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Questionnaire for the Institutes

1) Name of the organization :_______________________________________________

2) Address :____________________ 3) Contact no. :__________________

4) What are the objectives for setting up micro finance activity?

 To save society
 To make person independent
 Employment for women
 To meet government regulations
 Profit earning
 Please specify if any other__________________________________________
5) What is mode of ending MF?
 Micro credit
 Micro insurance
 Stake in business
 Technical guidance
 Micro franchising
 Group lending
 Consultant
 Please specify if any other__________________________________________
6) Which model do you use for MF?
 Joint liability model
 Small business
 Please specify if any other__________________________________________
7) Majority to whom the MF is made available? (specify the %)
 Man
 Women
 Group lending
 Please specify if any other__________________________________________
8) Please specify the age group to whom you finance?
 0-20
 20-40
 40-60
 60-80
 80-100
9) What criteria do you assess the credit worthiness?
 Regular saving
 Past record
 Guarantee
 Collateral securities
 Please specify if any other__________________________________________
10) What is average microfinance repayment rate?
 0-20 %
 20-40 %
 40-60%
 60-80 %
 80-100 %
11) Are you providing any incentives for timely repayment of the loan?
 Yes
 No
12) From where do you get your fund to manage liquidity?
 Membership fees
 Donations
 Loan from banks
 Subsidy from government
 Through bigger SHG
13) What various modes are you using to generate awareness?
14) What are challenges faced by you for lending MF?
 Financial viability
 Infrastructure
 Lack of experience & skilled staff
 Lack of innovation
 Competition
 Credit risk
 Political risk
 Unable to reach the rural mass
15) Which strategy do you use to reduce transaction cost?
16) What are the ways used by you to reach mass rural population?
17) What according to you are key requirements for success of MF institutes like yours?

Questionnaire for individuals

1) Name :_______________________________________________________________
2) Age :________________________________________________________________

3) Family size:________________ 4) Earning member :______________

5) Address :_____________________________________________________________
6) Tel :_________________________________________________________________
7) Maximum amount of loan availed from MF institutes?
 Less than 5000
 5000-8000
 8000-10000
 More than 10000
8) How many times do you availed MF loans?
 1 time
 2 times
 3 times
 More than 3 times
9) Repayment duration?
 Less than 6 months
 6 months-1 year
 1 year -2 year
 More than 2 year
10) Purpose for which loan amount is used?
 Business
 Education
 Housing
 Any other please specify___________________________________________
11) Was any collateral security required?
 Yes
 No

If yes, than the value of the collateral security______________________________

12) Time lag after application

 Less than 1 month
 1 month-2month
 2 month-3month
 More than 3month
13) Did you face any problem while availing finance?
 Yes
 No
14) Are you satisfied with the interest rate?(rank 1-5)
 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Partially satisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Highly dissatisfied
15) Monthly family income
a) Before availing finance
 Less than 2000
 2000-4000
 4000-8000
 More than 8000
b) After availing finance
 Less than 2000
 2000-4000
 4000-8000
 More than 8000
16) Was the finance availed really beneficial to you?(rank 1-5)
 Extremely useful
 Useful
 Partially useful
 Not useful
 Extremely not useful

17) Did you use the MF loan for the intended purpose?(rank 1-5)
 Highly agree
 Agree
 Neutral(partially agree)
 Disagree
 Highly disagree
18) What source of financing were you using before present source?
 Money lenders
 Banks
 Cooperatives
 Friends
 relatives
19) Can you ever imagine your business established without MF facility? (rank 1-5)
 Highly agree
 Agree
 Neutral(partially agree)
 Disagree
 Highly disagree
20) Are you satisfied with the MF institution you are presently dealing in? (rank 1-5)
 Highly agree
 Agree
 Neutral(partially agree)
 Disagree
 Highly disagree
21) What changes do you want in your MFI in following aspects?

 Documentation  Collaterals
 Credit delivery mechanism  Period of repayment
 Recovery mechanism  Interest rate
 Amount of loan(loan size)  Human resource/
 Type of loan personnel’s

Thank you

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