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Quenching ................................................................................ . .

Cooling curve shape analysis

can help evaluate quenchants


raditionally, procedures exists as long as there is a sufficient develop superior quench ants that

T for measur ing the relative

speeds of quenchants
used in heat treating have
been classified as either thermal
response or metallurgical response
supply of heat from the surface of
the metal. Stage B, the nucleate
boiling stage, is characterized by
violent boiling of the quench
medium following the collapse of
can achieve all of these cooling
Although there are numerous
methods for analyzing and inter­
preting cooling curves, 3 nearly all of
methods. 1 Of these two classes, the the vapor blanket. This region of the procedures involve determining
thermal response methods are gain­ the cooling curve represents the the maximum cooling rate, the time
ing increased acceptance due to fastest removal of heat from the test to or the temperature at the max­
their favorable cost, speed, and piece. Stage C, the liquid cooling imum cooling rate, and the cooling
reproducibility. The IFHT (Interna­ stage, begins when the temperature rate at some point within the mar­
tional Federation of Heat Treat­ of the test piece reaches the boiling tensitic region.4 K-E . Thelning has
ment) has adopted a standardized point of the quenching fluid. The recently shown, by analysis of data
procedure for cooling curve mea­ rate of heat removal from the metal collected in an IFHT-sanctioned
surement. 2 Although cooling in this stage is slower and is ac­ round-robin study, that using
complished by con­
Figure Quenchant t2 S A N vection and conduc­
4 Water 2.0 0.0 0.017 1.79 tion.
5 Conventional oil 8.8 17.9 0.027 1.31 It is believed that an
6 Polymer quench 8.9 21.3 0.076 1.15 optimal cooling curve
Media 1
shape, that is, a cool­
7 Polymer quench 14.9 17.0 0.200 1.15
Media 2 ing pattern giving
8 Polymer quench 27.0 11.8 0.046 1.19 superior metallurgical
Media 3 properties, would be
9 Polymer quench 39.3 9.9 0.033 0.71 achieved by minimiz­
Media 4 ing the A-stage time,
maximizing the B­ C stage
Table I: Critical cooling curve model parameters stage rate, and
minimizing the C­ Time
curves can now be obtained with stage rate. Since one of the objec­
reasonable reproducibility, there is tives of heat treating is to maximize
no consensus on the best method hardness, it is essential to minimize Fig. 1: Thethree stages of the cooling
of utilizing these curves for the the undesirable transformations curve.
quantification of quenchant per­ from austentite to pearlite or single parameters to relate cooling
formance. 3 bainite. Reduction of the A-stage curve behavior to physical proper­
Cooling curves, obtained by cool­ segment is desirable to minimize ties can be misleading.5 He subse­
ing hot metals in quenching media the time that the hot metal remains quently proposed that a better cor­
such as oil or aqueous polymer in the pearlite transformation relation would be obtained by
solutions, are temperature-versus­ region during the cooling process. relating some measure of overall
time relationships typically contain­ Maximum B-stage cooling rates curve shape to the physical prop­
ing three sections corresponding to serve the same purpose by cooling erty of interest and suggested a pro­
the three stages of heat transfer the metal through the austentitic to cedure involving the area under the
(Fig. 1). The A-stage, or vapor the martensitic transformation as cooling rate curve between two
blanket stage, is characterized by quickly as possible. Since the pro­ critical temperatures .6
the formation of a gaseous blanket pensity for cracking and distortion An alternative procedure for
around the test piece. This blanket increases proportionately with cool­ characterizing cooling curve shape
ing rate, it is desirable to minimize utilizes a mathematical equation to
M.E. Oakins and G.E. Totten are project scien­ the C-stage rate while the metal is describe the entire curve. Modeling
tists with Union Carbide Corp., Tarrytown. NY
10591 . R. W. Heins. deceased, was a consul­
in the martensitic region. A goal of the curve has many attractive fea­
tant for Tenaxol. Inc .. Milwaukee. WI 53214. both oil and synthetic polymer tures, such as : overall curve shape,
when this work was done. quenchant research has been to rather than a few selected charac-
_._ - - - - - - ­
teristics, can be studied; the versatility of the model. The six It has been demonstrated here
temperature at any time or time at curves are shown in Fig. 3, where that it is possible to describe an en­
any temperature are easily cal­ the Xs are the data points and the tire cooling curve with a single
culated; the cooling rate curve is ob­ solid lines are the fitted models. multi-parameter function, and that
tained by taking the first derivative One curve has the short A-stage curves obtained from a broad range
of the equation; the model acts as time and fast C-stage rate character­ of quenching media and having a
a curve-smoothing routine; and istic of a water quench, while four wide variety of shapes and charac­
curves are easily manipulated for have short to moderate A-stage teristics can be fit with excellent
data storage, retrieval, and trans­ times and slow C-stage rates, and results. Since the parameters of the
mittal. In addition, the curve para­ one has a prolonged A stage. These curve fitting function are directly
meters can be studied in relation to last five curves correspond to oil i
Level A N
quenchant properties . and aqueous polymer quenchants . Low 0.004 1.25
The cooling curve equation is a Note that, even though nu­ Mid 0.02 1.75
multiple parameter nonlinear func­ merous other shapes are possible, High 0.1 2.25
tion having the form: the curves shown here were
Temperature = ~To, Ta, t" t2, S, A, N) selected to be illustrative of a broad Table II: Values of Aand N used In sen­
where range of behaviors . An excellent fit sitivity analysis
To = temperature at start of quench through all three stages of cooling related to the well-known A-, B-,
T8 = temperature at end of quench and a wide range of shapes is and C-stage regions of cooling,
t, = time at end of induction period and beginning achieved. these results should be useful in
of linear COOling
t2 = time at end of linear cooling Table I contains the critical para­ relating curve shape to the physical
S = cooling rate during linear cooling meter values for the six test cooling properties of quenched pieces.
A = curve shape parameter curves. Since 12 estimates the time Understanding this relationship is
N = curve shape parameter at which A-stage cooling ends and currently the subject of research
These seven parameters can be S estimates the temperature drop around the world.
simultaneously estimated for any per second during this stage, these Although no one technique may
TemperalUre (oC)

