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Student A

What does he look like?

Choose a person. Student B asks questions to guess the person you chose. Switch roles.
Choose three more people each.

A: Is the persor a rnan or a wonan?
B: Hes I nan.
A: \\tar does hc looL like?
B: He's brlrl.


Conversation Fraetiee
2. Have a conversation with Student B by corre(tly (ompleting (l
6). Read the first sentence to him or
her. Listen to Student B's response (2). lf it is co ect, choose the next correct response to continue
the conversation.
l. Ho\\.'s it eoing?

3. a. I'm looLirg tor the teacheL.

b. Busy-. I har-e a lot ofhomework. I also hale e blog.

5. a. It'.s about technology trercls. For exarnple, did vou knorv thar most pcople in rhe *.orld own a
mobile phone?
b. l\'lost people own phones. People usc thcir phones ro sencL c-mails, rvatch videos, play garres,
and rrorel

pdir wiln stu.renr B (1)1l t*r:t n tyt, i:,t: hQ 6'tT,R 7-4 at p. so

Student A
How do you make sushi?
1a. Look at the steps to a re(ipe below. place the steps in order. Use the w ods fiBt, then, next, aftet that,
and Finally.

bLewd agalvw for = 5 vwlw*tes ay kwtiL sv,.,oath.

ch+ L^ lheble^der fDr L 2 Llr"Lwutes.

?okr cawn"rd, ohiohleas wlth "/" of LLq'li.d fyor./- the caw Lr*c) bLewdey
se'-ve with a i,at byead .

add Levwow|&ite, tahLwL, garLlc, awd oLive oLL to the choped chLcr<,}eas.

1b. Say your recipe above in the orderyou think is correctto Student B. He or she will<orrect you,
Then listen to Student B! recipe below. Correct any mistakes you hear.

.st(srL rrLt <

FLrst, ?Lace seaweed aw a baMbaa roLLar the rough side sho',LLd be
-lrAew add a Lauey of oooped iceta the seaweed..
mext, TLaoe raw flsh awd veqetabl.e.s, or other Lv,gred,Lev*s ohoose, aw -/* of thc rroe,

*ftey that, ttse the roLLey ta yaLL the seavteed,.

FL*aLLU. cvt, L*o evew Tieces awd seate.

Conversation Practice
2. Have a conversation with Student B (1-6). Read the first sentence to him or her. Ljsten to Student B,s
response (2),lfit i5 correct, choosethe next correct response to continuethe conversation.
1. Good evening. May I taLc your order?

J. r. fhe .erri,e', grerr ;rd n nor ruo exper,ive.

b. lh, prd rhd: i. re v good ar d r or,ery .piq.

5. a. \ hat would you like to drinL?

b. Rice. li{ou1d you like rvhire or brown?

pdil w n student B (iONFIDENCE BOOSfER 5-8 ." p. ei 83

Student A

1a. Look atthe problems/desires below.Write suggestions or advice.

lwantto l€arn how to dance salsa.

1b. Read the problems/desires belowto Student B.Write his or hersuggestions.

lneed to loseweight.

I really want to learn German.

l\,4y head hufrs.

Conversation Practice
2. Have a conversation with student I (r-6). Read thefirst 5entenceto him or her. Listen to student B,s
response (2).lf it is corre<t, choose the next(orrect responseto (ontinue
the (onversation.
1. I need to lose weight.

3. a. lti like to learn something new

b. at do you suggest I do?

5. a. Karatei I think darcing is easier than karate.

b. Try not to ear at night.

84 pdir ifi student B

Qblrrlnrncu BoosTEa e-12 d, p. e2

Student A
Can you do the job?
'l a. Lookatthejob posting below. Ask Student B questions to fill in the blanks.
Ar Do you need experience?
B: No, you don't. Do you har,'e to stand a1l day?
A: Yes, you do.

Job: Receptionist lnternational Hotel

Work with a wide variety of

international customers. lleet Should speak a second langLrage.
new peoplel Assist customers
and greetthem. Help customers
check in and arswer questions
on the phone and in person. Do not need college degree

1b. Share the pros and (ons ofthejob with Student B. Make a list together.

Conversation Practice
2. Have a conversation with Student B (1-6). Read the first sentenceto him or her. Listen to Student B,s
response (2),lfit is coftect, <hoose the next correct response to continuethe conversation.

1. Hello, ?rincetown Serviccs. How may I help you?

3. a. This is Mr Kim speaking.

b. Youd wotk weeken&. Is that all right?

5. a. Hello, Mr. Riser. Mostly preparing briefs.

b. Hello, Joe. I'm sorry, bur the position was filled yesterday.

po w,rn srudenr B (CONFIDEIdCE BO()S?EIl 13-16 on p. s3 85

Student A
Why is Jon late?
Lookatthe charts below. Ask Student B questions tofillin the information.
A: Vhat does Julia like to do in her lree timc?
B: She likcs ro read a tragazine ancl watch'l'V Vhy is Jon late?
A: He ran into a friend.

go to the b€ach

see a moviewith a.ousin, do laundry

Iaraole,Isten to musrc

Conversation Practice
2. Have a conversation with Student B (1-6). Read the 6rst sentence to him or her. Listen to Student Bt
response (2).lfit is corre(! choole the next correct response to (ontinue the conversation.
1. \(ould you like to see a movie tonight?

3. a. Can you do your homeworL ronight and go to rhe movie romorrowi

b. Let's go to a movie tonight.

5. a. Sure. Can you call me rornorrow morning?

b. Sorrv to hear it.

pair wirl student B iCONFIDENCE EOOSrEA 77 20oap.s4

Student A
What time is the flight?
1' Lookatthe itinerary berow. Askstudent questions
B tofir in the information.
A: \fhar time is the liight from San Francisco?
B: It leaves at l2:59 p.m. y/here does the
plane ativc?
A: ft arrives in Heathrow Airport.


OUP Airiines Ftight#: O93O

Depar.:Sdn ftanr ,ro_ a2t59?-M. rtO t-rern.,.ona
Ar'rve: Lonoo-.Jr,ne 7. /:10 d.11. _ hea hrowAi,ootr

Raiifrom Lofdor to paris

Deparl London,10 a.m, St. pancras
Arrive:Pdris,1:17 n m _

Relais Hotel du Vieux. par,s

Depan: iune 10,12 p.m.

Depa(: 6i59 p.m., Paris Bercy Sratron

- lune t!,7:76 a.n.,-
Iuesday, June 11

Depat:June 14,5 a.m.

HY AirUnes Flight #: 1147

Arrive. paris, June 14, 8:os a.m. _ -
crarteJi iaule eirport
Deparl Paris, June 14
:^;-_,: _ _
A(ive: San Francisco, Jufe rs, rz:Os
chanes de caule Akport,] sro rnternationai

Conversation practice
2. H-avea conversation with Student (t_6).
B Read thefirst
senten(eto him or her. Listen to Student
response (2).lfit (hoose the next corre<t response
is correct, B,s
to continuethe (onversation.
i. \X4rere did you go lior vacation?
Did you go anywhere special?
3. a. Do you usually travel overseas or in
your home countryi
b. You cent go overseas wichout
a pa.ssport.

5. a. Youie not permitted to rake three

b. Do you need a visa to go to lrancei

pai, wirr! studenr B

@wrtoencr BOOSTEE 21_24o^
It's normally used to frx things.
'1. Look at the items below and choose one. Take turns telling Student B about your item. Be
honest, but
try to make it diff (ult for him or herto guess which item it is.Tryto guess Student B,s item before he
or she guesses yours,
A: k's nor,)i|\.used ro lt,td drintl.
Il: Is lr .r beckpll,r

I3: lbplc senerL ti use lr ro holLl hrn s.

A: Ts lr rhe shcli?

Srviss arn1, knifi sLry

\rr-, d

b.rckp.rck babv sling

bahv rroll*

,t-,.i ,:. 0'i !\

'r .:, ,',' ,rrilj tr$.IJlill'ilriir'lii r
, ,,,

strirlg Lr"g

2. Have a conversation with Student B ('t -6). Read the first sentence to him or her. Listen to 5tudent Bt
Iesponse (2). lf it is corre(t, choose the next corect response to (ontinue the conversation,

l. Could loLr do me a far.or?

3. a. I'hev drink a spccial bererqc in Argenrira called tr1atc.

b. Could vou buv me somc \{ate rvhilc 1ou are in Argcrrina:

5. a. Thc nost common flaturc is rhar ir is scrvcd in a gourcl.

b. hi a hot drink people usuallv drink rvirlr liiencls.

88 p dir wi.[ Srudent B

Student A
What do you think?
1a. Lookat the chart below. Ask and answer questions to find Katherine,s opinion.

A: \{/har cloes Karhcrine rhinh abour pizza?

B: Shc leels iti unhealrhl Horr does shc like live thcatcr'?
A: She drinks irs boring.

p zza

eat nq at honr-"

L .rq" ,t" bor, 9

rvar.h ne 5onps on ry :l:itlig

is ai:ffr::

cha lenglng

1b. Whatdoyou and yourpartnerthink?Askhim or her if he orshe agreeswith Katherinet opinions.

W.ite Student Bl answers.
A: Katherine rhhks pizza is unhealrhv.
B: l rr nor sule rbout rhar. k has cheese urd romaroes. I rhink iis hc:rldl.
A, Idisagree.kalsohasalorofsalt. I think Kathcrinc is right. Iti Lrnhe:rlthr..

Conversation Pnactiee
2. Have a (onversation with Student B (1-6). Read the first senten(e to him or her. Listen to Student B,s
response {2).lf it is correct. choosethe next correct response to continue the conversation.

1. \(rhat did you think ofthe booL?

3. a. I thoughr so, too. Iti a beautiirl story.

b. I rlrculd bc honest. It's very good.

5. a. I d probably forgir.e and rnove on.

b. I disagrcc. I rvouldn't tell anyone.

lairuiln B i t:,.:.) lli:1.n i:i::lt:. i: ljt:.\i:ii l::.!.i. 29 32 on p_ sz a9

Student B
What does he look like?
Choose a person. Student A asks questions to guess the person you chose. Switch roles.
Choose three more people each.

A: fie penon
Is a man or e rvoman?
I|: He'.s rr nrn.
Ar \I'har does he look likei
B: Hes hrLl

Conversation Fraetiee
2. Have a conversation with Student A by completing (t -6). Listen to his or her sentence. Read the
sentences in (2) and <hoose the corre(t response. Listen to Student At response (3). lf it is (orrect,
. choosethenext correct responseto(ontinuethe conversation.
2. a. lretw good. Alrd voui
b. I'm going to dre librar1.. \ilhar are you doingr

.1. a. A lot of my lricnds have blogs. -Whari yours about?

b. \\/hat arc 1-ou like?

6. I cant leave home wirhorrr mine!

90 po rwJrlstudentA ,:f 'r

I ir ; ( , ii i , ' :: )l !,"'t..::::,, i:. L-4 o" p. a-
How do you make sushi?
1a. Look at the steps to a recipe below. place the steps in order. Use the words fi$t, then,
next, after thot,

sLLshL yoLLs
pLaoe raw f,sh awd. vegetabLes, or other L^.gredle,*s tlata ohoase,
ow,/" af the yLce, wear owe ewd.

ckt Lwta evewli,ecas awd sewe.

add a Lauey 4 ooal"ed y'Loeta the seaweed..

pLace seav,/eed aw a bavwboo raLLer -fhe rov-qh sid,e sharLLd, be

face ,'p.
tLse lhe rDLLer to raLL tha geaweed._

'l b. Listen to Student A read the steps in the recipe below Correct any mistakes you hear.Then
recipe above in the orderyou think is correct to Student A, He or she willcorrectyou,

l+t lWwLVs
FLyst potar cawtr',ed chLor.?eas v/ith,/, of Li.q*Ld frow the oaw,u) :o a bLewder
-thew ohoT Lw the bLewder 1-z niwwtes.

uext, ad.d LewowlL.Li,oe. tahLwi,,

?ayLLo, awd, aLLve o:rLto the chopped chLcrzpeas. that. bLewd agaLw for

= s Miwktes or u.wtLL svwoath .

fiLwaLLq, sefi/e \^r'Lth a f"at bread,_

Conversation Practiee
2. Have a (onversation with Student A by (ompleting (1-6). Listen to his or her sent€nce.
Read the
sentences in (2) and (hoose the correct response. Ljsten to StudentA,s response (3), tf
it is correct,
choose the next (orrect response to continue the conversation.

2. a. I've never had l-hai food bcfore. \flhat do you recoumend?

b. Have you ever been to a'fhai restaurant before?

4. a. I'll have an iced rea, please.

b. That sounds good. \ /hat does ir come rl.irh?

6. Brorvn, please. k\ healthier.

pair,,ri srudent A' C(lt$F{nENC j; S(],)$ i ER s_8 on p. a3 91

Student B
What do you suggest?
1a. Lookat the problems/desires below.Write suggestions oradvice.

lfeed to losewelght.

1 really want to letsrn German.

1b. Read the problem/desires below to Student A.Write his or her suggestions.

!need a newjob.

Conversation Practiee
2. Have a <onversation with StudentA bycompleting {1-6). Listen to his or her sentence. Read the
sentences in i2)and choosethe correct response. Liaten to Student A,s response (3).lfit is correct,
choose the next corect response to continue the conversation.

2 a. Iflhy don'r you exercise more?

h. lt, a goo.l idea lo, peopie ,o exen i.e nore.

4. a. I think you should learn karate.

b. Are you getting enough sleep?

6. Then I think you should dancel

92 pdiruirn stu.lent A
QoNrtoe rtcx BoosTER e-12
", p. s.,

Student B
Can you do the job?
ra. Look at thejob posting below. Ask Student A questjons
to fill in the blanks.
A: Do vou nced expericnce?
B: No, you doni. Do you here ro stand all,:lavi
A: Yes, you do.

tb: n"""pii-i"t
Work wlth a var ety oi Do not need experience.
lnternat onal c ientere. [4eet
speak a secofd anguage.
new peoplel Assist customers [4ust be able to stand at] day.
and greetthem. Help cusromers
check in and answer questions
on lhe phone and in person.

'l b. Share the pros and cons of thejob with Student A. Make a list together.

Conversation Practiee
2. Have a conversation wjth Student A by completing (t _6).
Listen to his or her senten(e. Read the
sentences in (2) and choose the corre.t response. Listen
to Student A,s response (3). lf it is correct,
choose the next corre(t responge to (ontinue the conversatjon.

