Introduction To Programming: SLIIT - Faculty of Computing

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Introduction to Programming

Introduction To

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming

Method of Teaching

• Lectures – 2 hours/week
• Tutorials – 2 hours/week
• Labs – 2 hours /week

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming

How to get prepared for the lecture, tutorial

and labs

• Bring the laptop, tab or smart phone if you have a one.

• Install the mobile applications
• CppDroid – C/C++
• C++ IDE Fresh Edition
• Read the note before you come to the class.
• Watch the videos uploaded in course web.
• Try the questions in tutorials and lab sheets.

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming

What we should do after the lecture?

• Read the note again.

• Complete all the exercises for the week.
• Read a book for more information.

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming

Who are going to teach you Programming?

Malabe Campus
• Mr. Nuwan Kodagoda
• Dr. Jeewanee Bamunusinghe
• Ms. Namalie Walgampaya
• Ms. Disni Siyarathna
• Ms. Shalini Rupasinghe

Metro Campus
• Ms. Anjalie Gamage

Matara Campus
• Ms. Suriyaa Kumari

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming


 Practical Assignments - 20 %
2 online exams (15%)
5 online quiz (5%)
 Midterm Examination - 20 %
MCQ online exam
 Final Examination - 60 %
Online exam

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming

What are the topics covered in the lecture?

• Basics of C language
• Data Types, Structures, Operators and Expressions
• Control Structures
• Functions
• Pointers
• Arrays
• File Processing

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming

What students gain from labs and tutorial


 Solve problems using the knowledge acquired in the lecture

 Get hands on experience in writing programs

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming

Academic Integrity Policy

• Are you aware that following are not accepted in SLIIT???

• Plagiarism - using work and ideas of other individuals
intentionally or unintentionally
• Collusion - preparing individual assignments together and
submitting similar work for assessment.
• Cheating - obtaining or giving assistance during the course of
an examination or assessment without approval
• Falsification – providing fabricated information or making use
of such materials
• From year 2018 the committing above offenses come with
serious consequences !
• See General support section of Courseweb for full information.

SLIIT - Faculty of Computing
Introduction to Programming


• C How to Program (Eighth Edition) by Paul Deitel, Harvey


SLIIT - Faculty of Computing

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