Homeroom Worksheet: What Have You Experienced in Your Community in Terms of Discrimination and Unfairness?

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Holy Cross of Davao College

Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City

College Guidance and Counseling Center



Stephano Casaldan
Course/Year:BPED 1ST YR.
Date: SEPT 21 2021

Topic: Justice
Activity Number: 4
Activity Title: Respect of Self and Others

Part I: Activity

1. What are the stereotypes and prejudices have you experienced

in your community?
I have been experiencing some stereotypes in my community, some people describes myself
as gay since they only see the outer appearance I have which is feminine.

What have you experienced in

2. How does it affect you?
your community in terms of
discrimination and unfairness?
How did you handle the situation(s)? Identify some strategies
In everyday life, I thought that if they think i'm gay, then am really born to become that kind of
person? it hurts to think that I'm in the cage of shame to show my true self and instead act
like a man and talk like a man.
3. How did you handle the situation(s)?
I handle situations by just not taking it seriously, because i know some are only wondering about my gender
however some makes fun of me which i can't handle.
Instruction: Describe how you view the particular social group. There is no right or wrong answers.
Just state your honest opinion.


Rapists These type of people have ruined ones sexual life. It is very
disturbing that even little kids are being harass by those sexual
Tattoos are cool because it tells story of one person however too
People with tattoo
kuch tattoo is not quite awesome since it covers your body
Fat people They are the healthy and hard working ones, my brother ones
skinny but now his fat because he work 24/7 jusr to get money for
tuitions and bills.
I am very sad seeing those people who have eyesoght problems
Blind people
because they don't have the chance to see the world.

Child abusers These is the most disturbing and most disgusting sins i might
Pregnant Very irresponsible why sex if do not know how to handle
women who pregnancy?
drink alcohol
People who they don't shower
smell bad
They are the one should be prisoned I do not acknowledge such
Wife beaters

Terrorists They are just protecting they're culture and don't want to get
envolve to any government problems.
People who I don't know maybe angry
are illiterate

Drunk drivers Irresponsible drivers must not have license

they are protecting each other from those judgements of others.

LGBT Group

Drug Addicts Ruining they're lives by having fun of drugs.

Cheaters There are many types of cheating, and that is not good for
everyone must play fair, must be fair, and most certainly always
be fair.
Part II: Learning Diary/ Evaluation
What main ideas, concepts and experiences did Which part of the activity that I want further
I find most meaningful and relevant today? information and/or clarification?

Its still morning so nothing relevant has happen n/a

What helped me learn today? What hindered me from learning today?

Personal experiences n/a

In general, how do I feel about today’s activity?

(Please copy paste this check ✓ mark on the identified
() Elated
() Happy ✓
() Indifferent
() Sad
() Angry
Rate the overall success of the activity: (Please check ✓ )
(5) Excellent ✓
(4) Very Satisfactory
(3) Satisfactory
(2) Fair
(1) Poor
Other comments and suggestions:

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