2. a. Hi. This is Joe. I need a job.

b. Good morning. Mar I speal< to Mt Kim,

zi. a. J\,Ir. Kin,this is Joe Riscr. ls the position ofserver still onen?
b. Hello. l\1,. Kim. Vr rar-e \Joe Ri\er. \X'i. r rre rh.

r,. \url ro,re.I ir. I r:,.1,or rrrtu-t.

pair wiri srudent A 1,.i)y::ttit'l: ll:.t t;:,N t:.: t: !!tt;) {:t.q;,1:, I:,tL
Student B
Why is Jon late?
1. Lookat people below. Ask Student A questionsto 6llin the information.
A: \XAat does Julia like to do in her free time?
B: She likes to read magazines ancl watch TV lWhy is.Jon lare?

A: He ran into a fricnd.

read d maqazine, watch TV

The car wou ldnt sta rt.


wash the car,do homework

Conversation Practice
2. Have a conversation with StudentA bycompleting (l-6). Listen to his or hersenten<e. Read the
sentences in {2) and choose the correct response. Listen to Student A! response (3).lfit is.orre<t,
choose the next (orrect responseto (ontin ue the conversation.

2. a. Sorry, but I have co do my homework.

b. Id love to. Lett do homework together
4. a. Sorry I m late. The trafl:ic was awful.
b. That sounds good. Can I get back to you?

6. a. AbsolutelylThar sounds goodl

94 pai*iri student A ({bwr:orlrcr Boosrsn 17-20 onp. s6

Stud€r?t E
What time is the flight?
'1. Look at the itinerary below. Ask Student A questions to fill in the information.

A: ] 1,.. i, i.r- gl rlr r.,t.r.i...

B: lt leares er I 2:r9 \X hrre dr:,es drc pl.rne arrnt:
A: Ir:Lllives io Hearhrou Airpor r.

Traiel ltinerary
Fridax June 6
oUP Atn nes Fiehr#:0930
Depadi Sar'r Francisco, 12t5g p.n. fteathraw 4.Lt'pat+
Arrve: London,lune 7, 7:10 a m.

Rai from Londoi to Par s

St. Pancras Stat on
Atrve:Pars,:L:17 p.m. Nord Staron -
Arrve: llne7 2 p.m
R€ als Hoteldu Vieux. Par s

Rai frorn Par s to Florence

^ .a.v ar...n-.i. :_oa... vt",oaerf",e

Hotel in 1,4lan Arrve:lln€ 11 :12 p.m.

Deparl 4.4 lan. lune 14, \4a Densa tnrernar ona

Arrivei Paris. llne 14, a:05 a m. Crrar es de caut e-A rport
Depart: Pars,l!ne 14.9:45 a.m. Crrares de ca!te Arporr
Arlve: San Franc sco June 15,12r05 a.m. SFO inrernaiionar

Conversati+:1 "
2. Have a (onversation with Student A by completing (1_6). Listen to his or her sentence. Read
- the
sentences in (2) and choose the correct response. Listen to Student A,s response (3). lf it is
choose the next correct response to continue the conversation.

2. a. Ycs, I *.ent to I)aris.

b. Yes, I trer-elled rvirh rr1 famih..

1. , Lr.u ,ll. p-F(. ru \ i r Jr ,er . o-r i..

b. 1d prefir to stav in a hore1.

6. Othcr turopcans don't need a visa, bur I had to have one.

p dir hirn Student A

Studeslt B
It's normally used to frx things.
1. Look at the items below and choose one. Take turns telling Student A about your item. Be honest, but
try to make it diffcult for him or her to guess whi(h item it is. Try to guess Student At item before he
or she guesses yours.

A: Iri nomralll use.lro hold drings.
B: Is iL .r brchplclii

Br Peoplc gtncrallr u-.c ir ro hold books.

A: Ts ir rhe shell)

\rr' /
Swiss mv knif; SUY srvinq

h.rckp:ck babr slirg


' l'

llPe Lr"g

uonversatr0?l ,H3 i;rt- | - :,

2. Have a conversation with Student A by completing (1-6), Listen to his or her sentence. Read the
sentences in (2)and choose the correct respons€. Listen to StudentAs response (3),lfit is correct,
choose the next corre(t response to continue the (onversation.

2. a. Sure. \\/hat do vou recrlr

b. Not rt rll.
4. a. Nlatel \,'h.Lr is it for?
b. \Vhar do people Lrsualll drink in Argenrina:

6. Solrnds interes.j g. I'11lc,ok for it.

pdif ritn student A

Student B
What do you think?
1a, Look at the (hart below. Ask and answer qLrestions to find Katherine,s opinion.

{: \\l,r . - R..,.-r.e.rr,..t-.r ,,.. .

B: Shc liels ir's unheJrhr: I ]rlrv does ,,hc likc lir e r ,,.:rrer.?
A: She rhinks irs borins.

!r1r.,r i y

l!r ihiat.r'

re,at rlq re\'/ peop e

..f rin.r inoLhEr r irq!..1," ilAi.LlL

!alc|ir{r rxpr .f l/

1b. What do you and your partner think? Ask him or her if he or she agrees with Katherine,s opinions.
Write StudentA's answers,
A: K:rhcrirle rhn*s pitza is unhcalthy
B: Ih nor lrr.c ahour th.rr. k hns chtsc enci rorrlro.s. I rhinlr il h.alrhr.
A: l clisagree. Ir dso h:rs a lor ofsah. 1 fiinh Karhertnc is righr. lr's Lrrhcalrhr.

Conversatio:a Fraeti*e
2. Have a conversation with Student A by (ompteting (t 6). Listen to his or her sentence.
Reacl the
sentences in (2) and choose the (orre(t response. Listen to Student A! response (3).
lf it is coftect,
choose the next correct response to continue the conversation.

2. a. I thought fie movie rvas kind olboring.

b.'1o mc. rhe ston ironderful.

,1. a. \X'hatt-ould vou do ifir happcrcd to _vou?

b. LIor'*.ou1c1vou lccl ilt liLcd fie book?

6. I disagree. I'd l,.ant to get evcn.

Pd;r,iirl student A 97
Audio and Video Scripts
LESSON 1 B: Yeah. Ard \(allv? I've heard of him,
Conversation; Part A but I donr loror. him.
Nicole: Hi. Howi it going? I'm Nicole. A: This parw is fur him. Hci there.
Brian: lrcql good. Mv namei Brien. B: Vhat does hc look like?
Nicole: And wherc are vou fiom? A: Hc's short and a little heavl: Hc's r.earing a
Brian: I'm f}om Canada. Ard vou? green sweatcr,
Nicole: Brazil. B: Hon o1d is he?
Brian: I r-enr ro Brazil last ycarl Het tr'veno-*vo.
Nicole: Realiy? Wow Did you rrar.el alone? B: And nho's that man by the fiod rable?
tsrian: No, I rvcnt *'ith friends. It was fun. Thc middle-aged one? Tirats Adan. He's
Listen, 1d better gct going. Paulas oldcr brothcr.
B: He! rcallr fiin. Oh, loold Valeric is here.
Conversation, Part C \Mro?
Nicole: Hi. How's it going? I'n Nicole. B: My fiiend Valcrie. See her? Shei really prctn.
Brian: Prenn good. lVIy namet Brian. iq. h..,6 ( I ,i- .l e', ,..-ring " o re
". 'no
Nicole: And rvhere are you fiomi drcss.
Brian: I'm lrom Canada. And you? A: l he one bv thc doori
Nicoler tsrazil. Have vou been rhere? B: 1tah. Do you *.ant me ro inrroduce yolr?
Brian: I went to Brazil last vearl A: Surcl
\i. c c: ceJl ) I \\ ov. I r'd ) o.r rr..,.l ., or,,:
Brian: No, I rvenr rvith lricnds. h rlas fiLo. TESSON 3
Listen, Id better ger going. I don't rvant Conversation, Part A
to be late. Yasuko: Mary, vour nrin girls looh so much alike.
How do vou tcll rhem apart?
LESSON 2 Mary: Actua1l1', they har,'e r-ery dilferent
Conversation, Part A personaliries.
Nathan: Excrxe me. I'm looldng for my rvi1i. Yasuko: Oh? in ivhat rvay?
Clerk: \[hat docs she look like? M.r.: V: ' d. i. 'er ", rsoil! -nLi r" lJliie.
Nathan: \X/e11. shek trll rnrl thir. Yas*o: And rvhat about her sister?
Clcrk Does she havc red hair? J\'lar1 : Alicc is nore serious. And she can bc
\:.h; r: \". V. *ife r-. d.rL bro*n hrir. verv inlpatient sometimes.
Clerh: \Mrat! she wearing? Yasuko: I see they both like to draw
Nathan: A blue skirt and a rvhire blouse. Malvr Yes, thefre boch very crcative. Thev love
I lerl(: l,,l-J, he- or rhe.h
'ng rg roo n. .o make drings.
Nathan: Yes. I euess she \r-ants drat coar.
Listening, Part A and B
Listening, Part A and B 1. I have a new hicrcl, Nora. \Ye're the samc
A: Creat parF., isn't it? in somc rla1.s, but dilfirenr in orher u,ays.
B: Yeah, but I dont l<norv mary people here. Nora is very oLrtgoing. Shc likcs to be around
A: You dont? Do vou knorv Paulai people. Iir nor rea1lv outgoing. I'm shy. But
B: No. wc'rc still good fr;ends- She's also conffdcnt. In
A: Oh, well thatt her oycr th€re. Do you see math class, she aLrvavs shouts out dre ensr.ers.
her? She has blond hair. And shet in her earlv She is somctimcs right but sornetimes rvrone.
thirties. She'.s wearing a black dress. She doesni care. She jusr rries. I liLe that
B: She lool<s nice. abour her.
Shet talking to Reggie, her cousin.
2. Thc ner.gul in our c1ass, Simot, is inreresting Ltrkcr Sure, all thc time. Sav, I dont think *e're
ro me. Hci reallv good at art. He's crextirc and friends online...
lo'c'.rr re. H< q.r r.. ." Le rn "rile.r-r',r
somedav. But hc's also rery good ar marh. FIet
probablv rhe besc studcnt in our class, acruallll Maria: Eric, hotv can you study and text at dre
He gets good grades easilv, Lrut he hard\.
same tinlc?
studics. He',s becoming a good fiiend. F,ric: lv'losr ofmy,classmxtes rexr, stLldI, ard
nveet at the same rime.
3. I rvork in a coflee shop or weekends and
Maria: Hi Toml How'.r it going?
thcre's a ne*. girl thcre. Her name's Calo-. Shes
l' ,J""rl Ton: Good. Horv arc you?
' or rg ar ;l
rnd q,r*e,. in 1,-r <-r
Maria: OK. Eric and t are studying. Vell,
with customers. You know! sometimes
acruallv l'm
customers need time ro choose rheir order.
Eric: Hev! So am I.
Calev just look the other way and taps her
Tom: Hi, Jit1.
fingers like rhis. She also forgets the customers'
orders and makes lots ofmistakes. I donr Jill: Oh. Hey Toml
Tom: lWhat are vou doingi
think she'll have this job lor very long.
Jill: Oh, I m waiting lor my cousin. She's on
her wav from the airport.
Tom: Your cousin?
Co*ersation, Part A lill: Ye"5. e', going (o,u) $:.h Varir
Ellen: lVhar are you doing? 'l
and me for a couple ofmonths. H€r
Luke: I'm just sending an e,mail. namet Casey.
Ellen: Do you ahvavs use your phone to send Tom: Really? \Wheret she from?
e-mailsi All ofmv fiiends text these days. Eric: Los Angeles.
Luke: Some of m,v ftiends rexr, some dont. Tom: \{'hatt she l,kei
That e-mail rvas ro mv dad.
lill: Oh, well, shet really fun. And...
Ellen: So, what else do vou use your phone fbri
dilferent. She's real/], dillirent frorn mel
Luke: I often use it to play games. A lot of Tom: rvhat way?
mv Friends watch mo\.ies, but I iind rhe Eric: Er.ervone. Case)! in a rrrri.
scrcen roo small.
Tom: Horv tlo YOU kno\\.'Casev?
Ellcn: l)o vou use it lir social nelvorking? Eric: lfi'e're Facebook lricnds. She just updatcd
Luke: Sure, all thc tnne. Sav, I dont think rve're her srams Ih ir a r:-ri, and heading to
lriends online....
li . nl..,,l \he ll I'e here ir 'rr, ni-.r ..
Maria: Ho*. are 1.ou studying?
Conversation, Part C
Eric: liLrst ne. I am.
Ellen: V/hat are rrcu doing? Are vou brrsl? 'lom: OK. So, *.hafs shc like?
l-uke: I'm just sending an e-mail.
Jill: Oh veah, uh, u,ell. She'.s really into
Ellcn: Do rou ahvavs use your phone ro send
clothcs. She likes co wear lots of
e nails? All ofmv friends rext thesc davs.
accessories things shc makes herself.
Luke: Some ofmv lriends text, sone don't.
Hats, scarves, alrd srulf.
Thar e-mail nas to mv dad. He sencls me 'lim: So howold is she?
e-mails everv day
Ji11: She's...ler me rcmcmber...shei
Ellen: So, r.hat else do you use,vour phone fur?
Luker I olten use it to play games. A lot oftry
Jill: tught.21. Ohl I just got a tcxt.
friends watch rro\.ies, bur I fird d1e srrecn
Casev is-
roo srrall.
Eric: Herel
Ellen: Do vou use ir ftr social nei1rrc*ing?
Mri:: \Voqr

just remembcr rhinking, "k's so salnr" I like
Jil1: Ih going to ger her. saltv liod bur not this. Oh, ancl it's ral,: Have
N,lalia: Lll{...clonel Im finished lith rny lou ever lad it?
Eric: I havenr even startccl. J. I tried rhis once in rhe United Sares. Ir's
trlaria: Scc. I roll you. t'\ot rnanr of us can dcr popular in the sourh. ft'.s a r,egctable rhat not
Nl,o rhinss ar thc same rinre. a 1or olpcoplc knot. or 1ikc. lri in ciishes like

Jiil: Everyrcne. This is Caso l

gumbo, and I hear thar ir is delicious. I've
Casev: Hil neler rried gunbo. I just hacl tlis r.egetabl:
'linr/Eric/Maria: FIi Casevll fiied. It nas realll bhnd. I didn'r likc the
Cascv: Nice to meet vou. Iti coldherel
'Ibm: Lct's go ger sotrcrhing ivarrr ro drink.
,1. 'l-his ls ore ofmv favoritc foods. I tricd ir
i\Iariar Colfee sourds .eoodl
rhc firsr time ivhcn I rvas eighr vears,old. I
Ji11: Erici
remember rhc taste rvas rcally srrong. But I
Eric: I can'r. I have to do hooreivord. Bur
guess I like strong tlar.ors because I ear rhis all
ill \oJ g. . ,ev are .. o. ...r .F
thc rime. I lihe it in salads, on crackers, and
talking abouri
wirh fruir.
Jill/Maria/Tom: No.

