Name: - TA: - Human Reaction Time (FIRST DRAFT)

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I certify that I created the tables, graphs and writing in this report.

Although the data was collected in groups, this work is my own.

Name: ________________________________ TA: ______________ v.22101 Page 1 of 5

Human reaction time (FIRST DRAFT) Assignment 1a - BIO 103

This page lists below the THREE items you must complete for the First Draft of Assignment 1.

We encourage you to open the rubric for Assignment 1b - Human reaction time (final copy).
The Assign1b Rubric will show all that is required for the final copy of this report. The more you
submit on your first draft means the more feedback you will get. We want to help you be successful,
so please continue onto the A1b rubric.

1) Write 4 hypotheses: Write a null hypothesis (HO) and alternate hypothesis (HA) for EACH of our two
experiments. Our two experiments are testing
1 Expt #1: Is a person’s first time on reaction time test faster/slower than practiced time
on reaction time test?
2 Expt #2: Is “one group” faster/slower than “other group” on reaction time test?
(Students determine their own groups to compare.)

2) Select or draw - 4 Predictive Graphs:

Present graphs showing imaginary data that supports each hypothesis.
Select from the graphs on p. 4-5 of this rubric, OR draw (by hand) what you expect from each
experiment. Clearly state which graph supports each of your hypotheses.
Indicate which graph supports
1a) the null hypothesis (HO) for first time vs practiced reaction time experiment
1b) the alternate hypothesis (HA) for first time vs practiced reaction time experiment
2a) the null hypothesis (HO) for “one group” vs “other group” reaction time experiment
2b) the alternate hypothesis (HA) for “one group” vs “other group” reaction time expt.

3) Create Table OR Graph of your collected data in a computer program:

Prepare a table showing the raw data and the averaged data of your reaction times for the two
groups you determined. Table must include a descriptive title above the table.
Present a computer graph showing average reaction time for your two experimental groups’ data.
Include an informative caption below the graph, error bars showing variance, axis labels with units,
and a legend (if needed).

*Note: You will need to include a computer-generated table AND graph for the final draft.
We encourage you to submit both in this first draft so that you can receive helpful feedback
from your TA.
Name: ________________________________ TA: _________________ Page 2/ 5
Rubric for first draft
Design your experiment
Talk via Zoom with your lab-mates. Say hello!! Determine if there is a variable that may impact your reaction times.
(In the past, students have used “athletes vs non-athletes”, “gamers vs. non-gamers, with their own definitions of
“gamers” regarding amount of time gaming).
Find a criterion that you can use to divide into two approximately similarly sized groups.

Write hypotheses BEFORE starting expts:

1) Write null and alternate hypotheses.
2) Choose graphs from p.4-5 of this rubric OR draw your own graphs of your predictions.

EXPERIMENT 1: Is a person’s first time on reaction time test faster/slower than practiced time
on reaction time test? Examining first try on reaction time test to practiced speed on reaction time test.

HO: ____________________________________________________________________Predictive graph letter: ___

HA: ____________________________________________________________________Predictive graph letter: ___

Fig 1a. Predicted data showing results Fig 1b. Predicted data showing results
that support the null hypothesis. that support the alternate hypothesis.

EXPERIMENT 2: Is “one group” faster/slower than “other group” on reaction time test?
(Students determine their own groups to compare.) Testing for differences in reaction times of two groups.

HO: ____________________________________________________________________Predictive graph letter: ___

HA: ____________________________________________________________________Predictive graph letter: ___

Fig 2a. Predicted data showing results Fig 2b. Predicted data showing results
that support the null hypothesis. that support the alternate hypothesis.
TO COLLECT DATA, use: Page 3/ 5

RECORD DATA on table below.

Table 1. Data showing first and practiced catch of all students (testing experiment 1). Data showing reaction
time of (group1)______________vs (group2)______________ . Reaction time recorded in milliseconds.
Examining average reaction time for first vs practiced catch, and examining reaction time for the two groups.
Reaction times
Mean SD
Group Names (millisec)
First Last. First Last.
First Last .

Group 1

Group 2

Assignment 1 FIRST DRAFT rubric

Absent Approaching Meets

First Draft DATA PRESENTATION (0 pt) standard (1/2pt) standard(all pt)
Type HO and HA -- for Expt 1
Type HO and HA -- for Expt 2
Choose FOUR graphs from p. 4-5. State which graphs
support each of your hypotheses. OR
Hand-draw FOUR graphs showing results that
support each of your hypotheses.
Computer-made table OR computer-made graph.
Pasted into word document program.
Must have title above table or caption below graph.

For first draft, submit the following in a word document:
1 Four hypotheses
2 Select pre-drawn graphs (from p. 4-5 of this rubric) supporting each hypothesis
OR hand-draw your own graphs supporting each hypothesis.
3 A table OR graph of your data created in a spreadsheet program (Excel or Google Sheets).

While we encourage you to complete the entire assignment, completion is not required for first draft.
We want to see that you are progressing toward completion, and that you can successfully submit
your work.
Human reaction time - predictive graphs Page 4/ 5

These two pages show imagined results from experiments on graphs A -K. Some of these graphs do not
relate to our experiments. Choose the graphs that represent imagined results that support your :
• 1a. H0 for experiment #1
• 1b. HA for experiment #1
• 2a. H0 for experiment #2
• 2b. HA for experiment #2

For the Assign1a first draft, you can either give the letter of the predictive graph below that supports each
of your hypotheses, OR you can draw your own predictive graph.

Graph A. Graph B.

Graph C. Graph D.
Page 5/ 5
Graph E. Graph F.

Graph G. Graph H.

Graph J. Graph K.

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