Grade 12 Jared Sia-Reading & Writing Ilap Week 2

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Learning Area : _______________________________________________________________________

 Reading and Writing Skills (ILAP)

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Rest assured that all the contents and delivery are best given in parts.

-From the author

Reading and Writing Skills

Individual Learning Activity (ILAP)
Copyright © 2020 Schools Division of Masbate Province
Learning Competency:
The learner…
1. Distinguishes between and among techniques in selecting and
organizing information.
a. graphic organizer
b. topic outline
c. sentence outline
 Learning Objectives:
In this module, you will be able to independently:
1. Organize information using the different techniques in reading and
2. Make a topic and sentence outline.

 Pretest
Direction: Read the list of words or phrases below. Decide which two name general categories,
then put the rest of the words and phrases in the correct category.
read a book swim build a model play baseball
outdoor activities ride a bike bake cookies
play cards indoor activities climb a tree

__________________________________ ___________________________________
(category) (category)
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________

**Check your answers from part 1 and to part 2 here>

Key Concept:
Reading and writing go hand-and-hand. Think about your reading and writing experience in
the classroom. In what ways are reading and writing connected?
Reading and writing are similar and at the same time different in many ways. Study the table
Process Reading Writing
Stage 1 Pre-reading strategy: Prewriting strategy:
Before Previewing Generating ideas
activating prior knowledge
Stage 2 Comprehension and critical Drafting:
During reading strategy:
communicating with the Evaluating the author’s Considering the audience
reader/writer argument and purpose
Stage 3 Assessing reading skills: Assessing writing skills:
After Writing about a read text Reading the draft
checking the effectiveness
of reading/writing

As you may have noticed, both reading and writing have a process. Acquiring skills in reading
and writing means that you should practice using techniques in selecting and organizing
information from the text that you read and for the text that you write. In writing, you should
familiarize with the different patterns of development and their conventions. Graphic
organizers are one of the techniques in writing in organizing information. Graphic
Organizers are pictures or charts to show connections between and among the writer’s ideas.
Here are some of the common graphic organizer used by many writers.
 Time pattern- is used when ideas in a text need to be arranged in chronological order
such as in stories and procedures.

Event 1/Step 1

Description or details of instruction

Event 2/Step 2

Description or details of instruction

Event 3/Step 3

Description or details of instruction

 Space pattern organizer- This pattern is commonly used in descriptions to show how
an object of description appears in space (e.g., from top to bottom, left to right, etc.)
Where in Hearing Sight Smell Taste Touch
e.g., TOP

 Listing pattern organizer- This pattern is used when the author provides a series of
details that does not require any order.
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Detail 4:

 Classification pattern organizer- This pattern is used when the author divides a
group into subgroups or smaller groups.


Classification 1 Classification 2 Classification 3

Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics

Examples Examples Examples

 Compare and contrast pattern organizer- This pattern is used to show the similarities
and differences of two or more subjects. Venn diagram as shown below tells about the
similarities of the subjects in the overlapping area, and the distinctive qualities or
differences in the non-overlapping areas.

Comparable Comparable
Topic 1 Topic 2

TGcf TGcf

 Cause-and-effect pattern organizer- This pattern is used when author intends to

express why something happened or what resulted from a particular event that
Cause 2

Cause 1 Cause 3
 Generalization and example pattern organizer-This pattern is used when the author
explains a general idea and discusses it in specific terms using examples.

General Idea Statement



 Definition Pattern- This pattern is used when the author provides a meaning of a new
or difficult word.

Definition Antonyms

Synonyms Examples Non-examples

Source: Diwa Textbook Senior High School Series, Reading and Writing Skills, pp. 8-12

ACTIVITY 1 (Day 1)
Direction: Organize the following information below, and apply your knowledge in organizing
using the Time pattern organizer. Summarize the details and write your answers in Activity 1
Worksheet provided in this ILAP.

Evolution of Educational Technology

Education during the Ancient Times

· Educational Technology started during the ancient civilization when man started to use
pointed sticks to in script signs and symbols on the leaves and knives on bark of trees.
· When the Egyptians devised a system of picture writing known as hieroglyphics.
· In ancient Greece, the Spartan education emphasized the development of the physical
body coupled with discipline.
· Boys underwent exercises and activities that promoted bodily strengths such as dancing,
wrestling, swimming, gymnastic, etc.
· Girls stayed by their mothers who taught them the rudiments of housekeeping and
· In Athens, they believed that mind and body has strong relationship, thus activities to
develop both were the concerns in the music schools, grammar schools and public gymnasium.
Instructional materials were designed and implemented during this period.

Education during the Medieval Era

· Emperor Frederick 1 of Bologna in 1158 chartered the first university.
· Students are required to write their theses and defend them in public before the deans,
faculty and rectors.
· The curriculum of the Arabs among the moors of Spain was the most organized and
complete in the elementary, secondary and collegiate.

