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Teacher’s Personal Note

Name of Teacher: JAYMAR KEVIN A. PADAYAO School Year: 2020-2021

Quarter: ___ 1st __ 2nd ___ 3rd __ 4th

Topic: _Reflection For LDM2

Date: __ ________________________________

Venue: Google Meet

Resource Speaker/s:
a. _Jaymar Kevin A. Padayao_________


The session started with the discussion and sharing of ideas about
LDM2 For Teachers Course. The participants brought them the handbook.
The speakers discussed on the alignment of it in the activities to be
done during the class sessions for this school year.

Reflection Questions:

After answering and going through the outputs of your co-

teachers, what do you think are the adjustments that the
teachers need to make in lesson planning?

What are the steps that you and your department/subject area
teachers can do to assist/guide them through these changes?
What are the changes you need to make as a Master Teacher/Head
Teacher as you lead your group through these changes?

If there is a curriculum initiative by your region or division,

such as developing the Budget of Work per subject area that is
based on the MELCS, how will you guide teachers in bridging the
connection of MELCS and this sample initiative?


Based on the outputs teachers may unpacked or combined the MELC

depends on the sequence of the lesson, the progress and needs of the
learners as long the content and standard will be achieved.
Allowed the teachers familiarize the MELCs and BOW.
Gave more activities in unpacking per subject areas to address the
varying needs of learners and the challenges needs of learners and the
challenges of instructional deliveries. Conduct LAC session.
Advised teachers to share their knowledge with regards to the
developing the Budget of Work.

No. of Attendees: ____9_____


Teacher’s Personal Note

Name of Teacher: JAYMAR KEVIN A. PADAYAO School Year: 2020-2021

Quarter: ___ 1st __ 2nd ___ 3rd __ 4th

Topic: _Reflection For LDM2

Date: __ ________________________________

Venue: Google Meet

Resource Speaker/s:
a. _Jaymar Kevin A. Padayao_________


The session started with the discussion and sharing of ideas about
their insights on the different Learning Modalities for the school year.
The group brainstormed on the challenges they encounter in developing
learning tasks. The group shared their outputs with each other.

Reflection Questions:
How can these lists of interventions help the teachers teach better in
the new learning delivery modality? Why is it important for every
teacher in your team to have them?

What are the challenges in developing learning tasks in a Distance

Learning environment? What key competencies would you need to assist
teachers in?

What is the difference in assessing students in between traditional

and Distance Learning modalities? How can you guide teachers in
bridging these gaps?


The lists of interventions helped the teachers teach better in

the new learning delivery modality. It served as guide activities to
be followed to reach the goal and objectives.
In the developing learning tasks in the Distance Learning
environment there are challenges like individual differences of the
pupils in terms of intellectual capacity, socio-economic, religion,
and culture. Advise teachers to make learning tasks consider the
different aspect and factors.
There’s big difference in assessing student between traditional
and Distance Learning modalities. In traditional assessment teacher
assess pupils using different assessment tools while in Distance
learning modalities teacher uses written and performance works.
Provided activities that enhance the knowledge and skills of
teachers in assessing students.

No. of Attendees: ____9_____


Teacher’s Personal Note

Name of Teacher: JAYMAR KEVIN A. PADAYAO School Year: 2020-2021

Quarter: ___ 1st __ 2nd ___ 3rd __ 4th

Topic: _Reflection For LDM2

Date: __ ________________________________

Venue: Google Meet

Resource Speaker/s:
a. _Jaymar Kevin A. Padayao_________


The session started with the discussion and sharing of ideas about
their insights on the different Learning Modalities for the school year.
The group brainstormed on the challenges they encounter in developing
learning tasks. The group shared their outputs with each other.

Reflection Questions:
Do you feel that this collection of work really reflects your abilities and
what you have achieved this year through the LDM course? Why or why not?


