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Functional Food Paper

The Influence of Advertisement and Some Examples of Consumer


Group 6

Hasri Lathifah Ekaputri 23020119130044

Amelia Ayu Andini 23020119140039
Christina Odilia 23020119120003
Shilni Aunika 23020119130097
Alisya Ghina Belinda 23020119140102
Mochamad Wildan 23020119130130

Food Technology

Faculty of Animal Science and Agriculture

Diponegoro University

Thank you to God Almighty, who has given a blessing to the writers to be able to
arrange and finish this paper review entitled The Influence of Advertisement and Some
Examples of Consumer Demands with the aim of fulfilling Functional Food course. The
writers also want to express their gratitude for Dr. Yoyok Budi Pramono, S.Pt., M.P., as a
lecturer in this course who has been pleased to permit the making of this journal review.
Thank you to all parties involved directly or indirectly in the making process.

Through this paper, we believe we can share and make readers understand more about
advertisements and demand related to functional food. These topics can be used to broaden
our knowledge and be useful for now or future activities. Hopefully, the readers, especially
those who are interested in food technology especially functional food, would have new
knowledge and encourage readers to develop their understanding, and also do more research
about functional food.

1.1 Background Issue

As time goes on, science and technology will be increasingly developed. Along with
the development of this, gave birth to changes in consumer lifestyle. Consumers not only
choose foodstuffs from sources of nutrients and delicacies, but they also have to be able to
provide good benefits for human physical health. Health is a very valuable and priceless
treasure. A healthy and fit body will be the key in realizing a more meaningful life. This form
of embodiment can be done by controlling and adjusting the food that we consume. This
gives rise to consumer demands for foodstuffs that no longer just meet the basic needs of the
body but also functional. Functional food is food that when consumed by humans will
provide more benefits for the health of the body than the basic nutrients or the nutrients
available. This functional food has certain physiological functions that have a good impact on

More and more, the economic condition is growing rapidly indicated by the
increasing purchasing power of the community especially towards food. Of course, with this
increase in purchasing power, people will be more critical in choosing the food that they will
buy and consume. Therefore, a situation was born where the goods sold should be able to find
their buyers. To realize the situation, manufacturers must be able to meet the needs and
demands of consumers well and on target. One way that can be done is by using
advertisements or ads. These adverts should be able to attract the attention of consumers,
fostering the motivation to buy that will stimulate the behavior of purchases of a product. The
stimulation created by these food product adverts must be informative and persuasive which
is certainly intended for prospective buyers in order to influence the behavior of consumers to
buy food products. Therefore, the advertisement of a food product is something that needs

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of making this paper is to know the meaning of advertisement and how
an advertisement can create and motivate people's attitude or behavior to make a purchase of
a food product. The creation of this paper also aims to provide some examples of consumer
demands on food products.

1.3 Benefits
The benefits can be obtained by this paper:
1. Able to know the meaning of advertisement
2. Able to know the purpose and benefits of advertisement
3. Able to understand the function of advertisement
4. Find out the influence of advertisement by psychologically reviewed
5. Find out the demands of consumers on food products

2.1. Advertisements

2.1.1. Definition of Advertisements

In general, advertisement is a form of presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or

services that are financed by a certain non-personal sponsor (Basri, 2016). Definition of
advertisements according to Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI) is
messages to encourage, persuade the general public to be interested in the products and
services offered; Give information to the public regarding products or services being sold,
posted in mass media such as newspapers and magazines, electronics, or in public places
(Fatria and Christantyawati, 2018). Advertisements are the most persuasive sales messages
directed to the most potential buyers of a particular product or service through a medium
(Wardhani, 2020). In the food industry, advertisements are also used to promote food
products to attract consumer interest, for example in the case of functional food.

Functional food advertisements are included with food composition, ingredient

labeling, and health claims which in the USA, are subject to federal regulation by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), meanwhile general advertising or marketing of food is
primarily regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (Bernhardt et al., 2013). Food
advertising is also regulated in UU No.7/1996 concerning Food which states that every food
label and / or advertisement traded must contain information about the food correctly (Nurita
and Lubis, 2019). Therefore, food advertisements must not be misleading and must be in
accordance with the facts about the advertised food product.