800 800
To . 700
1\ Slope=S

i 600 600
! 1 500 500
2 I

i!! I
400 400

! Ii I.\ Curva,ure con,rolled by A and N

300 300


-==------ '~~ I 100

loo t
01 1
12 TIme
- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (seconds)
o w ~ 30 40 W ~ ro 80 90100
TIme (seconds)

Fig. 2: Cooling curve shapes para­ Fig. 3: Cooling curves from water, 011 Fig. 4: Sensitivity of curvature to
meters and four oolymer quench media parameters A and N
cooling curve using a compu­ two parameters together give a pic­ ever satisfy all of the needs for
terized, iterative non-linear least ture of what is occurring during the quenchant performance evaluation
squares algorithm. Many such al­ life of the vapor blanket. The para- I, and quantification, cooling curve
gorithms exist and are incorporated meters A and N are less intuitive shape analysis does provide a
into statistical software packages but together control the model's potentially powerful tool. lID
and other programs . The essential shape and curvature during the B­ REFERENCES
1) Carey, P.E., Meral Progress; February, 1966, 90.
feature of these procedures is that and C-stages (Fig. 4). In general, 2) "Laboratory Test for Assessing the Cooling
the estimated parameter values are relatively low values for A and N Characteristics of Industrial Quenching Media", Wolfson
Heat Treatment Centre. Engineering Group (1982).
chosen so that the sum of the give a curve that has very slow cool­ 3) Totten, G.E .. Daklns, M.E., and Heins, AW. , " Cooling
Curve Analysis of Synthetic QuenchanlS-A Historical
squared deviations between the ing throughout the B- and C-stages, Perspective" , submitted to Journal of Heat Treating .
measured data points and the while high values for A and N result 4) Tensi, H.M. and Steffen, E., Steel Research; 56, 1985,

predicted values is minimized . Fig. in a curve having a fast cooling rate 5) Thelning, K-E., Proceedings of 5th IFHT Congress on

2 shows how these parameters are during nucleate boiling and then Heat Treatment of Materials held in Budapest on October

20-24, 1966; Vol. 3. 1737-1759.

used in describing a cooling curve. bending sharply to slow cooling 6) Tonen, G.E., Dakins, M.E.. Ananthapedmanabhan, K.P.,

A series of cooling curves with a through the convection and con­ and Heins, AW .. " Coolin\! Aate Curve Area: A New

Measure of Quenchant Pertormance", HeBI TreBling;

variety of shapes and cooling duction stage. Table II shows the December, 1987, 18.

7) Bales. C.E., Landlg, T., and Seilanakis, G., "Quench

characteristics was selected to test actual values used to generate the Factor Analysis: A Powertul Tool Comes of Age" , Heal

and demonstrate the flexibility and curves in Fig. 4. TreBling; December, 1985, 13.


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