Education during the Renaissance Period

· The intellectual development such as Humanism, Reformation, Realism, Disciplinism
and Rationalism contributed to the development of educational technology along with theories
and practices.
· Bacon advanced his ideas about education
· Locke came out with his idea about the nature of child’s mind at birth in Tabula Rasa.
· Johann Amos Comenius was recognized for developing the first picture book – the Orbis
Pictus (The World in Pictures). He was considered the pioneer in instructional technology
· Maria Montessori contributed her ideas about teaching, the use of multi-sensory materials.

Education during the Age of Naturalism

· Jean Jacques Rousseau on his naturalistic view of education contained in his book Emile.
· Herbart also came out with his five formal steps to teaching known as Herbartian Method
of Teaching
· Preparation, presentation, comparison and abstraction, generalization and application.
· Peztallozi came out with his idea that teaching is more effective if it proceeds from
concrete to abstract.
· Froebel, the father of kindergarten emphasized the used of actual objects, which can be
manipulated by the learners. He recommended the use of play and songs.

Educational Movements in the 19th Century

· John Dewey formulated the scientific theory of learning.
· Edward Lee Thorndike advanced the three primary laws of learning.
· This era paved way to the development of educational technology, including books,
blackboards and equipment.
· Photography was invented giving way to visual instruction.
· Publication of audio-visual media texts in 1929.
· Educational films were used as instructional media in 1926.
· First instructional TV program was aired in 1932 at the State University of Iowa.
· At the same time, the 16mm sound motion picture was developed.

Education in Contemporary Times

· Most schools have already adopted the computerization of school’s practices.
· Multimedia resources and computers are common fixtures in all classrooms.
· School’s curricula have revised and enriched their curricular offerings to include
computer applications.
· Trainings and retooling of teachers with regard to the use of CAI.

Posted by Arnold at 5:47 AM, 2016
ACTIVITY 1 (Day 1): TIME PATTERN ORGANIZER (You may use a separate sheet if
ACTIVITY 2 (Day 1)
Direction: Organize the following information below, and apply your knowledge in organizing
using the Cause-and-effect pattern organizer. Summarize the details and write your answers in
Activity 2 Worksheet provided in this ILAP.
Effects of Alcohol
Letting alcohol take control over your life has many negative effects on a person and the people
around them. One important effect is the damage you can do to your body. Drinking can lead
to severe illness and even eventual death; some health consequences to consider might be liver
disease, kidney failure and, for pregnant women, the loss of their unborn child. Another
detriment is that an addiction could lead to drinking and driving; possibly causing a fatal car
accident for either yourself and/or an innocent by stander. Another concern to consider is the
relationships alcohol can destroy. Alcohol abuse can have very serious affect on a person’s
temperament, which can lead to spousal and even child abuse. Alcohol often is the number one
cause in divorce and spending time in jail. It can also affect relationships outside of the family;
many people have lost life long friends whether it is due to foolish arguments and behavior or
possibly death. Lastly, drinking has negative effects on self-esteem and rational thinking.
People become more self-centered, develop low self-esteem, doing things or behaving in ways
that they would not normally. They have little or no regard to the outcomes of what is said or
done when they grow reliant on getting that alcohol high. The negative effects of alcohol abuse
are overwhelming when considering the many consequences that drinkers and the people
around them have to deal with.
~© Racheal Guza 2005~

separate sheet if necessary.)
ACTIVITY 3 (Day 3)
Direction: Organize the following information below, and apply your knowledge in organizing
using the Classification pattern organizer. Summarize the details and write your answers in
Activity 3 Worksheet provided in this ILAP.

Rock Music
There are three different types of rock music, alternative rock, classic rock, and hard rock, also
known as metal. Alternative rock features a steady bass drum laying down the beat, with easy
flowing guitar riffs over the top. The bass line is toned town, and the lyrics are sung with
intensity an authority. Depending on the song, the guitars can either be acoustic guitars or
electric guitars. Classic rock combines a steady driving bass drum sound, with high snare
overtones, steady and often repeating guitar riffs, and an intensive bass line. The guitars are
more often than not all electric guitars, and distortion is rarely used. The lyrics are sung with
style and enthusiasm. Hard rock, or metal, features a hard rolling bass drum with an abundant
amount of cymbal work. This style of rock uses several electric guitars with heavy distortion
to bring a very intense sound. A hard, intense, driving bass line rounds out the style. The lyrics
aren’t really sung so much as screamed. It doesn’t matter what your preference is, each different
style of rock music is unique on its own.
~© 2005 Kristian Anderson~


separate sheet if necessary.)
Key Concept:
Topic and Sentence Outlines
There are two main types of outlines: Topic and Sentence outlines. Both types are hierarchical
outlines but a topic outline is far more brief.
A topic outline provides a quick overview of topics to be included in an essay. You are
probably already familiar with this structure. Look at a syllabus from one of your courses. It
is probably the equivalent of a topic outline, with topics listed for each unit, and readings and
assignments under each. After each heading in a topic outline for an essay, a maximum of
several words is used to identify the topic or idea that will be discussed under the given heading.
In a sentence outline, the thesis and topic sentence of each supporting paragraph are fully
written out. The sentence outline forces part of the essay to be written out in sentences before
the first draft.

