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Praise and gratitude the author prays to God who has given his grace and gift, so that
the author can complete this internship Report as one of the assessment requirements in the
Business Immersion course at the Master of Business Administration Program, Bandung
Institute of Technology. This internship report is also made as a complement to practical
work that has ben carried out approximately 3 months at the Telkom Corporate University.
The completion of this internship report cannot be separated from the help of many
parties who have provided input to the author. For that the author would like to thank:
1. God.
2. The author’s familly, mother and father and also te author’s brother.
3. Mrs. Agnesia Candra Sulyani (Manager of Research & Innovation Support), Mrs.
Niken Larasati (Project Supervisor) and Mr. Rahmat Rahadian (Project Supervisor)
from the Advance Technology and Business Research (ATR) Division of
TelkomGroup, as the author’s supervisor who has gicen time, patience and assistance
to researchers in preparing this report.
4. All staff and employees in the Advance Technology and Business Research (ATR)
Division of TelkomGroup who have helped the author’s during internship program.

The result of this report is expected to provide information about how PT.
Telekomunikasi Indonesia should behave regarding the needs of Digital Logistic Platform for
Logistic Indsutry in Indonesia.
The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this report, both in terms
of material and presentation techniques, given the author’s lack of knowledge and experience.
Therefore, the author expects constructive criticism and suggestions.

Bandung, 30 of July 2021


Reynaldo Dimas Fachri


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