Years passed and we had been living normally; schools open

normally in June, learners enjoy the scorching sun as they play in
the playground of their school, parents were present during meetings
and discuss ways to improve educational system and extend help to the
school whenever it is needed and teachers enjoy talking infront of
their classes; and these things can be achieved in face-to-face
manner. Then this novel pandemic spread all throughout the world and
created unprecedented difficulties and challenges in the lives of
every people especially had been affecting the educational system of
our country thus made way for teachers to be flexible, creative and
inventive in order to adapt to and manage with the new normal demands
of our system. We still believe that we need to deliver quality
instructions and lessons that may be used by our learners in everyday
living amidst any circumstances. We were confined with the normal set
up of our classrooms. Every teacher should be equipped with proper
knowledge and skills in order for them to manage classrooms whatever
the situation is. Teachers were fearful on what they should do and
how they would deliver instructions and services to their learners,
and this Learning Delivery Modality Course for teachers was started
as a guide to teachers and shall be like their bible in adapting this
new trend in the educational system. Prior to the opening of classes
which was on October 5, 2020, teachers had undergone different
seminars, trainings and workshops regarding the different topics that
cater the current circumstances that this pandemic had brought to our
educational system. Now that we are in the middle of uncertainty and
anxiety brought on by the global health crisis, I am certain that the
Department of Education-Basic Education will achieve its objectives
and stay optimistic in the face of harsh and derogatory comments from
many sectors. Since the start of the global health crisis, several
interventions had taken place wherein hundreds of webinars and online
teachings had been enjoined by teachers and administrators even up to
date. The course we had used all throughout this school year had been
beneficial in answering what’s and how’s and the do’s and don’ts in
delivering services to our learners. Our school used the distance
modular learning after the parents answered our survey of what they
want to use as modality of learning. The challenge was on and ignited
the creativity and flexibility of the teachers. This LDM course gave
us a wider road to track our teachings whether they are effective or
not. We discovered what was suited to our learners and how we address
problems we encounter along our way. I know that we, teachers, felt
this manner difficult yet at the same time rewarding. Furthermore,
LDM is a way to showcase teachers' accomplishments and abilities as
they relate to teaching, management, and negotiation of learning
among parents and other stakeholders. The artifact collection
represents what I offered and accomplished during the course. This
portfolio summarized my efforts and assisted me in realizing the need
of being more flexible, active, and prepared in the face of
educational obstacles and potential problems. Despite the
disagreements, I am a thankful and proud DepED educator who has the
desire to fulfill the hard job of education by achieving the goals
and objectives and fulfilling the vision and mission of the
department. To wrap it up, the LDM 2 Course for Teachers of DepED is
of great help to all of us in order to continuously provide education
to all Filipino learners this and beyond Pandemic.
No. of Attendees: ____9_____


Teacher’s Personal Note

Name of Teacher: JAYMAR KEVIN A. PADAYAO School Year: 2020-2021

Quarter: ___ 1st __ 2nd ___ 3rd __ 4th

Topic: _Use of Screen Recorder App for Developing Video Lessons

Date: __ ________________________________

Venue: Google Meet

Resource Speaker/s:
a. _Jaymar Kevin A. Padayao_________


The session started with the discussion and sharing of ideas about
their best practices in the Modular instruction. The group brainstormed
on the challenges they encounter in developing learning tasks and
interacting with their learners. The group shared their outputs with
each other.

Reflection Questions:
How can this screen recorder application help me develop my lessons?


As a teacher, I won’t be confined with what the four corners of

the room offer instead, I search for ways to ease my teachings and at
the same time still reach my learners despite of this current
situation we are experiencing in the education of our learners.
This screen recorder app is one of the easiest ways and helpful
applications in the educative process right now. It had helped my
colleagues to make their video lessons for at least one lesson and
expand their lessons.
This application is also helpful to learners since they had never
saw their teachers, through this app, they will see their teachers
talking to them and be motivated to learn.
No. of Attendees: ____9_____

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