Conversation, Part A
Convemation, Part A
Kent: Hi. Lori. I m gerring hlrrrg foel: \{rhar are 1ou makingi
Lori: Hev, Kenrl N4e too. Have you rried
T"r.,: tsrtr"l.r .,. Lre e .-r eJ i ,

Joel: No. 1ou make iti

V. i."r tbuJ: l (r,o' ag-ear1'.e.
Tara: Fir*, grill rhe bread. Nlake sure yoll
Kcnr: No, I har-en'r. BLrt I thinl< I ivant
gril1 borh sides. Then rub thc bLead
Aslan t'iod.
Lori: OK. How about Tlai?
Iicnt: I ve notL had Thai t'iod. Jocl: OK. ft snc1ls eood.
'lhra: Ncrt, pour olivc oil on e brcad. t)ont
Lori: It! m1'llvoritcll he noodle dishes
porLr too much, just a lirtlc. Afier thar,
are anazingl
put on some chopped romatocs. finalli,,
Kenr: Do you have a place in nind?
add salt, peppcr, and a basil leafl Trv oncl
Lori: There\ a place called Thainf)c.
Iicnt OK. I'11 meer you therel
Conversation, Part C

Listening, Part A and B Joel: \X'har are vou m:rking?

Tara: Bruscherta. Har.c vou triccl ir?
1. I ve had this several tines. But it's nor easy to
get fresh. l\.e olten had it as iuice. The first Joel: No. Horv do vou make it?
Tara: firsr, gri11 e breacl. Make sure vou
timc I rried ir, I .lidni kno\v \vha. ro cxpecr. Ir
grill both Thcn rub the bread
was very soru. l ve onh. tried srrcct fmir, but
rvirh garlic. Do rhis right au,ar..
. .11 \'i,<dir lroul,l .,"-,,(nJ ., .,.
Joel: OK. Ir smells good. \{iLat do I do ncxr?
'lara: Next. poLrr olivc oil on 6ebrcad. I)oni
2. I love most qpes ol sealood bur this orc? i'm pour too much, jusr :r littlc. Afier that,
not so surc. \\'ell, I l' orv iti pc,pular, but I'rn put on some choppcrl romrroes. Fina11v,
lor \,.r .\ r\. I r.. e
'.n L. ir r.: erp. r. .e
add salr, peppcr, and a basil lcat. Trv onel
And ir looked daneerous. Vhen I tastcd it, 1
\bu ll lovc irl

LESSON 7 B: Shc didni even loo1v the menLr ler),ir,cll.
Conversation, Part A \: Ye 'r . r. ." r,J , r' n\e, -n.,,,. ,l..e.r o,,..
Kit: thar are you in the mood t'or?
Sarah: Have rou tlied that nelv rcstauranL near 5. A: \{'orvl Our bill is only $29.
the subrvav station? B: Thar's vcrl- reasonable.
Kit: You nrean Tht Ptn* ?cppermni A: A ner- resraurarr c:rnt charge roo rnuch_
Sarah: Yeah. Thar's the one. ts: I I c'.. r tr.lrer sorrr g.r n .,.h br,i re...
Kit: No, I havcn'r vet. \Yhafs it likei A: I hopc drer"re making rnonev at ieast.
Sarah: lri prctw good. 'fhel sene a lot of
curries ancl noodle dishes.,A.nd rheir LESSON 8
prices are reasonahle. Nlost oIthe dishes Conversation, Parr A
cost about $10. Server: Welcomc to Zippvt. Are vou readv
Kil Thaq'.s prctw goo,:1. \flhat's the ro order?
servicc like? Customer: Ycs, I d like rhe lricd chicken, please
\-- h: rl-e..n cei. er lr.row br o herq.e Sener: \Nbulcl you likc mashed potrtoes,
irt a nice place. French fiies, or sreamed ricc
Kir: I think I'll trv itl with rhat?
CLrstomer: Hm...1'11 ral<e steamed rice.
Listening, Part A and B Sener: Anytling to drink?
L A: Theyve done a nice job wirh the Customer: I'11luve the peach iced tea.
decoration. Sener: Aryrhing elsei Would you like to
B: I like the colors. srart \rirh an appetizer?
Ar So do l. And rhe nusic is good. Itt not too Cuscomer: No, I'm saving room lor dessert.
L . "e.raurr rr'
B: I
"irl l":J r",r lr i, Conversation, Part C
You cant hear yoursetfthinkl Scner: Y/elcomc to Zippyt. Are you ready
A: I Lnoiv. This place fiels really rcla:red. to orrler?
Cusromcr: Yes. Id lil<e dre lried chicl<en, please.
2. A: But ir's roo bad it's so flr.
preto hungry.
B: Yeah. Itt not ncar anvthing.
Server: \(/ould vou like nrashcd potatoes,
A: I heard irs hard to get spacc dorvntou.n.
French frics. or stcamed rice
B: I doni thnrk manv cusromers will rl-irh that?
come hcre.
Customer: Hm...l'll takc sreamc.l rice.
\: I -grcr. lr r. .L . .oo lu ,S ro g(. rF ,.. Server: Lnyrhing to drink?
CLrstomer: l'll have the peach iccd rea.
3. A: The menu lools reallv good.
Server: Arvrhing else? \{.ould you lil<e to
B: Vhere do we stan? Some ofthe chicken
srar *,ith an appetizer?
dishes looh nice.
A: Thev're famous for rheir seafboti. Cusromcr No, I'rr saving room for desserc. I,ll
take a chocolate cakel
B: Oh, vcah? I sce rhev have octopus.
A: Ive nevcr tried that. Oh, I can't decidel
4. A: But I think ev need ro hire morc people. T" n: \Yl . r -nc " . ( J.e),. lill. ..r J VJ] ir
B: I agree. The servcrs are really busl-. 1hev coming over for tlinner?
need one or two morc, Eric: 7. V/e have plenty of tine. \ lat shoulcl
A: Ard our ser-r,er made a rnistake with our wc rnal<e?
rneal. That's not good. 'lom: Pastal

tbn:, I lole,vour pasra bur- Server: Have a goocl nighrl
I lor-e it roo. I could lavc it everv singlc Torn: Whrr?
d")'. Eric: Pasta?
F.ract|'mv point. \\'e do havc it even- Torr: l'ou srid sonethin.e di*ircrr. An.1 iii nor
dar: \Ve shouid rry soncthirg difGrcnt. , P ." r',.t. i.r.rr....irtr ,

I et mc see...havc vou rried loclian food?

Tom: No. I h;r,n'r
Lt5XOii i
Eric: \i'hat about Japanese lbod?
Conversation, Part A
Torn: Nope.
Leila: lli, Tracer I'm not tieling too u.cll.
tric: \ har have lou tried? 'lrrcev: C)h? \Vhari rhe natrer, Leila?
Tom: Pasta.
Leila: I hayc a sore rhroat.
Eric: OI(. Nevermind. .. Casev lil<es ffsh. So 'liacei: Thats too bad. I hope it's rot the flu.
do Jill and Maria. Leis make a simple
Haye vou seen a doctori
flsh dish.
Leila: No. I'm fine, really I rhink I jusr have a
oK. cold.
Frv the vegetables in a pan.
Traceyr You have a fiver. 1l{hy don't vou go home
Dont lorget to add salt. ..pepper. ..and
and rest?
olive oi1.
-ei J:". C:- yo- lrle ne ir
Eric: Dont pour roo much olive oi1, just
a little. Tiacer': Sure. I hope 1ou leel better soon.
Ericr I have to get the phone.
Leila: Tlunks.
Tom: Go ahead. Dor't rvorry.
Eric: Thanks, Tom. Listening Part A and B
Tom: Oh. nolThe Ilshl 1. A: So, horv 1-our weekend?
Eric: V/hat's rvrong? B: k rvas so-so. Look rl-har I did.
Tom: I'm sorrv. A: That looks rea11v painful. Y/har happened?
Eric: Vrc still hare time. hi not a big deal. \Ve B: I r-as plaling rennis and I fell.
can just order in- A: C)h. nol Does ir hrr*l
Tom: 1 l<norv a great placc l,.e can order lioml B: Oh, r-eah. Luckih: t didn'r brcak it. I lcnr
The lbod is prerw .<oor1, iri liirlv cheap, ro a doctol, she rook an X-lav and jusr pur
and artl'acrs a lor ofcusromers. a bandage on lt. BLrt irls realh. rlilflcLLlr ro
tric: OK. Sounds good. hold anlthine. I cant even \r'rire or wpc
Sener: Heilo? rvirl ir.
T.r.. l.llo..'r., r"rr " Jcr. \: l'..uld, 'rrk ,.. p o,r d., ,. n ... il
Scner: Surcl Whar vroulci,vou likei ar all.
Toor: I rould likc B: I guess.
Servcr: Ton?
Tom: Ycs...Roberto? 2. A: Did that nedicine I garc vou do lou
Sener: Yesl Horv are r-ou? anv goodi
Tom: Grcatl B: \\'c11. I llel a bit berter todav
Scrvcr: Vhat can I get voui Is ir e usual? A: '1hati good.
Ton: \'es, but for five peoplc. B: But ir hasn'r complereh. qone ar.,.al'. lir
Scrver': Sure thing. Five ofour special it s,as the lish I had rt thc restaurant. I
house pastas. don't drink it nas verl.liesh.
Tom: Sounds deliciousl Ard cen vou put e tr.r A: Ycah, it rvas probablv that. The chicken I
tonato sxuce and.h€ese in one of thcm? had rr:rs finc.
Serrer: An1'dring ior vou, 'lornl B: ll"..l i. l*'r.,oec,..k h.r..
Tom: 'fh:nk rol
A: Trv not to ear anyching too oilv or spicy Conversation, Part C
for lew days. Just rice and soup would be
a Alex: I ve been so tired latciy. I never seem ro
good. Alrd drinL lors ofwater. havc enough energy. Should I join a gyn?
Luisa: Gyms can be expensive. There are simplc
3. Ar Horv do I lool<? ways to qercise ar home ,
B: Not too good. Thefre borh realiv red, AIex: Likc what? \X/hat rvould you do?
especially rhe left one. Luisa: If I were you, I t1 climb the stairs or dance ro
A: Still? music. You should do somerhing active that
B: I'm alraid so. Are they sore? you enjoy Are you getting enough sleep?
A: Not at all. Alrd I can srill see perficrly line. Alex: Sure. I sleep about rcn hours a day. But
B: \flhv dont vou get some medicine lor it? I'n still tired.
You dont *,ant it to get anylvorse. Luisa:'Ihais too much. Getting too much slccp
I suppose. can naLe vou leel tired. You should try
B: Berrer vet, I suggest scchg a doctor You to sleep eight horrrs a dav
cant be too carelul.
Do vou thilrk it rvm the contaccs?
B: Ma1,be. lr's a good idea to rvear your glasscs
Conversation, Part A
fir a wlile.
Rrchel: I reallv need ro get more exercise.
4. A: I needanofier ,rspirin. Itt not going awar leter: Me too. \[e could take classcs at the
Actually, 1 think iis getting worsc. sports ccnter. Thcre's racquerball, boxing,
Br 'fhar's not good. lWhy dont 1.ou pur a cold su,inmnrg-
cloth on your forehead? R:rchel: Oh, 1*.ouldnt re.rlly like thosc. Thev
A: Good idea. seem like alot ofhard *'ork.
B: And I'll turn olfthis light. The bright lights Pcter: \(ell, how about a class in ballroonr
dont help. dancing? ld love to ny rhat!

A: Thanhs. Rachcl: Rea11v? \(hy is that?

B: YGy dont you go and lie down in bcd? feter: Because I d learn soncthing nc*'. And I
A: OK. c:rn tlo lt ivitl someone elr

B: Arrcl f11 check on vou in a little whiic. Rachel: I ink it rvould be boring. Idlikctotrv
somcthint more relaring, like rai chi.

