15 days. In their study burning sensation on VAS and patients suffering from atrophic oral lichen planus showed
interincisal distance was noted. The test group showed more mild reticulation and resolution in 1–2 months. Four patients
increase in mouth opening and reduction in burning score on suffering from candidiasis showed no strains of Candida after
VAS compared to the control group. Control group showed histopathological examination which was done after 1 month
significant relapse in condition.[20] The results match with this of start of treatment. In 2 patients who had oral psoriasis,
study as the burning sensation is reduced, although a  control complete resolution of erythema was seen after 2 months.[12] In
group was not taken in our study. this study, 60 patients suffering from oral submucous fibrosis,
30 from oral lichen planus, and 10 from speckled leukoplakia
Yadav et al. conducted a study in 2014 to compare curcumin
were prescribed topical application of honey 2–3 times daily
with intralesional steroid injections in treatment of oral
for 15 days along with turmeric. Significant improvement in
submucous fibrosis. Forty patients were divided into two
burning sensation was noted with the median of VAS value
groups. In group 1, weekly intralesional injection of
reducing to 4 after treatment which was 7 before treatment.
dexamethasone and hyaluronidase was given. In group 2,
curcumin tablet (Turmix 300 mg per day) was given. Limitations of our study
Treatment time was 3 months. Weekly burning sensation, Tablet Turmix and paste of turmeric and honey were used in
interincisal distance, and tongue protrusion was evaluated. combination for this study, and hence, the efficacy of individual
There was complete resolution in burning sensation in group 2 medication could not be determined. Second, out of the many
treated with Turmix. Mean of interincisal distance was more other signs and symptoms of potentially malignant disorders
in group 2.[21] The results are similar to those obtained in only burning sensation was taken into account for determining
the present study as the burning sensation was reduced in the effect of turmeric and honey.
100 patients with oral submucous fibrosis, lichen planus, and
leukoplakia on taking Turmix tablet and topical application of Strengths of our study
turmeric and honey for 15 days. Tablet Turmix, turmeric, and honey are easily available
medications and are cost effective too. Hence, a larger section
Singh in 2013 conducted a pilot study among 10 patients of patients can avail the benefits. This being a prospective
suffering from oral lichen planus. Turmeric extract was applied study with adequate sample size, the results are more reliable.
twice daily for 3 months. After 15 days, significant improvement
in burning sensation, ulceration, and striae was noted. There was
no adverse effect.[14] In the present study, 30 patients suffering
from lichen planus reported relief in burning sensation after Curcumin in the form of commercially available tablet Turmix,
systemic administration of tablet Turmix and local application turmeric, and honey in combination can be successfully used
of turmeric and honey 2–3 times daily. However, other clinical in the treatment of burning sensation in potentially malignant
features were not taken into account. disorders of the oral cavity.

In another study conducted by Srivastava et al. in 2015, effect Financial support and sponsorship
of topical application of tulsi and turmeric in treatment of Nil.
41 patients of oral submucous fibrosis was noted. Significant Conflicts of interest
improvement in burning sensation and mouth opening was There are no conflicts of interest.
seen after monthly visits for 3 months.[22] In this study local
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