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Name: Hannia Isabel Hernandez Ramirez

Practice Test B1

Question Paper

Time: approx. 35 minutes

• Answer all the questions.

• You may write on this question.

• You must not speak to the other candidates.

Task One: Short Conversations – Questions 1-6

You will hear two people talking on a London bus.

• You will hear six short conversations.

• Listen and decide which picture they are talking about.
• There are two pictures which you will not need.
• You will hear each conversation twice.

5 1 2


Task Two: Making Notes – Questions 7-15

You will hear a talk about a language school.

• Look at the notes. The notes contain nine gaps.

• You have one minute to read the notes.
• Now listen to the speaker and fill in the gaps on your with a maximum of 3 words.
• Do not write more than 3 words in one gap.
• You will hear the recording twice.

Language School
History of the school
• The school has been open since 7 1991 .
• At the beginning there were 8 a few courses.
• A lot of students 9 learning .

The courses
• Not just English offered. It’s possible to learn French, Spanish 10 Japanese and Korean .
• The courses begin 11 by april .
• There are never more than 12 thirteen people in each class.

Free-time activities
• Good restaurants and 13 cinemas are close to the school.
• The good pubs are 14 museums Galleries and concerts .

Other information
• Look on the internet for 15 exact prices.
Task Three: Radio Programme – Questions 16-25

You will hear a radio programme about people who

meet after years apart.
• On the test paper you have ten multiple-choice questions
about the programme.
• Choose the best response (A, B, or C) for questions 16-25.
• You will hear the recording twice.
• You have two minutes to read the questions before the
recording starts.

16. About being on television, Amanda.. 21. Amanda wants to know…

A has done it many times. A everything about Mr Kay and his family.
B is nervous. B what Mr Kay is doing now.
C enjoys being on the show. C two things about Mr Kay.
17. Amanda first met Mr Kay as... 22. About the money, Mr Kay says...
A a family friend. A it wasn’t enough.
B a paying guest in the house. B he was happy to tell Amanda about it.
C a friend of her mother’s. C he wanted to keep it secret.
18. After Mr Kayhadarrived, Amandaand 23. When Mr Kay left the house...
her mother...
A he was afraid that something could happen to
A became upset. Amanda.
B were even happier. B Amanda made a lot of phone calls.
C started singing. C he was worried about himself.
19. The last time Amanda saw Mr Kay... 24. During the programme...
A at a surprise party. A Mr Kay apologises to Amanda.
B eighteen months ago. B Amanda gets angry with Mr Kay.
C before she left home to study. C Mr Kay is not happy to see Amanda.
20. When Mr Kay left, Amanda says that 25. In the programme, the relationship
she... between Amanda and Mr Kay is…
A was frightened. A friendly.
B talked a lot about it with her mother. B cold.
C didn’t know the reason. C confused.

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