Listening, Part A and B
Conversation, Part A
I . I ve alwals wantecl to try this. l his would be
Alex: I've becn so tired larelv. I never seem to
pcrlecr 1br me because I love the watcr and like
h:re e r"ug\ e ,ergl \huLld lyoi. .r 9 n:
to be on mI own a lot. I like it because yorr
Luisa: Cyms can bc expensive. There are simple
dont need too mrrch equipmcnt, just a boat
l\rays ro exerche at homc.
and a paddlc. I wouldnt lvant ro so loo lar at
Alex: Like what?
least until i build my urpper body strength. Alrd
Luisa: IfIwcrc 1rcu.Id climb dre stxirs or drnce ro
Iil liLe ro rrv ir on a lake, not in thc ocean. Ir
rnusic. Yorr should clo somerhing acrive rhar
looks like a vcry peacelirl activiq., if 1-ou know
1.ou enjoy Are you gening cnough slecp?
rhat I mean.
Alex: Sure. I slccp abour ren hours a day.
Luisa: Thatt roo much. Cetting too much sleep 2. I think this is a prctt) common game, or I
can malte you leel tircd. You should try gucss itt sport, acruall,v. Mv older brother
to sleep eight hour a day. plays a lot, bur I ve never tried it. I'm a verv
competitivc pcrsor, and non-
is looks like
stop action. To be hooest, ld lihe to beat my

brodrerl It also jusr looks fun, so t hope to u1 Um, is it OK if t'e watch soncrhhg
it soor. My friend has a tablc ar his house, so difltrcntl Tl'nnis js hlnd olborirg
malbe he ll let me pla.v sometime.
Sure. Golf is more intcrcstirg thar
I're rvrnted to try this ft,r a Long time. 1r looks tennis, don'r |ou rlrink?
so relunrg. but I'm sule iti harcl rvork, rc,o. Doug: Not I think golfis less irrteresring
Thcrc's a sports center in torvn lith an indoor than I do like soccer. lri
stimming pool that otlers classes rhrcc times m,v livoLirc.
r rvcck. I dont think Iil \!anr ro go dlar oft€n, Celire: \4ine roo, but thele irrc no socccr ganres
r'u ,,.,. ne. r,. - n- n i,. ",...(. \"r. o' ' r rodar.: Sav, do lorr t',rnr to go fir a r,,'alki
lriends do this, so ir mighr be a good rval ro I can use rhc excrcisc.
neet some ncrv pcoplc. Ih not a verl-good
srvirnmer, but I dont drinl< thar mattcrs.
1. I rvouirl so love to c1o this. Tr goes beck
Ericr Hrlp rourselvcs. Eniov
rhousands oflcers, so thcrc is ln interestirg Casev{ill: l.hank lou. Th:rnLs. [Licl
,r.,.i,i. r.,r . i ,, ., n.. r rr ; [,ric: Tlranl< loul
ivas hunting. but rhat doesn't inrerest me. ltl lill: So, hot dnl vour doctor'.s
do ir just rvith LegulaL targets. I rcmembcr I appointmenr go last rvccki
saw it on TV ar rhe f)lvn4rics (iames a couplc
Eric: O|, rrot so t'ell. ecrLralh-.
.i . 'r. g"..r.l -.-.1 ,' l-. r r r". I .l"e Cascv: Thais too bud. Nothing serioLrs,
look casl at all. Id likc to tr it becaLrse I *.ant I hope.

ro.qet in!o somethins rhat requiLes disciplnrc. I r.: rJ. o. , rr' gl e. '"..." .

sleep,rr night, and sorr)etiores mv

st,:lmrch hLrrts.
Caser: Oh, nol
Conversation, PartA
Eric: lti OK. My doctoL sa lshould
Celine: So, I just eot this grear re*. sporrs
change mv dier.
channel. All sports, al1thc tinre.
Ji]]: vour .licr.
I)ouLg: Clool. So, rvhat should t'e rvatch:
Lric: Ycah, she said I shotlcl cat health.., I
Celine: Lert sec...hou. abour rcnnis?
ink I cat prcttv healthv.
Doug: Um, is it OK if te rratch somefinrg
Jill: Un,...u,ell, iis a nor good icLa ro cat
dilfcrcnt? Tcnnis is kind ofboring
roo nuch sugrr.
Llric: No. ofcouLsc-not. The cloctor said
Cleline: SrLre. Ciollis more inreresthg than
I should stop drinhing coffee. Bur
tcnnis, doni rou thinLi
I lo\€ coffec. Ir's bccn real hrrd. He
)^, g: \.r r. r. I r r r I g^ I '. F..'r .. ,..'r'.
,r1so said I sfould eat more veeerables.
than tennis. l do like soccer. Iti (lasev: I crnt see vou :rs a vcgctarian
mv far.orirc.
Celire: Mine roo. bur there are no soc.€r ganrcs
Eric: No, I doni have to.qive rLp mear. but
torlar'. Sar, do lou rnenr to go for a w.1lk?
1 should eat morc
Ji11: I thirrk lou should ereLcis,: morc.
Conversation, Part C
I exelcisc thrcc times a *,eek and I
Ccline: So, I jLrst got this grear ner' sports
liel healthl:
ch,rnncl. All sports, all the rirne.
Eric: [.xercise? ] bowl louL tnncs a wcck.
l)oug: Cool. So, rvhar shoul,:l l,onatch?
Caser-: Re,rllv? Thrts erercise.
Cclinc: Lct's see...hol about tennis? I lovc
Lric: Yeahl I guess ir is.
Caser': \\trr, r'ou must be reelly good.

Eric: I bcat all rhe other playerst And I also LESSON 14
box. ConYersation, Part A
Jill: I didnt know tharl Katy: I want to starr my own business aftcr
Eric: I hox almosr every dayl I'm reallv I graduate.
eood at it roo. Boxing is deffnitclv Raul: Rea11v?
more lun than bowling. Katl :
I jusr need to har.e some nonev to gcr
Casey: \(/ow, 1rcu're really arhleticl startcd. And T nccd to have a lresh idea.
Eric: Yep. And I also pla1, tennis. Raul: Do rrcLr have any ideas?
Cascy{il1: Tennis? Kary: I d likc ro sell healthv lunches to pcople
Eric: Yep.'lennis was more clifi:icult to in oiiices, things like sandrvichcs
learn than boxing. But I almost and salads.
cve]V game now. Do vou guvs rvant Raul: Do you rhinl< it rvould be dilXcult to
to scc me play? get strrred?
Jill: Like, right norv? Kar_v: 'We11, I rvould need a good kitchen. But
Eric: Surel I *.ouldrt have ro havc a car. I coulcl use
a bicl'cle.
LESSON 13 Raul: Good idea.
Conversation, Part A Katy: Sar., I'm lookhg lor a business partner
Josh: 5o, ho .s school going? Are lou inrerested?
Lily: \\'e11, lir getting mosdyAs and B's. But
I!n not doirg so well in lorruguese. I'm Listening, Part A ald B
not very good at languages, I guess. 1. First, I rvanc to thank vour teachert, Mrs. lerez,
Josh: No one is qoocl at everv sublect.
lor letting me raik to vou todav about being
Lily: I suppose. So, are your classes going OK? a moclel. No*; there are differcnt wpes of

Josh: My accounting class is hard. I dont rhink

models. For example, thcre are hshion models
Iin very good with numbers. But my and prinr models. For an,v type ofmodeling,
literature teacher says 1'n a good rvrirer. vou reed co havc clear sl<in and healrhy hair
Lily: Youd make a grear journalisr. You have to look healthv. Bur you dont have

Josh: As long as I dont write about number. to bc thin ro bc a successlul modci. If we onlv
think of lashion modeling., iCs importanr.
Conversation, Part C But there are manv models that wc consider
.|osh: So, horv',s school goingi Horv are your p/ler sz;e and these modeis arc more rypical of

gradesi the averagc person. Finalll-. 1.ou dont have to

Lily: Vell, I'm gerting mosdy Ai and Bt. But havc a college dcgree, bur I encourage vou ali
I m not doing so rvell io Portuguese. I'm to get a dcgree. A modclt career can be shorr,
nor verl good at langltages, I guess. and you *.ill rvant to have rnorher ser ofskills

Josh: No onc is good at every subject. I to iill bacL on.

wouldn't worrl
Lily: I supposc. So are your classes going OK?
2. Hi, evervone. I am a concierge. I wort ar
a hotel, and I hclp gues.s. I make rravel
Josh: My accounting ciass is hard. I dont rhink
arrangenenrs, sive advice on local restauranrs,
I m very good witL numbers. Bul uy
li.e:rur.,cr.l er.a'. I n " g"od u-irer
deliver messagcs-thar kind ofthing. So, if
youie intercsred in a ca.eer as a concierge,
Lily: You cl make a ereat journalist.
rvhat shi1ls do you nccd to have? \Xrell, you
Josh: As long as I dont rvrire about nunbers.
necd to be friendll-. No one wants to talL ro
an unfrienclly conciergelAlso, vou have to
lo"" r ,e rre' rr".rrd he I'orel o. rrc.iD:
A concierge often gives dircctions. You dont

usuall\'have ro work lare at nighr. Thar: ali dar: And I don't knor. rhe cio vclr well.
ano$er thing 1 like about rhe job the hours. Luclrilrr rvirh Gl']S it'.s verl casv ro rahe pcople
\\'e mostly rvorL during rhe dair Thais rl.hen \.1.r. 'l 1 $- . . ts-. \'o n. I il,. .
our guess rccd us mosr. Finally, r-ou rvill shofi distances or to dre airport. Sone of e
norice I am {.earing a unifirm. \bu haYc to people I drir.c are real\'iorercsting. r uniforn ofcourse, so ifvou .lont $.anr
to vrcal a unilbrrn at vour job, this isnr rhc job 2. I rcallv like mr job bccause I've ahvals loved
lor r'-ou. food. Ih lcarrine a lor :rboui ho1\. ro malie
sonc reall,v erear dishcs in dre kirchen. Lncl
3. Hello. From rvhat I am wearins, ca. anyonc rve ser ereat fLod lor free. fhar's thc besr
guess Nhat mv job is? Noi \vcll, I'm an ing. Ir can ser really strcsslul ar rimes. BLrt
architect. There are a Lot ofrhings rh:t are thc atmosphere is nicc theLe, and Ih l.orkirlg
tcccssary illou wanr ro be an archirccr. \\,'e r.irh a grcar eloup oipeoplc.
desiqn buildings, so mrn,v people rhink rve
dor't nccrl to knoiv:rbour inrerior design. 3. ola lin lob iilou enjol scllnrg
It's kind

Not rme-rve do.,\rd anorher thirg \lc need thin.qs. V-e halc a great rargcofstuffin rhe
rore.. .l 1",. .eei
to be eood at is math. So, if 1.ou rvanr ro be '. I 1.1",..r I .rg r.
an architcct, keep takins ose algebra and s,hcn rhel conc in. Ho\,re\.er, I \\'ish I hxd a
gcometrv classes. You !lso har.c to bc able l't..' L,r.l '. g.' . .'.b"r ei'-n.
to*.orli on a ream. Vrc work \1.i rll kinds ro r v to eer people to Lruv rhhgs- I pretir to
olpeoplc. Some rhinh archirects gend ail let cusromers takc thcir rime. No on( nnnrs ro
rheir time alone, and again rhis is rot true. liel pressurcd, vou knorvi
.1,.,, . \h.,. ll e r.. u, -\.,1.:
',:, r ,1. I ve working in a place likc fiis.
alrvar-s enjoved
rvith othcrs. Now, ar archirecr needs a 1ot
ofeducation and ves. you need a license. Iti
Ir\ rvi lri,.ls. Thcv love to comc
reallv popular
antl look ar rvhat ivc hale.'1hev alivars rvanr ro
necessnrr since architccrs ha\,e r,:) clcsigr sale
builclings fbr pcople ro lire and rvork in.
pick em up and plav *'itlr tleor, so ir's kind
ollirn. [spccialh.. the babv oncs. l love plaling
rvith thcm, roo. Thc onlr'rhhg I doni like is
LElgiit.i5 thar it tales nc abour nvo hours to eer here. I
Conversation, Part A re.rlly shoLrld rnove anrl live closer to nr nork.
Ron: Hi, Kciko. Are vou cnjo_ving r-our
rc\r job?
Kciko: Yeah. So fir so good. I gcr to neer lots
:,ils3*l.l 15
Conversation, Part A
oI iotcrcsting peoplc.
Nlanagcr: Hello. Java Co*ie.
Ron: Youi e a concicrge. right?
Eran: Ilcllo. Can 1 speak to the m:rnager,
r(ciko: Yes. I r.ork lor the ncr. horel dorvntoivn.
Iton: Do 1ou ger ro usc vour larguage ski11s?
\,Ianager: This is the marager.
fe;lo, I r1o. I use borh mr-French and Enelislr.
Iton: And hows fie s.rlarv?
. ,,.: rJ5. g"",r .. . r un. \ l. r rr < i.
Lvar Kincaicl. l m calling about fie
Keiko: \X/ell, I'm still in nrining, but I'11 get a posirion lou advcrtiscd. ts i!
r:risc r,,hen I m done.
srill l1vailablci
ir{ana.qer: k is. Vrc haven'r lllled it yet.
Listening, Part A and B
L I thought I rvoLrldn't cnjov the job when I tirsr Eran: Crcarl Can I asl< s,hat are the hourrs?
Managcl: \bud work on tcekends onlv. k\ a
stalted. I don't rcallv like lorking at nighr. Bur
I didnr hale a choicc since i'rn one ofthe nov
paft tinc job.
guvs. Ar first. I r.orried about sitring clorvn

Evan: Thar's perfecr. And rvhar rvoulcl my I would har.e to deal rvith anerv
responsibilities be? people. I also would have to \vork late
i\{anager: Mostly sen ing coffce and some ac night. l'hen I couldnt enjoy mv
light cleaning. sta," here.
Er-an: OI( Do voLr reqlrire xry previous A.rd rips arcrit steady.
experience? Cascy: Yes. Thar is rrue too.
\lalrg.-: N". : -l.
Wel.roriCcrJl rl eLr.r.ring Maria: \(Aar about this? A lashion company
vou necd. Do you \{aot to come in lbr is looking lirr a part-riue assistant.
an inrer\.lew? Tom: Ard they need sorneone to starr
E\,'rn: Yesl I can come in roda,vl right arvayl
Casey: That sounds perlectl
ColrYefsatiolr, Part C Maria: You should call em.
lvlanagcr: Hello. Java Coffec. This is Susana. Cascy: oK.
Er-an: Hc11o. Can I speak to thc Emplovee: Inshion rNC.
manager, plcase? Cas.-y:Hil Could I speah to the manager?
Manager: This is thc manager. L.mplovee: This is dre manager
Oh, good afternoon. Mv name is
El an: Casev: My name is Casey. I rvas wondering
Evan Kincaicl. l'm calling about the ifrhe part-tirne assistarr position was
server posirion vou advertiscd. Is ir still available.
still available? l-nplovee: Ycs. \(e havcnt filled it vct.
Managel It is. Ve havent filled it yet. Casey: \(hat sort ofpositior is it?
Evan: Grearl Can I asl< whar are the hours? Employce: You rvould be hclping around the
Also, which dars is ir? o1Ice.
Manaeer: Youd rvork on weekcnds only: It's a Cascv: What are rhe hoursT
parr time job. Employee: Four times a week fron 9am ro 2pn.
Evan: That's perfect. And *,har would my C:uey: 1-hat's pcrlecr.
lesponsibiliries be? Emplol-ee: Why clon'r you come in fbr an
V'rrr5e-: Vo'rr1,en.rrg cotlee rrJ .nrre inrerview?
light cleaning. Cascy: Creatl
Evan: OK. Do you require an).. previous [ater that day...]
exPerie11ce? Cascv: Hello. I'm here lor the inreryicw lir
V.rnJc,': No'.rr "1. W. pro'ide rll .1,. ,rr,r,i r. thc parr,aime assisranr position. Can I
you need. Do you want ro come in for speak ro thc manager?
an intervierv? Employce: Yes. You can.
Evar: Yesl I can comc in rodavl (iase1,: (lrearl
Emplovee: Whati your nane?
LESSONS 13-16 ENGLISH IN ACTION Case,v: My name is Casevl
l;n. H,. gu\,. I hel( ,or ,r ighr b. gni-8 Employecr Oh, Casey. Yes.
to Australia, Caseyl Casev: Itt grear to meet vou. I just r.anr to
Caseyr Yep. I m looking for a part tirae job tell you, I can rvrite pretw rl-ell. I have
to save up. Maria is hclping me. a hshion blog. I m also reatll good
Maria: 'fhis cornpan,v is looking lor a rvirh peoplc. And as rou car see, I'm
translator. good at lashion.
(iasev: I don't speak any othcr languages. Ernplor-ee: Sounds good.
Ton: I rvot drir recommend the job then. Casey: Iir also reliable and a hard rvorker I
This coffec shop is looking lbr a can do a reall,v good job.
servcr \ hv nor here? .-rrd. ike ru.ld I'e r gre... :..i.rrnr.
Cascv: Reailv? When can I star-t?

