Bang Diem Tieng Anh

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DALHQC QUOC LA TP1HeM CONG HOA XA HOH CHONGHTA VIETNAM sravNG ost hge KIN TE tUsT Deli y= tmpae ‘intuit TiONAL UNIVERSITY eM CITY socistist ntPUtiC OF SIETNAME TNWERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAN Intend Feln laps BANG DIEM ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Iipshvia(Funane: TRAN QUANG TIEN Cited Nam a Nei sth Darin: axosno9e Naohccobihy BA RIA VENG TAU ashi in ted Kz La xin “Tinh ot: aritgc inh hic io wo: CHiN QUY Fu -tin) lawl etesamy) (Waderrdeat Tomef vain Neihes Kicaoe 2ora-206 [iin siodse——xINEBOANIavOCTE Ctinet in) (sccm) Gnematonal Baines ar| 32, ix Mos uge sori ta unccus — | cmnewo wo) ‘saber is Word ‘He sai cn (cr (ay Semen laren 7 [bine Ve engin y paid lar 7 sin itn 2 | lenis, Benepe comm) fh vn lose nite 3 TH lecagisn3) 2 [(Exmepted course) akan 7 Da ia : TH leenwian gy |(Exmepted course) = aan 7 foe ne : = |(English 5) [(Exmepted course) vine oa mis ‘ TH08 engi 6) ‘ [(Exmepted course) > area ; ia fin 7 | P10 licconoie Geography) ig Ta ie ce an PLO |aoduction tas) Z az |Fve point fie) Fmt come as : THON |i informatics) , 0 [iseven) Finan cip cr i . = (Advanced Mathemetics Ct) 3 2 [(Seven)_ [Toin ea0 cip C2, iy " TOM lbadvanced Mathemetics C2) > 7° [(Seven) Kak temo sy a[ ae ; a 70 ae oF tl co lagen sy = 7006 _|csttistics and Probability They) 2 a [(Seven)_ Naver an 7 i ie 3 a |rourpin Sve) Poms Sit nenen 5 cobin ci acta Fn N05 _lericiples of Maris Lenin) 2 ka igh) an i oe Serr i GEOL iotrnationl Relations) : ss (Six point five) ae pana ger 7 wo han vats Gmat| cm Doin ti cich mang BOHN TS Dn) 18 | vio fremticnayotcy athe Vnanese Canna Par] 3 as ae {History ofthe Party) peewee ak vs oy 9 | xtos SS ‘ 70 seven) : eCCOR far 20 | TCI theory of Banking & Money) a 2 cient pin ve) I rg han = 7004 _|cthcory of Suites) 2 “o |ceight) : fas te cnn tin z CHF lericines Se 2 8 Josie) ink sk hn 3 | 120 | erations Economics) EI so lig Ink ome oy ho K102 [ee eomometris) - _ [(Six point five) > area = Tram at 25 | KT |Deeiopmeat onan) igh pin vey eatin Jy ri 26 | et Iecmomic Law) s sever point five) Z IMareing cn bn 5 Fr 27 | MAM Nerncies of arteting) * igh pin five) Noes i on Fram as | xxor accounting rnin) go ah pi ive) > a chink que JT THO learn Fraoe) s |i pin ive) So Pam Ping Cink a Iran lato Mink clos) leis [bam pn nh doc ry S16 Iusiness Negation) Lad seven pin ve) [Papi ds eng we [ram 32 | PON crcion to Laws) eign Jou gute a [rex 38 | GUO [cote Kean) {ie Se [nner in chaewong kink dos wo [rim |orgszaional Bevin a Busnes) em Se Ppa ink doa te ye Bayne intron Basins) | Seven pin Sve) se cr festeonh can a ti 7 [Compton Law) “S eign pin ve) Ladki dosh ul a” ty noi 37 | 1905 trina Buses Law) | seven pit) Se arm i avin is icin 2129 [Cres Catral Managment) a sie) Jouan marketing stu or 3% | 26 letaketng Managemen) ss [six poi ve) [bis pan kik dba em rei | cro susiness Negotiation) * eign poi ve) Te awase PNB i eng a Bay ri lotaker Ree) | even poi Sve) > fous cid ug tan la icin ut 11 oa Sites Managemen) 2 sie pint ive) 5 fou fan si que icin © | 2 loerstina Human Resource Managenen) ea sine) foun ein ing da qe D in 4 {208 [tutional Finance Management) Z ism foun thongs fm 4 0 rand Manager) G ciem ie qua Res: 1. Kiki dhe chuyén md (Specialized knowlege: Tg ne eb iy (oa eis) as = Dilmirng inh