2.1.2. Purpose of Advertisements

Advertising is required by manufacturers and used as a form of communication with

interesting and unique images and text used to describe the products offered to the general
public. The main purpose of advertising is adding incentive information to draw in
customers, and provide them the reason why they should buy the advertised products offered
by giving them some fascinating advantages (Wang et al., 2018). Advertising as a
promotional strategy has the ability to influence consumers not only to buy but to keep
repurchasing and ultimately developing brand loyalty (Eze and Lee, 2012). Besides that,
advertisements can also encourage public to eat healthy food and consume fewer calories, as
an example; functional food is known as food that provides additional benefits, with
advertisements that provide information about the advantages of functional food, the public
will be interested and buy the product (Rusmevichientong et al., 2014).

2.1.3. Function of Advertisements

Advertisement as a part of general marketing communications serves to:

1. Information function

The information that has been presented in the advertisement can encourage
consumer confidence in something that's been displayed on a cognitive level that
cannot be observed directly. As a manual, list the value of AKG in food products,
nutritional content and tolerance limits. (Putriastuti et al., 2010).

2. Persuasion function

It is a form of stimulant or for attractiveness to consumers in order to consider

whether the products or services offered according to their tastes (Sofyan, 2017). Ads
and adverts that contain persuasion functions for example:

- Ingredients claims

It is a description of bioactive compounds that have specific physiological

functions for health, including common ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, and
dietary fiber, as well as new ingredients such as phytosterols, choline, and

- Claims of nutritional and health functions

It is a form of description that states that there is a relationship between food

or food constituents and health that meets the standardized requirements.
(Regulation of the Head of BPOM, RI, No. 13, 2016 concerning The Supervision of
Claims on Labels and Advertisements of Processed Food).
In the United States, there are two types of health-related claims allowed for
food, that are health claims and structure-function claims. Health claims describe the
association between a substance in food and a particular disease or health condition
(Jatraningrum, 2015). Health claims must be supported by available scientific
evidence and must meet certain requirements and gain scientific recognition from

The most discussed types of functional foods or food components in the

American media are fruits, vegetables, and food components of omega-3 fatty acids,
followed by food components made from onions, fiber and foodstuffs with
antioxidants, lycopene, and phytoestrogens. The most discussed benefits of functional
food include reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced risk of cancer, weight
management, and improved memory. Based on consumer surveys, products related to
heart health (heart disease, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels) and cancer are the
products that people are most interested in.

3. Value added function

This advertising of course also serves as an increase in the value of a product.

This value is useful to raise the level of the product or service offered so that
consumers are more interested in buying that product.

2.1.4. Psychological aspects of advertising

Advertising in addition to being an economic problem, is also a psychological

problem because it concerns many aspects, such as behavior, attitude and motivation of
purchasing a product. psychologically is one of the factors that arise from within the
consumer that influences a purchasing decision (Meilinda et al., 2018). Psychological factors
are a way used to recognize their feelings, gather and analyze information, formulate
thoughts and opinions in taking action. A person's purchasing choices are influenced by four
main psychological factors, namely motivation, perception, knowledge, beliefs and attitudes
(Amalia, 2011).

Psychologically, advertisements can affect consumer behavior. this is due to:

- attracting attention
maintain the attention of prospective consumers to the products being presented so as
not to turn to anything else.
- provide a suggestion value
provides emotional stimulation, lowers the critical power of the consumer's thinking.
- motivate potential customers
Content in advertisements in accordance with the motivation give prospective
consumers and encouragement to buy the product.

2.2. Consumers Demand

Consumers have an important role in the food chain because it includes food
acceptance and the success of a product. Therefore, the food products produced must be able
to meet the needs and tastes of consumers. Consumers of course do not only want food
products that can provide a feeling of fullness and taste delicious, but have nutritional value
which of course will be very beneficial for the body. Thus, consumer demands for food are
increasingly shifting (Nursiah and Haris, 2018).

Things that become a consideration for someone in choosing a food product are
identifying personal needs, information related to the benefits of a food product, choosing a
particular brand according to the characteristics that are believed to have the desired benefits,
purchasing the product, then evaluating the product related to satisfaction or not after
consuming these products (Wibowo and Mandusari, 2018). Consumer satisfaction will arise
when a food product can meet consumer expectations. Consumer satisfaction is when
someone feels happy or disappointed with a product because they compare their perceptions
of the product with expectations (Bailia et al., 2014).

