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Tony Capaci

From: Barbara Witt

Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 3:15 PM
To: Kathy Fox; Dave Wartel
Cc: Amy Rice; Tony Capaci; Jillian D. Burner; Jessica DeLong; Jessica Fagan; Keith Wiley;
Heather N. Ruder
Subject: PSG weekly status reports. If you have feedback, please let me know.

PSG Status Report

Friday, January 8, 2010


PASRs in ED review. Salem Community Theatre has issues that must be resolved/addressed in pasr by COB
Tuesday, 1/12, to remain on schedule for commission book production schedule. Updates to the pasrs
continue until COB, 1/12; then Jessica F. completes a final proofread check; and then 2 copies of commission
book are printed for chairman’s meeting on Thursday. These books are not adobed and include all agenda,
exhibits, r and d, resolutions; but not any admin items from DW’s group.

• Beavercreek – awaiting LPS to respond to request for information. Sponsor responded that she will
send all docs requested. In Lisa’s court, no status change
• Dalton – responded to LPS letter discussing our document submission requirements, waiting on LPS
documents. No status change since last week
• Johnny Appleseed Museum – in assessment, although suspended, no issues.

Legal Agreement Signing Summary

• None signed

May Legal Agreements

• All signed except Western Reserve and Hale (MOU with guaranty). Amy and BW have a meeting with
Hale next week to discuss their project.

August Legal Agreements

• Clifton – NDE with KF, guaranty with us, CPA certification language with guarantor approved, CUA with
JB and TR, will have to KF today for review.
• Holland Theatre – completing reso’s. Will schedule for signing as soon as reso’s are complete.
• Lincoln Highway – TOL with Tom. Waiting on easement from LPS, TC sent Justin an email stressing
the importance of expediting this due to the within 2 meeting legal agreement signing requirement.
• COSI Cols – returned from AAGO – sent to sponsor 12/15
• NAHF – completing reso’s. Will scheduled to sign when these are complete.
• Portsmouth – Tom drafted guarantee and easement and JB will send to KF today. TR reviewing TOL.
• Maderia – LPS continuing to work performance or financial guarantee.
• Maltz – working on guaranty agreement. Sponsor indicated they would present 30 year guaranty limit
with guarantor. Spoke with Sponsor and they are still waiting on word from foundation regarding the 30
year limit.

• JB drafted all agreements. Need PM review.

We are not splitting the Old Harvey legal agreements so they can be paid for the parking lot.

Reimbursement Status Summary

Use this link to status reimbursement requests. It is updated real-time. Be patient, the report runs and then
displays and it may take a minutes. Be sure to use the Ctrl key when you click on this link.
Project Invoices In Process Report 
OHS – Researching storage facility project and Miamisburg Mound issue.


• JD organizing regular obligations in anticipation of sending 2nd reminder letters.

• Red flag’s FA analysis scheduled for when FA temp gets on-board.
• Investigating RSS feeds and Sharepoint.

Deliverables Due From KF to PSG

• Chairman completed letter to Valentine Theatre and decision about whether they should attend
February 2010 meeting still pending.
• Final draft of NURFC resolution.

Work Load Management

Team met 1/4/10 and discussed;
• Project Temp hire;
o Based on scope, up to seven weeks of time;
o Lex starts work 1/11;
o Some DW level paperwork is pending completion.

• Regarding FA hire;
o Based on scope, up to four weeks is requested. 1/4/10 DW said he is awaiting responses
from temp firms for this position. This person is scheduled to start February 1.
• Regarding PM hire;
o Phone interview with DW and AR and Joshua occurred 12/21 – consensus was this was a
possible for an assistant type project manager. His writing samples were not sent;
o Revamping the ad to attract more applicants – completed; however few additional resumes
o Interview with Steve Marroni cancelled and rescheduled for 1/12/19;
o DW indicated a big Dispatch employment ad drive is scheduled for MLK day. If the pending
interviews do not produce a candidate, we agreed we will advertise in this promotion. The
current ad needs updated to try to attract more candidates. Also, we asked DW to ask temp
services to look for us;
• Alerted DW about office logistics (seating, phones, IT) to accommodate all temps. DW okayed AR
to work directly with KW. AR and Lex will share LW’s office. AR’s phone will be forwarded to LWs
phone so there will be no direct costs associated with moving.

Barbara Witt 
Assistant Director for Project Services 
Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission 
20 E. Broad Street, Suite 200 
Columbus, OH  43215‐3416 

Telephone: 614‐728‐8923 
Fax: 614‐752‐2775 


The Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, formerly the Ohio Arts & Sports Facilities Commission, oversees capital improvement funds appropriated by the Ohio 
General Assembly and Governor for community cultural facility projects including non‐profit  theaters, museums, historical sites and publicly owned professional 
sports venues. You are invited to visit or call (614) 752‐2770 for more information on the Commission or to learn how we can assist your 
cultural facility project. 


Tony Capaci
From: Tony Capaci
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 11:31 AM
To: Barbara Witt
Subject: Accepted: Discuss NURFC pasr


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