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Biochemical Society Transactions (2002) Volume 30, part 4

12 Van Veen, H. W., Abee, T., Kortstee, G. J. J., Konings, W. N. 15 Tuovinen, O. H. and Kelly, D. P. (1974) Arch. Microbiol.
and Zehnder, A. J. B. (1993) J. Bacteriol. 175, 200–216 95, 153–164
13 Dunn, T., Gable, K. and Beeler, T. (1994) J. Biol. Chem.
269, 7273–7278
14 Keasling, J. D. and Hupf, G. A. (1996) Appl. Environ.
Microbiol. 62, 743–746 Received 12 March 2002

Mechanisms of mercury bioremediation

A. M. M. Essa1, L. E. Macaskie and N. L. Brown
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, U.K.

Abstract agriculture have led to severe localized mercury

Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals, and pollution in the aquatic systems and in soils [2,3].
has significant industrial and agricultural uses.
These uses have led to severe localized mercury Mechanisms of mercury resistance
pollution. Mercury volatilization after its reduc- Micro-organisms can survive in the presence of
tion to the metallic form by mercury-resistant high concentrations of mercuric salts due to
bacteria has been reported as a mechanism for several different mechanisms, as detailed below.
mercury bioremediation [Brunke, Deckwer,
Frischmuth, Horn, Lunsdorf, Rhode, Rohricht, Enzymic reduction to Hg0 and volatilization
Timmis and Weppen (1993) FEMS Microbiol. The most common mechanism of mercury re-
Rev. 11, 145–152; von Canstein, Timmis, sistance in bacteria is the enzymic reduction of
Deckwer and Wagner-Dobler (1999) Appl. En- bivalent mercuric ions (Hg#+) to the elemental
viron. Microbiol. 65, 5279–5284]. The reduction\ form (Hg!) by the cytoplasmic flavoenzyme
volatilization system requires to be studied mercuric reductase. The mechanism of reductive
further, in order to eliminate the escape of the mercuric ion resistance and the genes responsible
metallic mercury into the environment. Recently for encoding this resistance have been reviewed
we have demonstrated three different mechanisms recently [4,5]. Narrow-spectrum mercury resist-
for mercury detoxification in one organism, Kleb- ance determinants confer resistance only against
siella pneumoniae M426, which may increase the Hg#+ salts and a small number of organomercurial
capture efficiency of mercury. derivatives, whereas broad-spectrum determi-
nants also encode resistance to a wide range of
organomercurials. The mechanism of Hg#+ detox-
Introduction ification common to all narrow-spectrum mercury
The discharge of heavy metals into the environ- resistance determinants in Gram-negative bacteria
ment as a result of agricultural, industrial and is the transport of Hg#+ ions into the cytoplasm,
military operations, and the effects of this pol- followed by their reduction to elemental mercury,
lution on ecosystems and human health, have been Hg!. Transport (uptake) is due to the specific
of concern for some years [1]. Mercury is one of transporter, MerT (and in some cases also to the
the most toxic heavy metals, and has significant auxiliary transporters MerC and\or MerF [6]).
industrial use due to its ability to form amalgams Hg! appears to be eliminated by passive diffusion
with other metals (e.g. in gold extraction or dental from the cell under normal physiological con-
amalgams). It has also been used in the chloralkali ditions [5]. Subsequent volatilization of the el-
process to produce NaOH and chlorine, and in emental mercury removes this material from the
batteries and other electrical apparatus. Mercurial immediate environment of the cell before ap-
compounds have been also used in agriculture preciable re-oxidation to Hg#+ is likely to occur.
as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and bac-
tericides [1]. These various uses in industry and Formation of insoluble HgS
Mercuric sulphide (HgS) can be formed by the
direct reaction of Hg#+ with H S produced anaero-
Key words : heavy metal, mercuric salts, mercuric sulphide, #
volatilization, waste water.
bically by Clostridium cochlearium [7]. Aiking et al.
To whom correspondence should be addressed (e-mail [8] reported that Klebsiella aerogenes NCTC418
AME846! produced HgS when grown in continuous aerobic

# 2002 Biochemical Society 672

Biometals 2002 : Third International Biometals Symposium

culture with the addition of 2 µg\ml HgCl . No reactor was first reported in 1984 [10], but no
mercury reduction and volatilization was detected, details were given. The biological removal of
and the authors detected mercuric ion sensitivity mercury from waste water by a mercury-reducing
under sulphate-limited conditions. Elevated levels biofilm was convincingly demonstrated by Brunke
of total cellular sulphide were detected in cells et al. [11], who used both natural and engineered
grown in the presence of mercuric ions, probably mercuric reductase-containing bacteria. Subse-
due to the formation of HgS. quently, von Canstein et al. [12] recorded the
Wang et al. [9] metabolically engineered a enzymic reduction of Hg#+ to water-insoluble Hg!
novel aerobic sulphate reducing pathway for in- by mercury-resistant Pseudomonas putida, and
creased secretion of sulphides. The assimilatory used this system for the removal of mercury from
sulphate reduction pathway was redirected to waste water on an industrial scale. Pure cultures of
overproduce cysteine, and excess cysteine was seven mercury-resistant strains of Pseudomonas
converted into sulphide by cysteine desulphy- were immobilized inside a bioreactor. Neutralized
drase. The engineered bacterium was used for the chloroalkali electrolysis waste water, with a mer-
aerobic precipitation of cadmium as cadmium cury concentration of 3–10 mg\l, was fed con-
sulphide on the cell surface. tinuously into the bioreactor. A mercury retention
efficiency of 97 % was obtained within 10 h of the
Removal of mercury from waste inoculation of the bioreactor. Mercury reduction
water by mercury-resistant bacteria is a good mechanism
Mercury removal processes utilize mainly physical for mercury bioremediation, but the recovery of
and chemical approaches that involve either trap- the metallic Hg! needs to be addressed, in order to
ping and collecting mercury from contaminated avoid its escape into the atmosphere.
sites or the chemical precipitation of mercuric We recently demonstrated three different
compounds. Such processes are costly and may mechanisms of mercury detoxification of waste
leave hazardous by-products. Removal of mercury water in one organism, Klebsiella pneumoniae
by mercury-resistant bacteria in a laboratory test M426 (Figure 1). The first is the enzymic