Consumer demands are based on functional food functions, namely primary demands,
secondary demands and tertiary demands.

2.2.1. Primary Demands

Primary demands include the primary function of functional food. Functional food is
known to have a primary function to meet individual nutritional and nutritional needs
according to age, body weight, daily activity, and gender (Pupaningtyas et al., 2019).
Nowadays, consumers do not only choose foods that are filling but consider their nutritional
value, so that consumer demands are increasingly shifting. Consumers will prefer food
products that provide benefits to the body, such as containing fiber, antioxidants, PUFA
(Polyunsaturated fatty acids) and CLA (Conjugated linoleic acids). Therefore, producers will
observe what consumers need and create what food products are needed by society.

For example, it can be seen in the nutritional content of the Heavenly Blush
Blackcurrant yoghurt product with Cimory Yogurt Drink Blueberry.

Based on the picture above, it can be seen that Cimory Yoghurt Drink Blueberry has
more nutritional content compared to Heavenly Blush Blackcurrant. That way, Cimory
Yoghurt Drink Blueberry is considered to have met consumer demands in terms of nutritional
and nutritional value.

2.2.2. Secondary Demands

Secondary demands are based on the secondary function of functional food, namely
as food that can be accepted by consumers from a sensory perspective. The second thing that
becomes a consumer's consideration in choosing food is taste, like it or not so that the taste of
food becomes the main demand of consumers in choosing food products. Apart from the high
nutritional content of food products, other consumer demands that must be fulfilled are the
secondary function of food, because if the appearance and taste are not in accordance with the
wishes of the community, then consumers will not be interested in these food products, these
products will be rejected by consumers because they cannot fulfill the needs of the
community consumer tastes (Suter, 2015). Therefore, appearance and taste are the main
demands of consumers that must be fulfilled.

For example, it can be seen in the picture of the Heavenly Blush Strawberry yoghurt
product with Cimory Yogurt Drink Strawberry.
Based on the opinion of blogger Ghina Amalia Megaputri, she prefers Heavenly
Blush Strawberry because the combination of strawberry and yogurt is just right, while for
Cimory Yogurt Drink Strawberry, she doesn't like it because it tastes too sour so that it
overcomes the aroma and taste of strawberry. Another opinion is from blogger Auzola, he
prefers Cimory Yogurt Drink Strawberry to Heavenly Blush Strawberry because of its fresh
taste in the mouth.

Thus, it can be concluded that the demands for the secondary function of food are
very varied because basically human tastes are very diverse. As producers, they must be able
to produce a variety of products, and consumers can choose products according to their tastes.

2.2.3. Tertiary Demands

Nowadays, consumers choose food not only to fulfill their energy needs, delicious
taste, filling, attractive appearance, but also have started to pay attention to the potential
physiological activity of the components which contains on its food (Widowati, 2011).This
statement related to tertiary demands of consumers on functional food, namely consumers get
physiological functions for their bodies which are obtained when consuming functional food.
The tertiary demand of functional food means that the food can maintain consumer health,
reduce the occurrence of a disease, and maintain the body’s metabolism. Functional food
consumed in the form of processed food, not in the form of capsules, tablets, powder or pills.

For example, spices have a potential as a natural source of antioxidants for functional
food raw materials to prevent cancer. Cancer occurs due to high levels of free radicals that
can damage the structure and function of cells. Free radicals occur due to low antioxidant
activity. Spices with antioxidant function can provide physiological functions in the body,
such as turmeric curcuminoid compounds have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and
antibacterial potential, in ginger have oleoresin compounds, in cinnamon extracts produce
cinnamaldehyde compounds, in secang there are saponin, polyphenol and tannin as natural
antioxidants antidote to free radicals (Helmalia and Derpan, 2019).

Advertisements are messages to encourage, persuade the general public to be

interested in the products and services offered that are posted in mass media such as
newspapers and magazines, electronics, or in public places. Advertisements at this topic can
encourage the public to eat healthy food as an example functional food is known as food that
provides additional benefit, with advertisements the public will be interested and buy the
product. Advertisement has several functions, namely information function, persuasion
function and value added function. Consumer demands are based on functional food
functions, namely primary demands, secondary demands and tertiary demands.


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