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Sharpening the Senses

• What makes you enjoy the world?

=> By making myself happy and fulfilled, I am able to appreciate the world. It is impossible
to learn to love the things around you if your life is filled with negativity. It is even more
difficult to learn to appreciate life itself and the people in it. We only have a limited amount
of time on this planet. The things that we have should be treasured as long as we are living.
In addition, loving oneself by making yourself happy is one of the most valuable gifts that
you can provide to your own persona. It means being able to explore, dream, and achieve
accomplishment in order to truly enjoy the world for myself.

• What informs your brain about everything around you?

=> Everything in my environment educates my brain on how I should respond to what I hear, how
I should judge what I see, how I should react to what I smell and taste, and how I should react to
what I touch. There are five various ways of seeing and experiencing the world, as described here.
In reality, however, they function in close collaboration to aid the mind's ability to comprehend its
environment more accurately.

• What are the bases of your actions and reactions?

=> My behaviors and reactions are dictated by my emotions and the circumstances in
which I find myself. I believe that the vast majority of people believe the same thing as I do
because we all experience natural emotions such as happiness, anger, and so on. If I am
experiencing my fundamental feeling of fear, my reaction would be to become really afraid,
my heart would race, and I would have difficulty breathing, as I suffer from a very severe
anxiety attack when I am scared. And in terms of the context, my actions and reactions will
be entirely dictated by the circumstances in which I find myself. If I find myself in a
scenario where I am in the midst of turmoil, my actions and the appropriate reactions that
are appropriate for the situation will be determined by this.
1.) Go out of the classroom and look for objects ( five objects ) that are part of nature. Come back
to the classroom. Do not show these objects to your classmates.

2.) Write a paragraph describing the objects. Do not name the objects. You will ask your classmates
to guess/ name it.

3.) Take turns in reading your paragraph.

• There is a rough and hard surface to this thing, and it can be found almost anyplace we look, but
it is most visible on the ground or in areas where there is land. Solidified minerals are made up of
solid crystals from several minerals that have been fused together to form a single solid mass. They
could have formed at different times, or they could have occurred simultaneously. Nature's
processes, it turns out, were the glue that held them all together! Also available in a variety of
colors and sizes.It is natural for this object to be present. As a result, its many shapes can provide a
very nice and refreshing glimpse of what nature has contributed to the human experience. To have
an incredible view of your landscape and your house, you can relax with it or even use it to plan a
garden around it.

• Depending on the season, the color of this object changes. A protrusion from the stem of a
vascular plan that is usually flattened and green in color. It might have a silky and dry surface at
times, and it appears more pleasant when the rain falls in from the sky. Natural hues dominate,
with the bulk of them being green, and they add vibrancy to the realm of nature. When they fall,
they fall like humans, but they quickly shift and transform into something new that adds beauty to
the environment around them. The world would be devoid of color if they weren't there, not even
nature itself.

• This object has a lot to use, it has a very nice structure that can be recycled to use for a design to
your home. It is parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on
them. It is essential to trees, as they form the canopy, and hold the leaves up to the sun, enabling
photosynthesis to occur. Without this,trees would just be sticks, useful, but not nearly as useful as
the whole living organism that is a tree.
• This object is one of the most essential objects in nature, it is a living, breathing creature that is
related to others of its kind by soil, wind, and water, reaches for the sun as a source of energy, and
looks forward to procreation every year as it becomes older. They provide life to all living things
and provide protection from the sun's scorching rays. They grow out from the trunk and are thick
and spherical, and because they are high above ground level and covered with leaves, they provide
food and shelter for a variety of animals and birds. There are small and large versions of this
creature that can peer through the roof of a house. Some people can live for a hundred years or
longer. Some trees lose their leaves as winter arrives, while others remain green throughout the
year. They have been man's closest friend for thousands of years, supplying him with food, shelter,
and other essentials such as clothing.

• This thing contributes to the world's smell and aesthetic appeal. Their beauty will captivate you,
and you will want to smell and look at them for an extended period of time after that. They are
temptresses, seducing pollinators with their colors, fragrances, and shapes in order to attract them.
They are delicate, ephemeral, laterally symmetrical or radially symmetrical, and they perfect
themselves to suit their suitors, and we can recognize our connection with bees, bats, and birds by
acknowledging that we, too, are susceptible to the same enticements that they are subject to.
They've always been a favorite of mine. They are God's most gorgeous creation, without a doubt.
Their presence is a source of joy indefinitely. The fragrant scent of their flowers makes the air
pleasant to breathe. And, most importantly, they provide us with a great deal of pleasure in our

- rocks

- leaves

- branches

- tree

- flowers

Tonight, go out of the house and catalogue the sensor details you observe. You will
write a composition to describe the right using these details. Provide an
appropriate title for your work.

First Friday Night of September

The breeze caresses my chilled skin as the darkness and gentleness of the night descends. At night,
moonlight is as beautiful as birdsong, throwing a shadow on the tall and seemingly dancing trees in the
atmosphere and creating a magical environment. As the night became darker, the sounds of crickets and a
few passing cars on the route home seemed to add to the ominous atmosphere. I could see my pet dogs
peacefully watching the people passing by from the front porch of our small house, which was in the
distance. The busy road comes to life as a result of the lighting provided by the poles. Having the aroma
of beautiful flowers lined up in front of the house stimulates the soul while also relieving fatigue and
bodily discomfort. I could see the twinkling of stars in my own eyes. I took a big breath and let out a long
sigh. My neighbors' lights are turned off at the same time.


Defining Creative writing

Dear Clint,

What in the world happened? We had high expectations of you. You failed us. You betrayed us, and we
despise you for it. You're a complete failure. You don't deserve to be surrounded by "nice individuals."
You have no right to rejoice because you are a loser. Take a look around. They're almost there, and
you're groveling like a scumbag. They are rising like giants, while you, a slow fool, don't even have the
energy to keep up with them. We don't give second chances to bastards like you, so you're no longer
welcome. Stop pretending to be someone you're not because it's not flattering. We will accept you if
you change yourself. You'll be forgotten for the time being. You will be met with applause if you manage
to surprise us. Instead of attempting to obtain the things you desire, it is preferable to accept the fact
that you will fail. You're feeling self-conscious. A lot of things about you are wrong. Several of your
actions weren't morally acceptable. You're so naive that you can't even get close enough to us to cause
trouble. If nothing comes of your efforts, it may be because you're not getting anything at all. You're
nothing but a failure.And one last thing, "you're not good enough." by the way.



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