chung eb yyy (Gener pint ves) i xine Ki ‘Ranney Goof 2.Gido dyemné edt (sie educatan) Gio deh chi 1G inch) 80 CB ‘hse eduestion 3 ered) Gio det eit 22 tn chi) 8.0 (Five) (Pisa eduetion2-7 ced) ‘TP, HB Ch Minh, ny 24 thn 9 on 2013 (Go Chi Minh Cig, September 240, 2015) LHEAD- OFICCE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS “Teuing Ping gp tie Qube té enh bin eh my chin xe ead Ofie of ternational Re Le pic THby ns cnfirma the translation hs academic tamer i accurate ATHOC QUOC GIA TPH ‘TRUONG DAL HQC KINH TE - LUST ‘VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HCM CITY UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGulA VIET NAM. Die lap- Ty do gah phe SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence ~ Freedom Happiness BANG DIEM ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Ho vattn(Fullnane): NGUYEN TH] PHUONG THO. iti (Gentes NO (Fea) Neiy sinh (Date ofbins 3101995 Noisinh (Plc obi: DONG THAP Mas sinh vgn (Stent ID KISS031S19 Lap (Cs issinc Trinh di igo parHoc inh thie dio too:—— CHINH QUY (Full-time) (Level of taining) (Undergraduate) (orm of tring Nain he! Ki hee 2m3 2017 chum vinh aio dye: LUST THUONG MAL QUOC TE (ime of wining) (Major Curicalum) (International Basness Law) sir] Wass, TEN MON TOC eee pine cut | cient Ne) | ON HOS (Subject ite ot tS word) | (Note) 9 | gubjeet Cot ah resity| ByNumden | GF Word | (Note) nahin [sia reor 1 [mo es 4 Gi eer iv mb fr 2 | FT | eticroeconomics) Z fo leg Lait din La Mt Tam th 3 | EMOt |eRoman Cl Law) a $5 ligt pin vy Li Nha nue vi pp aT ay ro 4 | 422 Jetetton to Satan Law) e 35 sre pit) Istongnguyn i on cha McLain sau i 5 [MS levine of Maris ~ Lenni) 65 |esixpotn vy Quin oe ean ban Fran 9 | 80 © {OT _|eriniptes or Management) : cin [KA Gi oe hp 7 ses 7 | *03 |x Socials) 60 sin [anh vin iy a 4 75 8 |S lenin) seven point ve) [bwin i ih mang cia BCSVNCLS Ding) == 9 | ior |Revoisionsry Pole ofthe Vietnamese Communist Party 3 1s De ee) story ofthe Party) (Seven point He kink imo Bay a 0 | Kwos e 4 75 |eeevupats Sm) Leh sede hoe hay fram 1 | 1501 [ery of Esonomic Dots) = 80 feeigny Logie be fim. 3 20 BL ON Joie cian a ide pip Vi Name Bay 1B | HP® |evicinamese Constiion Law) : 70 [escien Ning vin chung vé tdi wr [cnn 14 | PS06 | General matters of Civil Law) a 28) 2 [uma [an vin sau 4 65 15 | THE lath 6) sic pin fe) sos [Hh rah nade vl php Tat Ve Nam sau rai 16 | __ 1505 lst ofVietamese Sas nd Laws) a $5 [esicpoin vy Lk in iy 17 [BCR Ieadinisraive Law) 2 70 Iescren [pth in a gia nh 3 ye iy nh 18 | HOO tering an Faniy Law) seven poo ve) fest hop dng = dy Ep rg ya 19 |_ Hoot fccommaer Lavy d 75 |esevenpoin five) 20 PLIO ee cope 3 7s ae Blea ene 7 ee 2s ppor ee 3 10 fen =| os ane ae a eee eee Ea 2 oe oe ee 3 70 Pe ‘Két qua (Result): 1. Khéi kién thite chuyén mén (Specialized knowledge): = Dige rung binh chung tch iy 2 (General point average) io = Xép oi © Kh (Ganking) (Goes) 2. Gido dye thé chit (Physical education) + Gido dye th cit 1 (3 tin ci) :9.0 (Nine) (Physical education 1-3 ereit) Gio dy th chit 2 (2 in ci) :8.0 Bight) (Physical education 2-2 credit) 3. Gido dye quée phing: (Miltary education) PHAM THY HA NGUYEN HEAD - OFICCE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ‘Traring Phong Hyp tie Quie té xe nh bin dich ny ehinh xéc. ‘ead - Office of International Relations confirms the translation of this