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Conservation measures of Water and Electricity in VIT men’s




Innovative Projects (PHY-1999)


Name of the faculty: Professor Sathya Swaroop N



Group: 1



We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Introduction to Innovative

Project teacher, Prof. Sathya Swaroop N for his aspiring guidance, invaluably

constructive advice and constant support during the project work. We would also

like to appreciate each group member’s sincere efforts and hard work whose

contributions have led to this project’s success.


This is to certify that the project work entitled “CATHODIC PROTECTION-

“Apoorv Tyagi, Peddireddy Sai Karun, Hassan Wazi Raza, Madhur Jain,
Udit Sharda, Ramireddy Seetharam Reddy, Gorle Mohan, Ganji
Bhuvanesh, Pranjal Jalota, Pulkit Kapoor” for Engineering
Chemistry(CHY1001) is a record of bonafide work done under my
supervision. The contents of this Project work, in full or in parts, have
neither been taken from any other source nor have been submitted for
any other CAL course.

PLACE: Vellore

DATE: 28 March 2018




Prof. Sathya Swaroop N


The following report is aimed towards finding the usage of electricity and water in VIT
Men's Hostel and providing various alternative ways in which the consumption of
Electricity and water can be reduced and saved. The report contains the data of
electricity and water usage, which was done by taking the readings of electricity meters
placed outside the rooms of the hostels which was calculated over a certain period of

Wastage of electricity is seen in almost every room. Either the students keep their
lights, fans and ACs on when they are not in their rooms or simply leave the lights on
even when they are asleep at night. The wastage of electricity also occurs when the
students simply let the lights lit even during the day when sufficient sunlight is
available. All these leads to the unnecessary loss of electricity.

Electricity is of great importance and hence there is an urgent need to save electricity
or use of various renewable forms of energy to generate it.

Hence wastage of water occurs when students leave open tap or do not complaint
about tap leaking, in sake of cold water throw the available water from their water

Finding methods for conservation of electricity and water in vit which could be
practiced to solve the issues and minimize the wastage of them.

Some of the methods which can be used to minimize ELECTRICITY consumption:


The main idea behind this concept is to reduce the wastage of electricity by the
use of VIT provided ID cards. All the members of the VIT family are providing with
the ID cards. As VIT has mandatory rules for always wearing the ID cards – this
method might prove beneficial to us. This idea can be divided into two parts –
o The lights will be on/off with the help of the barcode which we have behind
our ID cards. This can be implemented both at our hostel rooms as well as
the classrooms. We will be using a device in addition to the normal
switches in the rooms.

ABOUT THE DEVICE TO BE USED – This device will read the barcode behind
the cards. The device will act like a main switch. There will be a slot for
putting the ID card. The sensors installed in the device will read the
barcode. When the barcode is read and authenticated successfully, then
the device will be activated. Now we can switch on the lights using the
conventional switches. If no ID card is inserted or the barcode is not
authenticated, then the conventional switches won’t work. Hence, no one
will be able to switch on the room’s lights. So basically this device is like a
circuit breaker. It is a connector between the conventional switches and the
main supply current.

2. Software which detects the wastage of electricity

In present scenario the focus of our university is to digitalize the campus as much
as possible with the help of different software. Our course selection system, our
library system and our project and lab submission system, everything is controlled
by a cloud on which every information is saved. When system requires, it requests
the cloud and cloud provides the required information to system.

Software system for controlling the electrical wastage-:
We will develop a cloud system on which all room’s electric power status
(on/off) is going to be recorded.
The main power switch of the room will be connected to the small
Waspomte which is a sensor cum Wi-Fi/Ethernet/internet connecter.
It receives sensor data from Waspmote Plug & sense then forwards it
directly to the Internet via Ethernet, WI-Fi or 3G/GPRS protocols
depending on the connectivity options available in the area.
In case connectivity fails, data can be stored in an internal data base.
Now it is ready to send sensor data to all the Cloud software platforms.
Cloud forwards the data to the server then sever reads and inform the
If the sensor with lock sound records the power on while the room is
locked it will send and inform the sever.
Operator will give the command to off the switch which signals to
And now again a sensor works and circuit gets off.
Thus by doing this digitalization in field of electricity a great revolutionary change
will occur by which thousands of villages which are still not lightened will get


