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Duterte’s UN General Assembly speech

SEP 22, 2021 9:40 AM PHT


What was said –  and wasn't said – at Duterte's last UNGA address?
President Rodrigo Duterte faced the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for the last time
during his term on Tuesday, September 21 (Wednesday, September 22, Manila time), and spoke
about key issues facing his administration as he leaves office. 
In a taped address, the President spoke about COVID-19 vaccines, climate change, and the West
Philippine Sea, among other topics. What was said – and wasn’t said – during his speech? 
Below, we give context to some of the key issues the President mentioned during his address.
COVID-19 vaccines

What was said:

“It is a man-made drought of vaccines ravaging the poor countries. Rich countries hoard life-
saving vaccines, while poor nations wade for trickles. They now talk of booster shots, where
developing countries consider half doses just to get by. 
“This is shocking beyond belief and must be condemned for what it is. The selfish act that can
either be justified rationally or morally. The plain fact is this pandemic will not end unless the
virus is defeated everywhere. Vaccines are key to achieving this.
“This is why the Philippines committed $1,000,000 to the US Covax Facility. This is our modest
contribution to our collective fight against COVID-19. We strongly urge our privileged partners
to fully support the Covax facility and further strengthen other cooperation mechanisms. We
need this to save more lives, break the cycle of variants, and help ensure global economic
The President has been adamant about vaccination, even going so far as threatening on June 21
to imprison anyone who doesn’t receive a vaccine. His officials later said that Duterte was just
using strong words, and his spokesperson Harry Roque said he just meant “to emphasize what
the State can do.” Despite threatening mandatory vaccination, Duterte has also been known to be
lax about COVID-19 safety protocols, having asked a reporter in February to take off her face
mask and face shield during a press conference. (READ: Many unknowns in Duterte's
COVID-19 jab as PH fights vaccine hesitancy)
The Health Department has also been flagged by the Commission on Audit (COA) for their
misuse of COVID-19 funds, including an unused P3.4 billion in foreign aid that was supposed
to be for pandemic response. (READ: COA: DOH's low utilization of crisis funds affected
health services)
As of Monday, 64,942,000 vaccine doses have been delivered to the Philippines and 41,793,930
doses have been administered out of those available. Around 20.84% of the country’s population
have received the first dose of the vaccine. The government aims to vaccinate up to 70% of
Filipinos in 2021. (READ: SCHEDULE: Philippines' COVID-19 vaccine deliveries)
Climate change

What was said: 

“The greatest injustice here is that those who suffer the most are those the least responsible for
this existential crisis. But here we are now at a critical tipping point where failure to act leads to
cataclysmic consequences for the rule of humankind.
“The Philippines accept its share of responsibility and will do its part to avert this collective
disaster. We submitted our first nationally determined contribution with the target to reduce
greenhouse gas emission by 75% by 2030.
“I issued a moratorium on the construction of new coal power plants and a directive to explore
the nuclear energy option, but this contribution will be rendered useless if the biggest polluters
past and present choose to do business as usual. We therefore appeal for urgent climate actions,
especially those who can truly tip the balance. Developed countries must fulfill their
longstanding commitment to climate financing, technology transfer, and capacity-building in the
developing world. This is a moral obligation that cannot be avoided. Our worst transition to a 
green economy must not be at the expense of developing countries’ economic vitality. It simply
cannot be or it would be another travesty of justice.”
Even though Duterte derided the Paris agreement when he entered office in 2016, his
administration finally submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change in April. (READ: Philippine banks move at slow
pace in defunding coal)
The Philippines promised to cut down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 75% from 2020 to
2030. However, only 2.71% of this is an unconditional target, or a target the government will
achieve without external aid, an amount that environmental groups have criticized as
Meanwhile, a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) published on August 9 said that the amount of GHG emissions humans have spewed into
the atmosphere will cause worsening floods, rains, heatwaves, and drought in the Philippines for
the next 30 years, no matter what actions we take today. The country could experience bursts of
extreme rainfall and extreme water shortage, which is a threat to agriculture.
The Duterte administration has backed a Department of Water Resources, but bills creating it
are yet to hurdle the House of Representatives and the Senate. (READ: Who's accountable for
typhoon impact? Malacañang blames climate change)
Drug war

What was said: 

“The Filipino people want to live in peace, security in their homes, and communities free from
harm and danger from the lawless. But achieving this goal has not been without challenges. I say
this in no uncertain terms, the law applies to all.
“I have instructed the Department of Justice and the Philippine National Police to review the
conduct of our campaign against illegal drugs. Those found to have acted beyond bounds during
operations shall be made accountable before our Lord.”
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) reported that there were 6,181 persons who
died during the government’s anti-drug operations as of July 31. However, data obtained by
Rappler showed that there were 7,884 drug suspects killed by police from the time Duterte
assumed office to August 31, 2020. This does not include the 27,000 vigilante killings outside of
police operations that human rights groups have estimated.
In 2016, even during his election campaign, Duterte had given “shoot to kill” orders against
criminals and drug users who resisted arrest. Eventually, he would flip-flop and give “shoot to
kill” orders even if criminals didn’t resist arrest. He also said he would protect policemen who
did their duty, even if they killed a thousand people in the course of their work. (READ: Shoot
to kill? Duterte's statements on killing drug users)
The International Criminal Court green-lit on September 15 an investigation into these killings
that will look at Duterte’s war on drugs and the killings by the so-called Davao Death Squad
when he was mayor and vice mayor of Davao City. This followed Duterte’s State of the Nation
Address on July 26, where he dared the ICC to record even his threats against those who
“destroy” the country with illegal drugs. (READ: Duterte taunts ICC in SONA 2021: I never
denied ‘I will kill’ in war vs drugs)
Aside from killings in relation to the drug war, there have been at least 65 judges, prosecutors,
and lawyers killed during the Duterte administration, as of September 16, 2021. There have also
been at least 11 vice mayors and 18 mayors slain, based on media reports between July 2016
and March 8, 2021.
West Philippine Sea

What was said: 

“We must resolve disputes peacefully as we manifested in the Manila declaration of peaceful
settlement of international disputes. The Philippines is one with the ASEAN and other
stakeholder in ensuring that the South China Sea remains a sea of peace, security, and prosperity.
The 1982 UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award of the South China Sea provide a clear path
towards a just, fair, and win-win solution for all. The award must be seen for what it is, a benefit
across the world to all who subscribe to the majesty of the law.
“No amount of willful disregard by any country, however big and powerful, can diminish the
arbitral award’s importance.”
Duterte entered his presidency with a strong stance on the West Philippine Sea (WPS). He even
promised in the Cagayan de Oro presidential debates in February 2016 that he would plant the
Philippine flag in the Spratlys or Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal via jetski. In May, he dismissed
the statement as a joke. (READ: Fisherman who asked Duterte in 2016 debate says President
became a joke too)

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