Emploree, Oh, I don't horu. You har.e to 3. A: Horv do vou spcnd 1'our fi'ee Tini
D: r tlr. lrr.'ll'r,r"1,l or. ll"reir.
fhis isr't the inter!iew?
Caser'-: A: Oh, Nrhat sc,n of rhings do 1ou
Lmplolcc: No, let me call thc nanager... Hi, phorograph?
Bct? This is Mike from ,:lorvnsrairs. B: Mainlr'rviLdliii. l likc to tal<e photos
Casey is hcrc to see yorr.,. ol'birds and animals, r-ou Lrorv,
llnturc picaures.

A: Tharls inrercsting.
Conversation, Part A
B: th golng to havc a sho'v at rhc public
Iibrarl'ncxt nronrh.
A: So. how do vou like it here so tir Sreve?
It: ks grear, Ann. Ih learning a 1or. A: That.s greatl Nlake stLre you l,:t rne knorv
ii-frn. Til Iove to sec it.
A: Are lou ivorking rouorroni
B: No, th:ris mr-dal ofi.
A: Luckv vou. Vhar do vou do in lour lrcc time? LESSON18
B: I liLc to play sports. Conversation, Part A
A: Oh. veahi Thris irreresting. \{4rat rlo Jeft: Hcv I(LL, do lou ha"c plans fir
1'oLr plav? Frnlal- night?
ts: Socccl basketball, baseball, hockey, tennis... Iiirk: Fridav night? I doni rhink so. \\rhr. r
Jeffi Do lou rvant to scc a movie?
Listening, Part A and B Kirh: SuLe, Iil lore to. V/hat's pleling?
L A: So, rvhat do vou liLc to do ir r-ouL frcc Jell: /:rzr t)11is plavlnq at the rhcatcl
tinc, Paul? KirL: Grcrtl I Iove acrion mories. V'hen do
B: Vell, actuallv I lovc to cook. IOU Wanl lo eet?

A: CooLitg? Reallv? feli Ho.' ebour at 7 p.n., h lronr of

B: Yeah. I like ir a 1or. the the.rrcrl
A: So, rvhat kinds ofrhnrgs do vou lllte Kilkr OK. And leri gct some pizza altrr
thc trovie.
Br It depends. Usuallv, I just ior
Look Jeff: Sounds .eood. See lou thtnl
inrerestins lccipes on rhe tnrernct, and I rr,v

thcm or.]l. Conversation, Part C

A: l)o vou cvcr c,.lol< for rnuL fricnds] Jefl Hcl Kirl<, do 1rcu h.r'e plans lor
B: No, I just cooh t-or mvsellr fridav right?
A: Oh. Iirk: Frid.rv niehti I don't think so. \\rh1'?
Jeli Do vou want ro sec a oovie?
2. A: I)o vou havc .rnv hobbies, Annai Iiirl<: Sure, I'd lovc to. \Yhais plaving?
B: llobbiesi Vell nor exactlv, but I like music fefl: Fn'r -lzl/ i pla,ving at the theater. I hear.l
I plal the gLrirar. I often plav dol,n ar rhe iis good.
mall on l.'eckcncLs. Kirk: Creatl I lor-e rction nrovies. \"hen do
A: Rtal\'? _-vou \\,rnt io meet?
B: \!ah, I usually sct up ouside in liont of Hou ,.r.r p. r .. i r, r
the enrra[cc. I put a hrr dorvn in fronr of fic therrer?
me. People often lcevc me.r dollar or tlo il 1(irk: OK. And lcis get sornc pizza:rfier thc
fic,v likc my rnusic. movie. I knorv r greirt placc
A: (ioo1. So, do IoLr nrake mLrch? Jell: Sounrls qood. Scc vou thenl
B: \\'ell. on.r good da,v I crn make
around S50.

LESSON 19 B: Surc.
Conversation, Part A A: But rve should go oow They ger prettv
Berh: Hello? crowded at Iunchtimc.
Chen: Beth? Hi. iri Chen.
Beth: Hi! Hol,''s everything? 3. A: Are,vou doiog anvdrine larer?
Chen: Creat. Listen, rvould vou like ro go ro the B: Not really.
museum later? A: Do you rnant to scc Findet: Keeperst
Beth: l'm sorrv, bur I crn't. B: I d love tol \I'leret it plavirg? At
Chen: Really? Why not? thc rheater?
Beth: I h.rve to go to \r.ork. Do you wanr ro go A: Actualll, it's not playing anpvhere. But I
tomorrorv? Iin offthen. have it on DVD.

Chen: I d Iove to, but I cant. Imgoingrorhe B: Oh, iri out aireadv?
ma11 with m1' brothcr.
A: Yeah. Do you rvant to comr over and
Bedr: Oh, I see...rvhat about the wcckcnd? watch iti
Chcn: I can go Satuday B: Yeah. slrel
Beth: Me tool
'-l (-: \uld. gooJ. I . . g-:l' . ' re b. t"r. B: Jcss? Iti me, Parkcr.
\\,.e go.
Hey, Parkcr.
Berh: OKI Sounds perfcct.
B: Listen, l'n
going to Sauthlnndrc do sar.;,c
Chen: See you soonl
shoppirg. Do ).ou wanra to?
SoatLlandi Or t Saarday afternoon?
Listening, Part A and B
1. A: Hev, Meg. \(hat arc you doing?
B: Vhy not? All rhe stores arc having
sales roda1,.
B: Oh, I just camc liom rhe mall. Look *.har
A: No, I doni rhinlr so. But thanks lor:rsking.
I got.
I need ro clean nv room anpvay.
Nice! Have vou plaved it yet?
B: Are 1rcu surc? Iiil be fun.
ts: No, ofcourse not. I just boltghr i!. Have
A: You can have firn lor both ofus.
you plaved it betbre?
No, but it looks fun.
R: Sa1'. do vou rvant to come over and trv LESSON 2O
ir out? Conversation, Part A
A: Nou,? Michellc: He1-. t-isa. Are vou there vet?
B: Sure. Lisa: Yes. \X4rcre are 1,ou?
A: l rl love to, bur I cant. I har.e to eo to Michelle: I m reallv sorry. I'm sti11 on the bus. I
ran an crrand.
B: Too bad. t-isa: OK. Sam isnt herc 1,ct either Horv
A: Let mc knorv horv you like it. long rvill vou be?
Michelle: Not sure. Mavbe I0 minutes.
A: Horv *.as your class? Ii..: OR. HurrliOr q,'l ni..rr. rro'i..
Br Cood. Hor. was vours? Michclle: I'll be therc soonl
A: lnteresting.
B: \flhar are you doirg norvi Conversation, Part C
A: Iin going to -Mlr*e1i. I'm kind ofhungrv. Michelle: Hev, Lisa. Are 1.ou ere yet?
B: I'vc Lcard of$at placc. Is it any good? I.isa: Yes. \i(here are y,-rui
A: Ycah. Lvervthing is cheap, and it's trast. I Michclle: l'm reallv sorrl-. I'm still on dre bus. I
have another class later, so I jusr rvant a ran an errand. I had ro go to thc bank.
,r.r'. \ h r<. s rt. Jo '
"rr '\ rnr ro,o r. n(:

OK. Saor isni here vet either. Ho* Lgssolt t1
long till vou bei \i'ill
r'ou bc long? Conversation, Part A
I'lichelle: Not suLre. Mavbe 10 minures. Nl.rrk: So, *here d vou go lor vacation?
l_isa: OI(. Hurrvl Or rve ll .riss dre movi(. Reil<o: I rvenr ro Hong Kong.
Nlichcllc: I ll be there soonl N,larkr \Xrorvl \\"ho did r-oLr go ivith? Did 1ou
!!o alone?
iESSO}iS 17.2J
ENGLISH IN ACTION Reikor No, I naveled *.ith my sister.
Eric: Oh. goodl lbu rc hcre. V. : .]u, L r: \r,J ". d d
.".r d" r ,. e.

Casel': LIi. I dott knorv rvhere Jill is. She Dirl,vou go ro Victoria I'}ealt?
said she *.as conring. Rciko: Yeah, rl'e also rook a city tour. I took r lot
. r'.. r 'r re .l'. ll b. I .r. I ,'-.i.. ol phoros.
Clasev: So, rvhat do r-ou lil{e to do in your \larL 1 can'r rvrit to see them. Did vou go to
lree rime. Ericl Hong l(ong Disnoland?
Eric: I lil<e to studv... md exercisel Reilo: \\t dicl. lri small, but iri ticc. Oh, and 1
Cesev: fught. I remenrber... vou pl.r' *.enr shopping.
V. j,: ul.. , .. \, J \.\",, i,r..or 1.. n,:
rennis, borvl. ancl box.
Eric: 1 am tlinkirg of staning
bascball tool Conversation, Part C
Case,v: Outsidel \1,',: s".'.1..r.. i/.or sntn r-,- o':
Eric: Ofcoursc. Reiiror I vcnt ro Hong Kone. It rlas a 1ot offur.
Caser': I ncan in rhe parlr. lith a team.
Mark: \\/ow: \\hlJ did vou go l,ith? Did rou
Lric: No. Bur rvirh vidco gamcs, You can ilonci

plar. anvr.hcre. Lr.en the parkl It.s Reiho: No, I tLaveled u''irh rr1 sister. It her

almost the s,rnc thingl. second timc thcrr.

Casev: I don't ihink ir is. \l'r[: H .r :'r'i t .l..h.rr,li,l ."r., o 'l-r-:

Eric: Hi Marial Hare lou seen Jil1?
l)id lou go tc, \'icroria i']eak?
14arie: \tpl She sairl shc on her Reiko: Ycah, *c also rook a cin'tour I tooh a 1or
Eric: He1-. rl,e're going to a novic. Nlul<: I crr't rvait to scc rhcrn. Did 1'Lru go to
Do lou join Lrs?lent to Hong Kong I)isnevL,rnd?
IIaria: I d love ro. brrt T crni. T hrve Reiko: Ve d . k's sma11, bur it\ nice. Oh, and I
plans tonighr. wLnt shopping.
Eric: Tbo barl. Mar-be nert rirne? \l (: t..t "r..e. \ ro . r.. .ld )" rbr t r-:
Next tinre. Rvc.
(iasev/Eric: Blel Scc va. LESSON 22
Ericr \Ye're soing to bc 1arc. CoflYersation, Part A
V/e hare somc dme. Ve should r\lnie: So JlLl, I havc ml plane ricket ro Murich.
be OK. I jusr nccd ro decide what to do thcrc.
Ji11: Sorrv quysl I'n so sorn-. I Lnor'. I m Ji11: lvlavbe I can help. Aonic. Do rou prefir
1atc. I knor: I, um, h.rd to walk thc tr.rveling alonc or nr a group?
dog. Amic: I prefir rrarrling in a group. I usuallr'
Cascv/Elic: YoLr clont have a dog. . .h. r\. p.ople.
Jilr: Right. I, um...rhc trafic is jusr : t,l' r.l .J, d .", u-e e"- ., i'- i,
arvlul. hostels or sralin.q in hotelsi
Eric: \X'}ar? \bu lire right upsrairs. \ :e: ld,'.1.,r . .rrg rr' r"...1 . 1....'.'e r.
I ill: I hnorvl So rve should reall,v ger going nctr people in hosrels.
or rl.e 11 be lrtel Jill: J-hati true. Lnd rvould vou rarher rLar-el
br. bus or rrain?
A.nnie: I d rathcr travel by train. LESSON 23
Jill: OK. Then how abour rhis six-dal train Conversatio n, Part A
rour ofBavalia? Each night you have a Teresa: Did vou pack everything vou need?
choice ofa hotel or a hostel. Miguel: Uh$uh. I just need to buy a rravel pillorv
at the airport.
Listening, Part A and B Teresa: So, tlris is your first ove$cas nip d d
A: So, rl.e need to decicle on our trip. Y/c\.c talked your first flightl Are,vou nervoLrs?
about a lot ofoprions. Nliguel: Not at all.
B, I agree. It's decision time. Remembel you'rc not allorved ro take
OK. -Wcve decided not to do a camping Iiquids on the plane.
trip. And we're nor inter'esred in a spa resort M;guel: Rea11v? OK. I hope I didnt lorget
vacation or a crlrise. So, itt a choice benvecrL a an)'ithing'
backpacking trip and an eco-rour Teresa: You must take your passporrl
B: Id prefer go on a backpacking trip. Miguel: Oh, ofcourse. I guess I am a little
Ol-. good. Me .oo. I d rarher be ferible. \ou neffousl
know we car then do what we want.
B: I agree.\le need tobe erible. Al eco-totr Conversation, Part C
would be inrere"r'ng. bur mal be anorl-er rime. Teresa: Did you pack everyrhing you need?
So, that's good. Now how wouid you prefer Miguel: Uh-hul I just need to buy a travel pillow
travelingi I[e car go by bus or by train. The at the airport.
bus is cheaper and goes to more places. Vlhat Teresa: So, this is your firsr overseas trip 4rl
do you think? 1'our Iirst flighrlAre you nerwous?
B: I d prefer traveling by train, if thatt OK. Miguel: Not ar all.
I Ii:el the same rvay. Tiains are more Teresar Remember, you're not allowed to rale
interesting, I think. liquids on the piane.
B: Ife should look into a train pass. Miguel: Really? OK. I hope I didnt forget
Cood idea. Bur lett decide where we rvill stay. anything. Oh, I should get goingl
R: r$?Lich would you prefer-sraving in hotels Teresa: You must take voLrr passportl YoLr need it
to get on thc Plxne.
A: Deffnitel,v hostels. I want to save mone_y. Miguel: Oh, ofcourse. I guess I am a lirde
B: So do I. Then we can spend it on otLer things.
A: Exactly. Ard wlur about meals?
B: Therc will be a lot ofrestaurarrs ro chc,osc LESSON 24
from. Bur you Lnow, I d like ro eat su.cct food.
Conversation, Part A
A: Do you think it's sa1!? Tourist Hello. How much is a one-rvav licket to
B: Surc. Yle'lljusr need to choose carefulll-.
New Yotk Ciry?
A: I hv do vou prcler streer food? To save
Agent: It's $86.50.
Tourist: Ard when is the nexr rrain?
B: No, I jusr prefer trying local foods.
Ager,: lr'e',e.Jr -: <1,r, ll.'r',rheL,r rra,r
Me too,
of the day.
R: So, rve decided the big drings. I thidr we'11
Tourisr: OK. How long does ir rake to get therc?
makc grext rravel part[cts.
Agent: About three hours. It arrives at
Lhir so o".\,'rehnrl looLing lor .lr< 10:20 p.m.
\Jn e () p( u Bl rher<. "re r 'ir g r e Tourisr: And *,herc does it depart lromi
haveni decided yet.
Agent: llatforn four \Vould you liLe a ticket?
B: \(/hart that?
1he train is leaving soon.
A: V/hcre are we going?