Keeping cool indoors when it is hot out-doors is a problem. The sun beating down
on the VIT hostels causes indoor temperatures to rise to uncomfortable levels. Air
conditioning provides some relief. But the initial costs of installing an air
conditioner and the electricity costs to run it can be high. In addition, conventional
air conditioners use refrigerants made of chlorine compounds, contributors to the
depletion of the ozone layer and global warming.
An alternative way to maintain a cool house or reduce air-conditioning use is
natural (or passive) cooling. Passive cooling uses non-mechanical methods to
maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.
The most effective method to cool the room is to keep the heat from building up in
the first place. The primary source of heat build-up (i.e., gain) is sunlight absorbed
by the house through the roof, walls, and windows.
The ways can be namely described as below –


Roughly 40% of the unwanted heat that builds up in the home comes in through
windows. Reflective window coatings are one way to reflect heat away from the
interior. These coatings are plastic sheets treated with dyes or thin layers of metal.
Besides keeping your house cooler, these reflective coatings cut glare and reduce
fading of furniture, draperies, and carpeting.


Awnings are very effective because they block direct sunlight. They are usually
made of fabric or metal and are attached above the window and extend down and
out. A properly installed awning can reduce heat gain up to 65% on southern
windows and 77% on eastern windows. A light-coloured awning does double duty
by also reflecting sunlight.

Now some methods for minimize consumption of WATER:

1. Use of touch less basins or faucets in washroom and mess

As in VIT many faucets are there and some of them leaks and even kept open
by mistake for several hours which can lead to a drastic amount of wastage of
water by this method we can solve that problem

The sensor in a touch less faucet typically is located at the lip or base of the
spout. It isn't a motion sensor but a presence sensor designed to detect the
presence of hands under the spout and turn on the faucet. When you remove
your hands, the sensor tells the faucet to turn off. Most faucet sensors use a
tiny infrared light mounted next to an infrared detector. When your hands come
within a few inches of the lip of the spout, infrared light bounces off your skin to
the detector, which sends a signal that turns on the faucet valve. Some faucet
models use an ultrasonic field sensor that turns on the faucet valve when your
hands disrupt the field.

2. Sensor flow Solo urinal flush control sensors:

 The Sensor flow Solo urinal flush control sensor is an electronic water control
system for use with a single outlet.

 Sensor flow uses proximity sensors to detect when a urinal is in use. It flushes
according to operator-defined parameters, typically after every visit or every 30

 The method of flush can be via a conventional automatic cistern, storage cistern
or mains supply.

 Flushing using an automatic cistern dispenses 4.5 litres of water every flush. A
timed flow of water is selected from storage or mains. If the urinal is unused, a
hygiene flush will occur once every 24 hours.
 In this way we can conserve water in our hostel washrooms.

3. Some basic things which we can do

To conserver water the toilet septic tanks can be fitted with inbuilt chemicals in
order to clean the seats every time you need to flush. This will keep the seats
clean and very less external cleaning will be needed. This will help in
conserving a large amount of water as daily cleaning of hostel toilets will not be

The water that we use for flushing is generally clean and treated water. This
water can be replaced by the water used for washing clothes or bathing. Separate
compartments can be made for washing clothes and bathing, so when the water
escapes them can further be cleaned using filters. After filtration and
chlorination this water can be used for flushing. This will help in conserving a
lot of water.

Use of toilet papers can also conserve water up to a great extent.

The fresh water used in toilets can be replaced by the sea water. This will greatly
conserve fresh water.


There is an urgent need to save electricity and water in big institutions such as VIT as
the per capita consumption of electricity is much more than the national average.
Through this project, we have tried to address this issue by calculating the usage and
wastage of electricity and water in VIT Men’s hostel and suggesting a number of ways
in which electricity and water wastage can be reduced and also saved.

There is a dire need to shift to renewable sources of energy like solar power. This
can be utilized in the form of solar water heaters, solar powered street lights, etc. We
should also act smart and use technology to the fullest to save power. As a student of
VIT and more importantly, as a citizen of this country, it is each and everyone’s
responsibility to do their bit to reduce the wastage of electricity.

We thus like to conclude by saying that we have achieved our aim through this project.
But this is only the beginning. Now, we have a goal in front of us and we will strive
hard to make VIT energy efficiency.


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