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Journal of Mammalogy, 81(1):245–249, 2000




Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504 (RFL, PLL)

Department of Biology, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152 (MLK)
Present address of RFL: Department of Biology, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152

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Discriminant function analysis has been used to assess morphological distinctiveness of
putatively different taxa. We used randomizations of previously published morphological
data for 2 subspecies of the coyote, Canis latrans frustror and C. l. thamnos, to quantify
a recognized but previously unexamined bias in discriminant-function analyses that use
resubstitution classification. This bias results in overestimates of intertaxon distinctiveness
and is exacerbated when sample sizes are small. An alternative classification technique,
jackknife sampling, is relatively unbiased.

Key words: classification, discriminant function analysis, jackknifing, morphological differentiation,


Discriminant function analysis (DFA) filiation based on the discriminant function.

commonly is used to evaluate morphologi- The proportion of observations that are not
cal distinctiveness of putatively different reassigned to their original population is
taxa (Collister and Wicklum 1996; Foottit known as the apparent error rate (APER—
and MacKauer 1980; Gibson and Kessel Johnson and Wichern 1992). Because the
1989; Handford 1985; Humphrey and Setz- discriminant function is not independent of
er 1989; Matsui 1986; Nowak 1979; Tum- the observations that are classified, the re-
lison 1993). Classification error, or the pro- sulting APER is smaller than it would be if
portion of observations that are estimated the function were calculated from an inde-
to belong to a population other than their pendent set of observations (Huberty 1994;
population of origin, often is used as a mea- Johnson and Wichern 1992). This bias is
sure of the distinctiveness of taxa being expected to decrease as the size of the sam-
compared. ple increases (Huberty 1994; Johnson and
There are a number of ways in which ob- Wichern 1992).
servations can be sampled for DFA classi- Cross-validation techniques, such as
fication, and the choice of sampling meth- sample splitting and jackknifing, are alter-
ods can affect results of classification (Hub- native sampling methods that are less bi-
erty 1994; Johnson and Wichern 1992). A
ased than resubstitution (Huberty 1994;
common method of sampling used with
Johnson and Wichern 1992). Sample split-
DFA classification is resubstitution. In this
ting involves using a portion of the total
procedure, a discriminant function is cal-
observations to build the discriminant func-
culated from all observations in a data set
tion, after which the remaining observa-
for the putatively different populations.
tions are classified (Foottit and MacKauer
Each observation is reassigned to one of the
populations according to an estimate of af- 1980; Orthmeyer et al. 1995). A drawback
to this method is that because some obser-
* Correspondent: vations are not used in building the discrim-


inant function, it is likely to be an inferior males, 79 females) and 157 were C. l. thamnos
discriminator relative to a function derived (82 males, 75 females). Use of those observa-
from the entire data set (Johnson and Wich- tions allowed us to demonstrate with biological-
ern 1992). Another drawback to sample ly relevant data how bias in resubstitution clas-
sification can affect evaluation of morphological
splitting is that a relatively large number of
differentiation between putative taxa. Because
samples is required for this technique to be coyotes are sexually dimorphic (Lydeard and
informative. Kennedy 1988), males and females were ana-
Jackknife sampling, also known as Lach- lyzed separately.
enbruch’s holdout or the leave-one-out To contrast different results obtained from re-

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method, involves removing 1 observation substitution and jackknife classification, we per-
from the data set and then classifying that formed 5,000 iterations of DFA classification of
observation based on a DFA of the remain- randomized data for coyotes using both sam-
ing data (Huberty 1994; Johnson and Wich- pling techniques. Data sets for each iteration
ern 1992). That observation is subsequently were created by randomly reassigning individu-
als to C. l. frustror and C. l. thamnos. The same
returned to the data set, and the entire pro-
proportions of subspecies that occurred in the
cedure is repeated for each observation. original data sets were maintained for each it-
The resulting error rate is referred to as the eration. To be consistent with Lydeard and Ken-
estimated actual error rate (Johnson and nedy (1988), analyses of males and females
Wichern 1992). Because classification of were based on 7 and 8 characters, respectively.
each observation is based on a function that We used the PROC DISCRIM procedure in SAS
was calculated from a data set excluding the (SAS Institute Inc. 1989) to perform DFA and
observation, the estimated actual error rate conducted resubstitution and jackknife sampling
should be less biased than a corresponding using the LISTERR and CROSSLISTERR op-
APER. Estimated actual error rates, how- tions. Because populations comprised of ran-
domly assigned individuals should be undiffer-
ever, may exhibit a higher variance than
entiated, it was expected that classification error
APERs (Huberty 1994). rates would average 50%. Any deviation from a
Although the potential for bias in DFA mean error rate of 50% would indicate a bias in
resubstitution has been recognized by many the DFA classification procedure.
statisticians (Frank et al. 1965; Johnson and To examine the effect of sample size on
Wichern 1992), its effect on taxonomic APER and estimated actual error rate, we con-
studies has not been evaluated. Our objec- ducted 5,000 DFAs on randomized subsets of
tives were to quantify the bias, evaluate the data totaling 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 male coy-
extent to which it might affect taxonomic otes. Those smaller data sets consisted of equal
assessments, and contrast results from DFA numbers of individuals from each putative sub-
species randomly reassigned to C. l. thamnos
resubstitution and DFA jackknife classifi-
and C. l. frustror.
cation procedures. We also examined the
effect of sample size on APER and esti- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mated actual error rate.
Mean APERs were lower than the ex-
MATERIALS AND METHODS pected 50% (Figs. 1a and 1b), indicating
overestimation of intertaxon morphological
Data for our study were taken from previously
differentiation. That bias increased as num-
published work by Lydeard and Kennedy
ber of samples became smaller (Fig. 2). Al-
(1988), in which DFA resubstitution was used to
evaluate taxonomic designation of 2 subspecies though bias in APER decreased as size of
of the coyote, Canis latrans thamnos and C. l. samples increased (Huberty 1994; Johnson
frustror. Those data consisted of cranial mea- and Wichern 1992), DFA resubstitution still
surements taken from 364 museum specimens. resulted in a sizable bias when used with
We were able to obtain data for 315 of those the largest sets of samples that we evaluated
specimens, of which 158 were C. l. frustror (79 (n 5 161 and n 5 154; Figs. 1 and 2).

