Human Rights

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María del Mar Majé Ortiz
Fabiola Pascuas

“I. E. Claretiano Gustavo Torres Parra”


1. Emma Watson, UN ambassador, advocate for gender equality:

Why reason?
The protagonist of Harry Potter captured the spotlight of social struggles
after giving
a feminist speech as a UN ambassador in 2014, in which she raised
gender equality as a
objective within the framework of the #HeForShe campaign.
Also, she has been involved in promoting girls' education and visited
countries such as
like Bangladesh and Zambia as part of humanitarian efforts. "Not
everyone has
opportunity to change things and there is no doubt that I take this role
very seriously, "she said.
she said about her appointment as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador.

“The more I talk about feminism, the more I realize that fighting for
women's rights is for
many synonymous with hating men. And if there's one thing I'm sure of,
it's that this
It has to end. For the record, feminism, by definition, is believing that
both men and women
should have the same rights and opportunities "
Relevant aspects of his life

 She has visited Bangladesh collaborating with the People Tree

fair trade brand, supports 6 social foundations and is an
ambassador for CAMFED, which promotes the education of
girls in rural areas of Africa.
 His presentation speech for the #HeforShe campaign, for
gender equality, left everyone speechless. “Why has the word
feminism become so uncomfortable?”, She wondered, and sent
men and women a message for reflection and struggle: “If it's
not me, who? If not now when?”.
 Has another campaign focused on gender parity in business.
 Last year, HeForShe launched another incredible campaign,
IMPACT 10x10x10, which works with large companies to
achieve a gender balance among their employees.
 She was officially named the "most outstanding woman in the
world”. Yes, AskMen confirmed it last year by crowning its top
spot on their list of 99 outstanding women.
 Has her own feminist book club The club, called Our Shared
Shelf, focuses on learning about feminism and publishes tons
of amazing books on equality. Presented by Goodreads, Emma
chooses a new book each month to discuss online among the
approximately 100,000 readers who have already signed up.
2. Video of your human rights:

What I liked the most about the video was how I was able to
remember and learn even more about the amount of rights that all
people have, since sometimes they are not respected, also adding
that today we have more freedom than a few years ago; Rights
protect our safety and integrity, it also allows us the freedom to
make ourselves heard peacefully when something is not fair or
wrong so that it can be accepted and corrected.
3. Article that is relevant to human rights

Everyone has the right, with full equality, to a fair and public hearing for
a impartial court, in the determination of their rights and obligations and
of any accusation.
I chose this article since unfortunately nowadays they do not always
respect this right, because "money is everything" and the guilty come out
clean of any accusation just by giving an amount of money; being in many
cases the innocent who cannot do anything because the law does not
support them. This is why I think that there should be more human
conscience and justice should be strengthened throughout the world. I
think that children are the future of the country, for this reason what we
long for must be instilled from the home so that they are the ones who
change the country.
4. Imagine song by John Lenon

Song Opinion:

I liked this song, because I feel that it transmits reality, the truth, because
if the whole world were one, there would be no disputes, wars or marches
where many people die; On the contrary, if it were one, we could live
together, without wars, a world where we all support each other and
understand reality, preventing someone from suffering, full of love and
understanding, but most importantly without leaving dead in the middle
of all this.
5. Violation of human rights

No, my personal rights have not been violated during this quarantine,
but unfortunately for many children and young people it is very
different, since there is domestic violence and perhaps they could
leave their home in search of help (at school or with a relative).. But
also, unfortunately for many young people the right to life has not
been respected, leaving suffering in their families.
Los riñones explotados a golpes, cerebro suspendido, una mordaza
escaldando la boca…

El suplicio que arquea cuerpos. Lamentos ajenos, heridas propias. La

picana. ¡Aquí no! Porque

aquí no es tu voz y no es mi nombre. Un número me asignaron… y cuando

lo escucho, sé que es

mi turno en el cuarto de tortura.

Aquí la paradoja: Está una muerta y duele la carne como si estuviera viva.

Se recuerda una para no acordarse. La soledad temprana se convierte en

coraza infranqueable, en ventaja única: en fortaleza contra las debilidades.

Y entre lo irreconocible: la cara desfigurada y el cuerpo famélico y roto…

tiene uno que explorar profundo, y reconocerse.

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