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2050N l5eArc
Melmse Parli lL60160
Phonq ?08.450.0074 Product Specification Sheet
Far 708.450.1670

Product: Glohl Eport Lorv Moisture Paroma Stvle Cheese Pac*as Wt: 5?.81bs
ManufacturlncLoesi,on: Caoutn Cheese- Melrose Pa*- Il, #:
Item N/A
CreationDate: 06i06/13 I nevirionnssuellate: 09/ll1l7 I fnanee*: 3 Renlmes: 0l/17i t7
$pec; GLOEXP00867 lUrC, 10096-00867 I *attd Br: Bret Picc EM
General D*scription: Lorv Moisfire Paroma Sgie Cheese
Ingredients: Parmessn cheese (psteurized oow's milL cheese culture- salr. Romano cheese {paseurized cow's nilk cheese culture" salt,
enz}!les). Water, Milk Proteia, Palm OiL Sslt- Disodium Phospharq Citric Aci4 and Xasrhan Gunr. Powdered Ccllulose {a*ti-caking agrnt), and Calciurrr
Pmpionate {presen'ative).
$torage: Store in a clefln, drv em.ironment between 34 - 4l oF.

'Totel colifnrrr. E. coli, sdesr*lh artd L murogrtogenesis tested upon cuatouer rcquost

2l {:FRilJ3.5id}: l{il*fo!itsatids{rrtotafubasist -Sxhtradircpercentof matsturcftxud-frtrn Jiio.

&vt& $te *msl;lrlerinlo tle percext trdlt;fatfsad Tke.p&rierrt. mttttpked by $a. shal! be c<:ttsi&n:d b he
rlw ryrceat$uiwta cdrtoinet tu the *ttds

(unopened pmduct held under proper storagc *rditions)

Present in odrer pmducts mamrfmtured Presnt ia rhe same manu6curirrg
on the sufi'e lifia
Peanul: Nrr Nn No
Tree Nutq No No No
Mith Ye* Yer Yes
Egss No No No
Fish No No Nra
Strelliish No No Nrr
Sov No No Nc
Whcal No No No
Pollqt reqtirct a tvash bu'n af ptu&Et cafrtact rutl'@as e'i*n sl*aging pru&rclba /;-N, qllcrgenic to wnalbr4z.ili{ fD.qiluct fr ranpwt b ,hc

x H (1b{
Case 30lb comrsated l6 I1 I I r).8148
Individml ljnit /flb sealc<I pol-v bags MAP tl{odified,.Umuphw Packagl;"et Css Flush : w Yes '.No
PaIlc{ization Ti-Iii: lO li lO Ca-ses lxr Pallet: lflo

lnJ?mttalion is preliminaryltsnlaliw and shtruld be used t<x' inJbrmatiaral pwposes onh,. lnfotmation shrl,tkl rut, be l.jor,{rrt' ns . linai *
usedfix labeling putposes antil Caputo Chcese has commuaicstedlinal FD,4 approwtl bbt{ing, lnfotmatiun {:.rl,taineil h.rr.irr ,.t
eonsidertd tonfrdeattal oM laptto Cbcese
Pagc I ot'3

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