resubstitution overestimated distinctiveness

of female coyotes from those 2 populations
by $12%. That overestimate would have
been greater if classification had been based
on a smaller number of observations.
Although classification based on jack-
knifing is not completely unbiased, this bias
should only affect results when number of
samples is smaller than number of indepen-

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dent variables used for discrimination
(McLachlan 1974). In our analyses, any
bias associated with estimated actual error
rate was minimal, even for the smallest
number of samples. In every case, bias in
estimated actual error rate was smaller than
bias in APER.
There is some concern that estimated ac-
FIG. 1.—Distribution of resubstitution (APER; tual error rate is an overly variable estimate
solid line) and jackknife (dashed line) classifi- of error rate relative to APER (Huberty
cation error rates resulting from 5,000 discrim- 1994). Although our comparison of APER
inant function analyses of randomized morpho- and estimated actual error rate exhibited
logical data from 2 subspecies of Canis latrans. that disparity (Fig. 2), the difference in
Data sets for a) males and b) females consist of standard deviation between the 2 estimates
161 and 154 observations, respectively. The ex- never exceeded 2.5% (Fig. 2), except when
pected mean classification error (50%) is indi- the number of samples equaled 10. How-
cated by the vertical line. ever, that disparity was not substantive be-
cause the standard deviation of APER was
Mean estimated actual error rates did not hedged by the zero boundary (Fig. 2). The
differ notably from the expected mean error disparity in variance between APER and es-
rate of 50% (Fig. 1) regardless of size of timated actual error rate was much smaller
sample (Fig. 2). Because our results show for large samples (Fig. 2). Our results in-
that estimated actual error rates are less bi- dicate that variance is more affected by
ased than APERs, jackknife sampling sample size than by classification tech-
should be preferred over resubstitution sam- nique. This issue becomes important when
pling in DFA classifications of putative considering the use of sample splitting rath-
taxa. However, several statistical packages er than jackknifing to reduce bias in esti-
either do not offer jackknife classification mating morphological differentiation, be-
as an option in DFA or do not offer it as cause the former will require more samples.
the default classification method. The problem of biased estimates of in-
Bias resulting from resubstitution sam- terpopulation differentiation has implica-
pling can influence perceptions of morpho- tions for conservation policy when DFA is
logical distinctiveness between putatively used to assess taxonomic status of endan-
different taxa. For example, when we con- gered or threatened populations, such as the
ducted DFAs on our data for C. l. frustror Louisiana black bear, Ursus americanus lu-
and C. l. thamnos, estimated actual error teolus (M. L. Kennedy, in litt.), and the red
rates were 32% and 35% for males and fe- wolf, Canis rufus (Nowak 1979). When
males, respectively. However, APERs for taxonomic assignments have legal and eco-
those same observations were 28% and nomic implications, it is important that they
23%, respectively. In the worst case, DFA be based on sound statistical procedures.

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FIG. 2.—Sample size versus mean classification error rates (61 SD) from resubstitution-based
(circles) and jackknife-based (triangles) discriminant function analyses of randomized morphological
data from 2 subspecies of Canis latrans. Sample sets of #60 observations were created by drawing
random observations from the total data set for male coyotes; one-half of the observations were
designated as C. l. frustror and the other one-half were designated as C. l. thamnos. For each sample
size, 5,000 iterations of randomization and DFA classification were performed. The expected mean
classification error (50%) is indicated by the dotted line.

Jackknifing reduces bias in classification er- data. Therefore, when reporting classifica-
ror rates; however, the level of classification tion results from DFA, the method of clas-
error that is sufficiently low enough to con- sification should be fully described. In most
sider putative taxa as distinct is arbitrary. cases, jackknife classification should be
Alternative approaches, such as identifying preferred over resubstitution.
phylogenetic subdivisions based on concor-
dant patterns in multiple characters (Ball ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and Avise 1992), may provide a less arbi-
We thank C. Lydeard for providing the data
trary basis for assigning subspecific taxon-
used in this analysis. J. Abdalla, J. Akin, J. Ferr-
ence, C. Lance, D. Rogowski, C. Spencer, and J.
Although we focused on how resubsti- Waits provided many helpful suggestions during
tution-based DFA may overestimate levels preparation of the manuscript. R. Lance was
of differentiation between putative taxa, funded by Board of Regents Louisiana Enhance-
this problem is not restricted to taxonomic ment of Quality Science Fund Fellowship (1994–
analyses. If we had used ecological or sim- 1999)-GF-29, awarded through R. G. Jaeger.
ulated data for this analysis, we would have Analysis and manuscript preparation were sup-
found the same biases resulting from resub- ported by National Science Foundation grants
stitution that we found with morphological DEB-AC09-76SR00-819 and DEB-9123943.


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