Listening Part A atd B Ton: I'nr cro.odile lbm rnd this is Tommy
1. A: Ncxt please. Vt'r'e taking a trip ro lbra\ rravels ir
B: Hi. How rnuch is a one-rvar ticlter ro Paris? Ausrrrlia. I brou.qht phoros for youl
For thc ncxt rrain? Cltscyr I clidni knot vou ivcnr to,{usrraliel
\: \ i'ee o',,,.,i. e i.c\ lbm: I rvas tbcrc last vcar.
poLrods. It lcaves ar 1r:10 p.m. Horv long u'ere lou there? DiL 1.ou travel
B: 'r\. lli r" . .r Hur. .np ., e. if. alone?
A: Thrcc hour. Torr: I ivas there about trvo neel(s. NII cousin
ll:And do I leavc lrom rhis srarion? lives rhere. I have lriends in Sv,:lner., so
A: Oh, no. \bu deparr fiom \\irerloo Starion. they shou cd mc around.
B: Uoll ''e. c."r ri'r. r g.r. r, .. Cro: \ftat places did vou visit?
A: Oh, ves. ks onll lour srops ar.a1r Herei lbm: I started in Mclboumc. Thats shere ml
vour dcket. coush lives. \\'e wenr to an anazing o1d
B:'lhankvou. marker rhere Quccns Yicroria trlarl<et.
Thev harl a1l sorts ofsrulll
2. A: Here vou go. Caso: Oh, t-o*.l fhar looi<s grear. Hor.rvr-s the
B: Thank 1ou. Anv bags?
$,'eather there? V'as it .old?
A: No, I'm jusr carrl ing this. Tom: Yeah, it rvas a lirtle cool rhere. so ),ou
B: Just a monenr. ..oh, no. I see the flighr is need !o rake a Then I \1ent to
going ro lear-e late. Sydner'. Look here. You har-e ro rake a
Horv late? boat trip to rhe harbor.
B: Onlv one hoLrr. You rvill leave liom Casel: That looks nice.
Cate 16. Tom: Alrer rhat T rvent to the Gold Coasr.
I hal-e ro transfer in tr4cxico Ciq-. That's north ofSvdner.. There are
B: Yes, you ni11 stil1 make )rour connecriot.
beautilul be.rches thcrc.
Oh, good. \i/ell, th.Lnk vou vcr nuch. Casev: Yro'"r,. k almost looks like real gold.Did
R: Excuse me. Don't lorgct,vour
1ou eet aLound bv bus?
boarding pass. Tom: No. Acmallr,. I preflr travcling bv
pl.rne. Australia is a huge counrrv so
3. A: Can I help vou?
bus trips take too Long. Bl Lrus, ir rakes
B: Yes. On,: ticket ro O(a\\;r, please. C)ne $,ar..
about...cight houx to .qet tiom 5\,dnev
A: OK. Are vou leaving todal ?
to tr'lclbourne.
B: No. Iis fbr Atrgust 30't. Id lilte to leave
Casol Oh veah. That'.s l,:lng. So what clse did
aftcr 6r00 p.m.
Tou doi
A: Because iti rrore than 21 davs arlan
Tom: I went up rhe coast rnd rvtnt scuba
rrcLr can gcr a discounr. The hre is S4-.
di,irg i r \. r: e d. --ie R<. . \o r
Canadian dollars, of course.
nusr go drerel
Br Grear.
Cascl': AbsoluLely l
A: The rt 6130 ar.1
bus lcar-es tbron.o 'lbm: Oh, ancL this the besr parr ofthe
i:55 thc same evening.
arrir-es ar I
trip- 1 rrent to the most anrazing park
B: That's fine. Do vou l<norv the platlirm?
Kal<adu National Park.
A: Um...lo. That s a monrh arv:*. I suggest
Ciascv: Thari gorgeous.
lou check rhe board that da1.
Tom: You can carnp there, go hihing,
B: Ofcourse. Tlarks vcrl' much.
make rreiv frienclsl Cascl ? Can r-ou do me
a lavor rvhile
roure in Ausrralia?
LESSONS 21_24 ENGLISH IN ACTION Casev: Yeah. Sure. \\rhat is it?
Torn: Goocl dar'. matel Ton: \i'tll, I nade a cool liiend at Kakadu
f...r.'ror,..\ r r..o. Jr ..liL. 1.,,: National t']arlt. \(ill voLr srv hii
Ca.sev: Surc. Horl-rvlll I iiml your friend? Do SLrsan: How intcresting! Is therc a tladitional
vou have xn e-mxil address? outfit lor womcn as \\,.ell?
'lom: No, but he lives at thc pxrk. Tal.e this. Calum: \ts. Women normally *,ear longer skirts.
Casey: Toml But whcn they dance, thcy rnav rvear
Tom: Y/hat? kils. I thinl< thcrc will be arvomen's
Caseyr Thari a crocodilcl dance pcrformance later.
Tom: His narne's Torrmy. I natred dris alrer
him. Pleasc say hil LESSON 26
tEssoN 2s Tomr Ana, I realil, r,ant a nerl jacket. \(rhar do
Conversation, Part A vou think? ]s it me?
Susan: l he music is grear, and I love your Ana: Nor real\; Ton. I rvould get something
clothcs. Are rhev traditional? morc practical. And thc qualiq' is poor.
CalLrm: Oh, yes. You probablv knorv this itt Tom: Yeah, vou're right. Do 1.ou thini< this design
cJled a kilt. is nice?
\r.'an: \eah. I'e.eer .l-en ir es. I. ir " Ana: Um...a dillirenc design mighr be better
kind of skirt? Tom: How about this one?
Calum: ]fi/e11,
Scottish men don't really cali Arra: Honestll-, vou might want to try a difllrent
it a rllrr. People usually wear ir on color. Thar one doesn'r rea11y suit vou.
special occasions. Tom: Reallyi
Susan: I see. I love the pattern. Ana: This one wiil look better on vou. 1\e p"rrern . p aid. ..or :nd i. frrrou. Tom: I have that exact jacket at home. Youre
for them. The pattern can tell vou rvhat pickn but you have good tastel
family someone is lrom.
Susan: Horv interestingl Is therc a rradirional Listening, Part A and B
outfft for women as rvell? 1. A: I just can't find anyrhing I lil<e todav.
Calum: Yes. \flomcn nonnally wear longer skirrs. B: Lers keep looking. Iin surc wc can find
Rut rvhen rhey dance, they may rn-ear somcthing.
kilts. I think thcre will be a womcns A: Hev, looL at rhese.'l hese are nicc. Oh, and
dancc perlbrmance later looL a brand namc. You Lnorv how I Like
brand name clothes.
Conversation, Part C B: Do I everlAre thev long enough?
Susan: The music is sreac, and I love vour A: Yeah. So, rvhat do you think?
clothcs. Are they traditional? B: Vell, the qua1iry looks good, but I would
Calurn: Oh, yes. You probably knor-thh-it's get a diffirent color
."ll.l , L' r. Hare 1o r I e. rd o'i . A: Rexlly?
(rr."r: \.rh. lre,een rnc-n ,r picrurc.. lr ." B: Yeah, I'n not sure itt your besr color. It
kind ofsLirr? rvill be hard to match shoes ro that color.
Calum: \{rc[, Scooish men dont really call it a
s,[lrr People usually wexr it on specia] 2. A: He1., come here.

occasions. Thev donr rvear it everl da).. B: Yeah?

Susan: I see. I 1or.e the pattern. A: Look at this. Isnr it cool?
(-,11 m: I I e p (r. \,o l"-d , trruu. B: Yeah. Thc dark color lool<s great on lou.
'rr. r i. plJ
lor rhem. The pattern can tell you u,hat Does it 6t?
flmilv sorneone is from. A: I']erfecdv. Itt warm, roo.
B: I love thc design.
A: I do, too. And it's so soft. Feel ir.

Hot,much is it? J&c: sure.
Iti urn...oh, nr1. Ben: \ibulcl vou .eet sonc pil1o*.s for the sotrai
Vorvl Th.rt! a 1or oimonev Jakc: No problem. Do lou want any
I larot. I could cLarge it. particular colorl
You kno*, a chcaper one might be better Ben: Ilol, abour ereen?
l.eis kccp lookin.q. lakc: Sure. Anvthhg clse?
Ben: Vou1c1 rou mind piching up a mirror, tooi
3. A: I reaLlv l,att somerhinq to go with ml ncu.
lak€: \or ar rll. Do vc nced any'thirg elsci
panrs. l']lease he1p. Ben: Actuallv...can you picl< Lrp somc tood? Our
B: OK, just rclar. liidge is empo,.
A: \Ihar aboLrt thisi
B: T.. rr',e. llik.,lid-.ig ,lo . \ rl-< Conversation, Part C
colors. too. Bur...
Jake: Hello.
But ttac? Ben: Hi, Jake. Itt me, Ben. Are pu srill ar rhe
B: It looks cheap. The material looks cheap. home decor storei
You chink so?
Jake: Yeah, I just lound the lamp we looked
B: Yeah. I think thatt whl itt not so at online. It rvill look great in our new
exPensive. You mighr wanr to look a. aparrmenr. And it's on sale.
brand names. Ben: Oh, good. Listen, can you do me a favor?
Brand names? But thevre roo expensive. lWhat do vou needi
Jaker Sure.
R: Not ahvavs. Let's see ifrhere's anvthing Ben: Vrould you ger some pillorvs lor rhe sofa?
Jake: No problem. Do you wanr any
particular color?
4. A: Come here. There are some
Ben: Horl- about green
great deals.
Jake: Sure. Arlthing else?
B: you see an)thing rou like?
Ben: \Vou1d 1'ou mind picking up a mlrror, too?
A: Horv abouc thesc? The1.'re 40% oll \i'hat a
lake' Not at all. Do u.e need anvthing else?
Ben: Actuallr'...can vou pick up somc food? Our
B: But do,vou like then?
lridgc is empn.
A: \Xrell, I like rhc price.
B: Ma1bc, vou could find a diflirenr deslgn.
A: Ycah, vou're right. A dilt'irent desien uould LESSON 2B
be berter. Conversation
B: Ther'rc a good ralue lor thc nono., but
Dave: Hi, Helena. Are r-oLr btrsv?
rvil1 vou rvear rhem? l{tlcna: Nor reallr,. \I'hat vou are doing?
t: V b. nr 1..\..JJf Jh,b, jr.. l)ave: I'n pla,ving rvith nrv nerv tabler. I jusr
on thc floor of mv closct Her.l Look here. gor ir.
Thcse are 50qir offl Helena: I necd to get one o{:those. The\,ire so cool
lookine. \('har do vou use ir firri
Dave: Lors ofthings. I mosdv use it to storc
photos ancl *.arch rrovies. Its so nuch
Conversation, Part A
berrer rhan nrv phonc.
Jake: Hello.
Helena: Vhat is its nosr inreresring featLrrc?
Bet: Hi, Jake. k'.r me. Bcr. Are vou still at the
Dave: Thc mosr uselirl leature is probablv
home decor srorci
,l . dirin- olr$J .. L., , .- i i-r
Jake: Yeah, I just found the lamp rve lookcd
recording, cditing, end sharine m1
ar online. It will look grear in our nelv
orvn music.
Helena: Hot lLrnl
Ben: Oh, eood. l-isten, can r.ou do me a f:rvor?
1 . This the perlect irem lor rhe musician
.li ll: Thati allyou're pacl<ing?
"rvannabe" in all ofus. Some ofus play (.a.sey: Yes. I prelir to pach light.
a musical instrumenr, Lrut irls not alwa)s lill: ,K. \/1.,, oo e,.u"'. ,.e., r
' t(JD
pracrical to carrv it around with us. Vell, that Australia?
problcm is no*, sohed rvith the Electric (luirar -l6m: Ir
depeods. Srudents gcrerally rvcar
Bag. fhis urique bag combincs a normal bag T-shirts and iecrs, ifir's warm.
\rith ar acruAl guirar. You can use it to clr.y (iasev: In rhat casc, I rhink I have all thc clothes
a laptop, or use ir to relax and rclieve stress. l'11 nec,:1.
lfloLirc leeling stressed. iust rock oLrt antl .Jill: It mighr get cold drere.
you il fiel bettcr in no rimel Order now lor (lasev: But ir * ilI bc summer
jusr $49.99.
Jill: Still. You neler loow. I haye a rhicl.
s\1,earer You can borrorv mine.
l. Do ou l l.e tu. 'n ooJ. b r l, d . rlren r .o
Cascv: OK. Thanks, jill.
gciod with chopsticks? Do vou get cmbarrassed
Torn: Do vou have boots fir hihing?
rhen 1'ou have ro ask f-or a ftft in a Chinesc
Casey: I dont l<norv ifl'll go hihing. But I do
or Japanesc resrauranr? \itll, let drese fivc
paodas in rhe Parda Chopricks Kit he[ 1,ou.
Casev: \ihat do think? Isnr rhe dcsign nice?
Thev are smell, plastic, and slippeLy, sr, you '1im: I would get somerhing nrore
get lots ofpractice trving to pick them up \{-idr
li11: I have grcat hiking boots.
your chopsticks. Use thc chopsticks to piace
Cascy: \VoLrld vou rniod ifI borrowcd them?
thcn in dillcrcnr positions. Just rcmember not
J ilr: Not ar alll Lct me ger evcrlthing.
to ear thc pand:-s. Each set cos$ S24. (iase1: I doot kaorv ifl'll have room.
Eric: Hi gu1'sl \[hat are 1.ou doirg?
3. Five plLx iive cquals 20, right? Iflou said
rvrong, you are right. \ /idr \fiTronguJator lbm: Y/e're helping Casev pack.
calculator live pius fir.e might equal 20, 12,
F.ric: Sounds like lunl Do 1-ou havc a book to
read t'or che plane?
or 200-xn1-thiDg, iz;r rhe correct ansr-er of
ten. \{ vou pur into the \\tongulator Casev: No-..but I have my tablet. I usc it to play

is guaranteeci ro produce a
grmcs, lrarch movies, read books...Jusr
lrrong arswer. You
cant usc it ro get a correct answer, so rvhat about evcryrhingl

rvould vou usc this lbri Mosr peoplc just use

Eric: \'hat ifrhe battcry runs our?
Casev: \Vcll...
it to plav tricks on pcople-to have a 1augh.
F.ric: ,See? Thcn you nont hale anvthing to do.
lhel may sive it as a gifr to someone in their
office. The cosr? (lnlv $7. Dont rvorryl I hal-e pienty ofbooks yoll