Figure 1
Three different mechanisms of mercury resistance in Klebsiella pneu-
moniae M426
(1) Mercury volatilization after the reduction of Hg2+ to Hg0 ; (2) mercury precipitation as
HgS due to the production of H2S ; and (3) mercury precipitation as mercury–sulphur com-
pounds due to the production of volatile thiol(s).

673 # 2002 Biochemical Society

Biochemical Society Transactions (2002) Volume 30, part 4

reduction and volatilization of mercury, due to 3 Bryan, G. W. and Langston, W. J. (1992) Environ. Pollut.
the presence of the mercury-resistance determi- 76, 84–131
4 Hobman, J. L., Wilson, J. R. and Brown, N. L. (2000) in
nant Tn5073 (A. M. M. Essa, D. J. Julian, S. P.
Environmental Metal-Microbe Interactions (Lovely, D. R.,
Kidd, N. L. Brown and J. L. Hobman, un- ed.), pp. 177–197, ASM Press, Washington
published work). The second mechanism is the 5 Hobman, J. L. and Brown, N. L. (1997) in Metal Ions in
aerobic precipitation of ionic Hg#+ as insoluble Biological Systems : Mercury and its Effects on
HgS, as a result of H S production. The third is Environmental Biology (Sigel, A. and Sigel, H., eds),
the biomineralization of Hg#+ as an insoluble pp. 503–568, Marcel Dekker, New York
6 Wilson, J. R., Leang, C., Morby, A. P., Hobman, J. L. and
mercury–sulphur complex other than HgS. We
Brown, N. L. (2000) FEBS Lett. 472, 78–82
believe that this is due to the aerobic production of 7 Pan-Hou, H. S. and Imura, N. (1981) Arch. Microbiol.
a volatile thiol compound. This process showed 129, 49–52
high efficiency of mercury removal in the presence 8 Aiking, H., Govers, H. and Riet, J. T. (1985) Appl. Environ.
of high concentrations of mercury and at different Microbiol. 50, 1262–1267
pH and salinity levels (A. M. M. Essa, L. E. 9 Wang, C. L., Lum, A. M., Ozuna, S. C., Clark, D. S. and
Keasling, J. D. (2001) Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 56,
Macaskie and N. L. Brown, unpublished work), 425–430
and therefore may be applicable in an industrial 10 Williams, J. W. and Silver, S. (1984) Enzyme Microb.
process with minimal prior treatment of the waste Technol. 6, 530–537
water. 11 Brunke, M., Deckwer, W. D., Frischmuth, A., Horn, J. M.,
Lunsdorf, H., Rhode, M., Rohricht, M., Timmis, K. N. and
Weppen, P. (1993) FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 11, 145–152
References 12 von Canstein, H., Timmis, K. N., Deckwer, W. D. and
1 Goldwater, L. (1972) Mercury : A History of Quicksilver, Wagner-Dobler, I. (1999) Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65,
York Press, Baltimore 5279–5284
2 Nriagu, J. O. (1979) Biogeochemistry of Mercury in the
Environment, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press,
New York Received 8 March 2002

Metal Insertion into Proteins

Metal insertion into NiFe-hydrogenases
M. Blokesch, A. Paschos, E. Theodoratou, A. Bauer, M. Hube, S. Huth and A. Bo$ ck1
Department Biologie I, Mikrobiologie, Universita$ t Mu$ nchen, Maria-Ward-Strasse 1a, D-80638 Mu$ nchen, Germany

Abstract chemistry. It emerged during mutational analyses

The synthesis and the insertion of the metallo- that, in addition to mutations in the structural
centre of NiFe-hydrogenases is a complex pro- genes of metalloenzymes, there are additional
cess, in which seven maturation enzymes plus genetic lesions that prevent the generation of active
ATP, GTP and carbamoyl phosphate are in- enzymes. These so-called auxiliary proteins may
volved. The review summarizes what is known possess a variety of functions, some of them
about the properties and activities of these aux- hitherto unprecedented. These include specific
iliary proteins, and postulates a pathway along cellular uptake of the metal, binding to an in-
which maturation may take place. tracellular metallochaperone or shuttle system,
donation of the metal to the apoprotein and
Introduction release of the metal donor thereafter, keeping the
The synthesis and assembly of enzymes containing folding of the apoprotein in a competent form.
metal centres is a relatively new field in bio- Other functions may reside in changing the folding
state to internalize the metal centre after com-
pletion of the incorporation, or involve the
Key words : auxiliary proteins, carbamoyl phosphate, cyano/ synthesis of organic moieties to which the metal is
carbonyl ligands, endopeptidase, maturation.
Abbreviation used : CP, carbamoyl phosphate.
attached prior to incorporation into the apo-
To whom correspondence should be addressed (e-mail protein, as in the case of the molybdopterine
august.boeck! cofactors (for reviews see [1–4]).

# 2002 Biochemical Society 674

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