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 Discuss an event in your life that led you to ask a question that pertains to the "Universals".

Discuss the
particular event, and the question. Why is it considered as a question pertaining to the Universals? What
realizations did you get from the question? Is it worth asking such questions and seeking for their answers?

As a common individual in the society, I am wondering about many things- the whys and the hows of
living in the norm of life. Growing up, I have this question that keeps popping in my mind when I saw people
questioning the existence of specially identified gender in the society, commonly known as LGBTQ+. Some of
them threatened the special ones in a bad way, like they have been trashed talked or backstabbed by people who
are living their whole life following the norms that the society dictates to be classified as right from wrong.
Sometimes, they suffer physically and emotionally from bullies and maltreatment. In fact, most of those that
belong to the group hide their true identity from the judgemental world of human. Based from the components
of their anatomies and brain functionalities we share the same kind of air and live the same kind of world, but
they’re receiving an uncommon treatment and functionality in this society. We are all the same, and it is not
their fault why they’re like that because as far as I know there are lots of factors that make them being
LGBTQ+. What makes the LGBTQ+ community be not treated equally like a male and a female? Why not
accept them as who they are? These are the most controversial issue that somehow is irrelevant to the economy
of any nation but somehow creates a big impact in the social being of those belonging to the said special

Based on the situation, I can say that this question pertains to the Universals. It is considered a
universal question because it can be answered by anyone with their different point of view. These differences in
one’s perspective is also one of the reasons why I still seek the answer that would satisfy that question.
Somehow, we can say universal questions can be answered by anyone else because it is generally something that
we all witnessed and living for but somehow this kind of universal question makes everyone one sided and
biased that they remain silence in giving opinion regarding this topic. Because until now the problem is still not
solved and continuously waiving for the government to take action regarding the common right that the
community should also possess like a male/female are upholding. Factors included in deciding as to giving each
individual right is the religious belief that may somehow been preached wrongly unto us. I didn’t mean that the
bible does not expressly said so or it is the bible that strongly disagree with it, but it’s how we have received the
message and translate it completely in accordance to the norms that we are living. My point in this personal
opinion is that since we are all created equally may we share the same equalities we’ve got to those that exist
and born completely different from the 100% perfectly done being in this world. This view does not meant to
question the teaching from the highest God but only to give opinion to the unending rustles of societal norms
and the unending wants of the special society to belong in this world.
This topic might be sensitive to any kind of beliefs and argumentative gender equality raising troops.
This is just based on my personal experiences and observation as a common member of the society. As quoted
“We cannot control ones behaviour and perspectives in life” but it is we who need to accept and reflect on the
changes that’s coming its way. I knew people who are in their late ages that never knew about this LGBTQ+
community but lived their life specially happy and contented as to what they’ve felt and believe in. Therefore, it
is not new to the society but refused to take action and blinded by the reality. If someone asked the same
questions, what makes the LGBTQ+ community be not treated as male and female? Why not accept them as
who they are? Will you be one of those that refuses to give their views or will you be that kind of person that
will take action to target equality among any living creatures made. We can take action by educating people
especially young ones for them to build/have good manners and equal perception to any kind. I can suggest that
the “Gender and Society” course is one of the examples that would help people in understanding Gender and its
interaction with Society. And for me, it is worth asking this kind of question and seeking its answers because it
helps us in many ways. Help us understanding each other, help us have a good manner. By this, in a little way,
we can make our place a peaceful one.

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