4. Here's something ftr the person *.ho has Casey: OK.,,

. ever,vthint-a Clone Doll. Get a pcrlccr Eric: I'11 go get them.
liLeness ofvourselll Thc comparv drar makcs Tom: OK. And I have some rhings,vou rvill
these dolls takes a phoro of r.ou in 3D and definitely need including a first-aic1kir.
procluces a doll head ofyou. Thc process Casey: fueht...
is not clilficult thanks ro 3D scanners and Ji11: Here Casevl
printers. The doll head is then attached to Casev: Ohl ltrvill bcwarm therc. IdontloowI
a r-arietv ofdoll bodies. No*,, *har in rhe need allofdris.
r.orld are rhese used fbr? The most populal Jill: Of course you dol
usc is f'or rvcddings. But ir seems some people Casey: OK, thanJrs Ji11.
lil<e to use rhe clolls ro scare orhersl F.ach .1011
Eric: Hev Cascll Yodre going to love thcse
costs S1,800. booksl And I lound somethins else yoll
mieht nccdl

Huh? J.rson: Ybu )ravc? YrLr rvereni confirsed?
l hese books are grcatl And you'Jl ncccl Maria: No. I rhought it *.as dilllcult bLrr nor
the snorkel ;rrd flippers whcr,vou go in conlusing.
Jason: \\tll mavbe rou cln explain ir rc me.
Caser': Ceez. Thanks Eric. V,i : Ul , r ... \n ,.n., i ,r ""r.r1..
No problernl
Torn: Hev Casev. LucLy voul 1 lound 3. Jason: (,an you hand me rhe renote contr,:ll?

evervthingl Maria: \itv? I rhought1ou liked soccer

Casey: Oht oh, bov Jason: I love soccer, 6ut I doni think rhis
r' .h.,e.e\.i,i ,.\J, ,r,8.
i\laria: Bur somcorc r-ill probabll,score afrer
Conversation, Part A
vou chanee Llre channcl.
Argela: l.eti.pausc rhe movic and .set a snack.
Isnr rhe movie cxciting. Sonva? Jrson: \\"hat do vou think olthis mltch?
Maria: Ifs nor cxcitine, bur rhcrc isni
Sonva: Not real\'. I thhk ir'.r borhg. I leel like
anlthing else on. Yihv don't ivc satch
the acting isni r.erv goocl.
Angela: Really?
] lkde morci
Sonva: \'c:rh, and to mc, dre storv is kincl of Jason: OK. But I m gening a snack.
,tngela: I likc ir acmallv In mv oplnion, thc storr LESSDN 3{)
is cxcellenr. Conversation, PartA
Sonva: Ifvou ash mc, rhe storv could be beter. ,/-, l,: Hi, ,i ri '.1.1.'...1i.rcr ,1. rrrr*r
.\ r-e : l . ,.\- /o'i ,.r .1, .n r.r r rrp
.o sossip, bur did )oLr hear thar Joev cnd
finish $is nolie later.
else? I can Ilikc gor into an alsurenr?
Sonva: No, no, th:ris finc. I do *.ant ro scc horv
(iaitlin: I just hcard. Our nr,o best tiiends...
Zack: I doni realty know lhar happened. To
n... lr i' .r r. rr. rri,rs.
Listening, Part A arrd B Caitlin: I $inh so. roo. tsur I liel it's probabJl,
1. l\,Iaria: He1', Jason? Have roLr rca,:l rhis? , .lti(\1,
Jason: Lcis see...oh, The Ote ol th Mis:ittg argued rvith Joev and tbat bothered htrn.
BricliastYcth. Zack: I'n nor sure I rerrllr'agree. lvesccnJoev
trlaria: Yhat d vou drhk ofit? judeine N{iLc.
.fason: Iti one olml favorire boohs. A rcal Caitlnr: 1 just hopc the,v mal.e up or at least
Pxse-torncr. stal fLiends.
Nlaria: Arc,vou serious? Zack: I fiel the same rvar,-. Leti bc srue ro bc
I "n: leal'. r,,r','rr. .ror. \r. i , . re.ri ,!. thcre for thern.
I rake it vou didnt like it?
trlaria: Not at all. I thought it *,as rcallv. Conversation, Part C
LeJlv boring. Zack: lli, Cairlin. ft\ Zack. Lisrer, I dolt
rnean t,-r gc,ssip, but did 1ou hcar drat
Jason: Huh. I guess vou rlrcni go sec rhc
movic ncxr r-err thcn. Joel and Nlike got into xn argumerrl
Maria: No rl'av Caitlitr I just herrul. Our nyo besc fiiencls...l leel
so bad for rhern.
2. Jason: Can vou hclp me? Zack: I donr Lea1l1'knoiv shat happened. To
\laria: Yrith rvhat? 1e..,Fy, .-,rrri.. ._
Iason: Todar'.s homcr.ork. Iin fincling the Caitlin: I thinl s,:r, roo. But I liel iti prohablv
assigunent conlusing. r" e I
'r' l. 'r. . rL nL,-s
NTaria: Really? I've alreadv flnished it. argLLed rvith loev and chat borhered hirn.
Zack: I'm not surc I really agrcc. Ivc seen Joev bur norv several pages have arvlul coffcc stains
judging Mil<e. TLat rv:-sn't nice. on thrn. She wodt be happy with me at all.
Caitlin: I just hopc they malte up or at lcast stav V/hat should I do?
Zach I fiel rhe same way. Leis be sure to Lre
1. I rar' nro rn
,,'re dL r1l -r- n
ir'er d
there lor them- st.ltion e othe. day. The last timc I sarv her
\ras nlro lears ago. She looked erear, and .vcie

LESSON 31 -"irg t- geloger ,e rc.r r lor ."i1,, .hi.

rveek. 'l'he only thing rvas ihar \r'hen I first ran
Conversation, Pat A
into her, I couldnt remember her namc. Has
Kevin: I arn so ernbarrassed.
that o-c,- happened to you? l,uckih,, I .lon'r
A,ry: \(/hy? \[hat happened?
rhink she noticed.
Kevin: I thought S3rdra's birthday was on Sunday
r'.hr. du ir r '. r s.r.urJaI rishr.
Any: Oh, no. So, you missed it?
Kevin: \flhat rlo 1.ou rh;nk I shouid do? Conversation, Part A
lValt: t heard something interesring on rhe news
Amv: Iil just be honest. Ard delinirelv
apologize. Id make sure ro ge! her a night bclore I went to bed.
birthdar preserr, tool Oh, yeah? \(hais th.rt?
I(evin: lWhat time does thc rl all close? Vralt: It rvas a story abolrt a woman who glve
arvav sevcral million dollars. It was moncy

Listening, Part A and B shc inherited lrom an aunt.

1. I got home a litrle lare last nighr. Ir rl.:rs Tara: Y/orvl \(/h,rt did shc do with it?
actually rnv birrhday, bur I too bL6),at \flak: She was watching a l V shorv about rccdy
rlrcrk to pl:rn arything. My fricnd borLorved lamilies. Alter rvatching rhc show, she
my aParrment l(ey ycsrerday morning. He decided to give all rhe monev awal.
said hetl left somcthing $ere a few days ago, Tira: Amaznrg.
and w:urtcd ro pick it up. Anfvx1-, when I Y'alt Nexr, she set Lrp a scholarship progranr
got horne the pl!.ce was rorally drrlr. \7hen co pal,for rhc education ofhundreds of

I rurned on the 1ighr, a wholc bunch oftr,v motivared high school kicls. Then she
friends were therc and thev all shoutcd, decided to pay lol their collese tuition, too.
''Surprise! Happy birchdal.l" Tarar Thet's linta.stic. She must bc n,://,t,
2. Somc tcrv people r:ro,,.cc1into rhe .rparrment
ncxt cloor ro rne a fc*.*.eeks ago. I havcnt Conversation, Part C
met rhem yet, and I never sec them \Yalt: I heard somcthing inreresring on the novs
-r" rrJ,h. t,''rn.r br'rdir'..Brr l'.. lasr rieht belbre I wcnt to bcd.
at night I hear some srrange noises cornilg Tara: 0h, yeah? V&ar's thar?
lrorn their aparrment. It sounds like rhe/re Valr: It rvas a srorv abour a wonran who gave
mahing something. Somerimes, I hear a sound arvay several million doliars. Ir monev
a.s ifsomeonc is pla,ving a strange musical she inherited fronr xn aurrr.
insrrument. \ihat rvould you do ifvou wcrc mc? Tira: \7orvl \XGar did she do rvith it?
\[alr: She ivas natching a TV show abour needy
3. I borroq.ed a book lrom a t'riend a fir. *.eeks lamilies. Aftcr rvatching rhe show, she
ago. lt rva.s a book irer modrer gave her, and
decided ro give all rhe rnonev arval (ian
I knorv she rca11y liked it. Unlortunatell I r-ou believe that?
,o ll.J." r'.." lee or' r. I r ieo rc cle.rn ir r.,r Tara: Amazing.

V'alt: Next, sh,.'sct up a scholarslip program Casey: Around 3,000 U.S. dollars.'Vhat
ro pal fir rhe educacion ofhundreds o1: rvould vou do ifvou t'iund all that
nrotlvated high school kids. Thct shc
.1., .le.l .o p'r ^, I i- nl|FBF,, i'in,. ,ou. Torn: V'orv.
Whar a eenerous persool Ji1l, That's a lot ofnonclr
Tara: Thati fantastic. Shc must bc rca11v Maria: If I l,'ere vou, I'd give it to the police.
generous, Tom, I'n not sure I :rgree. You coulcl stal
at a nicer hotell

i-f;S5CN5 29.32 ENGLISH INACTION Jill: I clon'r know *tat I *.ould do.
| .,rr: Hel'.1 he n. I rr .nu l-rr re: Eric: I would be honcst and givc it to
Hi Casevll tle police.
Tom ]r{aria: I fccl cxactly the same ruav.
Cascyr .Hi cvcrvonel Cesev: OK. So. guex *.har I did?

Jill: Horv do vou like Svdney? li11: You hept irl

(-..",: l'^\F (: lr,.r,l r,., ,-r r.r.ir1 .ir.. Tom: You spent irl
I cr1"rr. , ..,1 r r i.. ., r.l .1,. . . .. Casev: Nope. 1 did rvhar Eric and Maria
just beauriful. rvould do ard gare it ro the police.
lbm: I)id )-ou go to Kakadu National Parl. Ancl guess that?
,v€t? J;ll/lbm/: V'har?
C:-sey: Nor vet. I just qot here. L.ric/NIaria

Maria: Horv'.s the r'e.rther? Caset: As soon as T rumed ir in. rhe mrn
Casey: Itt ivarm during thc rlay ancl colder rviro lost thc rvallct contactcd mcl

ar night. tsut I have lors ofsl,'earers, It rurns out drat he orvns one of the
rhanl<s co Jill. best hotcls in Srdnel l
lbm: No *.avl
Ji11: \'ayl
Casev: I have to tell voLr !!Lr),s somethin!! Crs.-r: Yes rvall So I get to stav lor freel
that happcrccl. Eric: Thar! ar.,'csotrcl
'lbm: \Vo*.1
Maria: What happened?
F.rici TelL rrs! Marir: Sec, it pals to be lonesr.
'lbm: \(hat? (lase1.: I have to go, I hale a tour, but I'11 see
yoLr gu) s again soonl
li[: Surel
Bclorc i gor ro m1 horel, I *.as rca11v ELic/Tom: Bve Casevl

excited. Bur rvhen I got to mv hotel. Maria: Travel salil

I lih alfull k was nothing like Jill: Bc carclull
the pictures. lbm: Can I see'l-ommv?
Cascl: B1c guysl
Jill: Oh nol
Casey: I conplainc,:1, bur dr€v rl.ouldr't gilc Eric/ lbnr: Br-el
me rnv mone,v back.
Mari:r: Thatt terriblc.
Casev: Afrer rhat I lelt to llnd another horel.
I rvas rvalkhg arountl rvhcn I noticed
Tom: \i'hat? \\'hatr
Cascl : I lound r r.allet. Therc rvas a lot of
monev in ir, but no I1).
F.r lc: Hou m,rch ivrs ir?