academic transeript is ate. Lesica THY DATHOC QUOC GIA TPC (CONG HOA XA HOH CHU NGHIA VIETNAM. TRUONG DAL OC KINITE- LUST ‘Dye ip - Ty do- Hanh phe VIETNAMNATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HEM CITY SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW Independence Freedom - Mappiness BANG DIEM ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Mg va tén (Fullname: ODUY QUANG iti tnn ender Nam Male Naty sinh (Dae obit): 18121996 ‘Noi si Pac of bh): TRAICM (HICM City) Mab sinh vin (Stadent ID): 144020247 Lép (Clas K1402c “Teak 9 ao to pattie inh thé oto: CHINHL QUY (Full-time) (Leve of wining) (adergraduate) (Form of wing) Ninh hoe! Khia oe 2014-2018, chong in io dy KINWTE DOL NGOAL (ime oF ening) (ajovcuriclum) (lateraatonal Economic Relations srr} ks0 TEN MON HOC pean cs BANG cut (So) se (Subject ite) = i (By Word) (abject Cot) (Credits) | (By Number) Ham pe oe ‘ 7 Eiht point five) Bay uss 2 | X18 _rvcreconones) e = Seven point ve) JNhing neuen i or in cba ME cin ri 3 | N09 erinptes of Merxsm ~ Lenni ° “ Fine point fv) Fim ie a cme Sa 4 {MS levincpies of Psxcholoy) > 7 Si) Fon co op ram 5 | 7008 |crdvanced Mathematics) i bad Fight pont ve) An win Kg cuyén 5 pit mitn {MS feenatsh) ‘ |Esempred course) Jan van kg chen 6 itm mign re ’ english) : |Gsemprcd course) kink wine vim ISaewaat $ [RIS I sacroeonamiss ‘ ss six pin fied Loeic ne rim 9 | Lor 3 80 * a cies Ly thes Pm 10 | 707 _ [erat Tae0m) e ss eight point fv) JNawen KE oan sae 1H | RRO! [accounting Principles) : so Isio Quan gute Frm te 12 | PHM rational Relations) eZ ss tight point five) Quin oe ean ban [cnn 1 3 90 8 | Om Jvinsptes of Managemen) ovine) Két qué (Result): 1. Kh6ikién thie chuyén mon (Specialized knowledge) + Ting snc ich ny a7 (oval ees) = itm ungbinh chung ch Hyg (General poin average) 7 = Xép log Khe Raking) Good) 2. Gio dye ed cht (Uysal education) Gio dy hd cht 1 (3 tin ei) = 8.0 ight) (Physical education 1-3 ered) = Gio dg the cht 2 2 tn chi) : 8.0 (ght) (Physical education 2-2 eet) TP, H6 Chi Min, mg 24 thing 9mm 2013 (Ufo Chi Minh City, Sepimeber 24,2015) SSL pu TRUONG ‘TH HA NGUYEN PP RECTOR HEAD - OFICCE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS. Le Bk TH AI HOC QUOC GIA TRHCM (CONG HOa XA HOH CHU NGHTA VIET NAM TRUONG DAL HOC KIN TE - LUAT Die lap- Ty do - Hpnh phe VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HCM CITY SOCIALIST REPUBLIC UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW dependence ~ Freedom pines BANG DIEM ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Ho vi tén (Full name): LE NGUYEN NGOC DIEP Gidi tinh (Gender): [Nit (Felmale) oly sin (Date orbits ATAONBBS Nai sinh Paco bint): TRICM ICM Ci) ‘M& sé sinh vign (Student ID): K134020102 Lép (Class): KI3402C “Trinh oo patnoc Hin hic dio wo: CHINE QUY Fall-tie) Covel fii) Cavers (Ferm of ain) Nain he! Kiss boc 2013-2017 ‘churong trinh gido dye: KINH TE DOLNGOAL (Time of training) ‘tj (iernatonal Eonomie Relations) srr | _MASO TENMON HOC aor oe BANG cut’ | GHIcHU (No) mateo ‘(Subject title) en (By Word) (Note) ” (Subject Code) | anu (Credits), (By Number) oe ie (havin Kg chen ipa t cael |( English 5) a f |(Seven point five) Kink pe a sivwsi B ae |(Microeconomics) 7 “ [(Six point five) ng nen co Din ia Noe LEis frm 2 peu |(Basic principles of Marxism —Leninism) : a |(Eight point five) in edt coms Tim is aes |(Introduction to Psychology) 2 G |(Eight point five) |Todin cao chp [Chin 5 TOO6 [cAdvanced Mathematics) : wy lovine) fh vn King chen Fram i 35 § 7H06 |CEnatsh 6 7 Eight point five) TRI [Kinh 18 vio [Bay radi 7 | Roe | acroctnoes) 2 15 sony [Dal Lecce Nim er KIN # | too fone 2 oa crive pit ive) 5 tyne sion 2 . 