Task1 Tobacco,... Task2 Ban Advertisement 28-6-021

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In 2002, the people give the table that shows many numbers with 3 subjects such as food,
drinks, tobacco, clothing and footwear, leisure time and education in five different
Overall, in 2002, the numbers of consumers on food, drinks, tobacco, clothing, and footwear
were highest, while that was the lowest belonging to the other. The consumers of turkey led
about consuming of 2 items were highest consumed.
In terms of cuisine, cigarette and entertainment, education, consumers in turkey had
dramatic numbers, particularly 32.14% and 4.35 %. Turning to consumers of Ireland was
slightly lower 28.91% while that Sweden was lowest about 15.77 %. The other field of Spain
paid lowest about 1.98%.
In clothing and footwear, the consumers of Italy were 9% if the highest and the smallest
were 5.4% in Spain. In this field, the remain counties approximately were 6.5%.

2/The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no
useful purpose, and can be damaging. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people assume that life will be better if everyone prohibits every advertisement
since it has not benefited even brings many drawbacks. I totally disagree with this point of
There are several reasons why I do not agree with the idea that society would benefit from a
ban on all forms of advertising. First, the advertising industry creates a range of job
opportunities for many people, leading people would have to face unemployment. This
would have a severe impact on their lives, especially for people doing marketing
advertisements. Furthermore, the advertising industry makes significant contributions to
the development of any nation. So the government would lose a huge amount of tax
revenue from advertising agencies if they did not issue these companies with a business
There are several reasons why I do not agree with the idea that advertising servers no useful
purpose, and can even be damaging. One of the advantages is advertising bringing a wide
range of benefits to society without causing any harm. Particularly, the advertisements
provide customers with information about products, services so that they can make better
shopping choices. In contrast, if we have without advertising we would have less choice.
Furthermore, advertising could help enrich people’s knowledge about various aspects of life.
For example, my cousin studies many colors from fruit advertisements.
Include, I think advertising is a key part of modern business, so I completely disagree that
people should ban advertisement.

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