Vocabulary Index
1imi1y lile e-mails buffct resrauranr
hobbies cngaged caf6
home li1i games cafeteria
hiLing list-lood restaurant
marriage homework line dining resraurant
j.b loocl cart
pcrsonal problcms married food court
relationships Pet snack bar
school grades singing

LESSON 2 swimmnrg
agc tLr.i
apple pic
build chocolate cal<e
elderly wedding
goodJooking ,voga french fries
harrdsome lried clicken
healy LESSON 5 main dishes
height mashed potatoes
lools Brazilian shrinp cocl<tail
middle-agcd Chinese side dishes
pretty Ind;an spinach dip
Italian spring rolLs
tall Japanese steak
thir Korean
vorlng Mcxican vanilla ice crerm
Moroccan vegetable lasagna
conffdenr LESSON 9
forgetftrl cough
funny LESSON 6 dry skin
imparient bake fever
outgoing boil flu
cake gct resr
LESSON 4 iish headache
aerobics lrozen dinner ignorc the problem
baskctball lry
blog grill sore bach

bus stay in bed
busy noodlcs stomachache
dancing take sone medicine
diarv vegetables

LESSON 1O journalist read
climb stairs shop
dance to music prolessor sleep in
do chores psychologist watch fV
lbllow a workout vicleo
jurnp up and dorvn surSeon
play an active video game action
rearrungc the firrniaute rEssoN 14
caslier comedy
walk around the neighborhood chef historical drama
doctor honor
LESSON 11 fire lighter romantic com€dv
activity flight attcndant science ficrion
ballroom dancing pilot drriller
bowl;ng police officer
calories burned pop singer tEssoN 19
ice skating
runni[g LESSON 15 coffee shop
skiing blogger library
slimming doesnt need a car ma11

film director theatcr

tai chi flighr attendant
wall<ing gets long vacations park
LESSON 12 makes good moncy enre park
baseball stands all day
basketball travels for free LESSON 20
bowling wolks o1l week€nds brol<e down
boxing couldnt find
cycling LESSON 16 losr track
ffsLing a comPanvt rePlltatiolr
hockey benefits
indoor sporrs colleagues sruck in
volleyball responsibilities
go shopping
8(] aO museums
LESSON 13 size of the conrpany
go to the theaare
see historical sights
biologist LESSON 17 see sPorring events
chat online take phoros
lashion designer lisren to music
graphic designer pla), sports try local food
heaith play video garnes visit markets

LESSON 22 shorts rEssoN 30
adventurc holiday skirt apolosize
backpacking trip suir argue
bus rour T:shift
camping trip Lrniform lirgive
sPa resorr judge
brand 1ie

electricity adaptor comforr LESSON 31
hair dryer material
lock Price
mcdicine qualiry
PassPort value puzzled
porrable stor.e rhrilled
travel pillow LESSON 27 upscr
candle worried
tEssoN 24 clock
ailporr curtains LESSON 32
arrive lamp ambitions
boarding pass competirive
depart picture gel1erol1s
fare pillow
first class rl8 loyal
flighr modest
Sate motivated
luggage LESSON 28
checl< the wearher
platform get direcrions
price play games
rouncl trip read books
statiol send e-nuils
store photos
terminal video char

tEssoN 2s bored/boring
dress conRrsed/confusing
drcss shirt
runni[g shoes

OXFORD l'n{rsr r! 2,_ D3lid lre Lo$}itih.!dn.i(r.rN rDises.
f n {rmrrllistr,nrlcrtll
Lhalrlti.s r..Lf o!.rnrD.hphoLo.!rn trbh r.f
lrnale\.ltrrLer.'.roli.srCe.r'grJ lia\hi.inh Lflr oto .or. iu dnrLrr Rnh3rl
Le!!E {lanr. rtnrxlTl, idsro.liLlnl!trlt lmrg.srcerN Lr!46 NGu
hrll Sreplrrn\!nrr.rni]1r u f! rs lael!.et Jurnnrofnroir{o.Lrphor, !rn,
cr.iChretuLnst..i,ortord,.rtr 6D! lr.usl l11lr r, rerds h.r.h tuh rhnmsisroreicetrr
o+.rLi Lirrernr! ri r Jepardnenlollhc tinirriwotOxnrd rna.!t\i Fs 2e11Jrrrenl..dbii...bni Fg irolavurerlroneicrtrr tr3gcr
Ittufrh.NnreLlnle^itr ol er.ellenr in tusera h, i.hol:Ehrp,
s obJ.dre pe. .'.1 \!:l Lci L.rra1! o dr1\IorkLro i li sldllircdll tnrg.s: ps 3;,i\enrlruIli
L$rldride Drnrd ii a tulnLcrod rrd.
and edu..rron Lr! ]rrLitishin! aoRllsr )! 17lroor(pcr Jo.r srrorei\trriorl Ltolrrrrhiriccrl tDtrges,
malr !l urlndl;.ikNr_arri$ i. rh.lrll r.a nr.erianr.Lher..untrre! ibrllridrnellizir$a.D.nyrn.rkosrin lis]ludenr(t!rm lthNhe l
(nrh rnislr uir.rso.L .or .:nd f ror. own r l\rue I,a.L{e(t hr nrlc
o oxr.rd r in,eNq lres ro l L
la iicrtrvrmrs.srfg :rs rxralen lartHrni.E{rorrrrrh.rodi!.iccdr
rhe n nrrEha !fr1r alrh.rhrr.Ieen aserreJ Irater. lurrnr \.3h vri lrir {o.kptr o 10 .dm 1!ru.$rid. ceql,trnalesrLdd!
r'nisrsip! 3e \.(ilcch rrnrses }r!. 40(rl|om ccoE rornr.rtrnrEirit \rrsiorl
(ft,a xnales; p! 43 llrlrlln.or.ishfrerrDd{ !on'i Fs !r (.lrrJ.dnr
II.ds. rl,Dro:rarllrin!LlFh.h..n. t](rkr I nts \.[!srnndtn!rk L.m
[ ihnhins] Joh r li Iha f ordcrisbnercdL] h3g.s: f g..t5 srep][r zabtli
No rnauthorized photo.oping trlo.Lrphob..m;fg rn Pe lofold tnntnilr Pr.$.tah.n F r.tiroford
ro parloilhn lnblr(:rior ma!beFprddu.ed {
.{ll richi\ r.s.,aen. U|n!rsi.r rre$ipq !7rh.rrrr Fnat! l'res tsaLreLoDf,hurennrk .oI FD.rll
!!alddrrrl\v{.nr irrranJlnlcd inr.vromorhyiDl reus,Irilhofr Ii...n (rdrr slldir. r..rlrrnrrdrrnrv..sinFrls f! .1! Lhri; crrnlri
nrepri!1 pemn\n,n nr arnng.ll]rfu Universrr Fms oris expre$ly nb.Lrn.i. .oDlr .13 lli jonr ainloLhrh.t, onr p! .resrerelovelr.rrl
!.mirred Lirlar by rexns a!tued riih rh. rtlrrofr3ie shutrclb.Li..nrr !g s2 Ni]f, (ouri.unLni.iriom llrorocrr}rlri..{genql
rclm$rllr i.s lglrL .{r.,!iiof EDqfrles .onlemiu tupnrdnr n.n .uildr aetr-\iFg sr,\hf Illell6eri!Ln{]rsi p! 55 i! .mBaishffteNo.h
1l, otrh. iLrore nrlld bc s.nii. iLe ELTkilltsDepa ncrL orrird .iDrti! 53 !ub\[r ] I ]ir {}noro .or!. rorn1r.1ll.i\ .or1.
Urle.sir, rtusr, rnr. adnre$ abo\r 3E.rr rrseiaetr! lnaler, \1r lrdurel sonlqu rLrenlirhuLre.sio.k.ou
1nr rui nol .rrllrrr. nr is (orLr in aq olh.r tnrn rnd yor N ( nnNse p! 6{r nicordirxellllhutrt.r,.k..m o lxf \ ..r, rdl
lhn rnr..onnirion on rnyr.qnirer scbanicn Bur.lirlrf r! ri2 tsr\rnl r.roseir.hioarodLnir*rr
Lid6 brhn.d flrs$dlrsne\ rrr trovrded L! ortrrd ir go.d litrh lnd tnr i\l:ulr !i! 3 Ra.he I l\ir of isroDeice rtl
rre$. iaaLLmr llill rr.hnln n 6

miofu ri!n..\r orlord dndtrims r.y r.sp.n!Lrlr.t, lor rli. ualcrirl\

rnls.s:pg.5sNid.l]oldinsisnrn.ic.rEr[rger p! 66 Jrk.].or{o.k
rma!.\rc.rtolrnags, ier! Laneoarrli(,.ist.rges:!! 6saorbn lrs 6e
Hrpe lhot,rrf nisroreiceq rrlalis; p:]. 73 Chf i lrhieleanrLulLuraic.rty
Ceneralxlamscr, rnreri.irtur laurr P.!r.n lrniges:!! r.1Lz:.ktvr rrx s,l.oni.aia e r! ln arer a:trti|t \i..l.s Rusrlli
LrcLuiif . hblalriu Mafu+r rrili c0rde(cn hoiodE.icetrrlna.!t\iFg :slrrrr,ni&rclrornlb.L;F 77nnoEi
Nhnagir! Ldn.r J.nnfer Lleldxm! 7!sroalrlnar.riiv.rc..i tDtrlA p! :!smru.l
l$Dciareldn!. HrnxhD LarrHemi.d.?iFt'.kria< ! rraler: pr s0 br l.nsf ielrna{Lihorolraphur
Dirr.b. \DP: Sri! S.rluil\ alroi.eicctf !ma{s fEi 3:r & 90 ,.r tleM llirlcvrishuii.r{o.k..o[
ih thlLrhra\iinuk.{..Lr.n oSrp isLlaLjol!1:hutrer*..kronr.
Ix..nrnrDesi!nxlrn3c.r:[1:iBu HitreiL
LdlDrdllikhr. DlLrishu&r{r).kr.n .).srilxlure1 ..ton. tl
r$!.iaLe De!3. \Jrmger: I,ili.hrcl Sirrnhot.r rhrLreiilhurersro.k.or lli \\.trtncoldsllrnjrn!(etrro.t.o r. rhr tielir
rm3g. i\hnieer: ri:na \Jrn.xof Niraozn'korilhutr..\nn.k.on rluaNrcold\*ririrnnd.rno.k..Dm, tjl
lri.n ,llbetrishutrrL!trL .om, 1kl a onE tr liarli:hutreiro.L {.nr, 1ll Fel[
El.r. onr f roar(nin Ilrnrg.r JLrlie irntrrIn! l\{ir,?nikolilnurero.r..n 1m)\iiftishLrd .d\on.1.tJrin
l,rlnu.Lnrn ]1trni EI$i srnrl s{ir11shutrer\...k..r 1o Leml.hoFlnishur.sro.k.o\ 1!l \r1Elirrt\i
Produ.Lo!C.o intrror lFdTu.Lrr shutdr{oLl.. .1{ Elerd lrnagcsishrtrellrn ronr, rl szelerxlude.(olk
.oD.1:rreli\IIn,.znikoli:ln rer, tl {lsPrI h,lrnige
rsi\: lrri o i9ro30Lrj sludtnrB.ok 2 iLrx.kl
\hlreNo.h.o!n: !g\ 33 r !6 s(ns arny luitetShrnc 1\rn.xrNerro.k.
973 0 19r0lnn,t Sn'd trBoot I ipa.ltr.mponmii L.n LsI n:r RoL, Mlslni:huturno.k .oir L.rIrr ,{dah l
'\3\:})oNrl .on. lslrcxdfverr ote! coLor f,4isrru(5nd.k ..n, lu an
\: 9?3 o rrropr5.Onlrrc|ra.n.t i shtrtreLLo.l..m, inroller lon.61!hutreLlr.h..n. thrhr di|el tu,lo!slar a
rGenuisLurern{rron dnrih]]. FerE ytrslrd!L!trL .om, FmrE
sh:r.. Dxyishtrte^ um. irri!s..s Tlalsrf Ber serLrcrishure.*.r k.on.
l$ri.s rl(.morrshraern!d!.dr,. imrr\nr.c, rf r Ilirt HerreirLj:hutrer jo.k
..m b&kFr.L k.drolinnrersro.k.(n \hclltbrrnrlissrshureAr..l.onj
1rolc lia! aalhh.n r al rpf eris h u rer{o.l.ron
Irrrari ,J br: E
3tr{ian re.57 se; Komeih tsar:lDan 66iEu.LyHuftrr
6,r21ri1.42 6r;N.irJeltier 5 1r. 2 r. s6: Jrro.Jorqm 4,,11,r2.76i r kl '{lnlrr,nrl pir rrtjrilhr ]ffl irir.l 14: ,{sia ]da.!6 cniu! Pr. I rdr,lurtl rJd.
tiurlloij; \er{o.kuq! lipeitils n.!es
rarighr r.1,3.ri r)nvRmdxT?o 69: Larin rccL. r$,.rai. i4 12rHerni S.Lnid. i. rof borderr; D|j-\CenLcrishuitcEro.k.oir iLrtr6lred merll ic\turc r. nde
arnniiii. ril liiroD8riflr 5r: Rnhrrd H!r.hnr!:ilrilnal Li:jhr s.!r.r. a.v.r
ri!r: Ptqrre ir.roinoD,l|.il1itr r,pts r
lholoolp6.nTerlinr!]1tr1.r{\h.r..prgeir:reofleslc[ri:n]n tn. :lL

ntrtrinJrmr.rll ir[! rr i]ir:riLn'olirnn(j.r rir rind ji.ri$icrr0rrro.itr

Dlr.lrArijirn:ColrrtLrrtilhll \Ji.hi l,awhr ltir aorh I hr..ti.rtrer trtrtrd
xPnLnr.siorinrd Lnircnilr prc*, td nr$el1 tlliglcriivrnlEes,
i.le.lund n.f ri ge) L)horo,1l ligrr d O ls oric dr nnrle s Hor,rrd
(r, Lor s e
Iriielrodiaulrrriceln ua!er. chn(of h.rFf rL j,ino.Lrph!k)
.or, F:lrri.e LtROUClrG.ftJ irages, lnob,{lr.ic.q. nniges. .{lirerril

snuk.$..kc.m, xrnlcr Businc$ ID.gerishu trer{o.k reuar lr.ire

Soleii:! o! rhol!,1lr.rligrd Ol$onicc(r inrsrs Ig 2 ONOiiy
fhoroNnroF i,\lrm!r !9. t a. Dgr.ia.rnnr pg. 5 CytNSE{nbLL(phoi.
.oflrp! : whnc tu.k.r rThe lDale Nr.kic.flrrnisesr!r.3 rint Lralerinlue
J.rn lrnxgesicddr lmscir fS ! p:. 12
Niko cuidoji\b.tFhoio.o.rr !g t3 iar LrJordtjnif.nryPre$, lbruo{r'iro.
nrn:.ishtrterbll ..n, O |dnrd \VenDr.otrrhnttcrn.. L r om, drN. rl
\hutreNh.k .onri F:r r! rlrriIl rvfrte L.rgrrlilhrrccrtr tnr+s hrL. R!di
c.h {o.k}rh! ro .om. lrirP.T.isrrfiierro.ti.oD. dcam
Prjcrtv rm33.s, iLrDdr iredrdnllshuro+trk rom
\i.lrolsri{o.1tph.i..oD }rg. 161sarah supn sutlr.iorothureNo.k.oD,
nftrlisonstiftilnutrc* rre {a uknl r ivr 1in!T yishurt.r*..1r I o r
pg. 7 slrla2e6ishurerlolr .om; !s 2 r Fful Hnrizanisb&tna!!1cedy

l a;dripc lsF.odcenxnleHanbur!cmbrli/\riDll }rg.16ln!rlsi

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