7 7007 |eProbabilty Theory) = six point five) ie |Neuyén ly kE toa (KE todin di cucmg) Nam 0 I 3 : KKO! | Accounting Principles) om (Five) [Quan he qudc Tam rai a QH104 |atemational Retations) 2 bid |(Eight point five) in ie cn bin chin ZI a |(Principles of Management) 3 a (Nine) IK gi vig tho nim TO) in a Bo |(Teamwork skills - 27C) 2 = |(Eight point five) ish eho thnk frm wo a au |(History of Economic Doctrines) Z Ss |(Eight point five) [Ly thuyét tai chink - tién t@ (Ney thi trutng ti chinh) [Bay roi ae nee |(Theory of Banking & Money) 5 ms {(Seven point five) Mating in bin yi 16 | MAOL [Pandan ot Marketing) 3 a Seven point five) Pip af diam iy we ay |(Introduction to Laws) 4 fo {(Seven point five) [Thong ké img dung {Chin radi, = noe |(Applied Statistics) a os [(Night point five) 19 | B01 | Conmuioue Bates 8s Ce pei fy 20 | xr Re Temi) as seven pot) au kroz Ieoceaeat 4 60 iy 2 | wo aw 45 spi ny 24 | ere [emg Magen 8s isp Sy 25 | 103 [tena hans as Seep 1. Kh6ikidn thie 1ayén mén (Specialized knowledge): + Téng 6 tin ci toh toy 276 (Total credits) + Dim tung bin chung tch ny (General point average) ae} = Xp lot 2 Kh (tank) (Good) 2. Gifo dye thé chit (Physical education) ~ Gio duo thé chit 1 (3 tin chi 7.0 (Seven) (Physical education = 3 ered) io dye thé ehlt 22 tin eh. (Physical education 2-2 credit) (eign) TP. HB Ch Mink, ng 24 ting 9 nim 2015 (io Chi Minh City, Seprember 24th, 2015) TL. HIGU TRUONG TRUONG PHONG PAO TAO PHAM THI HA NGUYEN P.PRECTOR HEAD - OFICCE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS. ‘Trusing Phing Hgp tie Quée té xe nha bin dich niy ehiah xd ‘Head - Office of International Relations confirms the translation ofthis academe transcript is Ni LéBicHTHOY Danoc aude ou tenes ueroraMONAL UMIERSHY 10 CH HI CITY Nivea OF EeONOMICS AND LAW He vit (Full ae ‘CONG HOA Xi ML CHU NGuA VIET NAME ‘ep Ty o-Hyah hie SOCIALIST REPUBLICOF VIETNAM eepnbaet~Prcien gyi BANG DIEM ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT NGUYEN DUONG MINH HUYEN (Gigi tinh (Gender: NO (Felmale) Yorapectias aoe Neto Pot TRIE COM Mian Dy NSDL tot Kame “Trinh d§ dio tao DAIHOC “Hiinh thie 80 tao. CHINE QUY (Ful - time) as aad foe oats 7 toate ams.a0e a vata rosn Cte whi coe ese sx | gee. santo sous] mutT avcene | emeue fof gous nas a trv |Soun at - Rea ! Tens |(Englsh 5) . |@Vine point five) ’ K706 | aticrocconomics) [(Seven point five) sara ie erp ; ope Peeper ne es ; aes ; oe U3 | Cerincples of Marxism —Leninisn) |(Eight) : tases : ae TOO |cAdvanced Matbematies) |(Seven) tos ; a 7 TED |cenuish 6) al [(ine) 5 ur es POO! loworta Geopolitics) : = {cEight) eae - ——— fees 1708 losocrocconomies) [it pin five) > es G01 |cvosiey . 