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Name:Hazyl E. del Rosario Assessment Task No.

: 1
Year & Section: BSIE-1 Day Date: September 2, 2020

Abreast with online classes and mode of deliveries in New

Normal era.

Last year before March. Philippines has no cases of COVID 19 we Filipinos

was living the normal era, no mask, no social distancing, no online classes or
modular learning. Some students now, are having hard time coping for this new
normal thingy. Here are some of my thoughts about this New Normal way of
having class.

The reality of educating children in this new normal era is a blur, by means,
considering how many or how much knowledge would they have in this new way
of learning. As I heard about what the Department of Education (DepEd) they
faithfully believes that the continuous way of learning must not be compromised.
The way our studies to be continued is to have online class or modular learning.
Students are having hard time of the difficulties we students encounter especially in
online class. Online class giving hard time to students, most of students don’t have
a proper preparation for this new normal way of learning.

This New Normal has almost caused for our graduation to dust. Luckily our
teachers and the heads find a way for us to have a graduation even virtually. It’s
quite disappointing, it has technical difficulties, but over all solid and it make us
happy. Due to the lacking of connectivity some students didn’t see our graduation.
It make me sad, they didn’t get to see our once in a life time activity that will
happen in our own entire life.

Most students stop their studies because of lacking of connectivity, gadgets and
other essentials needed to have or participate in online class. Some continues their
studies but struggles hard to survive or attend in online classes. On public schools,
they have a modular way of learning. Students also struggle, most of their parents
don’t teach them. They just learn on their own. Some copy the answer of their
classmates. How can they learn from this.

We students struggle but still continue. We have dreams. I’m happy I get to
continue my passion or my dream to become an engineer. Even if this pandemic is
here. Even we have the online class. I would still continue to reach my dreams.

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