Here are examples of sentence and topic outlines:


ACTIVITY 4 (Day 4)
Direction: Read the words and phrases below. Decide which two name the general categories,
or main topics. Next, find the words and phrases that name the subtopics that go under each of
the main topics. Finally, decide which words and phrases could be sub-subtopics of the
subtopics listed.
foods birds robin meats hawk vegetables
pork chops animals corn on the cob hamburger insects
mosquito broccoli beetle

Use the outline form below to organize each of your two lists of information. Write your
outlines on a separate sheet of paper.
I. Main topic:______________
A. Subtopic:____________
1. sub-subtopic:____________
2. sub-subtopic:____________
B. Subtopic:_______________
1. sub-subtopic:__________
2. sub-subtopic:__________

I. Main topic:______________
A. Subtopic:____________
1. sub-subtopic:____________
2. sub-subtopic:____________
B. Subtopic:_______________
1. sub-subtopic:__________
2. sub-subtopic:__________

Key Points!
In an outline, the most general or main ideas are called major topics. The major topics are
assigned a Roman numeral followed by a period in the outline; for example, I., II., III., IV.,
etc. The Roman numerals should be placed on the left margin line of your paper. The ideas that
are related to the major topics are called subtopics. The subtopics are identified by upper-case
letters that are indented beneath the major topics. For example: I. Main Topic
A. Subtopic
B. Subtopic
Sometimes there are more details you can include that further divide the subtopics. These
details are called sub-subtopics. The sub-subtopics are designated by Aramaic numerals and
are indented beneath the relevant subtopics.
I. Living Things
A. Animals
1. vertebrates
2. invertebrates
B. Plants
1. tropical
2. house


ACTIVITY 5 (Day 5)
Direction: Assuming that you are tasked to develop an essay or an article (e.g., an article about
your favorite celebrity). Before you begin writing, it is suggested that you must make a sentence
outline first prior to the making of your first draft. Now to begin writing, make a sentence
outline for the topic that you plan to develop in your article/essay. Use the standard format you
have known in making a sentence outline. (Refer to the Key Points above)
 Post-Test
Direction: Read and analyze each question carefully before answering. Choose the letter of
the BEST answer, and write your answer in the space provided before the number.
____1. Which of the following process of writing will fall under stage 2 (During Writing
a. Generating Ideas b. Activating prior knowledge
c. Considering Audience d. Reading the draft
____2. What type of graphic organizer will you use if you want to arrange the ideas in a text
in chronological order such as stories and procedures?
a. Listing pattern b. Space Pattern c. Time pattern d. Cause-and-effect pattern

____3. What graphic organizer will you use if you provide a meaning of a new or difficult
a. Generalization & example pattern b. Definition pattern c. Space pattern d. Time pattern

___4. In writing an outline, what identifies the subtopics?

a. Roman numeral b. Aramaic numeral c. Upper-case letter d. Symbols/Bullets


Direction: Write T if the sentence is true, if FALSE underline and replace ( ) the word/s to
make the sentence true.

___1. Comparison and contrast pattern organizer is used to show how an object of description
appears in space.
___2. The minor topics are assigned a Roman numeral followed by a period in the outline.
___3. Classification pattern organizer is used when the author divides a group into subgroups
or smaller groups.
___4. Cause-and-effect organizer is used when the author intends to express why something
happened or what resulted from a particular event that happened.
___5. Texts are examples of graphic organizers.
___6. Venn Diagram is an example of comparison and contrast pattern organizer.
___7. Listing pattern organizer is used when the author provides ideas to be arranged in
chronological order.
___8. Sub-subtopics further divide the subtopics.
___9. Sentence outline provides a quick overview of topics to be included in an essay.
___10. In a sentence outline, the thesis and topic sentence of each supporting paragraph are
fully written out.

TEST III. (ESSAY) 3 pts. each

What are the two types of outline? Discuss each briefly.

***The post-test part must be kept by the teacher and placed it inside a sealed envelope along
with the ILAP tool.
Diwa Textbook Senior High School Series, Reading and Writing Skills,DIWA Innovation in
Education pp. 8-12
Posted by Arnold at 5:47 AM, 2016

Webster’s New World Student Handbook, Second Edition, p. 35

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