7 |(Eight point five) : ear ee “ fon |(Theory of Probability) = = [Six point five) ear he “KO! |cAecoueting Principles) + |(Seven) ; rd Ss . - [(Principles of Management ) 5 os. Jone) Sy ie = KeN03 ests ovata) . ue |(Eight) : asd ae mae i ad ‘1802 | c€conamie History of Vietnam and other countries) 5 oo [(six) sae aa ae ST Ise is TC10 |ctecory of Banking & Money) 7 = [(Six point five) = MAGI | eriociples of Marketing) 7 = l(Seven) Iran ae ct 7 PUM | aroduction wo Laws) 2 . {(Seven point five) Se ; a s TKO4 |cappied Suites) l(Nine) 9 aa eaetnale ao fi a he a SS . oncuy 7 a ROD |erinanciat Aecounting 1) * |(Six point five) anos : ae s M2 |ceeonometries) l(Six point five) coe aoe od LUI |ceconomic Law) 7 lisix) ee Sear > TCHS |¢Corporate Finance) : “ [Six point five) ga 228 \KINH TE rd Kl qu Rese: 1. Kid thie ehayéa ma (Spied knowledge) Tg tn ch eh ay ts TPH CH Ain iy 24 tig 9 i 2015. (zac) = Dim tung inh chung tc iy (Genel pont ever) a Xép og Kia (@anking) (Gooa) odyethé ent (@hysie education) ito de thet (nc) 80 (Eight) (Physical education 1-3 ret) ito dt cit 2 tn chi) 80 (EAN) (Physical education 2-2 rest) eae HEAD = OFICCE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ‘Tewing Phng Hyp te Qube t akc nf bi ic ay chin hs, ‘ead -Offie af ntersatona Relation confi th rasan of thi academe transcript accurate, ut sicn THty DATHOC QUOC GIA THEM CONG HOA XA 191 CHU GHIA VIETNAM “TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE - LUAT ‘fe lgp- Ty do - Hanh phe VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HM CITY SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Hv én Fl ane [NGUYEN DUY TIEN TRUNG ii inh (Gener): Nam Male ‘Ngaiy sinh (Date of birth): ‘5/1/1996 ‘Noi sinh (Place of birth): LAM DONG. ‘Ma sé sinh vig (Student ID); -K144101371 Lop (Class): K14408C, Trinh do > parnoc inh hie di 0> CHINE QUY (Fll-tin) (evel fein) ingradatey (Form o ining) gin oe Ki oe 2014-2018 chong nh ado dy: KIN DOANE QUOC TE (Tie of wining (joven) ermaional Busines) ‘SIT a 7 TEN MON HOC orn oo BANG CHO’ GHicHt AU} |_sow toc (Subject tie oe By Word) Not (Subject Code) . (Credits) | (By Number) (@y Word Lissa) [ak vin Eg ena rr : a [English 4) — : Le {(Seven point five) [igo ng Kn sh gl ran 2 |x pe {dstodaction Intemational Business) 3 ue {(Eight) Kini oc vim ran 3 | Kros 7 [(Microeconomics) TE so {(Eight) nen ca Boia MSL i : N03 |ePrinciples of Marxism = Leninisen) . so |(Eight) i Se osc Ste st Th {Principles of Psychology) Five) BA Toren ip Cl pay ; S| TO |cAdvanced Mathematics) u 78 [seven point ve) \KINH [anh vn hing chun Nam vt 3. i TH6 | Ensish 5) = $5 I eFivepoin five) OF Dia hink ET sy ! Du — 2 am (Seven) Ikan bay 7 xu (Macroeconomics) 4 BE (Seven) Ly tne a icin ws TO {(Probability Theory) 2 oo (Nine) enh Keon Sia 7 a (Accounting Principles) : i (Six point five) [Quan Bo in ban Fam ni a emu (Principles of Administration) Q Ld (Eight point five) Hine me dong rin B AHO wolied Informatics) s ey [CEight) Et qua (Resul: 1. Kh kin the ehuyén mia (Specialized education): + Téng sin ci ie ty 4 (Total eres) ~ Dim tung bin chung teh My 49 (Generally point average) d + Xép bai Ka (Rank) (Good) 2. Gio dye thé chit (Physical education) Gio dye th chit 1 (3 in ei): 9.0 (Nine) (Physical eduction = 3 credit Gio dye th cht 2 (2 in ei) : 9.0 (Nine) (Physical eduation 2-2 credit TP, Hé Chi Minh may 24 ding 9 nim 2015 (Ho Chi Minh Cy, September 40h, 2015) = AHIEU TRUONG HEAD - OFICCE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ‘Trwving Phong Hyp tie Quéc tf xe win ban dich my chinh xée, Head - Omtie of International Relations confirms the translation of this academic transerpt is accurate. 4 Lepicu Taby

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